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A regular selection of the best UX posts from English-language resources. Not only fresh articles with author's comments, but also a library of useful materials! Russian materials are collected here @uxhorn Write on both channel: @lightmaker

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UX Digest ⭕️

Connecting UX and EX: Better employee experience

Breaking the rules: When consistency in microcopy does more harm than good

Does removing the neutral response option affect rating behavior?

ActionableDesign/ux-design-ethics-striking-the-right-balance-3ed1bafb7245/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">UX design ethics: Striking the right balance

AI: The ultimate collection of generative AI-UX interactions

Opinion: Is UX fragile? The challenges that threaten us, and the opportunities therein

Case Study: Uncovering a backup admin’s journey through a diary study

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Tree testing: Fast, iterative evaluation of menu labels and categories

Overcoming the articulation barrier in generative AI using hybrid interfaces

Relationship mapping: Strategically focus on key people

Lean UX & Agile: Study guide

🎥 Balance in UX Design: Symmetry, asymmetry, and radial balance

🎥 What, when, why: Research goals, questions, and hypotheses

🎥 Consistency vs. Innovation in UX Design


Decoding dark UX patterns — Unmasking manipulative design tactics

The role of gamification in UX design: creating engaging user experiences

akojaolamide/design-principles-user-experience-b762853872ca/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Design principles & User Experience


When to and when not to do user testing?

Is your soyeon.lee/is-your-product-really-an-mvp-774294a9b44d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">product really an MVP?

Are you asking customers the wrong questions? Understanding Customer vs. User Research

martintutko/demystifying-a-b-testing-a-quick-guide-to-a-b-testing-for-beginners-3c15adc699b2/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Demystifying A/B testing: A quick guide to A/B testing for beginners

Unlock the secrets: 10 key rules for an unforgettable website UX


Apple’s Design Awards 2023: UX insights & analysis of winners

Top 5 design systems that streamline design process and Figma UI kits for them


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UX Digest ⭕️

Acceptance criteria for User Stories and their role in product development

Sample sizes for comparing rating scales to a benchmark

I figured out the secret to the christinazouras/i-figured-out-the-secret-to-a-bulletproof-ai-powered-ux-research-analysis-so-you-dont-have-to-4703606720db/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">best AI-powered UX research analysis so you don’t have to

💵 A/B testing: A step-by-step guide in Python

How to debug participant recruitment in B2B user research

Lessons in navigating career changes in UX and product design

🗞 Weekly: What's happening to UX Research right now?

Tool: Uncover themes faster than ever in canvas, now with AI clustering

Opinion: The grand illusion — praneethraj55/the-grand-illusion-the-real-behind-user-feedback-a-ux-perspective-13dee209d8e9/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">The ‘Real’ behind user feedback, a UX perspective

Interesting: The psychology of ChatGPT

Design: The 6 most important content design principles (with examples)

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Accordions on desktop: When and how to use

🎥 What is lean UX?

🎥 Usability testing with users' personal information

🎥 Clutter-Free charts


Are data dashboards vanity projects?

Understanding gestalt principles in wireframing: From beginner to expert


Building a Minimum Lovable Product (MLP) — The key to successful product strategy

Harnessing data insights — discovering growth opportunities to achieve business objectives

Case Study:

Why Millennials & Gen Z shinta196/why-millennials-gen-z-need-habit-trackers-f65e68dfb4ee/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">need habit trackers

How Hubble found it’s first 10 paying customers

How we redesigned online fashion browsing



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UX Digest ⭕️

Strategic UX Research is the next big thing. Jared’s Spool article

Evidence-based interviewing deep dive: The case against some common interview questions. Why you should collect specific stories about past behavior in interviews and how to do it

Why we need 11 Usability heuristics

Tool: Optimizing UX Research with Airtable — arinailmalhaqq/optimizing-ux-research-with-airtable-insider-tips-from-a-ux-researchers-perspective-b04db44aead4/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Insider tips from a UX Researcher’s perspective

🗞 Weekly: Building feedback loops

Career: Why storytelling in UXR matters and how to uplevel your skills

Opinion: Write more, design less (and better). How writing reframes our knowledge and drives our decisions

Beginners: 💵 5 ways to drive impact with research

Case Study: Scaling a service quickly, with the help of user research

Design: Pragmatic pixel perfection — A manifesto for balancing design quality and speed

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

AI improves employee productivity by 66%

CSD Matrix: Framework and template for shared understanding

Between-Subjects vs. Within-Subjects study design

🎥 Campbell's Law: The dark side of success metrics

🎥 Using quotes to share UX Research: 3 tips

🎥 How to use empathy maps


Using ChatGPT for User Research. Applying AI to 4 common user research activities

To AI or not to AI? The support leader’s dilemma

6 awesome AI tools for User Research


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UX Digest ⭕️

User Muzeeb2010002-d/user-observation-in-ux-research-c15357142f9b/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">observation in UX research

Does Thinking Aloud uncover more Usability issues?

