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A regular selection of the best UX posts from English-language resources. Not only fresh articles with author's comments, but also a library of useful materials! Russian materials are collected here @uxhorn Write on both channel: @lightmaker

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UX Digest ⭕️

User experience and ROI: a case for investment

9 tips to help survey respondents understand what you’re asking (and feel understood by you)

Decision fatigue: The hidden enemy of User Experience

Tool: What Dovetail does and does not do

Process: Designing for success — Integrating OKRs into your UX Process

Design: maridr/designing-for-the-user-the-top-10-user-psychology-considerations-c883c020f729/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Designing for the user — The top 10 user psychology considerations

Marketing: ChatGPT and implications for market research

Interesting: The hidden complexity of bank cards


Why design thinking doesn’t work?

User Experience is NOT an industry


What I learned after 5 years being UX Researcher

ki.aguero/the-lighter-side-of-ux-research-53e45816c1cb/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">The lighter side of UX Research


ruchi.bakshi/designing-a-research-plan-that-optimises-performance-and-outcomes-7f4020a8f87/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Designing a research plan that optimises performance and outcomes

If you don’t know where to start research, start with PACT

5 best practices when conducting user interviews

Case study:

Improving the tanmaysahu2498/improving-the-user-experience-for-saving-things-on-instagram-4724bd1df78c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">user experience for saving things on Instagram

aaroncjones2001/tracking-album-sales-in-the-music-industry-a-case-study-a3adf3eec615/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Tracking album sales in the music industry


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UX Digest ⭕️

Fact-based ux: desk research

Does thinking aloud affect task metrics?

How loriankieseltaylor/how-accessibility-applies-to-voice-assistants-96d353dfa794/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">accessibility applies to voice assistants

5 ways to ensure optimized survey responses

UX & SEO: An excellent killer combination

🗞Weekly: The potential for AI tools for UX research

Prototyping: 7 abbas25/7-tips-to-make-user-authentication-seamless-for-your-mobile-app-users-625e0594482b/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">tips to make user authentication seamless for your mobile app users

Design: Psychological Insights for UX Design (The paradox of choice)


Valence method — A forgotten method in UX

Why we can’t be lazy about accessibility anymore


UX auditing

A/B testing vs. usability testing

The importance of tobiajayi/the-importance-of-usability-in-creating-successful-products-a9cd6fd5dd85/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">usability in creating successful products


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UX Digest ⭕️

User Research for yomna.ali/user-research-for-responsible-machine-learning-866e4b0a5c94/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">responsible machine learning

The easy brandini.hamza/the-easy-guide-to-creating-a-buyer-persona-ec89d6e53353/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">guide to creating a buyer persona

UX research survival cheatsheet

Experience: I wanted to see shreyajain01/i-wanted-to-see-how-far-i-could-push-myself-creatively-so-i-kick-started-rent-com-35229bfc7a25/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">how far I could push myself creatively. So I kick started Rent.com

💵 Prototyping: Unlimited guide to Dynamic Island

Tool: How to use Dovetail projects to organize insights

Case Study: nazwatk99/kelas-kita-a-ux-case-study-1beaf0e5d7c0/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Kelas Kita

Marketing: How marketers can use heatmaps to improve the website and level up their marketing game

Design: amisikevin/the-state-of-ux-in-2023-bb1cec50597d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">The state of UX in 2023

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Mobile UX: Study Guide

Groupthink in UX work

How to maintain a UX portfolio over time

Design-Pattern guidelines: study guide

🎥 Antipersonas in UX

🎥 Stop Solutioneering (UX Slogan # 18)


Checkout contact_22740/checkout-process-usability-testing-ad3f6ea4a5cd/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">process usability testing

Answer the public series: Why UX Research is important

The tobiajayi/the-psychology-behind-effective-web-design-7bb72f3a0112/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">psychology behind effective web design

Stages of the UX design process or How to start designing an experience

💵 4 UX tips to reduce cognitive overload and burnout in users


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UX Digest ⭕️

alienoghli/measuring-the-user-experience-2931dc459fae/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Measuring the User Experience

How UX Research methods and social media can work together

ricardo.ja.maia/splitting-user-stories-pattern-2-breakdown-complexity-7a8c8893dff3/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Splitting User Stories — Pattern #2: Breakdown complexity

Is storytelling in your toolbox as a UX designer or researcher? cithomaspro/is-storytelling-in-your-toolbox-as-a-ux-designer-or-researcher-5a53f250fea4/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">It should be

How bad UX can impact users’ daily lives

Prototyping: 7 purpose-driven UX tips for your next web-site redesign

Experience: Usability testing for XR products

Design: 7 principles of design psychology every UX Designer should know

Case Study: Exploring fears in the gig economy for a hospitality recruitment platform


What’s the difference between a website and a Star Destroyer? Greebles

aahed/the-importance-of-usability-in-design-892e27e870de/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Ethics of design and the impact of technology on society

When yaelim3/when-math-and-psychology-just-dont-agree-e00f580c1641/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">math and psychology just don’t agree

Innovation ≠ user experience improvement


Everything you need to know to get started in Design Thinking

5 common mistakes product designers make in User Research — Avoid these pitfalls

Three pillars of user experience delight

5 common mistakes to avoid in User Research

5 namir88e/5-user-testing-challenges-and-how-to-overcome-them-9dba66b83c83/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">User testing challenges (and how to overcome them)


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UX Digest ⭕️

UX debt: Meaning, impact, and solutions

How to use the finite population correction

Understanding design utilizations in China: Investigating design award-winning products based on innovation pyramid framework

CX expert Bill Price on creating frictionless customer experiences. What if you could design a customer experience so smooth that customers don't have to contact you?

