FREE Admin Bots for use in Telegram Supergroups - protecting over 20 million users Btw, if you're looking to start trading crpyto you can sign up to Binance using my referral link for 10% off trading fees:
Btw, if you're looking to start trading crpyto you can sign up to Binance using my referral link for 10% off trading fees:
Читать полностью…Bots for use in Telegram Supergroups
Each is quite self-descriptive. In general, all each bot does is remove a specific type of message.
@RemoveETHAddressBot* - I remove all ETH addresses, so spammers can't post theirs. I only allow ETH addresses posted by admin.
@RemoveBTCAddressBot* - I remove all BTC addresses, so spammers can't post theirs. I only allow BTC addresses posted by admin
@RemoveSlashCommandsBot - I remove all commands beginning with a slash (/) except those posted by admin.
@NoUsernameWarnBot - I warn users and admins when a potential sleeper account or scammer joins (one with no username).
@WelcomeUsernameBot - I welcome users to your group, tagging their username after 20 seconds (if they have one) so they get a notification and come back!
@RemoveURLsBot* - I remove all URLs except those posted by admin.
@RemoveJoinMsgBot - I remove "_______ joined the group" type messages.
@RemoveHiBot - I remove all 'hi' and 'hello' comments that you get during an airdrop