Consider the following statements about the Santhal Hool of 1855-56 ?
[CAPF 2016] #Modern_history
1. The Santhals were in a desperate situation as tribal lands were leased out.
2. The Santhal rebels were treated very leniently by British officials
3. Santhal inhabited areas eventually constituted into separate administrative units called Santhal parganas
4. The Santhal rebellion was the only major rebellion in mid 19th century India
"The partition announcement fell like a Bomb shell" who said this regarding Partition of Bengal ?
Also, Remember the dates of Announcement of partition and effective date of partition.
Gandhi was arrested on the charges of sedition under 124A IPC, we used the same law for Decades.
Читать полностью…The Khilafat committee accepted the Gandhi's proposal of Non violent Non co-operation movement at the meeting. Where this meeting was held ?
Читать полностью…#Similar_in_modern_history
Similar questions asked on Cabinet mission :
CDS I 2012 - see here
CDS I 2014 - see here
UKPCS 2021 - see here
CSE 1996 - see here
CAPF 2015 - see here
Similar questions asked on Mahalwari Settlement system.
CAPF 2017 - see here
CAPF 2012 - see here
CAPF 2021 - see here
Questions asked on Vernacular Press act 1878 :
CAPF 2022 - see here
JKPSC 2021 - see here
WBCS 2022 - see here
UKPSC RO/ARO 2021- see here
BPSC 1994 - see here
CDS II 2019 - see here
CAPF 2009 - see here
CSE 2005 - see here
Which was the first newspaper to be banned under Vernacular Press act of 1878 ?
Similar questions asked:
1) UKPSC FRO 2012 - see here
2) MPPSC 2015 - see here
3) CSE 2018 - see here
4) CSE 2003 - see here
5) CSE 1997 - see here
Consider the following events during India’s Freedom Struggle :
[69th BPSC 2023] #Modern_history
1. Home Rule Movement
2. Surat Split
3. Kheda Satyagraha
4. Minto-Morley Reforms
Which of the following is the correct chronological order of the events given above?
The governor general who followed a spirited "Forward" policy or Aggresive policy towards Afghanistan was ____?
Читать полностью…जगत में जो भी अच्छा और खराब हो रहा है वह सब परमात्मा को स्वीकार है, उन सब में परमात्मा की रजामंदी है । अगर वह परमात्मा को अस्वीकार हो तो वह होगा ही नहीं।
तुम अगर कहो कि यह जो हो रहा है यह परमात्मा को स्वीकार नहीं, इसका अर्थ है कि परमात्मा कमजोर है। और ऐसा परमात्मा जिसके मर्जी के बिना भी संसार में कुछ होता हो उसको पा कर भी क्या करोगे, उसको पूज कर भी क्या हो जाएगा ?
जो भी हो रहा है सबमे उसकी मंजूरी है और जो वो कर रहा है वो गलत कैसे हो सकता है ?
1) Treaty of Allahabad 1765 was signed between whom ?
2) With the signing of treaty of Allahabad EIC got the diwani rights of which states ?
After the Santhal Uprising subsided, what was/were the measure/measures taken by the colonial government?
1. The territories called ‘Santhal Paraganas’ were created.
2. It became illegal for a Santhal to transfer land to a non-Santhal.
[CSE 2018] #Modern_History
Chhattisgarh PCS 2024 Notification Released
Total Posts - 246
Prelims Exam - 9 February 2025
Who unfurled the flag of India at Stuggart, Germany in 1907 ?
She was also the private secretary of Dadabhai Naoroji and also known as the "Mother of Indian Revolution".
Which of the following statements are not correct regarding the Non-Cooperation Movement in the towns?
[68th BPSC] #Modern_history
1. Only the upper caste and the rich took part in the movement.
2. The council elections were boycotted even by the Justice Party of Madras.
3. Thousands of students left government- controlled schools, headmasters and teachers resigned and lawyers gave up their practice.
The Cabinet Mission was sent to India for which of the following?
[68th BPSC] #Modern_history
1. To establish a national government
2. To work out a constitutional arrangement for the transfer of power
3. To work out the details of Jinnah's demand for Pakistan
Which of the following statements about the Vernacular Press Act is/are correct?
[69th BPSC 2023] #Modern_History
1. It was enacted by Lord. Lytton.
2. It came to be known as a 'Gagging Act'.
3. The Act was repealed by Lord Ripon.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Consider the following statements regarding Wood's Dispatch of 1854:
[69th BPSC 2023] #Modern_History
1. It recommended English as the medium of instruction for higher studies.
2. It laid stress on female education and vocational training.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Which of the following were the reasons for the failure of the Revolt of 1857?
[69th BPSC 2023] #Modern_history
1. The military superiority of the British
2. The rebels did not have a unified programme and ideology
3. There was a lack of support from all the sections of society
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
तुम मुझसे यह न पूछो कि फला रोग मुझे ही क्यों हुआ, मैं ही क्यों हर बार असफल हो जाता हूं और क्यों मेरे अपने चाहने वाले मुझसे दूर हो गए ।
मैं इन सबों का कोई कारण नहीं जानता । मैं बस इतना जानता हूँ कि सब परमात्मा को मंजूर है । और जो उसे मंजूर है उसी में मेरी भी रजामंदी है ।
उसने मुझे जब मजबूत शरीर और सुंदर काया दी, उसने मुझे जब चाहने वाले लोग दिए, ऐसे लोग दिए जिन्होंने मुझे अथाह प्रेम किया और सफलताएं दी जिन्हें आज मैं भूल बैठा हूं, तब तो मैंने उसकी सत्ता पर कोई प्रश्नचिन्ह नहीं उठाए, तब तो मैंने उसकी स्वीकृति एवं अस्वीकृति पर कोई सवाल नहीं खड़े किए ।
फिर आज ये मुझे क्या हो गया है ? क्या मैं बहुत स्वार्थ से भर गया हूं ?
परमात्मा जिसमें राजी है उसी में मेरी भी रजामंदी है ।
Repeated question asked from :
1) 65th BPSC - see here
2) 66th BPSC - see here
Other similar questions asked :
1) CSE 2003 - see here
2) NDA II 2022 - see here
3) CSE 2022 - see here
4) CSE 2007 - see here
Dutch opened their first factory at which place ?
1) The Safety Valve Theory regarding the formation of the Indian National Congress emerged from a biography of ___?
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