🗞 Weekly: A Big Announcement..

Analysis: Usability heuristic analysis on the makemytrip com app

Interesting: I love it, I’ll never use it — Exploring factors of product attachment and their effects on sustainable product usage behaviors

Case Study: Get a grip on stress with Grippy! A field study to understand human-wearable partnerships in stress management


Behaviors of novice and expert designers in the design process: From discovery to design

Mastering the art of ideation: strategies for generating creative ideas

Conducting skurt_5606/conducting-secondary-research-in-ux-tesla-92536ce0a1ac/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">secondary research in UX: Tesla

Conducting secondary research in UX: Google

Bigger impacts in organization as a UXR

Building stuff? Focus on user experience no matter what!


UX trends in 2023

The future is passwordless: How biometric authentication and other innovative techniques davidaasilva/the-future-is-passwordless-how-biometric-authentication-and-other-innovative-techniques-are-bbffc01a4add/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">are changing the way we access our accounts


Leveraging ninks/moving-from-academic-research-to-ux-research-6f5829606134/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">academic research skills for UX Research

How I gained a new appreciation for Accessibility as a new mom!


The upper class — Understanding visual hierarchy

Design enters the city — Requisites and points of friction in deepening public sector design


UX Audit — A step by step guide for conducting a UX review with checklist and tips

yunusbahtiar/the-difference-between-ux-user-experience-and-cx-customer-experience-b9b39315dceb/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">The difference between UX (User Experience) and CX (Customer Experience)?

UX Audit: Why it’s valuable, robarmes16/ux-audit-why-its-valuable-the-business-benefits-and-ensuring-users-keep-coming-back-3ecaa293db3c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">the business benefits and ensuring users keep coming back

dakotawelker/an-introduction-to-designing-your-product-with-the-user-emotions-in-mind-bc6eee33287d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">An introduction to designing your product with the user emotions in mind

Step-by-step usability testing for a language app


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UX Digest ⭕️

48 UX Metrics, Methods, & Measurement articles from 2022

10 ways designers and researchers can meaningfully engage with disabled people in 2023

What exactly is it that everyone does, but does it differently when it comes to UX? KubraKundakci/ux-process-ae46183cbcb9/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">UX is the process or way of working

UX metrics series — Part 4: What should I track, when, and how?

All about usability heuristic #2: Match between the system and the real world

Finding a startup idea: 5 evergreen sources of user problems

Interesting: EMScotty/the-ux-of-retro-gaming-burgertime-35bb5282a357/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">The UX of retro gaming — BurgerTime

Case Study: WhatsApp Redesign


The psychology behind effective call-to-action (CTA) buttons

3 easy ways to make your website more accessible


ABCs of UX

What in the heuristics? csimerrick/what-in-the-heuristics-an-intro-to-heuristics-in-ux-8fb189b95bff/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">An intro to heuristics in UX

Market research vs. User Experience research — what are the difference and when to use them?

skurt_5606/step-by-step-usability-testing-ab8c1818a7a/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Step-by-step usability testing


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UX Digest ⭕️

Atomic UX Research

Crafting icebreakers for design research and other fun iterations

doloresmaekivi/alternative-to-classical-ux-research-methods-d78285b38715/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Alternative to classical UX research methods

🗞Weekly: What UX Researchers can learn from therapists

Prototype: alixito/creating-a-user-centered-color-palette-58fb928bd1a2/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Creating a user-centered color palette

Career: A growth mindset – The best New Year’s resolution you can make

Opinion: User feedbakk/user-feedback-is-a-two-way-street-37961c8daed6/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">feedback is a two-way street

Design: Antipersona

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

🎥 It depends (UX Slogan #14)

🎥 UX internships


Most pierluigi.giglio.01_23202/most-common-ux-ui-mistakes-53b48a60eb4c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">common UX/UI mistakes

UX metrics series— Part 1 : Introduction

Case Study:

Create better lalibnu/ux-case-create-better-progressive-learning-section-on-property-fintech-platform-6eefb7adfb0c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">progressive learning section on property fintech platform

visheshakavishi/diabetes-care-case-study-7fdd0a1c4745/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Diabetes Care


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UX Digest ⭕️

UX Research Repositories — A Definitive Guide [2022]

💵 Grading predictions about UX this year

Opinion: Tech_gurl/stop-surprising-your-users-68b65a481167/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Stop surprising your users!

Tool: How to integrate Dovetail with Slack

Design: 10 intangibles of Design

Interesting: Expressing ideas through mind maps


Beyond UX Research — Why and how I changed my research process

How to design gllorenz/how-to-design-a-ux-research-test-collaboratively-24937805fec5/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">a UX test collaboratively (by UX designers)


The power of User Psychology — Create irresistible CTA’s

How UX Research can eliminate many mistakes


The science of User Experience

alvin_67836/a-complete-guide-on-user-experience-73b20503e2c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">A complete guide — what is User Experience

An overlapping concept, UX vs UI, what’s the difference?

Why is hello.insanz/why-is-ux-research-so-important-a52a17f148c6/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">UX Research so important?

