Udemy Free Course Each coupon has 4 days and 1000 redemptions only Are you ready to take your skills to the next level? 🚀 Join us and gain access to a world of knowledge!
📚✏️ Coding with AI: Building Apps with Boltnew -Boltnew Course
🏆: New
⏰: ASAP (995 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.6/5
👨🎓: 885 students
🎭: Development > No-Code Development
👄: English (US)
💬 Empower Your Creativity: Build and Monetize Apps with Boltnew, No Coding Needed!
📚✏️ Desarrolla Juegos en Diferentes Lenguajes con Mucha Practica
⏰: ASAP (238 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.6/5
👨🎓: 9,081 students
🎭: Development > Game Development
👄: Spanish (Spain)
💬 Practica con Proyectos reales de Video Juegos con Python, HTML, CSS y JS. Aprende con Pura Practica para tu Portafolio.
📚✏️ Introducción a la programación en Python fácil y rápido
⏰: ASAP (279 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 3.9/5
👨🎓: 4,721 students
🎭: IT & Software > Other IT & Software
👄: Spanish
💬 Aprende a programar en Python desde 0
📚✏️ Learn Microsoft Power BI - The 0 to 100 Course
⏰: ASAP (91 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.6/5
👨🎓: 102 students
🎭: Business > Business Analytics & Intelligence
👄: English (UK)
💬 Learn everything you need to know about Microsoft Power BI and Data Visualization.
📚✏️ Advanced Skill Test: Python Professional Level 1 (PCPP1™)
⏰: ASAP (995 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 0.0/5
👨🎓: 5 students
🎭: IT & Software > IT Certifications
👄: English (US)
💬 "Master Advanced Python Programming & Ace the PCPP1™ Certification!"
📚✏️ Zoho Advanced Certificate in Accounting&Warehouse Management
🏆: Highest Rated
⏰: ASAP (None Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.5/5
👨🎓: 3,132 students
🎭: Finance & Accounting > Accounting & Bookkeeping
👄: English (US)
💬 Take control of your finances with Zoho Books small business accounting software.
📚✏️ Become a Certified People Partner: Your Path to HR role
🏆: New
⏰: ASAP (989 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 0.0/5
👨🎓: 11 students
🎭: Business > Human Resources
👄: English (US)
💬 Master People Partner Skills: Strategic HR, Business Alignment, Engagement, and Change Management for a Career in HR
📚✏️ Arquitectura Web Profesional: PHP y MySQL con MVC
🏆: New
⏰: ASAP (299 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.7/5
👨🎓: 2,709 students
🎭: Development > Web Development
👄: Spanish (Spain)
💬 Aprende a estructurar tus proyectos con el patrón MVC y construye aplicaciones web dinámicas, organizadas y escalables
📚✏️ Day Trading for Beginners: Learn the Basics of Day Trading
🏆: New
⏰: ASAP (998 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 0.0/5
👨🎓: 1,153 students
🎭: Finance & Accounting > Investing & Trading
👄: English (US)
💬 Master the Basics of Day Trading: A Beginner's Guide to Profitable Short-Term Trading Strategies and Risk Management
📚✏️ AI-Driven Marketing Personalization for Business Leaders
🏆: Highest Rated
⏰: ASAP (25 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 5.0/5
👨🎓: 990 students
🎭: Business > Business Strategy
👄: English (US)
💬 Transform customer experiences with AI personalization: Learn algorithms, real-time data, and scaling strategies.
📚✏️ C++ Training Crash Course for C++ Beginners
⏰: ASAP (1000 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.1/5
👨🎓: 44,026 students
🎭: Development > Programming Languages
👄: English (US)
💬 Learn C++ Training Crash Course for Beginners, Learn C++ Basics In this C++ Crash Course
📚✏️ Advanced Skill Test: Python Professional Level 1 (PCPP1™)
⏰: ASAP (987 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 0.0/5
👨🎓: 13 students
🎭: IT & Software > IT Certifications
👄: English (US)
💬 "Master Advanced Python Programming & Ace the PCPP1™ Certification!"
📚✏️ Master Course on Critical Thinking Skills & Decision Making
🏆: Highest Rated
⏰: ASAP (999 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.7/5
👨🎓: 5,533 students
🎭: Personal Development > Leadership
👄: English (US)
💬 Breakthrough Critical Thinking Strategies for Revolutionary Decision Making for Leaders, Managers, and everyone !
