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UX Digest ⭕️

why does this button make me angry? kamala.alcantara/why-does-this-button-make-me-angry-the-psychology-of-ux-rage-864f2e137dbd/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">the psychology of ux rage

opinion: why Ramshaq/why-memes-and-humor-are-the-future-of-user-interface-design-befe07ffc612/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">memes and humor are the future of user interface design


my take on user research for ai

ai in ux research — automating usability studies

case study:

transforming user experience in cars-as-a-service industry through strategic ai/ml integration

belikesubodh/ui-ux-case-study-the-mindfool-app-4d970aa54fec/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">the mindfool app


why your toaster needs empathy — a beginner’s guide to ux design

jmartinjrm21/testing-and-analyzing-the-user-experience-ux-36fcffbd74b7/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">testing and analyzing the user experience


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UX Digest ⭕️

do ux certifications pay off?

from insights to action how ux research impresses interviewers

experience: eurasian bank x pathway — how the team tested navigation and identified user pain points after app redesign —pathway.cc/eurasian-bank-x-pathway-how-the-team-tested-navigation-and-identified-user-pain-points-after-app-0ed824ebc195/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest"> in just a couple of weeks

opinion: web accessibility — a growing opportunity for innovation and impact

fresh articles by nielsen norman group:

tools for unmoderated usability testing

experience design: the next iteration of ux?

3 design processes for high usability — iterative design, parallel design, and competitive testing

🎥 unlock powerful ux insights with custom events in analytics

🎥 the danger of defaults


what happens when jamiewoolfe/what-happens-when-ai-inherits-more-than-just-our-data-18b138ba6f34/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">ai inherits more than just our data?

justynapschmidt/how-chatgpt-revolutionised-our-user-research-541d70a04af4/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">how chatgpt revolutionised our user research

case study:

jsteph08/vr-user-experience-research-lost-recipes-case-study-continued-a0223c6fb26a/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">vr user experience research — lost recipes case study continued…

rethinking users in planet 4 — a life-centered approach to people, nature, and communities


user experience research vs. usability testing

improving customer acquisition with great ux


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UX Digest ⭕️

guilty paper pleasure: understandinghandeekocer/guilty-paper-pleasure-understanding-the-disconnect-between-digital-tools-and-human-habits-ae25e4b36f42/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest"> the disconnect between digital tools and human habits

why cognitive load matters in ux

experience: scaling ux research in remote teams — lessons from the frontlines

opinion: how llol25642/how-to-enchance-the-user-experience-when-using-the-wikipedia-mobile-application-4c78db269bca/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">to enchance the user experience when using the wikipedia mobile application

interesting: consuming smart contracts — okcontract/consuming-smart-contracts-embedded-vs-redirect-ux-8bd34e6b094f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">embedded vs redirect ux


designing for the middle east — bringing gamers8 website to life

low fidelity vs high fidelity wireframes


user centered design — when ux forgets cx! the 4 product killers

usmanaliwallara/design-that-speaks-to-the-brain-unlocking-the-power-of-neuro-design-26db429b46eb/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">design that speaks to the brain — unlocking the power of neuro design


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UX Digest ⭕️

leveraging regression analysis in ux research: a comprehensive guide

marko.ullgren/using-observability-to-drive-user-experience-784e0ba97874/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">using observability to drive user experience

💵 ai: user research for ai-powered products — unique challenges and opportunities

case study: a smarter way to travel — ui/ux case study on transforming the access by kai promotion system

interesting: master these saif3660373/master-these-12-time-management-techniques-and-take-back-control-of-your-day-156aca48770e/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">12 time management techniques and take back control of your day


user research mirrors human relationships — understanding users is the key to building products

beyond compliance — why Charan_J/beyond-compliance-why-accessibility-is-essential-for-great-ux-3f03b5fc97c4/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">accessibility is essential for great ux