Creating a s.divya17/creating-a-user-friendly-information-architecture-5c1b1a186db1/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">user-friendly information architecture

Case Study:

Stop Smoking App

Helping rahul.ag399/helping-students-take-career-decision-a-ux-case-study-30e4b512f31d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">students take career decision

aybarsgungor/e-commerce-website-redesign-an-ironhack-ux-ui-design-bootcamp-project-88caa226f395/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Redesign of E-commerce Website


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UX Digest ⭕️

Top Product Management and UX Articles of 2022

Stop using user personas, and start talking to people

UX and NPS benchmarks of restaurant reservation websites (2022)

4 habits User Researchers can learn from therapists — Looppanel

UX Audit: how sandra.nevska/ux-ui-audit-how-to-get-a-design-brief-done-without-a-workshop-and-high-cost-research-5efcb33b4c7a/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">to get a design brief done without a workshop and high-cost research

xperienzRD/raising-awareness-for-web-accessibility-infographic-international-day-of-persons-with-77b203ec4ceb/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">Raising awareness for web accessibility [Infographic] — International day of persons with disabilities

💵 Understanding workflow interviews, one of the best 5-minute reality checks from users

Experience: Doing user research in prisons

Opinion: What lies ahead for UX Writing

Prototyping: Empty states — 5 practical tips for designers

Design: alinaverzhykivska/beautiful-is-not-always-comfortable-f7be1b9302a8/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">Beautiful is not always comfortable


Bulletproof user research plan template

Advice regarding data analysis to junior UX Researchers

UX Research methods — didyoungj_40868/ux-research-methods-user-interviews-b8440d1a6711/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">User interviews

o.flores/what-is-an-insight-bfcc684c6c04/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">What is an insight?

How to choose the right research methodology(-ies) for your project

Case Study:

Planning research to reduce the drop-off rate: pramitaputri/planning-research-to-reduce-the-drop-off-rate-study-case-for-amoeba-virtual-internship-2f31f129847/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">Study case for Amoeba virtual internship

Enhancing urgent care and emergency care services in the USA — HealthFul

emmajkopec/giving-bumble-users-what-they-want-9e67dbce4c4c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">Giving Bumble users what they want

Understanding big bills: The patients behind the numbers

Ecommerce or practitioners website

Recreating the unexpected interactions of live music

adalvin12/a-cafe-seat-booking-app-cafein-955bf5b5e625/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">Designing a cafe seat reservation app for those who work from cafes

Wrexham vs. Twitter: a study in contrasts

Redesigning a breaking Twitter

Redesign My JNE App


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UX Digest ⭕️

UX research housekeeping

🗞 Weekly: The state of UX in 2023

UXR career transitioner guide (the list of books, articles, videos, podcasts, etc)

6 key rules of asking questions in UX Research and beyond

Experience: Don’t you have a prototype to show me? UX researcher’s tale of woe and tips on recruiting B2B participants

Marketing: yuxiangli57/hmi-ux-marketing-study-79bd754eb44c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">HMI UX Marketing study

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

It’s time we addressed time-zone selectors

Supercharge UX Research by automating workflows and repetitive tasks

🎥 Checklist for moderating a user test

🎥 Users are not lazy (UX Slogan #10)

🎥 Internal vs. external validity in UX-Study design


designerhiten/bharat-the-unexplored-india-ed4fac805e4f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Understanding the next billion users

Future banking trends 2023: Democratizing the financial experience


aditiphatak/a-fail-safe-guide-to-moderating-research-sessions-fe760766b2df/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">A fail-safe guide to moderating research sessions

Generating insights from qualitative research

How to conduct user research with a prototype

Case Study:

A good user experience is vincent.mathis/a-good-user-experience-is-sometimes-just-about-reassurance-a3eebc49e1cf/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">sometimes just about reassurance

How harish.temker/ux-case-study-how-to-use-the-design-thinking-process-on-a-non-digital-product-ecd68e719ada/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">to use the Design Thinking process on a non-digital product?

Design challenge to improve erica.johnson.chakraverty/ux-case-study-design-challenge-to-improve-the-experience-in-public-hospitals-in-france-5c85114534f0/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">the experience in public hospitals in France

jss7274/muse-labyrinths-and-repeat-f745e32d8a71/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Muse: Labyrinths and Repeat


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UX Digest ⭕️

Tree testing: A complete guide

Qualitative analysis — 1911research/qualitative-analysis-explanation-of-the-more-common-techniques-2083e48f9790/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Explanation of the more common techniques

Does Thinking Aloud increase task time?

7 pie charts that aidanmcmurray/7-pie-charts-that-explain-consumer-behavior-in-ecommerce-18f414bda944/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">explain consumer behavior in eCommerce

What to have prepared so you nail your next UX design or research phone screen

5 ways to measure your product’s UX

Microcopy matters: The UX Designer’s guide to writing better copy

wmurango/handling-negative-feedback-e89d09eff13c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Handling negative feedback

Prototyping: 12 tips for designing an eCommerce home page to increase sales

Experience: Conducting User Research for social good project in Croatia

Analysis: What’s up with Whatsapp's poll?

💵 Beginners: OKR and UX — Examples and Resources


Scaling UX teams through ResearchOps

How we do user interviews at Bravo

jan.seifert/operationalising-your-ux-kpis-78921745a392/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Operationalising your UX KPIs


Why User Experience is key to digital Marketing success — What marketers need to know

How to effectively measure customer experience & what to do to improve it?


Why User Experience Honeycomb is important?

Why is it ekankshya/why-is-it-critical-for-designers-to-embrace-liberal-arts-alongside-their-other-empathies-fafd1917cdb/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">critical for designers to embrace liberal arts alongside their other “empathies”?

