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According to the latest report of the Central Pollution Control Board, Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) in India are able to treat a little more than a third of the sewage generated per day.
India generated 72,368 MLD (million litres per day) whereas the installed capacity of STPs was 31,841 MLD (43.9%).
5 states and Union Territories (UT) - Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Karnataka - account for 60% of the total installed treatment capacity of the country.
🔆The pharmaceutical industry in India
✅The Indian Pharmaceuticals industry plays a prominent role in the global pharmaceuticals industry.
✅India ranks 3rd worldwide for production by volume and 14th by value.
✅India is the largest provider of generic medicines globally, occupying a 20% share in global supply by volume.
✅The pharmaceutical industry in India offers 60,000 generic brands across 60 therapeutic categories.
✅It is the leading vaccine manufacturer globally. 60% of the world’s vaccines comes from India.
✅ 100% FDI in the Pharmaceutical sector is allowed under the automatic route for greenfield pharmaceuticals.
✅100% FDI in the pharmaceutical sector is allowed in brownfield pharmaceuticals; wherein 74% is allowed under the automatic route and thereafter through the government approval route.
✅The pharmaceutical industry in India is currently valued at $50 bn. It is expected to reach $65 bn by 2024 and to $120 bn by 2030.
✅India is a major exporter of Pharmaceuticals, with over 200+ countries served by Indian pharma exports.
✅India supplies over 50% of Africa’s requirement for generics, ~40% of generic demand in the US and ~25% of all medicine in the UK.
✅For the period 2021-22, export of drugs and pharma products stood at $24.6 bn compared to $24.44 bn as of 2020-21.
✅The Indian pharma industry witnessed exponential growth of 103% during 2014-22 from $11.6 bn to $24.6 bn.
National Family Health Survey-5 (2019-21):
✅32% of ever-married women aged 18-49 years have ever experienced emotional, physical, or sexual violence committed by their husbands, with more rural than urban women reporting experiences of domestic violence. This does not even capture the prevalence of violence by other family members too.
✅Seeking help: The NFHS- 5 reports that only 14% of women who have experienced domestic violence have ever sought help, and this number is much lower in rural areas.
✅Justification of violence: So ingrained are social norms about gender inequality that NFHS-5 data reports that women are more likely than men to justify a scenario in which it is acceptable for a husband to beat or hit his wife.
India is the second biggest consumer of fertilizer in the world next only to China.
The India Fertilizers Market stood at 28.56 billion USD in 2022 and is projected to register a CAGR of 6.25% to reach 41.08 billion USD in 2028.
Pendency of cases in India
✅Over 4.7 crore cases are pending in courts across different levels of the judiciary.
✅Of them, 87.4% are pending in subordinate courts, 12.4% in High Courts, while nearly 1,82,000 cases have been pending for over 30 years.
🔆Dowry cases in India
✅Union Home ministry while replying to parliament in a discussion said that as per NCRB data 20 women killed every day for dowry in India between 2017-21
✅Up recorded the highest number of such cases followed by bihar , MP , bangal and rajasthan
✅As the world enters the third decade of the 21st century, 152 million children around the world are still in child labour, 73 million of them in hazardous work.
✅A Government of India survey (NSS Report No. 585, 2017-18, Statement 3.12,p.35) suggests that 95% of the children in the age group of 6-13 years are attending educational institutions (formal and informal) while the corresponding figures for those in the age group of 14-17 years is 79.6%.
✅ The Census of India 2011 reports 10.1 million working children in the age group of 5-14 years, out of whom 8.1 million are in rural areas mainly engaged as cultivators (26%) and agricultural labourers (32.9%).
✅While multiple data vary widely on enrolment/ attendance ratios in India,
UNESCO estimates based on the 2011 Census record 38.1 million children as “out of school” (18.3% of total children in the age group of 6-13 years).
According to UNCLOS, the EEZ is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea, subject to
the specific legal regime under which the rights and jurisdiction of the coastal State and the rights and freedoms of other States are governed by the relevant provisions of this Convention.
According to global trade data, trade restrictiveness index is 2 to 9 times higher for imports from South Asia than rest ofthe world in case of India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.
World Bank data reveal that India had 85.7 physicians per 1,00,000 people in 2017 (in contrast to 98 in Pakistan, 58 in Bangladesh, 100 in Sri Lanka and 241 in Japan),
🔹 53 beds per 1,00,000 people (in contrast to 63 in Pakistan, 79.5 in Bangladesh, 415 in Sri Lanka and 1,298 in Japan), and
🔹 172.7 nurses and midwives per 1,00,000 people (in contrast to 220 in Sri Lanka, 40 in Bangladesh, 70 in Pakistan, and 1,220 in Japan).
🔹Health is a State subject in India and State spending constitutes 68.6% of all the government health expenditure.
🔹In union budget 2021the healthcare expenditure has increased from 1.2% to 2.5% of GDP.
According to the NITI Aayog's Composite Water Management Index (CMWI) report, India is presently staring at the worst water crisis in its history. The solution lies in the adoption of micro-irrigation techniques in the Indian agriculture, which consumes around 85% of the
U.S. and Canadian oil accounted for about 7% and 1.3% respectively of India’s imports compared to 4.5% and 0.60% a year earlier.
The U.S. emerged as the fifth-biggest supplier, up two places from FY20.
