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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Стійкість людей має межі. У кожного й кожної – своя межа. Але в усіх ця межа – в емоціях, у тому невидимому багажі відчуттів, який спонукає людину діяти. Діяти так чи інакше – заради світла чи на зло, заради блага чи на шкоду. Чи буде так, визначається внутрішнім світом людини, її ментальним здоров’ям.

Варто подбати, щоб це було саме здоров’я людини, а не хронічна хвороба війни. Нікого не можна залишати наодинці з війною, з її наслідками. З тим, що війна робить із розумом і душею людини.

Я вдячний, що цей Саміт присвячено саме тематиці ментального здоров’я. Це особливий напрям, який потребує особливого підходу. Нової уваги. І не лише нашої держави. Щоб люди перемагали. Люди! Разом зі своєю державою.

З такими словами звернувся до учасників третього Саміту перших леді та джентльменів.


People's resilience has its limits. Everyone has their own limit. But in everyone, that limit lies in emotions, in that invisible baggage of feelings that prompt a person to act. To act one way or another – for good or for evil, for the benefit or harm. Whether it will be one way or another is determined by a person's inner world, their mental health.

It is worth taking care that it is a person's health, not a chronic illness of war. No one should be left alone with war, with its consequences. With what war does to a person's mind and soul.

I am grateful that this Summit is dedicated to the topic of mental health. It is a special direction that requires a special approach. New attention. And not only from our state. So that people can prevail. People! Together with their state.

With these words, I addressed the participants of the third Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The results of today's meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine are as follows.

The draft laws on:

✅ Changes to the status and procedure for the formation of the Service of Disciplinary Inspectors of the High Council of Justice — No. 9483-2, in general;
✅ Strengthening social protection of servicemen, police officers and some other persons — No. 9638, in general;
✅Improvement of the provisions of the current legislation regarding criminal liability for military criminal offenses related to violations of the rules of operation of combat or special vehicles, flights or preparation for them, ship navigation — No. 9325, in general.

Personnel unit — appointment:

🟢Rustem Umierov to the position of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine;
🟢Pavlo Kyrylenko to the position of the Head of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine.

The First Deputy Speaker Oleksandr Korniienko

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law on Changing the Status and Procedure for Forming the Service of Disciplinary Inspectors of the High Council of Justice

🔹 The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted the Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges" and Certain Laws of Ukraine on Changing the Status and Procedure for Forming the Service of Disciplinary Inspectors of the High Council of Justice (No. 9483-2).

🔹 The law is aimed, in particular, at holding a transparent and open competition for the positions of disciplinary inspectors of the High Council of Justice.

🔹 Defines the legal status, powers and requirements for candidates for senior positions of the High Council of Justice, as well as the peculiarities of the competition for the position of the Head of the Service of Disciplinary Inspectors, his/her deputy and a disciplinary inspector.

🔹 The procedure for consideration of a disciplinary case by the Disciplinary Chamber has been clarified.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

⏺Wednesday. Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region. The market. Rush hour. A russian missile strike. Destruction. A fire. Deaths and injuries.

Currently, 16 people are known to have died. Preliminary — one child.
Another 28 people were injured, including a rescuer.

🗣What is this if not terrorism? Doesn't the UN see this as a systematic and consistent behavior of russia, which continues to destroy and kill on the territory of an independent state?

🕯Condolences to the families of the victims...

The Ombudsman of Ukraine Dmytro Lubinets

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The Parliament appointed Rustem Umierov as the Minister of Defense. For — 338, — the First Deputy Speaker Oleksandr Korniienko.

For Rustem Umierov, the war began a long time ago — he was born in deportation and knows about all the horrors that the Crimean Tatar people suffered at the hands of the terrorist state.

During his speech from the rostrum of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, he outlined the key tasks:

🔹 Victory in the war;
🔹 Increasing the defense capabilities of Ukrainian producers;
🔹Active preparation of infrastructure for F-16;
🔹Digitalization of all possible processes for the military;
🔹 Reforming the military training system;
🔹Fighting corruption;
🔹Strengthening cooperation with the international coalition.

I welcome this decision and wish to realize all the goals and achieve victory together!