AI: 6 Powerful ways UX researchers can use ChatGPT to save time and improve results

Interesting: Fostering a community of early adopters


Do you care about user experience as a front-end developer? Here are the Eun90/do-you-care-about-user-experience-as-a-front-end-developer-82398eaff6b6/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">insights from the Sunrise-Sunset project

9 UX tips and tricks aish_kmurthy/9-ux-tips-and-tricks-to-improve-your-cart-abandonment-rate-c8cdd09982a1/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">to improve your cart abandonment rate


Mastering Usability Testing: 10 essential tips

What is expert review in UX Design

Developing for accessibility: adelinewrites/developing-for-accessibility-inclusion-in-ux-design-eb832fbf5c3f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Inclusion in UX Design

How to conduct successful user interviews


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UX Digest ⭕️

UXRConf 2023. beverlyavaz/uxrconf-2023-part-1-2264ba9cbe8a/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Part 1 and beverlyavaz/uxrconf-2023-part-2-14d9f14d3063/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Part 2

What is internal service design?

Opinion: Everyone can do research, but should they?

Interesting: The Reddit blackout — how bad UX triggered a user uprising


When and why to use a Click Test

10 amazing usability lessons from the book “Don’t make me think” by Steve Krug

7 yushe.design/7-must-know-research-methods-33879232782/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">must-know research methods

User-centered design essentials: enemonaokolo/user-centered-design-essentials-decoding-the-essence-of-the-user-167d61223d2f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Decoding the essence of the user


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UX Digest ⭕️

3 reasons to interview angry users

40 unconventional questions to ask when hiring UX professionals

Prototyping: How gestalt principles can enhance user experience

Beginners: Where do I even bharath.madhusoodanan/where-do-i-even-start-my-focus-of-research-5cabb3e8fb96/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">start my focus of research?

Opinion: The future of UX Design — How AI and Machine Learning are changing the way we design

Design: The psychology of colors in UI/UX Design

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Bottom sheets: Definition and UX guidelines

How and why to include users in UX workshops

🎥 Proto personas

🎥 Basic psychology Is essential for UX practitioners

Case Study:

Enhancing user experience jayashreejnaidu_61643/enhancing-user-experience-in-the-terrace-using-the-design-thinking-process-851986d0bf62/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">in the terrace using the design thinking process

UXbyVikas/ux-case-study-auto-market-98322c1ecb7e/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Auto Market

Streamlining shahadarrweli/streamlining-last-mile-operations-ux-ui-case-study-c846f273c07c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">last mile operations

paulinebroussous/jeen-a-center-dedicated-to-women-47ded4f392f1/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Jeen, a center dedicated to women


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UX Digest ⭕️

Tips for recruiting B2B UX research participants

Influence of the Hawthorne Effect on user behavior: uxparrot/influence-of-the-hawthorne-effect-on-user-behavior-implications-for-ux-research-de559d8fdc4e/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Implications for UX Research

Product Discovery Guide: katerina_mnuk/product-discovery-guide-desk-research-and-goals-355db0d3c6e7/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Desk research and goals & katerina_mnuk/product-discovery-guide-brainstorm-and-prioritise-a115b8d71f18/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Brainstorm and Prioritise & katerina_mnuk/product-discovery-guide-plan-deliver-and-evaluate-fe7398a1d544/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Plan, Deliver and Evaluate

Research: What will the world look like in 20 years’ time?

🗞 Weekly: The UX Research reckoning

Process: The problem with ksoucy/the-problem-with-research-democratization-that-people-arent-talking-about-827831c5ee38/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">research democratization that people aren’t talking about

AI: carol_bernate/the-bridge-to-ai-insight-25c87e7143b6/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">The bridge to AI insight

Prototyping: Designing the invisible — uxparrot/designing-the-invisible-creating-intuitive-and-engaging-ar-mobile-experiences-d7b94f4daf3b/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Creating intuitive and engaging AR mobile experiences

Interesting: The dance of presentations in UX


Never interview users alone: Interviews as the Trojan Horse of a human-centered approach

A new double diamond, AI obsession, tokens for dataviz, UX workshop


Decoding UX success: Persuading clients to embrace testing and research for optimal design

UX interviews: jnblatz/ux-interviews-how-to-wrap-things-up-34393a0de80e/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">How to wrap things up

Why accessibility matters

Think UX Research is optional? Think again!


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UX Digest ⭕️

Avoiding analysis paralysis: pkovac998/avoiding-analysis-paralysis-streamlining-data-interpretation-in-user-research-7e5febdfdaec/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Streamlining data interpretation in user research

How inclusive design can shape accessible and user-friendly physical products

Is what you see what you get? Examining the evaluator effect in unmoderated usability testing

Developing a user insights library

Prototyping: Web accessibility standards and guidelines: mitabhay0/web-accessibility-standards-and-guidelines-w3c-wai-95a53b7ec02d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">W3C WAI

Tool: How to connect Jira, Confluence, and Trello to Dovetail

Experience: What I wish I knew before starting a UX Research career

AI: How to use AI to improve the customer experience in SaaS

Interesting: Why did Nokia phones fail? Nokia’s failure from a UX perspective

Design: Why design teams need psychological safety


How to use the psychological mechanisms for enhanced user experience

Usability test tip: unpack when the user asks questions

The UX Research method matrix: A systematic approach for method selection

morganetanguy/what-makes-digital-accessibility-a-crucial-aspect-of-the-user-experience-a5f440f7b2ca/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Why is digital accessibility a crucial aspect of the User Experience?


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UX Digest ⭕️

An introduction to the pazabahia/an-introduction-to-the-ux-triptech-method-7362fa02029f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">UX Triptech method for evaluating early design concepts

UX vs. security: Finding the right balance

Walmart’s loss of $1.85 Billion from a single UX mistake!! ⚠️❌

🗞 Weekly: Empirical analysis of comment classifications using ChatGPT

Process: Whatfix’s 6 strategies for democratizing research

Interesting: Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Design risks: How to assess, mitigate, and manage them

How screen-reader users type on and control mobile devices

🎥 Problem space and solution space research

🎥 Prepping for UX workshops: Day-0 calls


UX-ing with ChatGPT and MidJourney

Revolutionising user testing: How AI will transform the way we evaluate user experience


Text input states

Optimizing insights-cave/optimizing-micro-interactions-for-the-best-user-experience-c5955f5fc96e/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">micro-interactions for the best user experience


Dwell time: The love story between UX and user engagement

gizemkorpinar/the-importance-of-user-psychology-in-usability-testing-684473ea99f5/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Importance of user psychology in usability testing

The ultimate UX guide for designers and organizations

How to do useless research


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UX Digest ⭕️

Peeling the ‘Research Onion’: snowbervaqar/peeling-the-research-onion-uncover-the-secret-layers-of-your-users-mind-for-irresistible-320d744d658b/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Uncover the secret layers of your users’ mind for irresistible designs

Strategies to danishaslam1123/strategies-to-minimize-response-bias-in-surveys-9941c77b18ba/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">minimize response bias in surveys

Leveraging motion design: Enhancing usability and user experience

Prototyping: ChatGPT iOS app — sgallery.one/unpacking-the-design-flaws-in-chatgpt-ios-app-d2692522e9f8/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">What’s wrong with the navigation patterns

Process: nisha_conote/the-engine-that-hums-ux-research-b77bd59e150e/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">The engine that hums — UX Research

Analisys: Ticketmaster — the UX of a true monopoly

Experience: Why we built an in-house Usability Lab

AI: Chaos to clarity — The 8 principles of IA

Opinion: 7 key UX insights


Back-to-basics UX: tom_rowson/back-to-basics-ux-five-things-to-always-do-c5341543fd3e/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">five things to always do

4 micro-uxlex/4-micro-tips-for-writing-research-reports-eb57164518f0/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">tips for writing research reports


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UX Digest ⭕️

The list of heygauravsharma/10-the-list-of-most-common-ux-deliverables-a06764857c89/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">most common UX deliverables

rflaminzeanu/search-three-models-of-finding-4aa43bd7661a/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Search three models of finding

