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❤️25 Prelims Tricks (Secret & Proven) to get 50+ more marks in 2023 prelims == Read 57-page UPSC Prelims Hacked e-book.
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Around 15000 Chapter Wise Questions uploaded with Detailed Explanation for UPSC (NOTES INCLUDED)
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UPSC Economy mindmaps
Very important for prelims.
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❤️25 Prelims Tricks (Secret & Proven) to get 50+ more marks in 2023 prelims == Read 57-page UPSC Prelims Hacked e-book.
🇮🇳 Last 20 copies at 75% Off. Lowest Price. 75% Off.
✅Learn HIDDEN Secrets of UPSC Prelims Topper.
To Buy, Visit our Website👇
Around 15000 Chapter Wise Questions uploaded with Detailed Explanation for Civil Services Exam (NOTES INCLUDED)
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UPSC Economy mindmaps
Very important for prelims.
Download App for Demo Classes, Test & Course Purchase: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.haward.psifc
Old Crux of Indian Economy Book Link:
Students review of Our Crux of Indian Economy Book after Prelims 2022 exam:
14 Economy Questions in Prelims 2022 exam came from our Crux book- Proof:
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■ Save Wetlands Campaign
◇ Context: Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change launched the ‘Save Wetlands Campaign’.
◇ Nanda Lake is Goa’s first Ramsar Site
□ About the Campaign:
◇ Approach: This campaign is structured on a “whole of society” approach for wetlands conservation, enabling affirmative actions for wetlands conservation at all levels of society and involving all strata of society.
◇ Aim of the Campaign: Over the next one year, the campaign will include sensitizing people to the value of wetlands, increasing the coverage of wetland Mitras and building citizen partnerships for wetlands conservation.
◇ Mission Sahbhagita: Launched by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) in 2022, it aims to effectively manage the network of 75 wetlands of national and international significance.
■ Save Wetlands Campaign
◇ Context: Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change launched the ‘Save Wetlands Campaign’.
◇ Nanda Lake is Goa’s first Ramsar Site
□ About the Campaign:
◇ Approach: This campaign is structured on a “whole of society” approach for wetlands conservation, enabling affirmative actions for wetlands conservation at all levels of society and involving all strata of society.
◇ Aim of the Campaign: Over the next one year, the campaign will include sensitizing people to the value of wetlands, increasing the coverage of wetland Mitras and building citizen partnerships for wetlands conservation.
◇ Mission Sahbhagita: Launched by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) in 2022, it aims to effectively manage the network of 75 wetlands of national and international significance.
❤️Get 50+ more marks in UPSC Prelims 2023 == 📘Learn 25 Prelims Tricks (Secret & Proven) == Read this 57-page e-book.
🇮🇳 Last 20 copies at 75% Off. Lowest Price. 75% Off.
❤️UPSC Toppers Rank-99, UPSC CSE & Rank-6, IFoS found above e-book very useful.
✅Author-Gurudayal-IITian, Twice cracked IAS(P)&IFS(P).
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🎯After reading UPSC Prelims Hacked e-book,
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6. And a lot more!
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✅ End result: You Crack cut-off easily by getting 50+ marks more!!
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✅ 1200+ Happy & Satisfied Buyer.
✅Learn HIDDEN Secrets of UPSC Prelims Topper.
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■ Yaya Tso
◇ Context: Yaya Tso, known as a birds’ paradise for its beautiful lake has been proposed as Ladakh’s first biodiversity heritage site (BHS).
◇ Yaya Tso is a nesting habitat for a large number of birds and animals, such as the bar-headed goose, black-necked crane, and brahminy duck, adding it also has the distinction of being one of the highest breeding sites of the black-necked crane in India.
□ About BHS:
◇ Biodiversity Heritage Sites are areas that are unique, ecologically fragile ecosystems having a rich biodiversity.
◇ Under Biological Diversity Act (BDA) 2002, the State Governments are empowered to notify BHS, in consultation with ‘local bodies’, of areas of biodiversity importance as Biodiversity Heritage Sites.
◇ There are 36 BHS in India, Mahendragiri hill (Odisha) is the last BHS added in 2022.
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⚜️Revise 450 days current affairs in a week through a single PDF-organised subject wise.
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■ What is Bard, Google’s answer to ‘ChatGPT’
◇ Context: Google has finally decided to start public testing for a new AI chatbot of its own called Bard.
□ What is Bard:
◇ Bard is based on Language Model for Dialogue Application or LaMDA and Google’s own conversational AI chatbot. It is termed an “experimental conversational AI service.”
◇ The model is currently a “lightweight” version of LaMDA, and the one being “requires significantly less computing power, enabling us to scale to more users, allowing for more feedback.”
◇ ChatGPT is powered by Microsoft’s Azure Cloud services.
❤️Get 50+ more marks in UPSC Prelims 2023 == 📘Learn 25 Prelims Tricks (Secret & Proven) == Read this 57-page e-book.
🇮🇳 Last 20 copies at 75% Off. Lowest Price. 75% Off.
❤️UPSC Toppers Rank-99, UPSC CSE & Rank-6, IFoS found above e-book very useful.
✅Author-Gurudayal-IITian, Twice cracked IAS(P)&IFS(P).
Visit Website👇
🎯After reading UPSC Prelims Hacked e-book,
👉You can CORRECTLY ANSWER questions:
1. Doubtful between 2/3 options out of 4 options.
2. Very confusing questions.
3. Unknown difficult questions from current affairs, History, S&T etc.
4. Government Scheme, etc.
5. Mapping & Reports-based questions.
6. And a lot more!
✅ Live Q &A Sessions.
✅ End result: You Crack cut-off easily by getting 50+ marks more!!
———- —-
To Buy, Visit our Website👇
✅ 1200+ Happy & Satisfied Buyer.
✅Learn HIDDEN Secrets of UPSC Prelims Topper.
To Buy, Visit Website👇
Sample e-book👇
■ What is Bard, Google’s answer to ‘ChatGPT’
◇ Context: Google has finally decided to start public testing for a new AI chatbot of its own called Bard.
□ What is Bard:
◇ Bard is based on Language Model for Dialogue Application or LaMDA and Google’s own conversational AI chatbot. It is termed an “experimental conversational AI service.”
◇ The model is currently a “lightweight” version of LaMDA, and the one being “requires significantly less computing power, enabling us to scale to more users, allowing for more feedback.”
◇ ChatGPT is powered by Microsoft’s Azure Cloud services.
Sulochana Meena, Antriksh Jain cleared upsc in first attempt at the age of 22 !
Enlight IAS test series was followed by Anjali Shrotriya AIR 44, Kanika AIR 64, Abhijit Ray AIR 50, Ashis Kumar AIR 85, Shubham Shukla AIR 43 and 110+ other toppers.
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Link of Prelims Test series: /channel/EnlightIAS8_official/4989
For enquiry, contact @enlightias_help or call +919540489839 website: www.enlightias.com
YODHA UPPCS Prelims Test Series - by Team Sunya
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UPSC 2023 : Topic Wise Test Series with Daily Planner (NOTES INCLUDED)
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⚜️Revise 450 days current affairs in a week through a single PDF-organised subject wise.
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UPSC Economy mindmaps
Very important for prelims.
Download App for Demo Classes, Test & Course Purchase: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.haward.psifc
Old Crux of Indian Economy Book Link:
Students review of Our Crux of Indian Economy Book after Prelims 2022 exam:
14 Economy Questions in Prelims 2022 exam came from our Crux book- Proof:
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