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UX Digest ⭕️

5 reasons why UXLx is the perfect UX training experience

why cognitive load matters in ux design and how to reduce it

research: user experience salaries & calculator (2024)

prototyping: apple music on mac — optimizations for a better ux

ai: elizerr/discover-what-is-one-thing-current-generative-ai-applications-cannot-do-57b35146a057/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">discover what is one thing current generative ai applications cannot do

case study: how i used gamification and kit-kats ankish08/how-i-used-gamification-and-kit-kats-to-boost-class-attendance-3a324de9f13f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">to boost class attendance

experience: from hr to ux — a journey i never expected but fully embraced

design: figma releases the pattern library

💵 opinion: the future of user experience in the metaverse

basics: the secret to becoming a ux problem-solving pro

fresh articles by nielsen norman group:

alt text — what to write

🎥 ux metrics are like beans

🎥 upfront vs. continuous discovery


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UX Digest ⭕️

research is like playing on a football team — you can’t win the game alone

does website speed contribute to customers booking holidays online?

prototyping: designing a success message

ai: ux research methods for testing generative ai

experience: everything i know about service design i learnt at a restaurant

case study: aghazadashahin/research-understanding-the-struggles-of-azerbaijani-seniors-with-mobile-banking-technology-8c242cdae328/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">understanding the struggles of azerbaijani seniors with mobile banking technology

opinion: why the idea that ‘anyone can do user research’ is a bad one

design: from classroom to customer journey — why educational principles are product design’s secret weapon


research basics every designer should know

why user iammmpearl/why-user-research-is-essential-before-building-products-ab2bdedba078/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">research is essential before building products


all the hype and smoke about robotaxi — alexanderpanboy/all-the-hype-and-smoke-about-robotaxi-avs-and-the-road-ahead-69d07c3990a0/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">avs and the road ahead

💵 why is the mac mini power button on the bottom?


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UX Digest ⭕️

how well does the net promoter score measure likelihood-to-discourage?

ai: ‘without ai question we would have only gotten superficial answers’ — pathway.cc/without-ai-question-we-would-have-only-gotten-superficial-answers-how-pathway-ai-helps-get-08be51450281/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">how pathway ai helps get deeper insights from users without the need for interviews

experience: seven things I’ve learned in seven years as a user experience designer

opinion: furqanqadir/cognitive-resonance-in-interaction-design-leveraging-real-world-metaphors-for-enhanced-user-42076d02f56a/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">cognitive resonance in interaction design — leveraging real-world metaphors for enhanced user engagement


how progressive DesignDepths/simplifying-ux-with-progressive-disclosure-83ff3931d3b0/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">disclosure can simplify your ux design

the 60–30–10 rule — a simple way to create catchy user interfaces


mental models and labels: vpmyers/mental-models-and-labels-a-guide-for-ux-beginners-f89119bd9ec1/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">a guide for ux beginners

iammmpearl/designing-with-users-at-heart-a-journey-to-mastering-ux-design-593e9fa2125b/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">designing with users at heart (a journey to mastering ux design)


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UX Digest ⭕️

human-centered design: an ecological perspective on users

ai: jm.lewes/researchops-ramblings-can-we-call-time-on-ai-slop-304a3fe14d70/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">researchops ramblings — can we call ‘time’ on ai slop?

case study: design thinking aswathy2204/design-thinking-applications-at-the-albany-childrens-hospital-case-study-analysis-5db6affd3ab4/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">applications at the albany childrens’ hospital

fresh articles by nielsen norman group:

ai features must solve real user problems

the rhetorical triangle for stakeholders: make your point and get your way

🎥 types of surveys to run throughout the design process

🎥 should ux be in sprint reviews?


dropdown menus — building better content hierarchies

psychology of taps: 5 essential mobile ux do’s & don’ts

alternatives to typical technical illustrations and data visualisations


usability testing: the complete guide

measuring user experience

the hidden truths of ux research: asking better questions, getting real answers


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UX Digest ⭕️

the power of user narratives: DrUrvashi.Sharma/the-power-of-user-narratives-phenomenology-in-user-research-and-service-design-5c5a1e157ea8/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">phenomenology in user research and service design

💵 how to bring up inconvenient feedback, or when user insights aren’t about design

prototyping: 5-minute cognitive ergonomics — memory

ai: alek.p.walker/ux-marks-the-spot-designing-for-different-personas-with-ai-c493f25a3f20">ux marks the spot — designing for different personas with ai

opinion: double diamond design process and its variations

case study:

ux of pensatrice/ux-of-louvre-museum-4e3c64f6b957/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">louvre museum



from guessing to knowing — mastering user research

gamification for a step change to user engagement and alsanjay/gamification-for-a-step-change-to-user-engagement-and-tangible-business-value-uplift-e99a9dbed0ab/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">tangible business value uplift

card sorting in ux design


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UX Digest ⭕️

dp-blindness: alanschwegler/dp-blindness-how-users-become-immune-to-deceptive-ux-5f8a5c9d57a1/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">how users become immune to deceptive ux

does the nps properly measure recommending against a brand?