How to measure user experience in your next usability test

UX and NPS benchmarks of office supply websites

Prototyping: The 7 principles of universal design

AI: Design thinking and AI — Enhancing user-centered design with ChatGPT

Opinion: Gamification as part of your UX Research method

Case Study: Rethinking User Experience in designing cafeterias in semi-urban pockets of India


Defining the difference between analysis and synthesis in user research

When to run unmoderated user testing


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UX Digest ⭕️

Avoiding pitfalls in talieh.kazemi.esfeh/avoiding-pitfalls-in-reporting-user-behavior-changes-fdd8175aefe9/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">reporting user behavior changes

💵 Using diary studies to deepen understanding of user behavior. Best practices for planning and conducting a diary study analysis

🗞 User Weekly: User research hierarchy of needs

Process: Why UX writers should be involved from the start

Experience: ed.howarth/taming-the-beast-airtable-7e5967e50c7/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Taming the beast (Airtable)

Ethics: User research and ethics — balancing the needs of participants and design goals

Design: Will designers be able to replace the real world?

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Conducting mobile accessibility research with screen-reader users

🎥 Hybrid workshops

🎥 Confounding variables 101 (Part 1 of 2)


Unleashing the power of cognitive load: Amityogiraj_/unleashing-the-power-of-cognitive-load-the-surprising-secrets-ux-designers-dont-want-you-to-know-2be07b8b4aed/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">The Surprising secrets UX designers don’t want you to know

Miller’s law simplified: A beginner’s guide


The surprising reasons why we lack user feedback in the AI cycle

Less is more: How minimalism & AI are revolutionizing enterprise OKRs

The human side of AI: Navigating its consequences in the real world


How could dopamine studies empower your CJM (Customer Journey Map)

Bridging the gap — how UX and Service Design kola.wale/bridging-the-gap-how-ux-and-service-design-can-work-together-3939fdbaf537/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">can work together

💵 Why UX Researchers should be dungeon masters


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UX Digest ⭕️

A psychological view of UX Metrics

Budgets: user research hierarchy of needs

The neuroscience of UX

Supercharge your UX research with codes

Experience: Interviewing for research, 10 years on

Case Study: The city of Detroit shelbie.marie/the-city-of-detroit-webpage-and-research-for-an-inclusive-calendar-a9b6b2c1b431/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">webpage and research for an inclusive calendar

Design: sayalijzawar/measuring-and-delivering-using-the-elements-of-value-in-your-product-design-651357479c36/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Measuring and delivering using “The elements of value” in your product design

Marketing: The end of paid customer acquisition

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Onboarding new UX hires: 3 tips

Best practices for building and maintaining your own research-participant database

Documenting a UX-benchmarking study

🎥 Downsides of the NPS (Net Promoter Score)

🎥 UX Vision & Strategy: Top questions answered


Recognizing algorithmic biases: sisleyyang1121/recognizing-algorithmic-biases-dynamic-pricing-in-ride-share-apps-81aa8b51c154/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Dynamic pricing in Ride Share apps

simplistic.scribbler/7-laws-of-ux-guide-for-creating-effective-user-experiences-in-the-digital-world-a012d874265/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">7 laws of UX — Guide for creating effective user experience in the digital world


Understanding user interactions with ChatGPT: Lessons for optimizing the UX of AI

Voice with AI-tutorial in Sheldon Cooper & Super Mario’s voice

Create better dhirajrote/create-better-user-personas-using-openais-chatgpt-eaeadfcec46/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">user personas Using OpenAI’s ChatGPT


onobbin/ridiculous-user-research-questions-93f6606d8a46/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Ridiculous User Research questions

Fact-based ux: usability testing

User Research as waziratsanni/user-research-as-understood-by-a-beginner-35658d2f1c14/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">understood by a beginner


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UX Digest ⭕️

How to prioritize UX research findings when everything feels important

How to visualize data from UX standardized questionnaires. Opportunities of standardized questionnaires for UX Research

3 reasons to make digital accessibility a priority…and where to start

💵 alexaszczurek/list-of-ux-laws-example-of-use-bf1229021d14/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Full list of UX Laws

🗞 Weekly: AI users are neither AI nor users

Tool: Dovetail for documents — unlock the power of desk research with document tagging and highlighting

