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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Die Sprache Esperanto – Interview mit Dr. Blanke – DVD1 #1

“Die Sprache Esperanto”

(Spontanes) Interview mit Dr. sc. phil. Detlev Blanke über verschiedene Aspekte der Plansprache Esperanto, durchgeführt von Sebastian Kirf am 09.04.2005 im Interkultura Centro Herzberg am Harz.

Das Interview ist als Transkript in Manuskriptform erhältlich beim Deutschen Esperanto-Bund e.V. – www.esperanto.de

Dies ist die ungeschnittene Originalversion der (S-VHS-)Aufnahme, die lediglich mit Titeln ergänzt auf vier DVDs gespeichert wurde. Technisch bedingt enthält jede DVD wiederum vier Unterteile. Alle Teile des Videos sind in der richtigen Reihenfolge in einer YouTube-Playlist hinterlegt.

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

La infero vere strangas | EsperoNova #7 | Minecraft en Esperanto

Ni finfine iras al la infero, kaj ĝi estas plena de strangaj aferoj.

Spektu la videon de Vanege: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj25qCmyNuA

Miaflanke vi povas fari io ajn kun la filmeto. Mi ege bonvenas (kaj antaŭ ĝojas) reagojn, plej bonojn (Best of), remiksaĵojn, ktp.
Tamen respektu la kopirajton de Vanege, Minecraft kaj la muziko.

Outrokanto: Artemis
Muziko de https://www.fiftysounds.com

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Pri Brazilo

Klarigo al la samideanoj pri kio okazas lastatempe en Brazilo. Popola movado kontraŭ la koruptado fare de la politikistoj. Popola reago. Brazila Vekiĝo. La fino de Neoliberalismo.

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Literaturpalast Audiospur: Folge 33: Alexandru Bulucz

Ein Gespräch mit dem Schriftsteller, Kritiker und Übersetzer Alexandru Bulucz über den Klang der Kindheit, die literarische Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen Biographie, Mehrsprachigkeit und Paranomasien, den Bachmannwettbewerb und über seinen aktuellen Lyrikband „Stundenholz“, der im Frühjahr 2024 im Verlag Schöffling & Co. erschienen ist.


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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Duolingo #1590 Esperanto – English (Part 4 – Review All Lessons 3)


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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Palavras de Luz em Português e Esperanto – 27 de maio de 2024

Mensagem do Dia
Livro Palavras de Luz
FEB Editora
Em Português e Esperanto.
Nas vozes de Elaine Kapp e Geraldo Campetti.
Tradução Affonso Soares.
Você pode consultar também pelos canais do Facebook e Instagram da @feb_oficial e @febeditora.

A Sociedade Espírita Seara de Luz é uma instituição religiosa sem fins lucrativos reconhecida de utilidade pública Municipal, que atende na cidade de Guarantã do Norte-MT. Desenvolve a difusão e a orientação da prática do Espiritismo sob seu tríplice aspecto: científico, filosófico e religioso, tendo por base as obras de Allan Kardec.

Esse canal não é monetizado para que não haja interferência na apresentação do seu conteúdo, mas temos necessidade de recursos para continuarmos operando as atividades da instituição, bem como para a construção das novas instalações.

Se você quer se tornar um colaborador, suas doações de qualquer valor poderão ser depositadas diretamente na conta poupança da Sociedade Espírita Seara de Luz – CNPJ nº 04.002.038/0001-54

Banco Bradesco agência: 1288-2 – C/P 1001354-2

PIX 04.002.038/0001-54


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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Parque Esperanto Tijuana #mtb #bicicleta #ciclismo #gopro #bike #parque #relaxing #love #peace

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Olivier Tzaut – Voce De Gitaro Mia (Home Label OT 1935)

Back from a short hiatus with a fantastic Swiss folk album! “Tra L’Mondo”, recorded by Olivier Tzaut sometime in the late 70s or early 80s, is a great little collection of European, two “mariachi” style tracks and for some reason a cover of Ernie Ford’s “Sixteen Tons”! All done in what I think is Esperanto language but it could also be Swiss French. Mr. Tzaut seems to have recorded another album in 1981, titled “Karnavaleto”, but I’ve no idea whether or not this is earlier or later. Be sure to look at the track “Sur Stepo Moldava”, it’s really good!