💵 ethical ux engagement

experience: switching from digital marketing to ux — yhtsai.natalie/switching-from-digital-marketing-to-ux-my-journey-and-how-i-found-a-job-in-london-in-one-month-7fc10d93d12c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">my journey and how i found a job in london in one month

process: design thinking + lean ux + agile = ❤️

prototyping: the power of design psychology — kunaluxui/the-power-of-design-psychology-crafting-meaningful-user-experiences-1534b0e57fae/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">crafting meaningful user experiences

ai: ai for ux research — how artificial intelligence is changing the design game

career: nail your ux research interview by presenting data like a pro

metrics: a guide for product designers


claralvelos/self-care-the-often-overlooked-skill-in-ux-research-d08cb7a3809a/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">self-care — the often overlooked skill in ux research

the future ayesham/the-future-of-user-interface-ui-3dc27a7dd614/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">of user interface (ui)

case sudy:

yutigandhi765/behind-the-screens-an-ethnographic-study-on-exploring-the-digital-security-practices-150ecfd5bd8b/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">behind the screens — an ethnographic study on exploring the digital security practices

improving conversionadriansanchezgallardo10/case-study-improving-conversion-rates-in-a-banking-apps-non-financial-section-da070aa3faf6/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest"> rates in a banking app’s non-financial section


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UX Digest ⭕️

understanding phenomenology:DrUrvashi.Sharma/understanding-phenomenology-insights-from-husserl-and-heidegger-2c4ac33b024d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest"> insights from husserl and heidegger

when to do ux research, and when to skip it

elisavolpato/how-do-you-call-this-chart-a7e495938f53/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">how do you call this chart?

process: decoding.research/ux-research-team-metrics-c7595698e3b7/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">ux research team metrics

metrics: designing product murthy.1809/designing-product-metrics-with-a-heart-efd1aeeeb428/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">metrics with a heart

prototyping: the psychology of buttons — what makes users click?

ai: AntonioJSCoelho/the-mobile-ai-interaction-shift-from-utility-to-intuition-7ad40f54dc30/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">the mobile-ai interaction shift — from utility to intuition

opinion: too much empathy? how compassion can backfire in ux

interesting: prithivkumarr_36680/a-culinary-masterclass-ux-and-the-art-of-engagement-d88823bd9d87/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">a culinary masterclass — ux and the art of engagement

fresh articles by nielsen norman group:

product & ux glossary

technology myths and urban legends

🎥 why 90’s designs are coming back

🎥 organize information with "latch"

case study:

fostering ties ingole.ninad1/fostering-ties-between-your-loved-ones-a-case-study-14453b394494/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">between your loved ones

country liquor

a ux strategy to improve recruitment usability


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UX Digest ⭕️

newboldjoe/quant-by-numbers-quantitative-research-methods-surveys-and-analytics-7e2bcedcff03/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">quant by numbers: quantitative research methods, surveys and analytics

mapping cx/ux research competencies to stay human-centered in product development

research: what do users smart_answers/what-do-users-say-about-popular-mobile-apps-for-fitness-1e8f51bb74f8/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">say about popular mobile apps for fitness

ai: can ai replace a killed user researcher?

tool: best usability testing tools to boost user adoption

opinion: how curiosity gap ux principle fuels social media stories


a three-layered approach to accessibility design

design for help, design to discover

case study:

markmonitor domain management

whatsapp view


product decisions are too important to be left to a vote

introvert designers deserve seamless remote ux research

asking the right questions in ux research — what to avoid and what to ask instead