Beginners: How do I choose the correct UX research method

Interesting: How infinite scroll affects your brain

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Challenges for screen-reader users on mobile

UX & Marketing: Balancing business goals and supporting users

🎥 Personas are living documents: Design them to evolve

🎥 Democratization of UX

🎥 Product instrumentation: 3 benefits


The importance of kotharkar.pruthvi/the-importance-of-accessibility-in-ux-design-135dbdf123a2/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">accessibility in UX Design

Improving user experience and adolfomaragoto/improving-user-experience-and-decision-making-with-cognitive-psychology-adf32899305d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">decision-making with cognitive psychology

💵 How to do a UX accessibility evaluation


guptaswati32/ethical-considerations-in-ai-assisted-ux-research-85debf31f9b1/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Ethical considerations in AI-assisted UX Research

The impact of AI on UX Researchers and agencies

ruthiedesigner/me-v-chatgpt-ux-research-edition-60802b5e772/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Me v. ChatGPT: UX Research edition


The confidence gap in UX. There’s a confidence problem in UX

Seeing UX Strategy like video games

Still using user interviews? It’s time to try creative research methods


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UX Digest ⭕️

You are what you measure, accepting Design, the UX of subtitles

User Experience and Data Security

🔈 The stepping stones of innovation: Navigating failure and empathy with Carol Fitzgerald

Process: UX Research — Stagnation to proliferation

Prototyping: Re-imagined computer mouse arko97x/re-imagined-computer-mouse-interactions-for-persons-with-intellectual-disabilities-d43711ab03e/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">interactions for persons with intellectual disabilities

Beginners: UX 1911research/ux-research-for-small-business-b7ab2152562b/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Research for small business

Career: How to land a alecia.carolli/how-to-land-a-ux-research-internship-even-if-you-think-you-are-not-qualified-74050e7a4bb1/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">UX research internship (even if you think you are not qualified)

Design: Designing for big tech — Top 4 lessons learned from a UX Designer at PayPal


In defense of Net Promoter Score

Why AI for UX is worse than nothing


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UX Digest ⭕️

Breaking the Double Diamond with iterative discovery

A better way to do competitive analysis

6 User Research methods to boost hypothesis validation

Experience: 5 reasons why UX research studies fail

Research: Validating a tech savviness metric for UX Research

🗞 Weekly: Creating stakeholder FOMO

Opinion: A rant about terrible personas

ResearchOPS: Introducing the Cha Cha club–an invite-only club for ResearchOps Professionals

Case Study: Wise — UX without borders

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Context methods: Study Guide

Scrolljacking 101

🎥 Cognitive walkthroughs help assess interface learnability

🎥 Visual Design of UX maps

🎥 Visual treatments that improve accessibility


How you can create non-obvious UX research insights. 6 tips to sidestep “we already knew it” feedback on a research report

How to write effective Usability Testing questions — A beginner’s guide

aysuatasoy3565/when-to-use-which-method-series-1-usability-testing-c5feba349f7b/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">When to use which method series 1: Usability Testing


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UX Digest ⭕️

Writing a user research report: tips and template slides

Developing a user insights library

How is B2B UX research any different

Do click tests predict clicks on product pages

5 tips to maximize your impact as a user researcher

🗞 Weekly: The power of vulnerability in UX Research

Design: Mastering UX design — top 10 must-read books in 2023

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Usability testing with older adults

Using imagery in visual design

Qualitative usability testing: Study guide

Remote usability testing: Study guide

🎥 Deductively analyzing qualitative data

🎥 What is visual weight?

🎥 Discovery in agile


Google Maps — about that left turn

Tables that aren’t boring: A guide to creating visually appealing and informative data tables


Announcing the state of AI in customer service: 2023 report

5 AI tools for user research

Optimizing website user experience: How AI personalization algorithms drive conversion rates


Don’t let stakeholder bias derail your user research

Democratization won’t save research

Instead of democritization, ki.aguero/instead-of-democritization-try-putting-some-research-on-rails-d44b550f814/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">try putting some research “on rails”

The fake aura of care in UX


Overcoming cognitive bias in User Research

he.lo.ma.dw/quantitative-research-methods-355c41e04d2/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Quantitative research methods

Asking the right questions in user interviews

5 excuses for not running user research, and how to overcome them


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UX Digest ⭕️

Consider accessibility during user research

Prototyping: Why user onboarding is important — Best practices and case studies

🗞Weekly: Scaling UX Research

Process: The qualitative research process, end-to-end

🎥 Interview: How UX Research is changing the automotive landscape with Dr. Thomas Vöhringer-Kuhnt

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

AI-powered tools for UX Research: Issues and limitations

Quantitative UX: Glossary

10 best intranets of 2023: What makes them great

Virtual queues: 13 best practices for managing the wait

🎥 Why prioritize personas?

