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Name me a low IQ tryhard who has conquered the world.

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🇷🇺 Why is Russia building a new air force base in the Belgorod region...

Moreover, it is only 70 km from there to the current border.

As “ Belarusian Silovik ” writes with reference to Western media, this construction began last fall. And in the summer it will probably be ready to receive planes.

The runway is 1,800 meters long and can accommodate any type of front-line combat aircraft, including Su-34 bombers.

If anyone does not understand the meaning of this news, let me explain - this indicates the plans of the Russian political and, accordingly, military leadership to push the front line to the west. Minimum for the Dnieper line...

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A recent study found that while both liberals and conservatives tended to evaluate the character and job suitability of ideologically opposite individuals more negatively, the bias was three times stronger among liberals compared to conservatives.


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Vietnamese Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus looks like the Kremlin and I like it

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Leftism destroys everything it touches (even its own causes):

Norm Finkelstein advises student protestors at Columbia to stop using the phrase “From the river to the sea” to maximize their impact by avoiding controversy.

Moments after he finishes speaking, a pro-Palestinian protestor seizes the mic to chant the phrase.

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This is the single most Whitest non-science fiction passage that I ever came across in my life to a point of it being comical ⬇️

“If the United States were to start using a voter qualification exam right now, such as an exam that I got to design, I’d expect that the people who pass the exam would be disproportionately white, uppermiddle- to upper-class, educated, employed males. The problem here isn’t that I’m racist, sexist, or classist. My moral credentials are of course impeccable, and on implicit bias tests, I score many standard deviations lower than the average person.”

- Jason Brennan, Against Democracy

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Faceberg’s META is a complete business failure 🥳🥃

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Trump plans to revise "Civil Rights" laws:

"If Donald Trump returns to the White House, close allies want to dramatically change the government's interpretation of Civil Rights-era laws to focus on "anti-white racism" rather than discrimination against people of color."

"Civil Rights" laws are anti-White. They should not be abolished in White countries but reversed.

Protecting the "rights" of foreigners to undermine and attack the native population is insane. Real Civil Rights laws would protect the rights of natives.

For example, in Saudi Arabia it's illegal for foreigners to criticize the Saudis, their culture, government, king and royal family.


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Decided to watch some Vaush content after at least two years of complete indifference

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Turns out I specialized (political science) in one of the Whitest fields imaginable

Unsurprising given Europeans are responsible for about 95-99% of the worlds’ political theory.

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A clip from the Tucker-Putin interview that did not make to the official version

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How to be a good man - according to Google

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Interesting that despite a high amount of Russians and Ukrainians saying that they are willing to fight for their country both of them have significant difficulties in getting the right amount of manpower reinforcements.

Perhaps social polling is a poor predictor of actions?

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The Evolutionary Dominance of Ethnocentric Cooperation (2013)

"From a random start, ethnocentric strategies dominate other possible strategies (selfish, traitorous, and humanitarian) based on cooperation or non-cooperation with in-group and out-group agents. Here we show that ethnocentrism eventually overcomes its closest competitor, humanitarianism, by exploiting humanitarian cooperation across group boundaries as world population saturates."

"Selfish and traitorous strategies are self-limiting because such agents do not cooperate with agents sharing the same genes. Traitorous strategies fare even worse than selfish ones because traitors are exploited by ethnocentrics across group boundaries in the same manner as humanitarians are, via unreciprocated cooperation."

The published paper is paywalled but the preprint is accessible here:


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In 2013, the non-partisan PRRI put out a 42 page report on libertarianism in America.

It found just 7 in 100 Americans are consistently libertarian, with the following ethnic divide:

- 10 in 100 whites
- 1 in 100 hispanics
- 0 in 100 blacks


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In the nineteenth century much of the Ottoman economy was dominated unequivocally by Europeans and by Ottoman Christians. In the seventeenth century foreign trade had still been mostly with other parts of Asia. Now it was overwhelmingly with Europe, and the Ottoman Christians were best placed through their languages, culture and contacts to be its middlemen. On the eve of the First World War all 40 private bankers in Constantinople were nonMuslim, as were all the stockbrokers. ‘One-third of the Ottoman Chambers of Commerce consisted of Greek firms and organizations’. Even in areas such as agriculture and handicrafts, where one might have expected continued Muslim domination, foreigners played a big role. Carpet production in western Anatolia, for instance, was now dominated by six British large firms. ‘Whereas the Muslims accounted for the bulk of the traditional grain crops, the millets developed and controlled the more valuable cash crops exported to foreign markets.’

An excerpt from Empire by Dominic Lieven

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🇪🇺🇷🇺 Western banks paid 800 million euros in taxes in Russia for 2023 - this is four times more than in pre-war 2021.

The Financial Times reports this.

The seven largest European banks by assets in Russia - Raiffeisen Bank International, UniCredit, ING, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, Intesa Sanpaolo and OTP - reported combined profits of more than €3 billion in 2023.

This is three times more than in 2021. It is partly obtained from funds that banks cannot withdraw from the country. More than half was paid by Raiffeisen, the largest foreign bank in the Russian Federation.

The jump in profitability led to an increase in taxes paid. In addition to profits from US lenders such as Citigroup and JPMorgan.

“Foreign lenders benefited not only from higher interest rates, but also from international sanctions against Russian banks. Such measures deprived their competitors of access to international payment systems and increased the attractiveness of Western banks for clients in the country,” writes the FT.

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American-led democratization of Iraq worked out great 👍

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🇺🇲🇨🇳 Blinken was very unhappy in China

Footage is circulating on social networks in which Xi Jinping, before a meeting with the US Secretary of State, asks an assistant:

“When will he leave?”

The conversation did not help improve the relationship. After her , no one from the Chinese authorities went to accompany Blinken to the airport. Only US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns said goodbye to him.

Blinken appeared offended and told reporters after the trip that the US was ready to increase pressure on China.

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Andrew Tate will stand trial on rape and trafficking charges, Romanian court rules.

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Joseph Bronski and others who believe that leftism is caused primarily by biology remain completely mind-broken.

Social pressure > biology


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“You just don’t understand modern art goy”

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Putin is also on his April Fools momentum 🙌

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I congratulate my Ukrainian followers for Zelensky electing himself the president of Ukraine for another 5 years 🇷🇸

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I support having the trans visibility day only on one condition: it must either be moved to March 8th or January 20th

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- What a beautiful painting.
- This is Hitler's work, he painted this landscape.
- Ew, how disgusting, get rid of it!

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Regardless of what you think about the whole Candace Owens / Daily Wire situation - this is certainly the funniest moment of the entire saga.

Especially funny cuz it was said by Nick Fuentes. I bet that Jeremy Boreing played this clip to the DW employees before firing her lol

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Jackson Hinkle is going mask off regarding his allegiance

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Minorities in the US—Blacks, Hispanics, and the rest—spend more time at work “not working”, than Whites.

This is a result of Non-Whites being more relaxed about life, including in the workplace, than Whites.

It even seems to explain a portion of the racial pay gaps!

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In 2008, education professors from Stanford and the University of Maryland asked 2,000 eleventh and twelfth graders to name the ten most significant Americans who had never been president. Three standbys of Black History Month Martin Luther King, the anti-segregationist protester Rosa Parks, and the escaped slave Harriet Tubman—ranked 1, 2, and 3, far ahead of (for example) Benjamin Franklin, Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford.

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