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UX Digest ⭕️

how ux pros win stakeholder buy-In: 7 practical strategies

experience: getting to know faire’s retailers, by becoming one

prototyping: how uber mastered aryamuley679/how-uber-mastered-the-hack-of-ux-design-56248d970163/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">the hack of ux design

ai: 15 chatgpt prompts for digital product research and design in financial ux

opinion: accessibility — the unsexy side of web-design

design: bento box design — A new way to organize your layouts

interesting: accelerate your ux research with notebooklm — gabeweinberg/accelerate-your-ux-research-with-notebooklm-my-experience-as-a-product-designer-e9934751ad90/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">my experience as a product designer


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UX Digest ⭕️

when traditional user research isn’t an option: non-traditional ways to collect insights

analysis of the results of a card sorting test: a detailed approach

should you use the mean or median of the sus?

🗞 weekly: user research is about telling stories

🎥 opinion: researchops ramblings — jm.lewes/researchops-ramblings-democratisation-powering-advocacy-the-one-with-the-video-863fbffdd2b8/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">democratisation powering advocacy

case study: improving infectious disease monitoring in indonesia — dzariyantiasha/improving-infectious-disease-monitoring-in-indonesia-a-user-centered-design-approach-4d30760b0862/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">a user-centered design approach

basics: conducting usability testing

interesting: breaking into ux research — non-traditional paths to success

fresh articles by nielsen norman group:

getting into the discovery mindset

🎥 generalist vs. specialist ux designers

🎥 why use 40 participants in quantitative ux research?


21 ux strategies to maximize user engagement without exploitation

why we need usernames in wallet apps


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UX Digest ⭕️

cracking the code: using emotion bryanne_peterson/cracking-the-code-how-emotional-tagging-unlocks-deeper-insights-from-user-feedback-808b0ab3c261/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">tagging to unlock deeper insights from user feedback

accessibility in ux research

💵 neurodesign series #2: the neuroscience of emotional engagement in ux

ai: what makes a true ai agent? rethinking the pursuit of autonomy

case study: motorcycle rbgreza27/uiux-case-study-motorcycle-rental-app-lingkar-pare-263ef2018078/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">rental app “lingkar pare”

opinion: user research is about telling stories — tannutanwar/user-research-is-about-telling-stories-why-it-matters-and-how-it-works-af4419ec4a2e/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">why it matters and how it works

interesting: how alexanderpanboy/how-wearables-like-apple-vision-pro-and-orion-are-transforming-human-interactions-with-interfaces-95f3c390a77d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">wearables like apple vision pro and orion are transforming human interactions with interfaces — and each other


tips — mahfoosahamed1211/ui-ux-tips-a-guide-to-creating-buttons-a2a713f3eb/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigestef">a guide to creating buttons

ux writing mistakes as horror movie archetypes


case studies in user-centred research: DrUrvashi.Sharma/case-studies-in-user-centred-research-understanding-complex-phenomena-8cccdac48a08/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">understanding complex phenomena

how to effectively talk to users in remote user research


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UX Digest ⭕️

prototyping: beyond blue and white — design language of healthcare

💵 opinion: aggfunes/darkness-is-a-spectrum-5e95fd83e2a5/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">darkness is a spectrum


mitigating StephOKingston/mitigating-ai-in-ux-screeners-with-humanity-and-potatoes-83e732410540/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">ai in ux screeners with humanity (and potatoes)

how ai tools like chatgpt are prajaktabirajdar00/how-ai-tools-like-chatgpt-are-transforming-ui-ux-design-workflows-6dd94f517788/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">transforming ui/ux design workflows

case study:

behind the screens — designing jumbo’s delivery app

zepto — simplifying the grocery aadhavanm8/zepto-simplifying-the-grocery-shopping-experience-with-quick-add-features-a-ux-case-study-63849eca643f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">shopping experience with quick add features


a beginner’s guide to the kano model for product managers

the art and science of user research — understanding your audience

2024 service designer gift guide


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UX Digest ⭕️

cost-effective ux strategies for 2025

how esim enhances connectivity and user experience

💵 the role of neuroscience in ux research: uncovering the cognitive processes behind user behavior