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Olivier Tzaut – Dancu, Dancu (Home Label OT 1935)

Back from a short hiatus with a fantastic Swiss folk album! “Tra L’Mondo”, recorded by Olivier Tzaut sometime in the late 70s or early 80s, is a great little collection of European, two “mariachi” style tracks and for some reason a cover of Ernie Ford’s “Sixteen Tons”! All done in what I think is Esperanto language but it could also be Swiss French. Mr. Tzaut seems to have recorded another album in 1981, titled “Karnavaleto”, but I’ve no idea whether or not this is earlier or later. Be sure to look at the track “Sur Stepo Moldava”, it’s really good!

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Olivier Tzaut – Matenkanto (Home Label OT 1935)

Back from a short hiatus with a fantastic Swiss folk album! “Tra L’Mondo”, recorded by Olivier Tzaut sometime in the late 70s or early 80s, is a great little collection of European, two “mariachi” style tracks and for some reason a cover of Ernie Ford’s “Sixteen Tons”! All done in what I think is Esperanto language but it could also be Swiss French. Mr. Tzaut seems to have recorded another album in 1981, titled “Karnavaleto”, but I’ve no idea whether or not this is earlier or later. Be sure to look at the track “Sur Stepo Moldava”, it’s really good!

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Olivier Tzaut – Sixteen Tons/Dekses Tunojn (Home Label OT 1935)

Back from a short hiatus with a fantastic Swiss folk album! “Tra L’Mondo”, recorded by Olivier Tzaut sometime in the late 70s or early 80s, is a great little collection of European, two “mariachi” style tracks and for some reason a cover of Ernie Ford’s “Sixteen Tons”! All done in what I think is Esperanto language but it could also be Swiss French. Mr. Tzaut seems to have recorded another album in 1981, titled “Karnavaleto”, but I’ve no idea whether or not this is earlier or later. Be sure to look at the track “Sur Stepo Moldava”, it’s really good!

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Johannes Mueller – Mastiku la fendojn

Koncerto en la gufujo de JES 2013/2014

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

KER-C1 Klaso de s-ro Trevor Steele por azianoj – kvina sesio (2022-03-05)

KER-C1 Klaso de s-ro Trevor Steele por azianoj – kvina sesio (2022-03-05)

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

KER-C1 Klaso de s-ro Trevor Steele por azianoj – kvara sesio (2022-02-26)

KER-C1 Klaso de s-ro Trevor Steele por azianoj – kvara sesio (2022-02-26)

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

fermo de renkontigxo

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

24 de majo 2024 – Costa Mashauri

Costa Mashauri (prezidanto de la Loka Kongresa Komitato) prelegas pri “La Universala Kongreso en Aruŝo” [angle: Arusha].

Por la 109-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto (UK), okazonta en 2024, la Estraro de UEA unuanime elektis Tanzanion kiel kongreslandon – la unuan fojon UK okazos en la kontinento Afriko. La gastiga urbo, Aruŝo, estas internacia turisma destino, sed ne nur: ĝi ankaŭ estas grava diplomatia urbo, la sidejo de la Orient-Afrika Komunumo kaj de la Afrika Kortumo de Afrika Unio.

La Esperanto Asocio de Tanzanio (EATA) invitis kongresi en Aruŝo post multjara laboro de la Afrika Komisiono de UEA, kiu plenumis la taskon kunordigi la landajn asociojn en la kontinento por difini la invitanton de la unua UK en Afriko. La kunlaboro estis multhoma kaj internacia. Per tiu decido ankaŭ la Estraro de UEA plenumas devon de la Asocio, kiu en la pasinta jardeko deklaris la okazigon de UK en Afriko kiel strategian elementon por UEA. [El: Esperanto en Afriko]

Legu pli pri la kongreso en https://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK_2024

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Prezento de IJK 2024

Prezentita dum RETOSO 2024, 29-a de aprilo.
En la prezento estas ĝenerala informo pri la venonta kongreso kaj kelkaj novaĵoj pri la vespera programo.

