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🏅 v2Line | Server number 1387
🆕️ Published on: 2023 November 27
📍 Location: #Austria
🔵 Protocol: #vless
📶 Hosting: Stark Industries
💨 Key type: Free
💨 Quality and stability: 84%
📳 Tested on Europe (Global)vless://
💡 Guide:
First install one of the client software on your operating system, then copy the above code and import at the application.
🏅 v2Line | Server number 1388
🆕️ Published on: 2023 November 27
📍 Location: #Australia
🔵 Protocol: #vmess
📶 Hosting: Akamai
💨 Key type: Free
💨 Quality and stability: 95%
📳 Tested on Europe (Global)vmess: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
💡 Guide:
First install one of the client software on your operating system, then copy the above code and import at the application.
🏅 v2Line | Server number 1386
🆕️ Published on: 2023 November 26
📍 Location: #United_States
🔵 Protocol: #trojan
📶 Hosting: Akamai
💨 Key type: Free
💨 Quality and stability: 96%
📳 Tested on Europe (Global)trojan://
💡 Guide:
First install one of the client software on your operating system, then copy the above code and import at the application.
Dear users,
To use v2Line, install one of the following software on your operating system, then copy and import the servers configs to the software and connect to it.
● Android
v2rayNG (Google Play) (Github) (Guide)
● Windows
v2rayN (Github)
● iOS
Streisand (App Store)
NapsternetV (App Store) (Guide)
V2BOX (App Store) (Guide)
FoXray (App Store)
ShadowRocket (App Store)
● macOS
V2BOX (App Store)
FoXray (App Store)
Last update: 2024 August 07
Best regards,
v2Line Team