🎥 Pilot testing in UX Research

Case Study:

JTBD Research — How we at Amenitiz discovered the key jobs and pain points of hospitality professionals

Wise: UX without borders


The A to Z for generative user research

11 common challenges you face as a researcher

How to james.dills.nwankwo/how-to-conduct-effective-stakeholder-interviews-405fd3f4e0d7/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">conduct effective stakeholder interviews

Hand picked Survey tools for UX designers


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UX Digest ⭕️

How Research Operations impacts organizational culture

🗞 Weekly: Impressions from UXRConf 2023

Process: fuadijulkarnaen/ux-behind-chromaluxe-c7076fbc5eaf/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Chromaluxe UX Process

Experience: What migrating our jaredforney/what-migrating-our-research-repository-taught-me-about-knowledge-management-38b26995402f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">research repository taught me about knowledge management

Prototyping: The problem with bad error messages (and how to fix them)

Opinion: Democratization won’t save research

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

🎥 Wizard of Oz method in UX

AI: First new UI paradigm in 60 years

An error messages scoring rubric

🎥 Participant lists for UX workshops

🎥 Informed consent for UX Research


Fact-based UX: personas

How to efficiently conduct unmoderated testing

Yes. aaronpaulgz/yes-youll-need-statistics-in-ux-88638550f432/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">You’ll need statistics in UX

Mastering usability testing: 10 essential tips

How UX research understands users and drives very accurate solutions

The 4 stages of mohamedyosef101/the-4-stages-of-any-ux-research-process-f9db949434a3/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">any UX research process


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UX Digest ⭕️

UXLx 2023 — Wrap Up — Talks Day

Fact-based ux: gabriel_belisiario/fact-based-ux-information-architecture-e1b6e9912ce/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">information architecture

The importance of creating wow moments

AI: Coaching AI technology teams to drive user-centered improvements

🗞 Weekly: Build your ideal UXR team


Creating impact with Research Ops — leveraging the power of communities

vicdearanzeta/operationalizing-research-at-a-startup-79a306f11cb1/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Operationalizing research as a solo researcher


How janbckx11/how-accessibility-will-make-you-money-772416b4a806/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">accessibility will make you money

Scrappy Research

Contrast abhaykhs/contrast-between-ux-and-usability-50c389604b4f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">between UX and Usability

samiknaus/ux-research-and-assets-f8c788bd5e5f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">UX Research and assets


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UX Digest ⭕️

Psychology of UX in trading

Fact-based ux: benchmarking

Measuring tech savviness with technical activity checklists

Magic of data-driven UX: Elevating User Experiences with insights

Prototyping: mobile_44538/mobile-accessibility-78598b2c501c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Mobile accessibility

Interview: Designing a better world with Don Norman

Opinion: AR Headsets accessibility — Apple Vision Pro

Interesting: Architecture Tours, through the lens of UX Research


Measuring the product adoption in UX

Breaking into UX: Early career questions


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UX Digest ⭕️

Democratising user research

Product discovery guide: katerina_mnuk/product-discovery-guide-plan-deliver-and-evaluate-fe7398a1d544/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Plan, Deliver and Evaluate & katerina_mnuk/product-discovery-guide-desk-research-and-goals-355db0d3c6e7/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Desk research and katerina_mnuk/product-discovery-guide-desk-research-and-goals-355db0d3c6e7/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Goals

Measuring the product adoption in UX

Prototyping: The power of accessible images

🗞 Weekly: Empirical analysis of comment classifications using ChatGPT

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Prioritizing user needs: Vanguard mobile app

Skeleton screens 101

🎥 Hire and retain UX employees

🎥 Help users think aloud

🎥 Confounding variables: How to deal with them (Part 2 of 2)


The importance of good research questions

How to choose the ideal UX Research method

kaartikmalhotra1/attention-and-ux-ff2d21d71c17/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Attention and UX

10 crucial UI/UX metrics every start-up should be tracking

My research hasn’t been applied — mohamedyosef101/my-research-hasnt-been-applied-how-to-stop-this-from-happening-to-you-4b69abd0c810/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">How to stop this from happening to you


Exploring the needs of home tymccann/exploring-the-needs-of-home-baristas-who-are-blind-and-low-vision-e7d57f6c6e53/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">baristas who are blind and low vision

aishwaryabhatiaux/how-human-memory-works-while-learning-recalling-180af3e832f1/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">How human memory works while learning/recalling?

