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🇷🇺🕊: Anti-war candidate Boris Nadezhdin receives +183k out of the required 100k signatures, making him the second most signed up candidate for the election right after Vladimir Putin (at 300k). The level of engagement and political mobilization around him.

PS: Nobody has actually signed up for Putin. He gained these signatures automatically. In other words, Boris Nadezhdin is the most signed up Russian candidate in the election thus far.

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Also: Why would anyone think Margot Robbie did great in the movie? Ryan Gosling clearly stole the show

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This is why Nikki Haley will never win

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Another variant of Right-Wing Progressivism just dropped🔥💯

This time, the author ACTUALLY🤯 gave me credit and referenced my work a couple of times (some parts critically) so I’m going to shill their article in return ⬇️


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Pakidemic Agent relates to Nikki Haley in terms of having to live in a brown body inside the broader context of a White supremacist world order

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Russian GDP has completely recovered to its pre-war levels. Ukrainian GDP may take 3-4 more years to return to its pre-war level.

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People who post their IQ online and it’s above 115 are either narcissistic or autistic and oftentimes it’s both

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89% of ivy league graduates favor the strict rationing of gas, meat, and electricity to fight climate change.


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My latest video:


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“You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”

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My ideology was finally added to the polcompball website. I have some objections to the way it was summarized and what was emphasized while what was ignored, but it’s cool that somebody has made it nonetheless.

The current state of my ideology has greatly departed from the way it was summarized, so I assume mistakes don’t matter as much because it will have to be rewritten anyways lol

But I’m pleased that somebody I didn’t ask took their time and made it.


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It is not necessarily a belief in equality (r=-0.14) or authoritarianism that is most predictive of having negative attitudes towards free speech but having a self interest (r=-.32).

In other words, people who have a self interest in suppressing speech they don't like - do that!

This relationship only strengthens if we look at self-interest at the top 2.5% of the ability where we find self interest rising to an insane r=-0.48 negative correlation with free speech.

It logically makes sense, because people with power and self-interest would not like their opinions to be challenged as they have a personal stake in upholding the status quo.


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81% of Republicans and 47% of all voters agree with Trump's statement that immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country."

Remember this when people tell you that we need to moderate rhetoric and promote "race-blindness" to win.

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Half of Nikki Haley supporters say they would vote for Biden over Trump.

She is currently the worst candidate imaginable so I’m not surprised that her voters are also traitorous.

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Meanwhile, independent pro-Z Putin critic Igor Strelkov is given 4 years of prison for criticizing Putin's handling of the war.

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Gregory Clark & Neil Cummins have a new paper out looking at maternal vs. paternal causation in historical Britain (sample size over 400k). They find that, with some deviations, it is mostly sex-equal, undermining theories of patriarchal social causation, but consistent with genetic causation.


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28% of Gen-Z adults identify as LGBT, only 27% identify as White Christians, poll finds.


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🇷🇺🕊: Russian anti-war candidate Boris Nadezhdin receives 101K of the required 100K signatures in order to be legally qualified to run.

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Ethnic composition of Crimeans over the years

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According to my local time, I'm officially in my mid 20s....😔

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The heritability of conservatism is higher among more politically-informed individuals:

The population-wide heritability of sociopolitical conservatism is 57%. This falls to 29% among low information individuals (bottom 50% of the population), and rises to 74% among high information individuals (top 20%).

Presumably, the effect is similar for Leftism but I haven't seen any data on that as of yet. Either way, I think we can safely conclude that the more you know about politics, the more genetically-defined your views become.

This data implies that NPCism is real and ideological hegemony is vital to win in a "democratic" society. 71% of the political views of 50% of the population are defined by non-genetic factors, which includes mass propaganda, "education," etc.

Source: Genes, Ideology, and Sophistication (2021)

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I don’t really agree with the prescriptions of the video, but Keith does a great job at explaining that the ancients and easterners saw freedom as an internal liberation from the material world.

I personally view freedom in an external and positive way, whereby you should be able to maximize your will upon the environment, which is a radical way of viewing it. In other words “let the government help me in achieving X” instead of the commonly held view of “let the government not interfere in my private achieving of X”. It’s similar to how early Progressives saw it, until present day leftoids have equated freedom to an ability of the intersectional coalition to assert their identities while also “liberating the world” from Conservative traditions.

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Cobson becoming uncanny: Your Wife's Bull

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Bitch. I COINED Right Wing Progressivism all the way in fucking 2022!

N.S. Lyons also appears to be copying entire sections from my video without even crediting me!

I’m so fucking pissed at this bullshit.

I don’t want some asshole (who blocked me just now btw) running around with my ideas and posing them as his.

So fuxking pissed right now.

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This is the kind of shit that BEN GARRISQN is producing. Keep thinking that it’s the zoomers who are a problem 🤡

Even if I 100% agreed with the message behind the cartoon, it would still be super awkward and have no rizz

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😁 Did you also had absolutely no idea about the Houthis until a few days ago so you’re now reading a biased shitlib article, to get libsplained with your latest correct™️ understanding of geopolitics?💪

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The Evolutionary Dominance of Ethnocentric Cooperation (2013)

"From a random start, ethnocentric strategies dominate other possible strategies (selfish, traitorous, and humanitarian) based on cooperation or non-cooperation with in-group and out-group agents. Here we show that ethnocentrism eventually overcomes its closest competitor, humanitarianism, by exploiting humanitarian cooperation across group boundaries as world population saturates."

"Selfish and traitorous strategies are self-limiting because such agents do not cooperate with agents sharing the same genes. Traitorous strategies fare even worse than selfish ones because traitors are exploited by ethnocentrics across group boundaries in the same manner as humanitarians are, via unreciprocated cooperation."

The published paper is paywalled but the preprint is accessible here: https://escholarship.org/content/qt72z42376/qt72z42376_noSplash_4b566ab45881562861ca6d054eef8e9f.pdf

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