📚✏️ Windows Networking
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : IT & Software
💬 Connecting the Digital Dots
📚✏️ Examen MO-200 Microsoft Excel (Office 2019)
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : IT & Software
💬 Juan Carlos, con 10 años de experiencia en Microsoft Excel, te guiará para que puedas aprobar el examen.
📚✏️ Python: Análisis avanzado para Data Science
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Development
💬 Aprenderás todo el proceso de análisis de datos. procesaras datos usando NumPy y Pandas, y aprenderás a visualizarlos
📚✏️ Generative AI For Leaders : The #1 surging skill for 2024
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Personal Development
💬 Empowering Leadership and Management skills Through Generative AI: A Masterclass for Leaders and Managers
📚✏️ Curso Python: Desde cero para principiantes
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Development
💬 Jorge, con experiencia en análisis de datos, te enseñará Python de una manera fácil y sencilla.
📚✏️ Curso SQL – Consultas en SQL para principiantes + ChatGPT
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Development
💬 Jorge, con experiencia en bases de datos, te enseñará SQL desde cero.
📚✏️ HVAC Design Engineering Mastery (TRIPLE HVAC Certification)
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Teaching & Academics
💬 Learn and Aquire Years Worth of HVAC Design Engineering Expertise| HVAC Core Concepts| HVAC Essentials| (Resources Inc.)
📚✏️ Python: Machine Learning
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Development
💬 Román, con más de 20 años desarrollando modelos de clasificación y regresión te enseñará todo sobre Machine Learning
📚✏️ Navigate the Linux File System
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : IT & Software
💬 Linux File Mastery: Navigate, Edit, Script with Confidence!
📚✏️ Curso Python: Programación Numérica con NumPy
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Development
💬 Jorge, con experiencia en análisis de datos, te enseñará Python de una manera fácil y sencilla.
📚✏️ Unity 3D : ( Game Development )- Basic to Professional Level
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Development
💬 Unity: Feel free to take Unity 3D course, All Unity concepts are very well explained in Hindi. Unity 3D-Game Development
📚✏️ Arquitectura Web Profesional: PHP y MySQL con MVC
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Desarrollo
💬 Aprende a estructurar tus proyectos con el patrón MVC y construye aplicaciones web dinámicas, organizadas y escalables
📚✏️ Timeless Wisdom for Modern Women: A Practical Guide
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Lifestyle
💬 Heritage of Practical Living For Women : Applying 19th-Century Wisdom in the 21st Century
📚✏️ [NEW] Mastering Cloud Computing Basic to Advanced Test 2024
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : IT & Software
💬 Cloud Computing Practice Tests: AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, Oracle, Alibaba, IBM Cloud & Practice for Interview
📚✏️ Learn C++ Programming from Beginning to OOP
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : IT & Software
💬 C++ Programming from Basic to Advance. C++ programming to clear concepts of OOP. Programs of classes and objects in C++
📚✏️ R Programming: De Principiante a Avanzado
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Development
💬 Jorge, con experiencia en Data Science, te enseñará programación en R desde cero hasta análisis de datos.
📚✏️ Aprende SQL desde cero: ¡Curso con mas de 50 ejercicios! 1
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Development
💬 Un curso integral donde aprenderás como hacer consultas SQL complejas.
📚✏️ Windows Security
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : IT & Software
💬 Master Windows Security
📚✏️ Python Course for App Developers: Build Your First App
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Development
💬 Python Course for App Developers: Master App Development Fundamentals
📚✏️ 550+ C++ Interview Questions – Practice Tests II
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Development
💬 C++ Interview Prep: Covering Linkage, Classes, Operators, Strings, Constructors & More!
📚✏️ 650+ C Interview Questions – Practice Tests
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Development
💬 Master C Programming: Ace Interviews with Confidence – Comprehensive Practice Tests and Expert Insights.
📚✏️ Inclusive Leadership: Mastering Diversity & Equity in Action
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Business
💬 Transform Your Workplace with Inclusive Leadership: Master Diversity, Equity, and Bias-Free Decision-Making
📚✏️ Mastering Chinese Tea: Simple Brewing in Dialogues(2024)
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Lifestyle
💬 An easy start for tea beginners
📚✏️ MS Projects: From Basics to Advanced Project Planning
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Business
💬 Learn to efficiently manage projects with Microsoft Project, mastering task entries, resource allocation.
📚✏️ The Art of Living: Mastering a Balanced and Fulfilled Life
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Personal Development
💬 Achieve Harmony, Well-being, and Inner Peace through Mindful Living
📚✏️ Convolutional Neural Networks in Python: CNN Computer Vision
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Development
💬 Python for Computer Vision & Image Recognition – Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) – Keras & TensorFlow 2
📚✏️ 1200+ Java Interview Questions – Practice Tests
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Development
💬 Supercharge Your Java Interview Success! Practice Tests, Master Key Concepts, and Land Your Dream Role!
📚✏️ 6 Weeks Bootcamp for Civil & Construction Engineer from Zero
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Teaching & Academics
💬 Gain Knowledge in Construction l Quantity l Estimation l Concrete l Structural Engineering l Bridge l Cost l Building l
📚✏️ Statistics for Business Analytics using MS Excel
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Business
💬 Learn how probability & statistics is used for business & business strategy. Make statistical business models in Excel
📚✏️ UIUX with Figma and Adobe XD
⏰ : ASAP (500 Enrolls Left)
🎭 : Design
💬 Learn User Interface and User Experience UI UX with Adobe XD and Figma