Get the latest free VLESS/VMess/Trojan Proxies. Supported clients: - v2rayN - v2rayNG - V2BOX - FoXray - NapsternetV - OneClick - ShadowRocket Donate:
Dear users,
To use v2Line, install one of the following software on your operating system, then copy and import the servers configs to the software and connect to it.
● Android
v2rayNG (Google Play) (Github) (Guide)
● Windows
v2rayN (Github)
● iOS
Streisand (App Store)
NapsternetV (App Store) (Guide)
V2BOX (App Store) (Guide)
FoXray (App Store)
ShadowRocket (App Store)
● macOS
V2BOX (App Store)
FoXray (App Store)
Last update: 2024 August 07
Best regards,
v2Line Team