Case Study:

Driving jibinmathew1291/driving-innovation-through-design-thinking-process-a-ux-case-study-8ff2163f033d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">innovation through design thinking process

Upgrade your home office routine with ketanbhereupwork/upgrade-your-home-office-routine-with-an-innovative-intelligent-water-bottle-platform-a-ux-case-23aac04ea23c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">an innovative smart water bottle platform


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UX Digest ⭕️

Illustrating for accessibility: Enhancing digital experiences for colorblind users

Understanding the five planes of UX

Understanding EU’s digital Accessibility rules

Process: Agile & UX — a failed marriage?

Prototyping: User Experience — calvincolton/user-experience-designing-with-data-in-mind-a2db821aa546/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Designing with data in mind

AI: Leveraging guptaswati32/leveraging-ai-to-optimize-user-research-methods-b7e7f687f699/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">AI to optimize user research methods

Beginners: Continuous discovery habits — How to deal with User Interviews

Design: The impact of Lego on UX Design — Building better User Experiences brick by brick

Interesting: Women didn’t want usableweb/women-didnt-want-a-beach-without-men-92218592573d/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">a beach without men


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UX Digest ⭕️

1911research/free-tools-resources-for-ux-researchers-14641d7f7b02/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Free tools & resources for UX Researchers

Information system design with a UX mindset — danubius.io/information-system-design-with-a-ux-mindset-how-should-we-organize-information-well-3173637f7871/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">How should we organize information well

AI: Can ChatGPT replace UX Researchers? An empirical analysis of comment classifications

Process: Gamifying UX Research — hamad.asghar/gamifying-ux-research-turning-research-activities-into-engaging-experiences-a6774e853f5b/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Turning research activities into engaging experiences


temitopefatoki658/inclusive-design-principles-348e8cfdccb8/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Inclusive design principles

Implementing kennjthn12/implementing-nielsens-10-usability-heuristics-e4e193d89574/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Nielsen’s 10 usability heuristics


humarsantos/usability-tests-common-mistakes-eafccb0fc593/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Usability tests, common mistakes

Best practices for hello_78980/best-practices-for-conducting-remote-user-research-7c79ca0373f3/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">conducting remote user research

The art of user interviews in UX Research

User Experience testing: Blazing the trail for tech organizations

rajbir2602/making-user-personas-58e9740a362e/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Making user personas


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UX Digest ⭕️

Creating accessible user experiences — Ladies that UX London

Technology cards: A design game for navigating in a future of digital technologies

🗞 Weekly: Kind ML through UX Research

Analisys: Apple’s critical UX mistake compelled them to undertake a complete redesign of their product

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

Product-Led growth and UX

The hawthorne effect or observer bias in User Research

Error-message guidelines

🎥 Collaborating with product partners: 3 tips

🎥 6 tips for improving language switchers on ecommerce sites

🎥 How to: Content inventory and audit


Designing for humanity — Exploring the discussions of Human-Centered AI

Why the AI revolution is kicking off from a text box


thats.not.rocket.science/ux-of-bad-habits-why-we-keep-doing-things-bad-for-us-85cbc49ee06c/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">UX of bad habits — Why we keep doing things bad for us

Unconventional pathways — Mahalakshmi_G/unconventional-pathways-reflections-on-the-self-and-the-journey-towards-becoming-an-ux-researcher-473c90cb3aef/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">reflections on the self and the journey towards becoming an UX Researcher


Why & how you should always nour.algharibeh/why-how-you-should-always-build-stakeholder-maps-715195ec89fb/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">build Stakeholder Maps

The beginner’s guide to user stories and requirements

sayid.moghadam/short-to-review-uxr-methods-9fdbce8cbc66/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Short to review UXR methods


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UX Digest ⭕️

clg/a-taxonomy-for-product-feedback-f8383d84ab23/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">A taxonomy for product feedback