basics: how to beshoymaher.bm10/how-to-moderate-a-usability-testing-session-404b03631eab/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">moderate a usability testing session

interesting: industry struggles and fragmentation in user research — a call for innovation with micorza


six design principles zhouandi0318/six-design-principles-for-reducing-cognitive-load-in-ux-e4ee7e3fa62e/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">for reducing cognitive load in ux

building better user interfaces with data-backed strategies


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UX Digest ⭕️

beyond the research repository

protoryping: exploring the future of voice user interfaces (vui) — Ramshaq/exploring-the-future-of-voice-user-interfaces-vui-the-conversation-thats-taking-over-ux-df2244fecbf9/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">the conversation that’s taking over ux

process: ux ideation techniques to try out in your design process

ai: generative ai ux — developing innovative use cases for the enterprise

experience: sarushi770/user-research-gone-bad-learning-from-industry-failures-9a51ce5d4fd2/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">user research gone bad — learning from industry failures

💵 interesting: why are cars getting bigger and bigger?

fresh articles by nielsen norman group:

the biggest challenges practitioners encounter working in ux

ux and cx merge — the shift from products to journeys

🎥 attitudinal vs. behavioral research

🎥 design systems vs style guides


never skip research day

preparing for user interviews for startup engineers and pms


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UX Digest ⭕️

thematic and interpretative phenomenological analysis in user research — DrUrvashi.Sharma/using-thematic-and-interpretative-phenomenological-analysis-in-user-research-a-storytelling-50825459c0de/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">a storytelling approach

prototyping: embracing flexibility — transitioning to a more adaptable design system

💵 metrics: ux metrics are like beans — continuous, discrete, and binary explained

process: from challenges to opportunities — knjsandeepkumar/from-challenges-to-opportunities-effective-strategies-for-ui-ux-teams-navigating-cross-team-67d2e11b12e1/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">effective strategies for ui/ux teams navigating cross-team dependencies

💵 ai: accelerating ux research with ai

case study: improving user experience femas375/improving-user-experience-on-noice-mobile-application-d62c78f3da4e/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">on noice mobile application

opinion: research by the sea — benjaminparry/research-by-the-sea-a-research-plan-f052480aa869/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">a research plan

design: content design practices for sustainable communication in tech

basics: 5 steps to run effective remote usability tests

interesting: design thinking — the five processes — the ideation stage


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UX Digest ⭕️

boost ux and drive conversions with junaedasif/boost-ux-and-drive-conversions-with-effective-information-architecture-aaa3a7956b45/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">effective information architecture

merwynw/ux-maturity-of-ux-practitioners-7e25166d22b2/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">ux maturity of ux practitioners

💵 prototyping: design for the enemy — ux lessons from video games

design: turning Intent into action — how the create action funnel empowers ux design

interesting: seamless service — what ux can learn from high-end dining


bridging the digital divide — technology’s role in advancing health equity during medicaid renewals

💵 this is how non-researchers swaynprakashapatra/this-is-how-non-researchers-can-unlock-game-changing-ux-insights-44dc00913ac4/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">can unlock game-changing ux insights


you shall not pass… without discovery — gaston2115/you-shall-not-pass-without-discovery-the-roi-of-product-research-21cc672d6677/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">the roi of product research

moderated testing: definition, process, and best practices

understanding ux laws and cognitive biases across popular websites


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UX Digest ⭕️

how apple and amazon codeAbit/how-apple-and-amazon-reduce-cognitive-load-for-optimal-user-experience-a902cadf26aa/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">reduce cognitive load for optimal user experience

what to do when users are out of reach

incorporating clutter in the supr-q measurement framework

💵 ux and the psychology of anticipation

prototyping: thumb navigation — in mobile usability ux research

ai: jm.lewes/researchops-ramblings-can-we-call-time-on-ai-slop-304a3fe14d70/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">researchops ramblings — can we call ‘time’ on ai slop?

case study: redesigning a document management portal

opinion: lessons from animal death — a lively take on user research

design: humanizing the design system for better inclusivity

interesting: buyer and payer

fresh articles by nielsen norman group:

alt text: not always needed

what is user experience (and what is it not)?