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Коли хтось у світі ще намагається мати справу з чимось російським, це означає заплющувати очі на реальність. Наглість зла. Зухвалість підлості. Повномасштабна нелюдь.

На цей час артилерія російських терористів убила 16 людей у місті Костянтинівці, Донецька область. Звичайний ринок. Магазини. Аптека. Люди, які нічим не завинили. Багато поранених. На жаль, кількість загиблих і постраждалих може ще зрости.

Мої співчуття всім, хто втратив рідних!

Якнайшвидше треба перемогти це російське зло.


When someone in the world still attempts to deal with anything Russian, it means turning a blind eye to this reality. The audacity of evil. The brazenness of wickedness. Utter inhumanity.

At this moment, the artillery of Russian terrorists has killed 16 people in the city of Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region. A regular market. Shops. A pharmacy. People who did nothing wrong. Many wounded. Unfortunately, the number of casualties and the injured may rise.

My condolences to all who have lost loved ones!

This Russian evil must be defeated as soon as possible.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

International budgetary aid amounted to $29.7 billion since the beginning of the year, — the Chairman of the Budget Committee Roksolana Pidlasa

As of the beginning of September, the general fund of the state budget received $29.7 billion or UAH 1086.5 billion from international partners.

For 8 months of 2023, external resources amounted to 48% of all revenues of the general fund of the state budget.

The EU remains the largest donor to the Ukrainian budget, having already provided $13.06 billion in concessional loans in 2023 under the macro-financial assistance mechanism. However, the United States has been and remains the largest donor of non-repayable budgetary assistance — $8.5 billion in grants.

In addition, since the beginning of the year, the budget has received $3.59 billion from the International Monetary Fund, $1.76 billion from Canada, and $1.5 billion from Japan.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

🇨🇭🇺🇦 The Deputy Head of the Humanitarian Policy Committee Yevheniia Kravchuk is pleased to meet the Ambassador of Switzerland Félix Baumann, who has recently started his term in Ukraine.

The focus of the conversation with colleagues is the parliamentary elections in Switzerland and their expected impact on the support of our country, — said Yevheniia Kravchuk.

🔹 The MP paid special attention to the humanitarian track, in particular, to the support of Ukrainian culture and Ukrainian media.

🔹 The participants agreed on further cooperation and implementation of joint projects of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine and the Embassy of Switzerland.

🔹 The Deputy Head of the Committee is convinced that friendly Switzerland can support Ukraine in many ways in these areas!

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

🇫🇮🇺🇦 An important meeting with the Speaker of the Parliament of Finland Jussi Halla-aho.

I thanked him for his personal leadership and contribution to the formation of Finland's strong support for Ukraine — political, military, financial and humanitarian.

We discussed a number of issues, first of all, further defense support, which is extremely important for Ukraine. I outlined the needs of the Security and Defense Forces.

Special attention was paid to the further introduction and strengthening of sanctions against russia.

We also discussed Ukraine's further progress in the EU and NATO. I noted that Ukraine counts on Finland's assistance in the process of further European integration both bilaterally and within the EU.

Finland's support for Ukraine's accelerated movement towards NATO membership is also important.

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk


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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has restored e-declaration.

🔹The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted the Law on Determining the Procedure for Submitting Declarations of Persons Authorized to Perform State or Local Government Functions under Martial Law (No. 9534).

From now on, persons who did not submit a declaration of a person authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government in 2022-2023 shall submit declarations no later than 90 calendar days from the date of entry into force of this Law.

🔹Declaring entities performing tasks in the interests of national security and defense of Ukraine, directly participating in hostilities and receiving additional remuneration for the period of martial law or located in the temporarily occupied territories shall submit the relevant declaration within the time limits specified by the Law.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Tokyo. 🇯🇵🇺🇦

I am starting a working visit to Japan to participate in the
#G7 Parliamentary Summit.

I will have important bilateral meetings with my fellow Chairmen of Parliaments of G7 countries, as well as a speech at the first session of the Summit on "russia's aggression against Ukraine and the International Order."

Undoubtedly, the focus of attention will be on Ukraine and the comprehensive support of our country's partners in countering the russian aggressor.