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Esperanto tengo una idea genial conviertame de atrasada y atractiva #mylittlepony #twilightsparkle

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Olivier Tzaut – Elimeleh (Home Label OT 1935)

Back from a short hiatus with a fantastic Swiss folk album! “Tra L’Mondo”, recorded by Olivier Tzaut sometime in the late 70s or early 80s, is a great little collection of European, two “mariachi” style tracks and for some reason a cover of Ernie Ford’s “Sixteen Tons”! All done in what I think is Esperanto language but it could also be Swiss French. Mr. Tzaut seems to have recorded another album in 1981, titled “Karnavaleto”, but I’ve no idea whether or not this is earlier or later. Be sure to look at the track “Sur Stepo Moldava”, it’s really good!

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Pajlo-ostojn | The Crane Wives Esperanto Cover

Originala kanto: Scarecrow bones – The Crane Wives

Ĉi tiu estas mia unua esperanta kantaĵo, do mi pardonpetas pri la malbona kvalito, mi ne estas kantisto, nur esperantamulo kaj admiranto de The Crane Wives (La Gruaj Edzinoj)!

Dankon! S2

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Olivier Tzaut – Buklo, Buklo (Home Label OT 1935)

Back from a short hiatus with a fantastic Swiss folk album! “Tra L’Mondo”, recorded by Olivier Tzaut sometime in the late 70s or early 80s, is a great little collection of European, two “mariachi” style tracks and for some reason a cover of Ernie Ford’s “Sixteen Tons”! All done in what I think is Esperanto language but it could also be Swiss French. Mr. Tzaut seems to have recorded another album in 1981, titled “Karnavaleto”, but I’ve no idea whether or not this is earlier or later. Be sure to look at the track “Sur Stepo Moldava”, it’s really good!

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Olivier Tzaut – Fore En Kampo (Home Label OT 1935)

Back from a short hiatus with a fantastic Swiss folk album! “Tra L’Mondo”, recorded by Olivier Tzaut sometime in the late 70s or early 80s, is a great little collection of European, two “mariachi” style tracks and for some reason a cover of Ernie Ford’s “Sixteen Tons”! All done in what I think is Esperanto language but it could also be Swiss French. Mr. Tzaut seems to have recorded another album in 1981, titled “Karnavaleto”, but I’ve no idea whether or not this is earlier or later. Be sure to look at the track “Sur Stepo Moldava”, it’s really good!

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Olivier Tzaut – Se Mi Estus Fraulo (Home Label OT 1935)

Back from a short hiatus with a fantastic Swiss folk album! “Tra L’Mondo”, recorded by Olivier Tzaut sometime in the late 70s or early 80s, is a great little collection of European, two “mariachi” style tracks and for some reason a cover of Ernie Ford’s “Sixteen Tons”! All done in what I think is Esperanto language but it could also be Swiss French. Mr. Tzaut seems to have recorded another album in 1981, titled “Karnavaleto”, but I’ve no idea whether or not this is earlier or later. Be sure to look at the track “Sur Stepo Moldava”, it’s really good!

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Olivier Tzaut – Malproksime Sur La Monto (Home Label OT 1935)

Back from a short hiatus with a fantastic Swiss folk album! “Tra L’Mondo”, recorded by Olivier Tzaut sometime in the late 70s or early 80s, is a great little collection of European, two “mariachi” style tracks and for some reason a cover of Ernie Ford’s “Sixteen Tons”! All done in what I think is Esperanto language but it could also be Swiss French. Mr. Tzaut seems to have recorded another album in 1981, titled “Karnavaleto”, but I’ve no idea whether or not this is earlier or later. Be sure to look at the track “Sur Stepo Moldava”, it’s really good!

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Olivier Tzaut – Ni Perdis Liberecon (Home Label OT 1935)

Back from a short hiatus with a fantastic Swiss folk album! “Tra L’Mondo”, recorded by Olivier Tzaut sometime in the late 70s or early 80s, is a great little collection of European, two “mariachi” style tracks and for some reason a cover of Ernie Ford’s “Sixteen Tons”! All done in what I think is Esperanto language but it could also be Swiss French. Mr. Tzaut seems to have recorded another album in 1981, titled “Karnavaleto”, but I’ve no idea whether or not this is earlier or later. Be sure to look at the track “Sur Stepo Moldava”, it’s really good!

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

… kaj la fenestro, okulojn – Jorge Rafael Nogueras

Bonvenon al la podkasto de Bobelarto!

La tria novelaro de la Interkultura Novelo-Konkurso (INK) nomiĝas: La sekreta vivo de miaj najbaroj.
Kiuj gajnos premion el inter la dek noveloj? Komentu sub la video!

En tiu epizodo ni prezentas la novelon: La fenestro okulojn de Jorge Rafael Nogueras. Laŭlegas por vi Jonny M.

Retejo de Bobelarto por aboni la novaĵleteron: https://bobelarto.ink/
Retejo de la Interkultura Novelo-Konkurso, la temo estas “Artefaritaj intelektoj, pensantaj maŝinoj kaj Homo sapiens”: https://www.bobelarto.ink/konkurso/
Retejo de la Universala Kongreso en Aruŝo: https://uk.esperanto.net/2024/
Retejo de Kava Pech: https://www.kava-pech.cz/#/eo/

Bonvolu aboni nian kanalon, kaj ŝati la videon por helpi ĝian diskonigadon! Dankon por via atento!

La serion prezentas Stela Besenyei-Merger.
Muntado de la video kaj sonregistraĵo: Anna Lobo de Carvalho.

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Animae Vector – Nigraj kandeloj dancas

Artisto: Animae Vector
Albumo: Akerono (parto de la kunigita albumo “Internacia Metalo” kun la grupo Atreides)
Kanto: Nigraj kandeloj dancas
Esperanta traduko: Francesca Lomello, Marco Turco

Metalo en Esperanto! Italaj grupoj Animae Vector kaj Atreides kunigis siajn fortojn por registri specialan (do Esperantlingvan) version de siaj kantoj. La kunigita albumo “Internacia Metalo” estis realigita okaze de IJK 2008. Intertempe ambaŭ grupoj disiĝis.

Ĉiuj rajtoj apartenas al originaj kreintoj. Tio ĉi estas nekomerca video fare de ŝatanto. Ĝuu ĝin! m/

Kontenplas mi l’ alvenontan ŝtornon
La mallumo vokas mian nomon
Kreskanta abroj sen ripoze
Ili sentas la sezonŝanĝon

Ilaj fruktoj putraj estas
Mi marŝas en tiu arbaro
Kiel ombro en la brumo

Nigraj kandeloj dancas uverturon en la
Susurant’ densejo
Venu nun al mi, blanka ĉarmulino
Sub lunlumo ni kisas
Vi estas mia revo

Malfermas l’ aŭtuno flugilojn siajn
Kaj flugas silenta kiel mordo
Kaj ŝtelas kolorojn de somero
Vintro rakontas al mi majeston sian

Kaj belon en sonĝo ŝirman
Nun astroj frostaj montras sin
Lante min perdigas

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

Формула любви. Песенка «уно-уно-уно, ун моменто»

Песенка «уно-уно-уно, ун моменто» из фильма «Формула любви» на слух очень похожа на итальянскую. В действительности её текст представляет собой просто рифмованный набор итальянских слов о любви, а придуман он был композитором фильма Геннадием Гладковым.

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

L111. Что не так с Эсперанто? Почему язык не распространяется?

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“Строгие Правила на Канале Николая Михайленко. Бояться!”

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Tubaro Aperu Filmoj en Esperanto

glano rompilo

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