Case Study:

Make the search experience better on the student platform

48 hours revamping UX Journey — punnaanilkumar96/48-hours-revamping-ux-journey-a-designathon-case-study-6dfc8b11a05a/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">A Designathon


Career Fair Plus app — martina.turjak/career-fair-plus-app-solving-existing-interface-and-user-experience-problems-6612b6b8e345/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">solving existing interface and user experience problems

19nilesh.kumar/making-the-terrace-user-friendly-d97c1640ff5f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Making the Terrace user friendly


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UX Digest ⭕️

Creating usability with motion: The UX in motion manifesto

How to design for human aging: 5 methods for inclusive digital experiences

3 things you can do today crossiUX/3-things-you-can-do-today-to-get-more-traction-from-ux-research-83e751302746/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">to get more impact from UX research

A UX Nightmare: When annebinhack/a-ux-nightmare-when-poor-user-experience-obscures-local-election-results-39c21b2d1e4d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">poor user experience obscures local election results

Prototyping: Designing effective UX for human eyes

Tools: Best UX tools for UX Researchers

Experience: Becoming a UX Writer for my Mom. Someone closely related to you can motivate you into a career that helps you become a better person

💵 Opinion: Storyboards are one of the most effective ways to envision a product’s future

Design: 6 mandatory Design Books 2022 — UI UX Designer Edition

Interesting: User Experience in music. A yesmanshiva/user-experience-in-music-fb9c748f7d14/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">historical overview of how the masses have shaped the music we make

Beginners: SupreetSays/how-to-talk-to-your-users-58ff055e8a5d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">How to talk to your users?

Case Study:

carinatorquato/soul-case-study-73788f04879c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Soul. Web and mobile web app

The carinatorquato/the-dreaming-cake-case-study-bf205d170c26/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Dreaming Cake

Revamping the User Experience of the rohankul/case-study-revamping-the-user-experience-of-the-dominos-app-9108975a094c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Domino’s App

carinatorquato/snack-n-time-case-study-4fbbaa42cdac/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Snack N’ Time

Medi-CALL digital health clinic App

Pet Care Mobile App


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UX Digest ⭕️

Twenty free online resources to practice your UX writing skills

The User Experience of meeting software — 2022

Customer avatar research (but not the old way)

Representation in UX Research aurora.alparaz/representation-in-ux-research-participant-recruiting-446a4678bf84/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">participant recruiting

UXR cheat sheet: Data collection & analysis

How does your team measure UX quality?

User Personas:

Part 1 — How to design interventions saikumar_742/user-personas-how-to-design-interventions-for-customers-at-the-bottom-of-the-pyramid-part-1-f14c3fb35390/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">for customers at the bottom of the pyramid?

Part 2 — How saikumar_742/in-my-previous-article-i-have-written-about-what-is-a-user-persona-1b0aea504c91/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">to create User Personas?

Career: How to optimise your UX research CV / Resume

🗞 Weekly: Evaluating UX in Robots

Opinion: User Experience — the invisible yet andrea.migliorini/user-experience-the-invisible-yet-essential-skill-for-digital-copywriters-1d41abdf4b99/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">essential skill for copywriters

Marketing: 3 things brands should know about the way people shop today

Design: The importance of cognition in User Experience — Attention

Interesting: Bharat Muni’s Natya Shastra — The craft of creating VR experience

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

The usability of augmented reality

The Wizard of Oz method in UX

🎥 UX Researchers, we like to watch (UX Slogan #16)

🎥 Make it easy (UX Slogan #8)

🎥 Six levels of UX maturity


Automating ResearchOps

7 steps to find almonacidandreea/7-steps-to-find-the-ux-pain-points-of-your-product-82df62ddf03c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">the real UX pain points of your product


vicdearanzeta/talking-research-8f380fa010d1/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Talking Research

How I started UX hlujayn/how-i-started-ux-when-i-didnt-know-anything-7faf20007d45/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">when I didn’t know anything

atforseth/lessons-learned-from-user-interviews-24f1cdf5b106/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Lessons learned from User Interviews


Here are Abeee/here-are-what-ux-methods-to-use-and-when-to-use-them-ux-research-cheat-sheet-2bbff767342b">what UX methods to use and when to use them (UX Research cheat sheet)

Quick tips for designing proper surveys in UX Research

Best UX process of 2022?

AB testing our hadleyb/ab-testing-our-way-into-oblivion-b7f31113e7f6/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">way into Oblivion

COM-B: Using behavioural psychology in UX

larahocheiser/does-how-you-present-your-user-research-matter-acf25fc8f30a/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Does how you present your user research matter?

Case Study:

UX Challenge: Live and audio streaming features on Vidio mobile app

Designing a gauravbiswas1402/designing-a-useful-product-for-the-kitchen-design-thinking-project-909b4e18f038/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">useful product for the kitchen | Design Thinking Project

aureliardh/ux-research-case-study-tiket-com-958aafde928/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">tiket dot com

Revamping the user experience rohankul/case-study-revamping-the-user-experience-of-the-car-connect-app-f7821a1fd1dc/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">of the Car Connect App

Night Login Website

Analyzing the antoine.moutiez/wireframing-challenge-66e57c82851/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">UGC Direct app booking experience

jionrohmawan/research-case-study-mybluebird-apps-7ec77771ab01/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">MyBluebird Apps

UI/UX Mock Test: faraaahns/ui-ux-mock-test-ticketed-77f211c26b/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Ticketed

rahulagnihotri94/medela-app-ux-case-study-112f0076203f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Medela App-UX case study


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UX Digest ⭕️

Effect of Thinking Aloud on UX metrics: A review of the evidence

gabrielamilewski/how-to-adapt-products-to-the-cultural-nuances-of-users-3a557137cbed/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">How to adapt products to the cultural nuances of users? Lessons from the field: running contextual inquiries in a product trip

Accessibility in UX Writing

💵 How to get the most out of App Store feedback with Airtable. Desk research with feedback analysis

Prototyping: Updated Apple Watch UI library, interactions with effects and more

Opinion: A lindseykerrdesign/a-handoff-between-ux-research-and-design-not-so-much-12b5d772b1f9/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">handoff between UX Research and Design? Not so much

💵 Interesting: WebflowConf Review


How we developed our repository strategy

What a robbery taught me about DadaDesigner/what-a-robbery-taught-me-about-validating-assumptions-in-ux-2e211a180829/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">validating assumptions in UX


Card sorting in product design

Product Management 101 — Do’s and Don’ts of User Interviews


Why human psychology is the most important aspect of UX design?