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In urban India, 50 million people in 15 cities have no access to safe, affordable drinking water, reveals a UNICEF India report.
According to the CWMI report, adopting micro-irrigation techniques can save roughly 20% of the groundwater used annually on irrigation in India.
According to the 2020 Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC), up to 135 million people were living in food crises in 2019 – up from 113 million a year earlier.
The domestic finished steel production stood at 78.090 million ton (MT) against 73.02 mt during corresponding period last year which is 6.9% higher than CPLY. The domestic consumption was at 75.340 mt, which is 11.9% higher to CPLY of 67.32 mt.
Domestic crude steel production stood at 81.96 mt and was up by 5.6% over same period last year of 77.58 mt.
According to the International Organisation of Migration’s (IOM) World Migration Report 2022,
✅There were 281 million international migrants globally in 2020, with nearly two-thirds being labour migrants.
✅While there were 169 million labour migrants in 2019, the figure touched 164 million in 2020.
✅In the larger pool of migrants, South Asia’s share is nearly 40% and South Asia-Gulf Migratory corridor being the world’s largest migrant corridor.
✅Factors responsible for migration: Long-term data on international migration show that migration is shaped by economic, geographic, demographic and other factors, resulting in distinct migration patterns, such as migration corridors developed over many years.
✅As in 2021 – 38.4 million people were living with HIV, out of which 1.7 million were children and 54% of all were women and girls.
In 2021, as per the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
✅6,50,000 people died of AIDS-related diseases.
✅5 million people became newly infected– 4,000 new infections every day
Number of people on HIV treatment increased by only 1.47 million in 2021, compared to net increases of more than 2 million people in previous years.
✅Global context: Out of all people living with HIV, 85 per cent knew their status, 75 per cent were accessing treatment and 68 per cent were virally suppressed in 2021.
✅Indian context: According to UNAIDS, an estimated 2.4 million people were living with HIV in India in 2021 (including 70,000 children).
Out of these 1.9 million or 77 per cent knew their HIV status; 1.6 million (or 65 per cent) were on life-saving antiretroviral therapy; and 1.3 million (55 per cent) had suppressed viral load.
63,000 people were newly infected with HIV in 2021 in India – 173 new infections every day or seven infections every hour.
There were 42,000 AIDS-related deaths in 2021 (5 deaths every hour)
India – China Trade Relationship:
✅According to data from the data from the Commerce Ministry, the total merchandise trade between India and China rose 34% to $115.83 billion in the 12 months to March 2022.
✅China is India's largest trade partner for the year 2022.
🔸India’s major imports from China are - Electronic goods ($35.4 billion), engineering goods ($24.9 billion), chemicals and related products worth $19.6 billion, other manufactured goods ($8.3 billion), and textiles ($2.8 billion).
🔸India's major exports to China include : Engineering goods ($5.4 billion), agricultural and allied products ($3.8 billion), ores and minerals ($2.9 billion), chemicals and related products ($2.9 billion), and petroleum and crude products ($1.9 billion).
✅Traditionally, India imports more from China than it exports, thus India's trade balance in 2021 stood at negative $65.05 billion
According to the Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI) 2017-18, there are 24.2 per cent of people aged 60 years and above and 12.1 per cent people aged 45-59 years of age who have claimed poor self-rated health conditions.
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the nuclear-monitoring arm of the United Nations, Iran had amassed 2,967.8 kilograms of uranium — roughly 14 times the limit under the nuclear accord and theoretically enough to power about three atomic bombs if refined to weapons grade. The stockpile includes 17.6 kilograms enriched to 20 percent — also forbidden under the accord until the year 2030.
✅According to the UN Office for Drugs and Crime, South Asia, with India at its centre, is the fastest-growing and
second-largest region for human trafficking in the world, after East Asia.
✅ Even according to government data released recently, almost 20,000 women and children were victims of human trafficking in India in 2016, a rise of nearly 25% from the previous year.
🔆CO2 Emission by Countries
✅India is 3rd largest emitter [Maximum from Energy Sector where coal is being used]
🔹 Foreign direct investment (FDI) flows into India grew 10% in 2020-21.
🔹 Singapore emerged as the top investor with almost a third of all investments, followed by the U.S. which accounted for 23% of FDI and Mauritius from where 9% of the foreign capital flows originated.
🔹 Gujarat was the top FDI destination in the year gone by, accounting for 37% of the foreign equity inflows followed by Maharashtra and Karnataka.
according to the Ministry of Agriculture, only 19% (12 Mha) of the net irrigated area (68 Mha) is under micro-irrigation. In this regard, let us discuss about the Prospects and challenges associated with the adoption of Micro-Irrigation in India.
Cost of 1GB of mobile data:
India 🇮🇳: $0.09 (lowest)
Israel 🇮🇱: $0.11
United States 🇺🇸: $8
Canada 🇨🇦: $12.55
Arms imports decreased by 33% between 2011–15 and 2016–20 while India continues to remain the second largest arms importer after Saudi Arabia, according to a report from Swedish think tank Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).
The greater our knowledge increases the more our ignorance unfolds. John F. Kennedy
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan were among countries that need to act urgently against trans-fat according to World Health Organization (WHO).
The unemployment rate in India rose to 7.2 percent in February 2019, the highest since September 2016, and also up from 5.9 percent in February 2018, according to the latest data compiled by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE).