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In 2008, education professors from Stanford and the University of Maryland asked 2,000 eleventh and twelfth graders to name the ten most significant Americans who had never been president. Three standbys of Black History Month Martin Luther King, the anti-segregationist protester Rosa Parks, and the escaped slave Harriet Tubman—ranked 1, 2, and 3, far ahead of (for example) Benjamin Franklin, Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford.

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Another interesting finding from Sebastian Jensen is that among Whites the more intelligent you are the more supportive of the Republican Party you become. The relationship is linear.

In other words, racial interest once again triumphs over “Elite Human Capital”

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The whole situation is getting embarrassing at this point

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Population of European countries in 2020 according to a 1994 estimate

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Trump calls on Israel to end war -- blames Israel for rising antisemitism:

In Trump's first interview dedicated to the Gaza war, Trump called on Israel to "finish up" the war in Gaza because it is "losing a lot of the world"

When asked how he would deal with the "wave of antisemitism" since the start of the war, Trump seemed to blame Israel's own behaviour:

"Well, that's because you fought back. And I think Israel made a very big mistake. I wanted to call [Israel] and say don't do it. These photos and shots. I mean, moving shots of bombs being dropped into buildings in Gaza
Go and do what you have to do. But you don't do that. And I think that's one of the reasons that there has been a lot of kickback. If people didn't see that, every single night I've watched every single one of those."

Even Trump, one of the most Zionist presidents ever, is apparently disgusted by the footage coming out of Gaza.

Keep in mind that according to the Jewish lobby, and the IHRA definition of antisemitism now passed as law in multiple states, saying antisemitism can ever be caused by Jewish behaviour is itself antisemitic.

Trump also spoke positively about the enormous influence of the Israel lobby, but warned their reputation is now "in ruin":

"Some 15 years ago, Israel had the strongest lobby. If you were a politician, you couldn't say anything bad about Israel, that would be like the end of your political career
Israel has to get better with the promotional and with the public relations, because right now they're in ruin."

X Post 🔗

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My Telegram group was attacked by a bunch of ziggers or Ukrainian trolls pretending to be ziggers but regardless, this is one the the funniest things that they sent during the raid

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After seeing the cam footage of the attack that I won't be showing here - it becomes clear that ISIS was behind it.

Ironic how brave and powerful they felt like when they were killing these people but the moment the Russian security forces have finally got their asses, they sissified themselves out of existence.

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✡️ The Jews made him de-trans 🚫🏳️‍⚧️➰️

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Hey commies! Watch me multiply the economy by a zero 😆

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What we know about this terrorist attack in Moscow so far:

🔴The American embassy knew of an upcoming terrorist attack on a Russian trade center in March
🔴 The gunmen were heavily armed and their van had plate numbers from Tver (Russia)
🔴 The posts allegedly pointing to a Muslim-Ingushetian link are taken from a different story from early march.

The situation is still developing...

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So much news I have no idea what to make a post about. I’ll probably just skip the news for tonight.

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«Canadian productivity — measured in terms of GDP per capita — has been trending downwards since at least the 1980s. But this has accelerated dramatically in recent years — even as per-worker productivity rises in many of our peer countries.

An analysis last year by University of Calgary economist Trevor Tombe found that if Canada had merely kept pace with U.S. productivity growth for the last five years, Canadian per-capita earnings would be $5,500 higher than they are now.

Meanwhile, housing affordability has reached “worst-ever” levels in most of Canada’s major markets, according to a December analysis by RBC. On average, even condos are now so unaffordable that only 44.5 per cent of Canadian households had sufficient income to buy one at current prices. As for single-family homes, only the richest 25 per cent of Canadian households had any hope of obtaining one.»

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🇺🇲🇨🇳 China is building up its military and nuclear arsenal on a scale not seen since World War II, and all signs point to it sticking to plans and ready to invade Taiwan by 2027, a senior US admiral has said.

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It’s been a long time since I last spoke of the Ukraine war. So let me comment on the main discourse surrounding the war that I hear constantly. That is the over-exaggerated and over-prevailing sense of the incoming Ukrainian doom (I won’t dwell into the reasons for its emergence).

While Ukraine is undeniably losing to Russia and as the war progresses, such a loss will be further pronounced. However the current state of Ukraine is still better than the state of the Russian army was during September-December of 2022 and Ukraine may still recover if the Western supply returns to its pre summer of 2023 levels + it passes a mobilization law.

If Ukraine today was in a worse shape than Russia in September of 22, then Russia would have broken a frontline (probably in more than one area) and rapidly rolled over one or few major city like it did in the early weeks of the war and as Ukraine did in 2022. What we see instead is a Russia which advances about two kilometers a week west of the Avdiivka.

The current Russian strategy is slow incremental gain and destruction of Ukrainian armed personnel, equipment and centers of production. They are doing it increasingly effectively now and more precisely and Ukrainian losses are most likely already higher than Russian. However they aren’t capable of capturing 4 more oblasts as Mearsheimer likes to warn and nor are they able to fully control any of the 3 key oblasts (excluding Luhansk) that they claim their jurisdiction over. With the current pace of the war Russia will probably reach the legal borders of Zaporizhzia and Donetsk oblasts not sooner than by 2027.

