Here previous year questions of UPSC and state pcs is posted in a quiz form. CSE -1979 to 2024 CAPF - 2004 to 2024 CDS - 2004 to 2024 NDA - 2004 to 2024 + All state PCS updated pyqs, check pinned message on channel 📞 Contact : @Nishkam_Karmyogi
The formulation and success of a plan require the following:
a. Planning Commission, Statistical data, Objectives
b. Fixation of Targets and Priorities, Mobilisation of Resources
c. Incorrupt and Efficient Administration, Proper Development Policy
d. Economy in Administration, Education base
[ MPSC - 2023 ] #Economy
Capf AC 2024 Paper 2 in 7 Days
Check this playlist
Pdf Notes @AceDefence
Under the guidance of Abhishek Kumar (Cleared Capf AC 2021/2022/2023)
Urbanization means
a. Centralization of population in the cities
b. Decentralization of population in the cities
c. Centralization of population in villages
d. Increase in density of population
[ MPSC - 2023 ] #Geography
Mppsc prelims 2024 result
Читать полностью…Phyllum Mollusca contains soft bodied animals characterized of:
a. They are second largest phyllum in animal kingdom
b. They are generally bilaterally symmetrical
c. They are only Terrestrial animals
d. They are having muscular foot
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
[ MPSC - 2023 ] #Science
Aaj Tak ka sabse Bada jhuth
UPSC Candidates ka background verification Intelligence Bureau karta hai 😂
Consider the following statements and select the correct answer using the code given below.
1. A compact settlement is most probably surrounded by hamlets.
2. Compact settlements are not found in the Himalayan region.
[ MPSC - 2023 ] #Geography
Given below are two statements one labeled as Assertion (A) and other labeled as Reason (R).
Select correct answer from the options given below.
(A) Cotton is not a weight lossing pure raw material, besides is light in weight and durable.
(R) The localization of the cotton textile is found either in cotton producing region or near market.
[ MPSC - 2023 ] #Geography
Essay Marks Maximiser by Katyayani Singh [ AIR 592 ] - scored 143 in Essay.
To enrol, text @seiko_help
In relation to Ozone which statements are true?
A. Ozone is called protection shield of the Earth.
B. In 1985 it was clear that Ozone layer has holes.
C. 16th September is celebrated as World Ozone Day.
D. In 1989 chemicals responsible for Ozone depletion are banned to utilize.
[ MPSC - 2023 ] #environment
आरक्षण जिन्हे जरूरत थी उन्हे मिला ही नहीं ।
पूर्वी उत्तर प्रदेश में एक अनुसूचित जनजाति है जिसे मुसहर कहते हैं । आप लोग में से कई शायद जानते होंगे। ये पहले मूस यानी चूहे पकड़कर उन पर अपना जीवन यापन करते थे। बड़े लोगों की शादियों में पेड़ के पत्तों से पत्तल बना कर उनके यहां देते थे । बदले में भोजन मिल जाता था उस दिन ।
मैं हमेशा से सोचता था आखिर इनके पास रहने के लिए अपनी जमीन क्यों नहीं । आखिर इनके पास हमारे जैसा खाने के लिए खाना क्यों नही है । हमेशा से सोचता था अगर सरकारी सुविधाओं का सबसे पहले कोई हकदार है तो वे ये लोग ही हैं ।
परंतु न तो उनके पास वोटिंग कार्ड था न राशन कार्ड । आरक्षण तो दूर उन्हे सरकार सम्मान पूर्वक भोजन तक न दे पायी आजादी के इतने वर्षो बाद भी ।
इनसे ज्यादा पिछड़ा कौन होगा ? परंतु आरक्षण की मलाई हमेशा वो खाते चले आ रहे हैं जिनके बाप दादा पूर्व से ही सरकारी नौकरी में हैं।
आप लोग कितना भी कुतर्क कर के टीना डाबी और उनके बहनों का आरक्षण लाभ लेना सही साबित कर दें, परंतु ethically कभी सही साबित नही कर पाएंगे ।
अगर चिराग पासवान के बच्चे कल अनुसूचित जाति कोटा से आईएएस बन जाएं तो पासवान जाति के उन सभी परिवारों के साथ अन्याय होगा जिनके सर पर छत नही और पेट भरने के लिए दो वक्त की रोटी नहीं।
बहुत दुखद है ।
Observe the following statements:
A. There is loss of bio-diversity due to dumping of toxic waste into soil.
B. Deforestation is responsible for frequent floods in river.
C. Fransisco Mendez was known as 'Amazon Gandhi' due to his work in energy field.
[ MPSC - 2023 ] #environment
Highly Disappointed with the level of fraud that is going in UPSC.
Revision is the key ❌
Certificate is the key ✅
Similar questions asked :
1) UP RO/ARO 2013 - see here
Arrange the following political organizations chronologically.
a. Pune Sarvajanik Sabha
b. Bombay Presidency Association
c. Madras Mahajan Sabha
d. Indian Association
[ MPSC - 2023 ] #Modern_History
The long-term objectives of economic planning, as spelt out in various pla documents have been as follows:
a. Economic growth, self-reliance
b. Removal of unemployment, reduction in income inequalities
c. Elimination of poverty, modernization
d. Inclusiveness and sustainability of growth
[ MPSC - 2023 ] #Economy
Since July 1991, comprehensive liberalization measures have been undertaken to improve the supply side of the economy. Among these the more important are:
a. Trade and capital flows reforms
b. Industrial deregulation
c. Disinvestment and Public Enterprises Reforms
d. Financial sector reforms
[ MPSC - 2023 ] #Economy
Some selected testimonials from Mains Sherlocking
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Which of the following major policy interventions are the part of the land reforms in India?
a. Abolition of intermediaries.
b. Tenancy reforms
c. Fixing ceilings on land holdings.
d. Consolidation of land holdings
[ MPSC - 2023 ] #polity
Sherlocking Essay Topic:
UPSC files FIR against pooja khedkar for fraud.
Admission of irregularities in UPSC.
Join us at @answerwritingneil
Strategy Session with AIR14
Join us at @answerwritingneil
Strategy Session with AIR14
In the western part of Rajasthan minerals like limestone, gypsum and mineral salts reserves are distributed.
Which of the following reasons are responsible for this occurrence ?
a. Western part of Rajasthan was submerged under sea water during permocarboniferous period.
b . Western part of Rajasthan receives low rainfall.
c. Western part of Rajasthan has hot and dry climate.
d. In the western part of Rajasthan the area under vegetation is very low.
[ MPSC - 2023 ] #Geography
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Strategy Session with AIR14
There is huge reduction in social media profiles of IAS IPS officers in past 1 week.
A lot of them are underground now.
Our course of action for upcoming weeks.
1) MPSC 2023 (ongoing)
2) UKPSC 2024
3) MPSC 2024
4) CAPF 2024
In which of the following newspapers did Annie-Besant present her thoughts about Home Rule Movement ?
a. New India
b. Common Weal
c. Bombay Gazette
d. Telegraph
[ MPSC - 2023 ] #Modern_History
What was the medium of trade exchange during vedic period ?
i. Nishka
ii. Krusnal
iii. Shatman
iv. Gan
v. Shreni
[ MPSC - 2023 ] #Ancient_History