"The Cold Wind"
The average energy bill in the UK will increase to £3,000 in 2023, all while British pensioners and the working class are having repayment meters forcibly installed in their homes and energy poverty is increasing rapidly.
These calamities are forcing millions of native Britons into the dark, all while the 'British' state helps the throngs of arrivals coming across the channel.
One billion pounds have been spent in FY2022 to house recent arrivals. That is the equivalent of a year of household energy costs for 400,000 British families.
Much of this crisis is being driven by the war in Ukraine, a war which the British state is doing it's level best to perpetuate.
2.3 billion pounds have already been spent by the British state on the conflict, and the British government has pledged another 2.3 billion pounds for the upcoming year.
That total of 4.6 billion pounds amounts to a year of energy bills for 1.5 million British families if adjusted to the £3,000 average expected in 2023.
For comparison the UK government has only spent roughly 2 billion pounds on support for Britain's most vulnerable households (1) (2).
And any nationalist knows many of these households will not be those of native Britons, but those of racial foreigners (1) (2) (3).
The native British have been sidelined by the state which was established to serve them.
Nationalist politics are the only method by which to rectify this state of affairs.
“I don’t play at advancing on Russian positions as much anymore because I do tend to get bombed more than the other units, bill will say it’s not because i’m a ZOG controlled nazi LARPER who’s used as cannon fodder, but I somewhat disagree”
Читать полностью…It was insinuated by the most extreme liberal commentators that people who didn’t take the vaccine were terrorists, but this was never a message that came from a state institution. Why focus on that when white people who have even mild nationalist sentiments are called terrorists by actual federal agencies?
This is the main problem with people who become hyper focused on the vaccine stuff, they lose all ability to see the broader political picture and even with the most extreme examples they can cherry pick it doesn’t come close to the abuse white people suffer and have suffered under for decades.
“The rules basically have always been no peace negotiations, no antisemitism and no Ukrainian nationalism. We do now allow some Ukrainian nationalism if the guys want to use it, we have no problem”
Читать полностью…'Trans rights' means surrendering your masculinity to state power. It takes disarmament to its logical conclusion. You renounce your manhood itself and rely entirely on state power to define, delineate and protect your 'identity' - your very being is an existential contract with the machine, for without its power, you would instantly revert to the strictures of nature's immutable laws. As a 'trans' person you are a convert and a commissar for the regime, and much of your energies will be taken up in promoting the cause and bringing in new converts, without the old-fashioned requirement to wade through recondite and turgid text and dogma.
Читать полностью…All this kid had to do was bring up Israel and ask if Walsh would denounce them. Remember, say no and ask about Israel always works against conservative gate keepers.
Читать полностью…Targeting of right-wing children by the state and security services claims its first fatality. Terrified girl kills herself. The news is now being manipulated to blame others, rather than the security state and CT Police. Absolutely disgraceful.
This is a Potemkin Village. We now know that most published books sell almost nothing & what gets sold probably doesn’t get read. If you’ve gone into a B&N recently & wondered “who reads this shit?” the answer is literally nobody.
Читать полностью…Unfortunately this always seems to be where the derad op that is Christian nationalism leads. Just "oh well, we tried to make friends with some retarded republicans and get them to share our memes and say Christ is king and eventually they disavowed then the Christian state didn't emerge so off we go, no political solution exists".
Imagine your country being so easy to enter that police have to wait for criminals to make the most elementary mistakes in order to even know they're there
Читать полностью…Tate has been doing this for years, running a web whoring op was one of his oldest grifts and nothing ever happened to him. Only now when he's started to get somewhat political, albeit in a retarded way, has he been busted.
He should have known not to run his op in a client state of Washington while triggering libtards.
A review of 87 studies all showing that racially diverse societies sharply reduce community life and civic engagement.
This is remarkable. Sociological studies are infamous for lacking replicability, but when it comes to the social impact of racial diversity, you get the same result every time.
Homosexuality cannot be separated from pedophilia. The homosexual movement whitewashed their history of advocacy for pedophilia. There must be zero tolerance on the right for anyone who denies this fact.
I wonder if Jaimee Mitchell, the founder of Gays Against Groomers, would acknowledge these facts? I sure hope none of my subscribers with Twitter accounts go and ask her. And they certainly shouldn't share this video with her followers. That would be rude!
Why did the police cover up this case?
How many other cases like this have been covered up?
How many hotels near you are housing 'asylum seekers'?
So is this the conservative version of winning? The migrants can still come in, but into cities that didn't vote for you.
“100, 120 Ukrainian nationalists fighting in Mariupol at night, we’ll find 2 or 3 AZOV members the next morning in Israel. You want to see the new equipment we got from NATO? We’ve got 3 portable UAV’s out here, the guys love coming out and doing drone strikes outdoors, it’s really kind of romantic”
Читать полностью…So what you’re angry at isn’t actually vaccines, which no one was forced to take. What you’re angry at is the dehumanising way in which people were treated in the name of fighting COVID.