🎥 cookie permissions: 5 common user types

🎥 ux goals vs. okrs vs. kpis


ultimate guide for a/b testing

design thinking: the five processes — the define stage

mastering heuristic evaluation for better ux


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UX Digest ⭕️

kamranmadatli/designing-for-accessibility-77248bcddc7f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">designing for accessibility

experience: navigating the shift — asmitakumar97/navigating-the-shift-my-journey-from-design-to-ux-research-b35d581caf01/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">my journey from design to ux research

opinion: monapathania/rethinking-ux-the-importance-of-purpose-over-clicks-073819f2dab4/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">rethinking ux — the importance of purpose over clicks!

case study: jsteph08/vr-user-experience-research-lost-recipes-case-study-e4021dc0f42a/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">vr user experience research — lost recipes case study


enhancing ux through ai: a transformative partnership

how to design the perfect search ux — key principles and real-life examples

what to do if a page on your website arshanazeem/what-to-do-if-a-page-on-your-website-keeps-redirecting-visitors-to-the-home-page-2e7b2c8aed0c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">keeps redirecting visitors to the home page


ai-generated synthetic research — garbage in, garbage out

adwaid10/we-are-using-chatgpt-in-wrong-ways-c0873a13394d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">we are using chatgpt In wrong ways… here’s how to outshine 99% of chatgpt users


are the users always right? a case against over reliance on user research

mastering ux research: from surveys to usability testing

quantitative vs qualitative research


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UX Digest ⭕️

8 essential metrics for click testing

confirming the perceived website clutter questionnaire (pwcq)

creating usable information architecture

product design process

case study: subsco —sonali.singhal0811/subsco-simplifying-subscription-management-a-ux-case-study-66904d72fd71/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest"> simplifying subscription managemen


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what is product management really about?Vendh/what-is-product-management-really-about-breaking-down-the-basics-and-beyond-8809ca9c7fbb/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest"> breaking down the basics and beyond

mastering the customer journey map

artekusbro/the-4-most-important-laws-of-ux-design-9e937df3def9/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">the 4 most important laws of ux design


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UX Digest ⭕️

a good design is a good essay

how to fix confusing docs and products

the role of information architecture in driving user engagement

prototyping: why ignoring accessibility in your design swaynprakashapatra/why-ignoring-accessibility-in-your-design-makes-you-a-bad-designer-aefe8a1e0d10/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">makes you a bad designer

ai: testing ui usability with ai in just seconds!

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research plans: organize, document, inform

screening participants for user-research studies

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🎥 ux roadmap tool tradeoffs

case study:

user-centric design of the cinescope cinema mobile app

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UX Digest ⭕️

content design and user research: a love story

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interview: elevating researchers to holistic product leadership

opinion: rethinking the purpose of ux design in the era of digital addictions

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sanem —sakshi_valecha/sanem-the-grocer-1a8bbb2c260d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest"> the grocer

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UX Digest ⭕️

where ux meets comedy: ririnagao/where-ux-meets-comedy-how-research-informs-great-storytelling-e59b4019ba29/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">how research informs great storytelling

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UX Digest ⭕️

engaging hard to reach populations

building a website clutter questionnaire

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ai: chatbots vs. traditional customer support — which is the future of customer service?

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accelerators maximize efficiency in user interfaces

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competing for user attention. how distraction-driven products lead to failures and promote unsafe behaviors

choice is not the enemy

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strengthening ux research amid uncertainty

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designing a platform where kindness gets you hired

new ai user onboarding


the user experience of developer tools

what if ux prioritized auldyn.matthews/what-if-ux-prioritized-the-subjective-over-the-quantifiable-98afb8be7002/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">the subjective over the quantifiable?


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UX Digest ⭕️

beyond words — how visual cues and props can transform user research

the dot voting technique for prioritization of features with end-users (virtual)

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opinion: build trust, not hostility

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strategic user research framework for complex products

the role of empathy in ux design — understanding your users


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establishing the ‘customer advisory board’ for ux research

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what you get with specific sample sizes in ux problem discovery studies

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opinion: digital leaders, stop saying ‘job’ when you mean ‘task’

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the role of user interviews in product development: insights and techniques


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