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Just a AF & Mil Intel brat (dad was Q clearance Air Force) here to expose false narratives, and help drive the Great Awakening. "Most level headed anon."

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Hi. I apologize for the weird request, but it's worth a shot.

I'm a J6er and I've never asked for donations. I started knocking doors for Elon's PAC last week. This is the first job I've been able to land in nine months after 112 applications.

Elon announced this morning that his PAC is paying people to refer voters in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin and North Carolina (swing states) to sign his online petition stating that they support our First and Second Amendment rights.

If you live in one of these states, would you mind signing and marking me as the one who referred you? I'd get $47 for each signature and honestly, I could really use the money. If you don't live in one of those states but know someone who does, please forward this to them. I'd really appreciate it!

My email address (required for the form) is

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Nothing like public attention to make a politician do their job.

Fact: if you can bring the kind of attention Elon can… Buttigieg will quickly turn “helpful”.

Also a fact: lots of other people trying to deliver supplies or search for victims are being blocked from doing so.

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

The follow-up texts are always omitted. Welcome to the mind war.

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

This is kinda wild.
Elon is on the war path.

How long has Elon been working with Trump? How much was an act? 🤷‍♂️

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Clarifying point. From the comments I see my post about Jonathan Cahn’s book was misunderstood by most readers. My bad for being unclear.

I was NOT saying this or any particular storm was caused by God. I was NOT saying God caused THIS flooding to punish people.

Governments have spent decades tampering with weather, and sometimes bad storms just happen naturally. I have no basis other than personal bias to claim THIS storm was one thing or the other.

My comment was zooming out to 40,000 feet and strictly about the reality that God does in fact sometimes send warning events at points in time when nations need to change direction. Biblical history makes that clear. Consider Nineveh.

I do not consider MTG to be any kind of spiritual guru, nevertheless she said something true. And people like JoJo have mocked faith in every generation.

I like Cahn’s book because he’s good at seeing patterns in biblical evidence, and clearly showing that evidence so I can consider it myself and form my own opinion. People who think a similar way would probably really enjoy the book I mentioned.

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Heavenly Father is a being of principle, and His methods are unchanging. In every generation the lost & wicked have despised Him, and mocked those who watch global events for His signs.

Some events are natural. Some are in fact warnings, and there are clear documented patterns to help those willing to understand.

This book by Jonathan Cahn shows many excellent examples for those interested in how these patterns play out again and again... and the incredible blessings poured out upon those who choose to listen and prepare.

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Tina Peters just got sentenced to 9 years in prison for daring to look under the hood of our corrupt election systems.

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Dominion has been using the same basic password — literally it’s dvscorp08! — since 2008

Remember, these are the most secure elections in history! 😂

They’ve purposely left our elections wide open. But there’s a way to fix it for 2024:
oversight and transparency.

Every state…


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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

What do you get when you overlap the hurricane path with 2020 election results? A bunch of counties that voted for Trump who won't be getting hurricane relief from the Biden-Harris admin & FEMA.

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Danean deserves our support. Remember her voter registration referral code if possible. 👇

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

You will never see a “normal politician” have How Great Thou Art performed at a political rally.

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Career suicide note by a Democrat who is now voting for Trump, publicly posted on X. Welcome our brave new brother. We are winning the people of good heart. The Great Awakening is here.

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Demoralization incoming from every direction. If you feel whipped into an emotional frenzy, dig a little deeper.

We are in a full-blown mind war. React rationally, not emotionally.

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Secretary Blinkin is excited to announce another $157 million in foreign aid to help “displaced civilians”… but nothing for America’s “displaced civilians”.

Read the comments, he’s getting destroyed.

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Libs are doing the math realizing… maybe a slow hurricane response is the right way to go… 😡

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Is there any evidence this happened? It would be the end of Kamala’s campaign if it did.

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

The judge in Tina Peter's case said some really crazy & biased things. She has a very solid grounds for appeal. As Brynes says here, this was a show trial right before an election. Goal is to intimidate citizens who will see bad things go down in Nov 2024 to force them to keep silent.

But that's not gonna work this time. America knows if it keeps silent this time... it's game over.

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)


Use Liz Harriton's great videos to tweet and email to your local & state election officials, secretary of states and governors.

Let them know, that we know that the election systems can be tampered with in a way that would be undetectable...and that that is UNACCEPTABLE!

The point of the machine certification it to rigorously test the systems to make sure results cannot be changed without detection!

Based on recent testimony Liz is covering in Georgia, Dominion is UNCERTIFIABLE in ALL STATES!

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

You probably don’t feel like you do much, but we have a chance to turn all of this around because of you.

Thank you for being a light on the hill, and keeping faith.

Turning points are rarely comfortable.

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Praying and donating what I can. 🙏 😭

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Any bets on how rational this guy’s response to me will be?

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TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)

Jack Smith unveils updated charges against Trump. It reads like a liberal's therapy transcript.

Translation: The J6 narrative is failing with Independents, and MSNBC/CBS/CNN/ABC all need some fresh drama to whip up their rapidly shrinking base.

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