DOOR3Dev/user-experience-design-vs-product-design-f4e7f00a1a61/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">User Experience Design vs Product Design

It is over with simple design — nikamr/it-is-over-with-simple-design-your-users-are-different-f9ca7854f8e6/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">your users are different

💵 The heuristics of Neurodesign. A guide to design for the brain with intention and results

Study Case:

Cab Booking App

How SandeepSingh/case-study-how-to-provide-community-based-job-coaching-and-employability-skills-to-new-college-c008b5f03dab/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">to provide community-based job coaching and employability skills to new college graduates

CryptoSaif. chukwulobechika/ux-case-study-for-cryptosaif-d383d99d8db1/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">A portfolio Tracking App

Responsive E-commerce

Responsive szucspanni/responsive-website-case-study-for-ironhack-bootcamp-7d0683e5274/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">web design for an art and music Therapist


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UX Digest ⭕️

ki.aguero/real-talk-from-a-ux-researcher-66b0141794bb/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Real talk from a UX researcher

The value of qualitative, comparative UX Research

How to use creative thinking in user research

Consumer software UX and NPS benchmarks (2022)

The Web3 User Experience

Using data-driven analytics to improve your site’s User Experience

The relationship between visual design and user experience design

ResearchOps: User Recruitment

Hustling for research participants. Finding participants when (spoiler) even a specialist agency tell you they can’t help

💵 UX Guides: Define the product and start a validated learning process

🗞 Weekly: The emerging role of VP of UX

Prototyping: Dashboard design — yunusbahtiar/dashboard-design-considerations-and-best-practices-9dd15381ce10/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Considerations and best practices

Experience: How I transitioned into UX Research

Design: Using Hick’s Law in product design

Developers: Designing better developer interfaces (DI)


There are mlhedwards/there-are-two-types-of-user-researchers-b301b710f51c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">two types of user researcher

Why Agile teams shouldn’t be speaking to users every week


Breaking rosemeredith/breaking-into-ux-research-as-a-junior-da23917eeca7/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">into UX research as a junior

Empathy in UX

Microcopy: 4 useful frameworks to keep in mind

Case Study:

Redesigning the player pages for the OneFootball app

How Revolut uses contextual onboarding to keep users engaged

christasmr/the-village-of-oak-park-case-study-ad2672ef1610/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">The Village of Oak Park


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UX Digest ⭕️

A big list of User Research tools

Measuring cognitive load with a tapping test

Data-driven UX writing: what is it and how do you do it?

Google researchers’ tips on research repositories

5 steps for UX Researchers to successfully negotiate priorities and timelines with stakeholders

Reflecting on designing for the B2B industry

Experience: I’m a researcher — here’s why I work at Meta

Prototyping: 5 ahmad.mo.rashed/5-tips-to-improve-your-animation-in-your-design-f55a9dd0ca72/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">animation tips that will enhance your designs

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Measuring DesignOps with the REACH metrics framework

UX-Stakeholder engagement 101

🎥 Common fate: Gestalt principle for user interface design

🎥 Community ecommerce


How to create sonali_shivam/how-to-create-the-best-user-research-plan-a6d65d5717f4/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">the best user research plan

How UX researchers can turn qualitative research data into usable, meaningful insights

Why your product team needs a research repository

10 gladmug/10-basic-principles-of-good-ux-ddfa4b4cc099/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">basic principles of good UX

Case Study:


rahajenganandari/ux-research-case-study-tiket-com-6ac57f7dd9b8/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">tiket com


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UX Digest ⭕️

Continuous research: trends not to be ignored in 2023

7 learnings from interviewing vulnerable respondents in UX Research

What chat GPT can (and cannot) do for UX Research

Analytics are leaving out user intent: UX benchmarking can help

For more ainsleigh/for-more-impactful-ux-strategy-use-futures-thinking-4d69289bb718/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">impactful UX strategy, use futures thinking

💵 Important UX KPIs and how to measure them

🗞 Weekly: Increase impact with an internal UXR newsletter

Experience: How did isikcimilli/how-did-baby-sitting-improve-my-user-research-skills-8aa421135d2d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">baby-sitting improve my user research skills?

💵 Interesting: Unlocking the potential of AI tools with UX research

Opinion: loginradius/security-and-user-experience-can-the-two-co-exist-loginradius-blog-beef239186e0/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Security and User Experience — Can the two co-exist?

