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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Consider the following pairs:

1. CREST: Hosakote

2. Solar Observatory: Kodaikanal

3. Radio Observatory: Gauribidanur

How many of the above pairs are correctly matched .

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #C_A

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Consider the following pairs:

1. Intelligent Waterbody Management Project : Tamara

2. AMRUT 2.0 : Preserving surface and ground water bodies

3. PLASHBOT: Diffuser Aerators for bottom of water bodies

How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #C_A

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

What are the recent addidtions in the Tangible and Intangible Heritage list in 2022, 2023, 2024 ?

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Prepare a list of largest producers and largest reserves state of above minerals and other important minerals as well.

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Consider the following statements:

Statement I: A raga is associated with a specific mood, time of the day and season. For every raga there are six female consorts called raginis.

Statement II: Ragamala paintings are pictorial interpretations of ragas and raginis.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #Art_and_Culture

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Match List I with List II:

List I
a. Copper and Nickel
b. Chromite and platinum
c. Phosphate
d. Limestone

List II
i. South-Africa
ii. Ontario
iii. Caucasus
iv. Algeria

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #Geography #world

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Match the following List-I with List-II:


1. Absolute Advantage
2. Theory of Big Push
3.Theory of low level Equilibrium trap
4 Balanced Growth Theory


a. Paul Rosenstein Rodan
b. Adam Smith
c. Richard R. Nelson
d. Ragner Nurkse

Choose the correct option:

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #Economy

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Consider the following statements relating to our Solar System:

1. Saptarishi forms part of constellation Big Bear.

2. Saptarishi forms part of the constellation Ursa Major.

3. Asteroids Belt lies between orbits of Mars and Earth.

4. The largest asteroid is Ceres.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #Science

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Consider the following statements:

1. Kandla port also known as Sardar Patel Port is a tidal port.

2. Marmagao port is for the premier Iron ore export.

3. Chennai is one of the oldest artificial ports of the country.

4 Paradwip port specializes in the export of Mica in the country.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #Geography

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Consider the following statements:

1. International Financial Corporation is an organ of World Bank to finance private sector in developing countries.

2. ICIMOD - International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development is an inter-government knowledge and learning centre situated in Switzerland.

3. All India Rural Financial Inclusion Survey is conducted by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) every five years.

Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #C_A #Economy

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Consider the following statements regarding Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) Report:

Statement-I Current Weekly Status (CWS) in urban areas is measured at the interval of three months.

Statement-II Present Labour Force participation rate (LFPR) and Unemployment rate is in declining trend when compared with its base year 2017-18.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #C_A

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Consider the following statement: There is renewed thrust on production of Millet Crops. Which of the following statement(s) is/are attributable to Ragi Crop?

1.Ragi is rain-fed crop and mostly grows well in black soil.

2.Ragi grows well on red, black, sandy, loamy and shallow black soil.

3.It is crop of dry regions and rich in iron, calcium and roughage.

4.Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Jharkhand, Rajasthan and Arunachal Pradesh are major ragi producing states.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #Geography

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Which of the following features are associated with Regur Soils in India?

1. It develops on crystalline igneous rocks as a result of intense leaching.

2. It is rich in Iron, Potash and Phosphoric contents.

3. It is typically found in north-west region of Deccan plateau and made up of lava flows

4 It is rich in calcium carbonate, magnesium, potash and lime.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #Geography

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz


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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Consider the following Statements:

Arrange the following intangible cultural heritages in order of their year of induction into the UNESCO heritage list (Oldest to Newest)

1. Kalbelia
2. Budhist Chanting
3. Ramlila
4. Kumbh Mela
5. Nowrouz

Choose the correct option from the following:

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #C_A

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Match List I with List II

List I
a. Iron ore Mines
b. Copper Mines
c. Bauxite Mines
d. Mica Mines

List II
i. Balaghat
ii. Amarkantak Plateau
iii. Gua and Noamundi
iv. Nellore.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #Geography

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Consider the following statements

Statement 1: The ancient Buddha (Bauddh) Stupa is situated on the west side of Brahmasarovar

Statement II: The mound is spread over an area of approx. three acres. The height of the mound is about 4 m from the surrounding ground level

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #History #Ancient

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Match List I with List II:

List I
a. Shipki Lake
b. Lipu Leke
c. Jelep La
d. Burzil

List II
i. Kashmir
ii. Himachal Pradesh
iii. Uttarakhand
iv. Sikkim

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #Geography

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Match List I with List II:

List I
a. Veld
b. Pampas
c. Compos
d. Prairie

List II
i. Brazil
ii. South-Africa
iii. North America
iv. South America

Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #Geography #world

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Hardly few people are putting efforts to solve HCS paper, because questions are lengthy. So they choose to ignore it.