Discovery workshop: harshishah.5/discovery-workshop-benefits-risks-of-skipping-it-42f37abc4d7e/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">benefits & risks of skipping it

From sociology to UX Research

When to run unmoderated user testing

Heuristic evaluation: kcapuchino06/heuristic-evaluation-catching-usability-issues-on-a-budget-21da0c909e42/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">catching usability issues on a budget

Process: Tangible artifacts and collaborative networks

AI: The future of UX Research with the implementation of AI tools — it’s not ChatGPT

Tool: How to connect Zoom to Dovetail

Opinion: rahulux.work/minimalism-in-ux-3aac3f331ab9/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Minimalism In UX

Case study: Designing kvividsnaps/case-study-designing-a-event-organizer-app-for-event-organizing-e589f6759806/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">a event organizer app for event organizing


Why round corners are more efficient for human consumption

Accessibility and friction: Making technology work for mental illness

Designing intuitive onboarding experiences for SaaS products: Unlocking user adoption and product success

How to decide which login method to use? A guide to design authentication pages


Quantitative, qualitative

What are the best UX activities to carry out? It depends…


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UX Digest ⭕️

Emotional engagement in video games: Measuring emotions

Dynamic exercises for online sessions with a lot of users

Why user interviews are typically conducted with 5 to 7 users

10 tips on how to conduct a perfect Heuristic Evaluation

Prototyping: 4 tips on ece.sakaoglu/4-tips-on-great-app-onboarding-536b840f3780/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">great app onboarding

AI: jenniferdaniel_/chat-gpt-a-cheat-code-to-ux-research-8cf53c2033f/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Chat GPT. A cheat code to UX research?

Process: UX Research Q&A at Zeals


First 30-days checklist for a UX Research team of one

How to conduct an effective user interview (with 7 tips to succeed)

How to recruit user research participants?

User analytics: how to measure and analyze user behavior

Aakanksha2dec/role-of-user-research-in-helping-businesses-achieve-their-goals-a9dd6419645b/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">Role of User Research in helping businesses achieve their goals


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UX Digest ⭕️

106 cognitive biases & principles that affect your UX

Initial validation of tech-savvy measures

The role of user research in a UX audit

🗞 Weekly: Building a UX Research department from scratch

Opinion: The UX Research reckoning is here


Measuring time on task for distributed user actions

UX Writing and Microcopy — Crafting clear and engaging copy to enhance the user experience


Must know numbers in UX Research that help unlock the best insights

The 5 most kaevinio/the-5-most-important-terms-in-ux-5315116c5cc7/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">important terms in UX

Prototypes: what they are and why they matter in UX Design


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UX Digest ⭕️

A guide on conducting better market and user research with kids

How to estimate the standard deviation for rating scales

11 game eileencalub/11-game-accessibility-talks-i-loved-at-my-first-gaconf-f6acdbf224b9/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">accessibility talks I loved at my first #GAconf

Prototyping: Exploring the science behind website speed and user behavior

Beginners: How do I choose the correct UX research method

Design: Colors and emotions — how colors make you feel


5 AI tools for user research

Unleash the power of AI: game-changing strategies for product & UX teams

The future of UX with AI

What happened when I siankeast/what-happened-when-i-asked-chatgpt-to-create-three-different-personas-for-me-9c69f35b4950/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxhorn">asked ChatGPT to create personas for me


Everything you need to know about user behaviour

Make UX simple again


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UX Digest ⭕️

A theoretical qualitative smoke testing product research method

🗞 Weekly: Defining a research strategy

Process: Delivering your sophie.count/delivering-your-first-workshop-within-the-ux-community-77c48adfbf17/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">first workshop within the UX community

Beginners: Usability testing case study — Redesigned inbox page for E-commerce app

Case Study: User experience in Public hospitals. chloeisaac05/user-experience-in-public-hospitals-d0786c9977f0/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">A case study on methodology

🧠 Interesting: I use kinjalraval07/i-use-chatgpt-to-create-user-personas-e9d86acc45c3/?utm_source=tlgrm_uxdigest">ChatGPT to create User personas

Fresh articles by Nielsen Norman Group:

5 common ethical dilemmas in User Research

Data vs. findings vs. insights: The differences explained

🎥 Building rapport with UX Research participants

🎥 When to empathy map


Designing for mobile — How to create a user-centric experience in just 7 days

Google Bard UX Analysis: A quick review for enhancing the AI interface


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