Book: Don’t make me think — jasminephong/dont-make-me-think-30-ways-to-improve-user-experience-8a78adaae1bd/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">30+ ways to improve user experience


You need to understand cognitive bias in UX

Fitt’s Law 🐳: The secret to making your interface Lightning-Fast🌩️

rishita.mukherjeee/need-for-a-better-notification-system-to-combat-digital-stress-f756b669edfb/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Need for a better notification system to combat digital stress

Product and UX: it’s time ki.aguero/product-and-ux-its-time-to-turn-your-empathy-into-action-f1331e9701e5/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">to turn your empathy into action

The stakeholder interview: A critical step in the UX design process


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UX Digest ⭕️

Maximizing User Experience through multidisciplinary research: The benefits of incorporating psychology and sociology

Applying Rasch analysis to UX Research

Disability-engaged research: Capturing invisibilized access needs

🗞Weekly: Increase impact with an internal UXR newsletter

Career: swatiepanda/how-i-cracked-the-google-ux-researcher-loop-94278c6ad6bb/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">How I cracked the Google UX Researcher loop

Design: Push notification best practices — 7 questions designers should ask


Say YES to user onboarding

a11ycompass/storefront-accessibility-852247eb0a4b/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Storefront Accessibility


Don’t ask your users to design for you

Fundamentals of user personas


Better qualitative analysis

User interview: Essential guide

Top 7 user research myths you should stop believing in 2023

Defend your why's and learn how to prepare for a user interview


Читать полностью…

UX Digest ⭕️

Mental models — how your users really think

Research and insights in 2023 – Ray’s Predictions

Process: How to tell the user’s story and get your team excited about UX

Opinion: Changes in UX research for a post covid world

Case Study: Building paulvjohn/building-trust-through-transparent-communication-ux-case-study-9ffb5fe91798/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">trust through transparent communication

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

How practitioners create journey maps: Typical uses, roles, and methods

Personas are living documents: Design them to evolve

🎥 Infinite scrolling: When to use it, when to avoid it

🎥 This is too easy to understand (UX Slogan #17)


A alienoghli/a-survey-of-user-experience-research-dfff03c5ffba/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">survey of User Experience research

UX philosophy or linc.effect/ux-philosophy-or-who-are-ux-researcher-6312fc23520f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">who are UX Researcher

uttamdeb670/are-users-just-numbers-fe1da09ad14d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Are users just numbers?

Get those insights into minds! Make your UX ashley.dibattista/ux-your-ux-data-make-your-data-easy-to-understand-ddf8b08a9303/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">insights easy to understand


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UX Digest ⭕️

The four themes that defined UX Research in 2022

dariahlopova/the-future-of-ux-research-and-emerging-trends-in-the-field-587bf781ec12/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">The future of UX research and emerging trends in the field

How to facilitate UX design buibriana/how-to-facilitate-ux-design-workshops-with-stakeholders-773bf15add32/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">workshops with stakeholders

Top 6 free UX Research courses in 2023

How to set up a UX repository from scratch as a UX researcher

How to build a clean taxonomy for your UX repository

Our go-to books for user research

6 web accessibility tips every content manager should know

10 types of cognitive bias to watch out for in UX research & design

💵 Stakeholder Interviews — The ultimate guide to understanding your client

🗞Weekly: Year in review

Experience: Things I wish I knew when I became a founder — product discovery

Opinion: What green eggs and ham and UX Research have in common

Design: 5 psychology concepts used in UX design

Interesting: The dark side of jnblatz/the-dark-side-of-accessibility-at-theme-parks-d74af67bca4a/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">accessibility at theme parks

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

The state of mobile user experience

User-Experience quiz: 2022 UX Year in review

🎥 Connectedness: Gestalt principle for user interface design

🎥 Not all UX trends are right for you


How to create effective, quality surveys using UX heuristics and principles

maria.fafouti/start-with-inclusive-design-59d8e6892297/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Start with inclusive design

How to conduct a mobile app usability test

10 powerful User Research tips every UX researcher needs to know in 2023

yaroslav.mako/how-to-find-participants-for-ux-interviews-free-method-db50d2ebdb8d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">How to find participants for UX Interviews? Free method

Usability testing: A how-to guide

6 behzadface/6-common-mistakes-to-avoid-in-user-interviews-b8dbc467005a/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">common mistakes to avoid in user interviews

Case Study:

helen_chinweike/waste-management-system-ux-research-case-study-dd1a5488222f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Waste management system

How to increase eliemajorel/how-to-increase-user-engagement-on-linkedin-by-using-the-stepps-framework-4d0a991f1ba4/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">user engagement on LinkedIn by using the STEPPS framework?


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UX Digest ⭕️

Make sure what oraddaoui/make-sure-what-youre-erecting-is-not-a-ux-house-of-cards-69ae8e4f0441/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">you’re erecting is not a UX house of cards

Use of AI in UX

Competitive analysis: StephanieMargaret/competitive-analysis-your-most-important-tool-c8b5d7fdf88e/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">your most important tool

UX metrics series — Behavioral metrics. Part 1 Introduction lies here


Increasing user’s convertion rate through review credibility feature

5 e-commerce ux best practices for conversions in 2023

3 easy ways to make your website more accessible


Too pushy with your Push Notifications!

How NOT to conduct User Research?


6 fundamental UX design principles you must know

I traveled 12,701 Kms to learn UX writing from alpacas

Case Study:

vartistudio2019/case-study-varti-studio-identity-and-website-design-87c59eb244cf/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Varti Studio. Identity and website design

A digital solution for enhancing healthcare operations for home nurses — debaratighosh549/nursemed-app-a-digital-solution-for-enhancing-healthcare-operations-for-home-nurses-5e2812741bf9/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">NurseMed App


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UX Digest ⭕️

Affordances and signifiers in UX

Usability heuristics in critical systems — 7# flexibility and efficiency of use

💵 4 levels of UX Research democratisation

Experience: We used UX Research after an Accessibility audit. Here’s what happened

Process: Hunting the UX unicorn, why one role in UX is not enough

Tool: Meet Ballpark – The new product research platform by Marvel


The UX of Christmas

How Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence are intertwined


Types of writing for User Interface

Information Architecture — darko.stankovic/information-architecture-what-is-it-and-how-to-create-one-bf05ea48bfac/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">What is it, and how to create one?