But remember, Problem still persists if you choose to ignore it, it doesn't goes anywhere. You have to face it. If not today, then surely tomorrow.

If you choose what is Easy today, your life will become Hard in future. Momentary pleasures always kills Dreams.

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Consider the following statements:

Statement-I: The Jet Streams are the strong cores of upper-level westerly winds which follow a meandering path

Statement-II: The term 'jet stream' was first applied to high velocity upper-level winds during World War- II .

How many of the statements given above are correct?

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #Geography

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Similar questions asked

1) NDA I 2023 - see here
2) CDS I 2021- see here
3) Follow up Question - see here

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Consider the following statements.

1. Copper, Lead, Tin and Bauxite are non-ferrous minerals.

2. Manganese, Iron, Cobalt and Mica are ferrous minerals.

3. Potash, Marble and Granite are non-metallic minerals.

4. Nickel, Cobalt and Platinum are precious metals.

How many of the statements given above are correct ?

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #Science

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Consider the following statements:

1. Privy purse referred to a specific sum of money that was payable annually to rulers of former princely states that signed the Instrument of Accession.

2. The payment of privy purse was a constitutional obligation before 42nd Amendment.

3. The abolition of Privy Purse was justified on the ground that it stood against the principle of egalitarianism enshrined in the Constitution.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #Polity

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

Which of the following characteristics is associated with red and yellow soils in India?

1. It develops on crystalline igneous rocks in area of heavy rainfall.

2. It develops a reddish colour due to diffusion of iron in crystalline and metamorphic rocks.

3. It develops yellow colour in hydrated forms.

4 It develops red and yellow colour due to iron and Sulphur in dry conditions.

How many of the statements given above are correct:

[ HPSC - 2023 ] #Geography

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UPSC - Previous year questions MCQ Quiz

आज दफ्तर जाने के लिए मैने जैसे ही बस पकड़ा, मेरी बगल वाली सीट पर एक हष्ट-पुष्ट इंसान आ कर विराजमान हो गया । मुंह में केसर के दाने (विमल) चबाते हुए बार बार खिड़की से बाहर थूक रहा था, मैं डर रहा था कुछ केसर के दाने मुझ पर न आ गिरे उड़ कर । मुझे बस के समय सारणी (हिंदी में कहें तो टाइम टेबल) के बारे में शंका थी तो मैने उन भाई साहब से पूछा । उन्होंने बड़े अच्छे से सारे विकल्प बताए जो मुझे मेरे गंतव्य तक जाने के लिए उपयोगी हो सकते थे । स्वभाव से थोड़े बातूनी लग रहे थे, तो थोड़ी देर चुप रह कर अंततः उन्होंने पूछा आप वहां नौकरी करते हैं ? मैने कहा "हां"। फिर वे कहने लगे की पहले मैं भी वही काम करता था, 8 वे मंजिल पर सुरक्षा रक्षक ( हिंदी में कहें तो सिक्योरिटी गार्ड) का काम करता था । जैसे ही मैने सुना "था", मैने उत्सुकता से पूछा तो अब आप क्या कर करते हैं ? उन्होंने कहा मैं अभी सरकारी सेवा में एग्रीकल्चर ऑफिसर के पद पर तैनात हूं और छुट्टी है तो उसी जगह पर अपने सिक्योरिटी सुपरवाइजर से मिलने जा रहा हूं जहां मैं पहले काम करता था ।

थोड़ी देर में गंतव्य आ गया, वे भाईसाब बड़ी स्फूर्ति के साथ बस से उतरे मेरे साथ और तेज गति से आगे निकल गए ।
मैं भी एक अजीब भावना के साथ मंद चाल से अपने गंतव्य की ओर चला गया ।

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