Russia winning practically means Ukraine slowly losing, manpower and equipment and perpetually becoming relatively weaker to Russia as time moves on. It doesn’t mean Russia capturing Kharkiv. Of course, these dynamics can be altered whenever Russia does decide to mobilize for an offensive in Sumy or some other place or whenever Ukraine becomes properly funded + passes a mobilization. But currently - a collapse of Ukraine can only come about when there is no one to fill the frontline.

Finally, the current Russian bombardment of the Sumy oblast appears to be a reaction to Ukrainian bombardment and diversionary activity of/in the Belgorod oblast. It will become an act of its own only when there will be evidence of Russia concentrating their forces near the Sumy oblast.

So I suggest everyone to be less hysterical regarding the current situation at hand and await for future developments. A real reason for worrying is new Russian mobilization. If it happens - it’s basically over. If it doesn’t, Russia will continue to advance incrementally until a ceasefire is reached. With current dynamics at hand, I doubt Slovyansk, Kharkiv or any other major cities will be in danger at least in the foreseeable future.

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As I consume more knowledge, make notes and write further in my manifesto it becomes increasingly clear that many of my earlier right wing assumptions and beliefs were not as well thought and lacked a coherent structure. Now they do 😏

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An updated Compendium of Recent Academic Work Showing Negative Impacts of Immigration

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A right wing ideology is a midwit political ideology, while leftist ideology is mostly elitist + retard political ideology

Right wing progressivism stands as the ideology for the middle class midwits who shall triumph over the political establishment using their sheer size 🧲💯

Source: https://open.substack.com/pub/sebjenseb/p/midwit-theory-state-of-the-research?r=27apko&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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I can’t.. This timeline is amazing..
>Black Swan event imminent 😂

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⚡️⚡️❗️UN Security Council adopts resolution that calls for an ‘immediate’ ceasefire in the Gaza Strip

14 votes are in favor, and notably, the US abstained.

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The human brain, and thus our behavior, may be especially susceptible to mutational load.


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Putin when Ukraine or Russian nationalists do something vs Putin when brown people or Islam does something

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A 2023 study proposed that Eurasians and Sub-Saharan Africans genetically diverged over 100,000 years ago.

Eurasians then lived in the Saudi Peninsula, genetically isolated from at least 80,000 years ago, before expanding north into Eurasia around 54,000 years ago.

This 30,000 year isolation period led to genetic adaptations in Eurasians relating to "the regulation of fat storage, neural development, skin physiology, and cilia function," potentially representing "selection for cold adaptation."

Typical estimates for African-Eurasian divergence are between 45,000 and 60,000 years ago. This paper pushes it back by up to 85,000 years. For reference, Homo sapiens and Neanderthals diverged ~500,000 years ago.

Source: The role of genetic selection and climatic factors in the dispersal of anatomically modern humans out of Africa (2023)

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❗️🇷🇺 One of the prisoners said that he agreed to carry out a terrorist attack for half a million rubles. The customers allegedly contacted them via telegram and supplied them with weapons.

The customer should have named the location himself.

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The worst thing about the Moscow attack is that the terrorists numbering four have entered the mall, started randomly shooting people, closed the gates, set the mall on fire and immolated at least 100 people alive and then left. No casualties.

Now imagine how "well" they could have pulled this off if the Russian citizens had guns to defend themselves. But of course Putin as any other tyrant is scared of his people carrying guns.

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Also my shift has been extended to an extra hour from now on. It’s all getting so tiresome.

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Taken from a section of my manifesto that deals with its relation to the Fourth Political Theory:

Both Spandrell and Dugin see that an ideology or social stability is formed through a self-balancing integration of a multitude of differentiated elements, thus confirming that the European dynamics of the political trinity are still acting upon to this day.

While Dugin did not provide a coherent conception of the fourth political theory, for proposing an ideology built upon the embracement of nationalism, leftist critiques of liberalism and vague ideas of freedom do not qualify for a coherent theory he was very clear on the matter which will not be integrated into the fourth political theory - that is the idea of a cumulative progress which he utterly rejects because its combination with the natural sciences leads towards the emergence of hierarchy, racism and European differentiation from the rest of the world.

In contrast to Dugin, the political theory that is proposed in this manuscript is built upon the axiom of progress which provides for a clear path forward for cumulative improvement of any element subjected to selection and organization, embracement of the exact sciences in governance, and the continued differentiation of Europeans and other races from the common ancestor. However I recognize that an axiom of progress exists is a reality which is acted upon by social forces undergoing processes of transformation, equilibration and disequilibration so in order to propose a completely new axiom of development, these dynamics must be properly understood to their fullest extent.

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Progressivism cannot be separated from Technological Acceleration

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The dilemma of every man

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To my Polish readers:

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57% support a 32-hour work week

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