What, When and Why hello.insanz/what-when-and-why-use-generative-research-7d78170ed7bf/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">use generative research?

Adlib — The latest technique in my UX research toolbox

Usability testing — Unmoderated and Moderated

10 User Research techniques for UX Designers [Beginner Guide]


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UX Digest ⭕️

6 objections to user research and how to overcome them, with Teresa Torres

All about usability heuristic #1: Radhika.design/all-about-usability-heuristic-1-visibility-of-system-status-50e252522e41/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Visibility of system status

🗞 Weekly: Automating UX research workflows

Prototyping: Navigating complex UX projects — What you should know

Process: Why do you need ontology in your company?

Opinion: Is there minhtien303/is-there-a-bias-for-form-over-function-in-product-design-b73531fec9db/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">a bias for form over function in product design?

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Psychology for UX: study guide

How much time does it take to create a Journey Map?

🎥 Closure: Gestalt principle for user interface design

🎥 The Metaverse and User Experience


Usability testing tip — avoid words such as “test”,”right or wrong”, “worry”, “hurt”

🎥 Game a week: Teaching students to prototype

Case Study:

Creating mgillanders56/ux-ui-case-study-creating-a-hiking-dating-app-in-seattle-8683a2377e49/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">a hiking dating app in Seattle

An attempt to gauravpavan13/ux-case-study-an-attempt-to-redesign-nykaas-streaming-and-improve-dau-daily-active-users-and-96f8efd84311/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">redesign Nykaa’s streaming and improve DAU and ACV in 48 hours

Can design thinking be used sayleekir/case-study-can-design-thinking-be-used-to-optimise-your-balcony-a2873095d52a/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">to optimise your balcony?



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UX Digest ⭕️

Design ethics: ubxd/design-ethics-the-importance-of-doing-right-by-your-users-4fb5d9cdd3e3/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">the importance of ‘doing right’ by your users

Growing in UX (spoiler: resources - Bitesize UX, Curiosity Tank, UserWeekly)

Analysis: pedram.behnood/findings-about-spotify-using-ux-review-c987350fa8ae/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Findings about Spotify using UX review

Design: UX design ritikkhare31/ux-design-from-a-lens-of-social-psychology-21a37b5a638f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">from a lens of social psychology

Tool: How to create a custom transcription vocabulary in DoveTail

Interesting: 10 ThomasStokes.UX/10-gifts-for-ux-researchers-under-25-f9e637853ec7/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">gifts for UX Researchers under $25


sironij/service-blueprint-system-a-collaborative-tool-for-process-visualisation-a74e01d765c8/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Service Blueprint system

How to improve your UX hiring process


Starting out as a User Researcher: Seeing the whole picture

How to do User Experience (UX) Research?

6 User Research methods & when to use them

Case Study:

How can we improve the Flutter experience for desktop?

Creating a conversation about bridgette.east/creating-a-conversation-about-mental-health-in-the-medical-field-a-ux-case-study-baf24b865ad9/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">mental health in the medical field

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Enhancing vanshika.bitthariya/ux-case-study-enhancing-user-experience-of-the-terrace-749e52281c97/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">User Experience of the terrace


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UX Digest ⭕️

How dariahlopova/how-to-evaluate-the-frequency-of-problems-found-during-usability-testing-8ae3615fd618/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">to evaluate the frequency of problems found during usability testing?

Discovery Research — Interview guide (+50 questions)

The process of mehtr085/the-process-of-narrowing-down-research-ba081d243997/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">narrowing down research

The future of UX Writing: Trends and predictions

Bad UX Writing: 5 mistakes to avoid

Prototyping: 9 usability errors and how to avoid them

Experience: My graciousme4real/my-dive-into-product-design-a-study-of-design-thinking-493474176556/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">dive into product design — A study of Design Thinking

Case Study: Designing a mukherjee.souharda/ux-ui-case-study-designing-a-better-betting-experience-40f67ce96a2b/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">better betting experience


Democratizing User Research to innovate and refine digital products

4 common UX mistakes organisations make


Stop dividing generative and evaluative research

Why Artificial Intelligence saagarshrest/why-artificial-intelligence-needs-good-user-experience-44b4b6572fa8/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">(AI) needs good User Experience?

f3r4.mac/ux-vs-ui-here-we-are-again-73e6b1af2d77/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">UX vs UI. Here we are. Again.


rasolanicole/starting-with-user-research-e19a6782507/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">Starting with user research

What is UX Research? theskazeez/what-is-ux-research-definition-methodologies-f9b15c5c19ca/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">Definition & methodologies

💵 I Lost $8,000 Dollars on a UX Course when the information is online for free (spoiler: YouTube, Reddit, UX Collective, NNG and Muzli)


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UX Digest ⭕️

Tips for ki.aguero/tips-for-critiquing-ux-research-plans-92f0fe28f12c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">critiquing UX research plans

How to effectively leverage user insights for better product decisions

Practising accountability in UX research with survivors

How to saikumar_742/how-to-create-atomic-problem-statements-465b945416c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">create atomic problem statements

How lower Accessibility can translate to higher product value

Build for, and with, scholars: How User Research drives impact at semantic scholar

How to write successful transactional emails: A UX Writer’s guide

💵 Every senior UX Researcher needs to be mixed methods

Prototyping: Build wireframes and low fidelity prototypes

Experience: How I transitioned isbilir.damla/how-i-transitioned-from-teaching-to-ux-in-one-year-ac8662276783/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">from teaching to UX in one year

Process: The secret to building a customer-centric culture

Interesting: Your keyboard can be much better

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

How to answer UX job interview questions

UX mapping methods: Visual-design guide

🎥 Proximity: Gestalt principle for user interface design

🎥 Show me the data (UX Slogan #15)

🎥 Where should DesignOps focus?