The problem is that it’s no worse than the way white people are treated in general in Western nations. Sure, you couldn’t enter a shop without a mask, but if you’re white you can’t enter a job or education institution if you fall afoul of regime ideology, or even if you’re just pushed out by affirmative action. One is a minor inconvenience, the other is life ruining. So, bearing in mind the latter has been happening for decades, why make the focus of so much of your rhetoric in the former, and not the latter? (cont.)
The Jewish political scientist Jonathan Ziblatt cannot be studied enough by our guys. His thesis is that it is the strength of conservative parties to bind right-wing forces to the regime underneath elitist control which is vital to the stability of liberal democracy, the greatest threat to which is the organization of populist-authoritarian forces on the Right. Of course I can't help but notice the implicit assumption that the Right cannot be allowed to actually have grassroots organization because that would be "undemocratic" - for our judeo-liberal ruling class only the Left is allowed to have democracy.
"Ziblatt documents how conservative parties have repeatedly struggled to confront radical right-wing forces that pose challenges to democracy. And he articulates a theory for how all this contributed to the breakdown of democracy in 20th-century Germany and the blossoming of democracy in 19th-century Britain. Where conservatives in Western Europe have developed strong party organizations—maintaining control over the selection of candidates, the financing of campaigns, and the mobilization of grassroots activists—democracy has historically tended to be more stable."
In the book being discussed, Conservative Parties and the Birth of Democracy, a hard comparative distinction is drawn between conservatives in Britain and Germany during the 19th and early 20th Century. The basic thesis is that in the UK conservatives adapted to "democracy" whereas in Germany they didn't and this was one of the fundamental reasons why they ended up on such different political trajectories.
"There were these intervening years in the middle of the 1920s where you had relative stability [in the Weimar Republic] and these were also the years where the successor to the Conservative Party was doing well electorally. In 1928, they had a big electoral loss. There was a grassroots rebellion of the far-right who thought that the party leadership had been making too many concessions to the democratic order, and the party was taken over by this right-wing media mogul, Alfred Hugenberg, who pushed the party far to the right and began to open the door to the much further right, and sought out alliances with Hitler and the rising Nazi Party. The question becomes: Do these parties on the right ally with the very far right that are explicitly trying to overthrow the democratic system, or do they distance themselves? In this case, they clearly made the wrong choice.
Going back to 19th-century Britain there’s a positive case where conservatives played a critical role in helping support democracy. When conservatives in the 1880s signed onto a franchise extension because they thought they could win elections—they helped negotiate the Third Reform Act. And the Conservative Party, because it was a well-organized political party, thrived in the face of democratic changes."
The key mechanism for the strength of liberal democracy for Ziblatt is this "well-organized conservative political party" - and what he means by "well-organized" is a conservative party which maintains rigid loyalty to the regime against populist and authoritarian forces on the Right, which basically means a party and media machine controlled by elite financial interests who punch harder to the Right than to the Left. Sound familiar? [cont.]
The world is the opposite from what you're told it is in popular media. There would never be any "Operation: Send in the darkies" like depicted in South Park or popular lore, it'd be "Operation: Send in the Nordics to die first".
Читать полностью…Brb, writing an email to the Ontario College of Psychologists under the persona of a young Muslim man who was severely traumatised by Jordan Peterson’s “message to Muslims” diatribe. “Though he spoke with a strained, constipated cadence, his words fell on my ears with every bit as much destructive power as the bombs that once fell on my home in Palestine.”
Читать полностью…The world's richest white man, acting as an individualist, provides no more of a threat or challenge to the global sanhedrin of international finance capital than does it's richest ant.
Читать полностью…Here’s my big predictions for 2023: If you make 10 predictions and even one of them is wrong, people will never shut the fuck up about it, and they’ll even go so far as to accuse you of having made that prediction to deliberately mislead your audience.
Читать полностью…Not a personal attack on Torba btw, who deserves a lot of respect for rolling with the punches from the usual suspects and never turning his platform into Twitter-lite with the same censorship
Читать полностью…It’ll be interesting to watch as genuine leftists with real critiques of capitalism and concern for workers decouple themselves from the roller coster ride of extremist liberal maximalism as it barrels forth into an ever deepening black hole of perversion sanctification.
We’re not the only ones who notice the rainbow flag on every Fortune 500’s logo.
The only question is this: will they have the moral strength to admit that it isn’t rich white men doing it?
Since he converted the only authentically Muslim thing Tate ever done was sexually enslave white women
Читать полностью…Ben Shapiro talks about the total destruction of an entire generation of youth in Ukraine and Russia like he’s assessing the options for a takeout menu, it’s just a part of a budget for him. This isn’t someone who’s part of our civilisation.
Читать полностью…Conservatives are Antifa, reserve division. If you negotiate your way through the drug addicted, literal shit and piss flinging retards of the radical left, you're met with "sensible conservatives" ready and willing to put the kibosh on your right to speak.
Does Thuletard ever take a day off from being utterly retarded? He's engaged in a war with these countries, why wouldn't he be slandering them in public? The only mistake he's making is that he's doing a conservatism and trying to one-up liberal countries on their own liberalism. This is what the internal propaganda of these regimes tells their citizens anyway.
If he really wanted to dunk on Western countries he'd ask why their official state propaganda promotes an anti-heroic myth of their own history and brag about Russian citizens being proud of their history.