本群群规1.0 禁黑产、色情、暴力、低俗内容。 禁贩卖手机卡、银行卡、个人信息。 禁群发广告(包括refer和交易),名字或头像中夹带广告。 反对不同政治立场试图互相说服 学会使用搜索,别做伸手党。
阿拉斯加航空 (AS) 与夏威夷航空 (HA) 突然宣布合并【2024.9 更新:DoT 通过审查, HA 将向 AS 1:1 转点】
Barclays Hawaiian Airlines 信用卡【2024.2 更新:70k 开卡奖励】
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Chase Southwest Priority 信用卡【2024.9 更新:85k 开卡奖励回归】
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Читать полностью…USCIS的官网实在是 ...... 说实话我不是很习惯看美国人写的那种巨长的说明文档,总觉得哪儿埋个雷。
Читать полностью…帮一个朋友求问:如果没有ssn也没有itin,但是可以申请到secured信用卡,那是不是用这个信用卡慢慢积累信用记录呢?他问我的时候我有个问题,如果没有ssn和itin,信用记录积累到哪儿呢?
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Absence of 1 Year or More
An absence from the United States for a continuous period of 1 year or more (365 days or more) during the period for which continuous residence is required will automatically break the continuity of residence. ...
Eligibility After Break in Residence
An applicant applying for naturalization under INA 316, which requires 5 years of continuous residence, must then wait at least 4 years and 1 day after returning to the United States (whenever 364 days or less of the absence remains within the statutory period), to have the requisite continuous residence to apply for naturalization.[21] The statutory period preceding the filing of the application is calculated from the date of filing.
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