本群群规1.0 禁黑产、色情、暴力、低俗内容。 禁贩卖手机卡、银行卡、个人信息。 禁群发广告(包括refer和交易),名字或头像中夹带广告。 反对不同政治立场试图互相说服 学会使用搜索,别做伸手党。
To protect these account(s), we need you to call us right away. Card use may be limited until we hear from you.
Please Call: 1-800-825-0393 (TTY: 711)
US Bank Altitude Reserve (UAR) 信用卡【2024.11 更新:50k 开卡奖励;传言要在下周绝版?】
Usually redemption value for points is $60 for each 10k points when you pay annual fee with it. However, we can take an exception for you and apply the value of $100 for each 10K points. Normally, you would need 25K points to pay $150 annual fee, however with discounted price, it can be paid with only 15,000 points.
Читать полностью…Chase online customer service 为啥现在app接不到呢?一直让我打电话是什么意思呢…
Читать полностью…美国信用卡指南
Alaska Airlines (AS) 买分活动汇总【2024.11 更新:HA买分100%,相当于AS买分价格1.27 c/p史低价!】
Bilt Rent Day 活动【2024.11 更新:BA 50%-100% 转点 Bonus (Targeted)】
Discover Cashback Checking 银行账户【2023.11 更新:$80~$90 开户奖励】