📚✏️ Customer Service with ChatGPT
🏆: New
⏰: ASAP (85 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 5.0/5
👨🎓: 17 students
🎭: Business > Operations
👄: English (US)
💬 ChatGPT for Enhanced Customer Service, Sales Prospecting,Issue Resolution, CRM Integration Transform Your Business Today
📚✏️ Life Coaching Certification (Level ACC)
🏆: New
⏰: ASAP (995 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 5.0/5
👨🎓: 18 students
🎭: Business > Human Resources
👄: English (US)
💬 Master Life Coaching: Ethics, Engagement, Communication & Client Growth - A Comprehensive ACC Certification Journey"
📚✏️ Advanced Program in Marketing
⏰: ASAP (999 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.3/5
👨🎓: 21,634 students
🎭: Marketing > Marketing Fundamentals
👄: English (US)
💬 Advanced Program in Marketing by MTF Institute
📚✏️ Desarrollo con Node.js. Aplicación, Testing y seguridad
⏰: ASAP (200 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.8/5
👨🎓: 10,060 students
🎭: Development > Web Development
👄: Spanish (Spain)
💬 Aprende a desarrollar aplicaciones con Node, realizando todo el ciclo completo de desarrollo con un proyecto real.
📚✏️ Introduction to Salesforce: A Practical Guide
⏰: ASAP (983 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.9/5
👨🎓: 94 students
🎭: IT & Software > IT Certifications
👄: English (UK)
💬 Learn about Salesforce CRM through a hands-on sales journey, from login to customisation and reporting.
📚✏️ Professional Diploma in Business English and Communications
⏰: ASAP (999 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.3/5
👨🎓: 20,901 students
🎭: Teaching & Academics > Language Learning
👄: English (US)
💬 Professional Diploma in Business English and Communications by MTF Institute
📚✏️ Mastering Kali Linux for Ethical Hackers
⏰: ASAP (92 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.5/5
👨🎓: 42,550 students
🎭: IT & Software > Network & Security
👄: English (US)
💬 Mastering Linux: From Basics to Advanced Administration and Security.
📚✏️ Statistics & Data Analytics For Data Science And Business
⏰: ASAP (8 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.4/5
👨🎓: 6,082 students
🎭: Business > Business Analytics & Intelligence
👄: English (US)
💬 A Beginner's Guide To Statistics & Data Analytics For Data Science and Business Decisions (+Ebook & Templates)
📚✏️ How To Get More YouTube Views
⏰: ASAP (307 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 3.9/5
👨🎓: 16,237 students
🎭: Marketing > Video & Mobile Marketing
👄: English (US)
💬 The REAL Way To Get MORE Youtube Views - Hidden Secrets of the YouTube Gurus
📚✏️ Personal Autonomy Mastery
🏆: New
⏰: ASAP (987 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 0.0/5
👨🎓: 13 students
🎭: Personal Development > Personal Transformation
👄: English (US)
💬 Build Self-Awareness, Emotional Independence, and Financial Freedom (audio course)
📚✏️ Aprende SQL desde cero: ¡Curso con mas de 50 ejercicios! 1
⏰: ASAP (298 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.4/5
👨🎓: 113,836 students
🎭: Development > Database Design & Development
👄: Spanish
💬 Un curso integral donde aprenderás como hacer consultas SQL complejas.
📚✏️ Master Class - Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making
🏆: Bestseller
⏰: ASAP (997 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.4/5
👨🎓: 17,410 students
🎭: Personal Development > Personal Productivity
👄: English (US)
💬 Build and Expand your Creativity , become a Master Problem Solver and a Great Decision Maker with this 3 in 1 Course.
📚✏️ Holistic Health, Happiness & Emotional Well-Being Course
⏰: ASAP (1000 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.6/5
👨🎓: 4,145 students
🎭: Health & Fitness > General Health
👄: English (US)
💬 Unlocking Balance : Cultivating Inner Peace and Emotional Resilience for a Balanced Life
📚✏️ Storytelling Masterclass - Business Storytelling for Leaders
🏆: Highest Rated
⏰: ASAP (1000 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.7/5
👨🎓: 7,234 students
🎭: Personal Development > Leadership
👄: English (US)
💬 Learn the Art and Science of Storytelling to influence, persuade and inspire others with step by step practical sessions
📚✏️ Advanced Diploma in Technology Management
⏰: ASAP (1000 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.5/5
👨🎓: 19,524 students
🎭: IT & Software > IT Certifications
👄: English (US)
💬 Advanced Diploma in Technology Management and Digital Transformation by MTF Institute
📚✏️ Asking Great Sales Questions
🏆: New
⏰: ASAP (82 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 5.0/5
👨🎓: 26 students
🎭: Business > Sales
👄: English (US)
💬 Master Sales Questioning: Deepen Customer Insights, Build Trust, Master Closures & Leverage Tech for Success
📚✏️ Information Literacy
🏆: New
⏰: ASAP (83 Enrolls Left)
⭐️: 4.4/5
👨🎓: 1,049 students
🎭: Business > Business Analytics & Intelligence
👄: English (US)
💬 Information Literacy: Navigate Data, Evaluate Sources, Ethical Use,& Digital Citizenship Academic & Professional Success