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To identify more levers, adeline-d/to-identify-more-levers-dont-assume-that-your-users-are-using-your-product-e754ef5ce1dd/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">don’t assume that users are using your product

Why food grover.aniket/why-food-delivery-apps-avoid-dark-mode-daff53df156e/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">delivery apps avoid dark mode

💵 Why big-tech NPS Design is no good


Poor User Research nishaznani/poor-user-research-gives-a-bad-experience-597cacbf74bb/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">gives a bad experience

How and when useresearch/how-and-when-to-employ-ux-diary-studies-ed503d608744/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">to employ UX Diary Studies

UxArticles/the-design-thinking-process-821a1b6d4b28/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">The Design Thinking process

What is YOUR” UX Process?

Case study:

Market Visit - Building for the customer

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Niche restaurant theskazeez/ux-case-study-niche-restaurant-menu-food-delivery-app-bb3f9bf30835/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">menu & Food delivery App

NELSON: karianah10/nelson-video-based-learning-application-study-case-c13f0e1b0c5c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Video-based learning application


Safety device for kitchen


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UX Digest ⭕️

Data as a new design material: ethical implications on User Experience

Great gojilabs/great-ways-to-make-user-research-insights-insightful-7e95dcf65754/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">ways to make user research insights… insightful

Using analog UX strategy tools

Analysis: Is Bumble angelova.nikoleta.design/ux-analysis-is-bumble-any-different-than-tinder-43171c63731/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">any different than Tinder?

Tool: Automated customer service — Support your customers more efficiently and effectively. By Intercom

💵 Career: How have the layoffs impacted UX roles?


Incorporating accessible design elements into your web site

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Best free tools for setting up a continuous research practice

💵 Hybrid collaboration for UX teams


10 learns from my time as a UX Researcher

Learnings from ychsieh93/learnings-from-creating-research-synthesis-report-8a92cc01b739/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">creating research synthesis report


What do users really need?

Why hiring xperienzRD/why-hiring-external-ux-services-even-when-you-have-an-in-house-ux-team-bd1e2076b199/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">external UX services even when you have an in-house UX team?

Many a thing was done about a new UXperience

YouTube kills your career


Difference between and Customer/User Journey Map and a User Story Map

Breaking down a Product User Story & Top 10 things to keep in mind

Avoid these uxnata/avoid-these-4-common-ux-research-mistakes-for-beginners-3a45e2ebc76b/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">4 common UX research mistakes

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Human-Centred standards for interactive systems

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💵 What is service design and why it matters

💵 Networking in a remote world: How to get a job in UX with no experience

Case Study:

jessotoole91/grow-and-cook-app-user-research-prototype-and-testing-53ad11df46dd/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Grow and Cook App

Design for kellyleigh/design-for-emotion-in-health-wellness-surveys-c524aa593a1f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">emotion in health & wellness surveys


Designing ananya_shah/zomato-design-task-2fbb1d43d0f1/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">a food ordering application for Kids


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UX Digest ⭕️

Use of Triangulation in UX Research to enhance the credibility of insights

12 ways to utilize other departments in User Research

Differences between insights and findings

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Teachers aytude/teachers-make-the-switch-to-ux-research-heres-why-274284a26188/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">make the switch to UX Research

Self-care is participant-care: a holistic view of interviewing as a UX researcher

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Career: Career erikayi/career-paths-for-a-senior-ux-researcher-534046e94733/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">paths for a Senior UX Researcher

Tool: User interviews come to Hotjar

Design: How UX Design helps boost digital marketing performance


Researching with utensils and cooking with methods

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Synthesising 7 different types of research

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Cognitive Science and User Experience

A modern approach to UX methods

How to document & share grzesek98/how-to-document-share-usability-testing-insights-40a8e8fa90dc/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">usability testing insights

Case Study:


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Designing in the largest freight marketplace in Latam

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UX Digest ⭕️

Using Research Findings: the balance between users’ needs and business goals

Context of use for mobile

10 (more) UX writing prompts. Inspiring topic ideas for the uninspired UXer

Become a champion of user research

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Experience: The Chimp Paradox — What UX can learn from a book on emotional intelligence

Prototyping: Should we use Lorem Ipsum in product design?

💵 Opinion: Twitter UX nightmare — verification immolation

Design: Understanding mental models in product design

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Content Strategy 101. A content strategy is a high-level plan that guides the intentional creation and maintenance of information in a digital product

Remote contextual inquiry: Lessons learned

🎥 Secondary research: Important UX learning right at your desk

🎥 Screen your research participants to avoid bias in user research


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Case Study:

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Fake blue verification check

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UX Digest ⭕️

A step-by-step guide: Information Architecture Design

Do’s and Don’ts of sound in UX. Practical guidelines on when and how to use sound in your designs

💵 Tool: How to leverage Quantitative UX for your marketing — Tools for designers and marketers

Beginners: Seven mental models for UX writing


How to write a PRD that actually helps you build products

💵 Engage stakeholders in UX research

Leaders, check in with your team after a company announcement


Updating my career advice for User Researchers

Building a Customer Engagement Program for a 0–1 Product


Inclusive Perspectives

Is art the future of UX research?

Case Study:

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