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

🇺🇦 The plenary session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on September 5, 2023 in photos.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

📄Restoration of e-declaration means transparency for all, — the First Deputy Chairman of the Social Policy Committee Mykhailo Tsymbaliuk

🔹The law on the restoration of electronic declaration for all officials and MPs, except for the military, was adopted in the second reading.

🔹The declaration will be restored for the period of 2021-2022 and subsequent years.

🔹The law also authorizes law enforcement agencies and the NACP to analyze declarations of politically exposed persons. This initiative responds to the demands of the public and international partners, including the International Monetary Fund.

🔹The law was supported by MPs and is awaiting the President's signature. All officials must submit their declarations by the end of this year.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

🇺🇦 The X session of the IX convocation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has begun: personnel changes, European integration bills and decisions supported by MPs.

Personnel changes:
🔴 resignation of the Minister of Defense Oleksii Reznikov;
🔴 dismissal of Rustem Umerov from the post of Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine;
🔴 dismissal of Olha Pishchanska from the post of the Head of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine.

The draft laws on:
✅improving the procedure for bringing to justice persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government — No. 9587-d, in general;
✅determining the procedure for submitting declarations of persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government under martial law — No. 9534, in general.

The First Vice Speaker Oleksandr Korniienko

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The role of the Public Broadcaster during and after the war — the Humanitarian Policy Committee took part in the conference.

❗️ Main issues of the event:
✔️ Due to or in spite of: How UA:PBC maintained institutional stability during the war;
✔️ From reform to sustainability. What role will UA:PBC play in post-war Ukraine?
✔️ Public broadcasters in the world. Best practices.

🔹 Mykyta Poturaiev, the Head of the Committee, noted that during the full-scale invasion, UA:PBC strengthened its position and should be properly funded.

💬 I appeal to our international partners: if you want to help us preserve one of the most important reforms, please include the budget of the National Public Broadcaster of Ukraine as a separate line in the macro-financial assistance, the parliamentarian said.

🔹 The Deputy Chair of the Committee Yevheniia Kravchuk noted that UA:PBC has become one of the most popular employers in the media market.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

🇺🇦🇩🇰 Together with the First Deputy Speaker, Oleksandr Korniienko I met with the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen.

She arrived in Ukraine and spoke in the Verkhovna Rada. This is not her first visit in the last 18 months. Kyiv, Borodianka, Mykolaiv, Odesa, and today Bucha.

“The depressing brutality of russian aggression, the senseless evil. The destruction brought by the war is heartbreaking,” Ms. Prime Minister shared her feelings in the session hall.

"But, despite the inhumanity of war, despite injustice, despite all the pain, Ukraine and you are still holding on. The world sees the incredible strength of the Ukrainian people. The will to never give up, to fight back against the aggressor, the occupier, as you fight to restore Ukrainian territory, restore justice and bring peace to Europe, to our Europe. Dear people of Ukraine! Your struggle is our struggle!" Mette Frederiksen emphasized.

👏 Thank you, Denmark!

The Vice-Speaker Olena Kondratiuk


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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Візит Прем’єр-міністра Данії Метте Фредеріксен важливий для України. Ми цінуємо його.

Як завжди, наші змістовні, максимально конкретні переговори. Новий оборонний пакет – це буде вже 12-й, – який готується на цей місяць. Розмінування, відбудова, ситуація на полі бою, безпека Чорноморського регіону, наших портів.

Кожен спільний крок України та Данії робить сильнішими наші народи й нашу здатність захищати життя людей.

Дякую за всі прояви нашої співпраці і вам, Метте, особисто, і всій Данії. За те, що ви разом із нами, допомагаєте Україні захищати життя та людяність.

The visit of Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen is important for Ukraine. We appreciate it.

As always, our substantial negotiations as specific as possible. The new defense package, the 12th one, is being prepared for this month. Demining, reconstruction, the situation on the battlefield, the security of the Black Sea region, our ports.

Every joint step taken by Ukraine and Denmark strengthens our nations and our ability to protect people's lives.

Thank you for all the manifestations of our cooperation – to you, Mette, personally and to all of Denmark. For being with us – helping Ukraine defend life and humanity.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

On the night of September 6, Ukrainian scientist, historian, religious scholar Ihor Kozlovskyi died, — the Humanitarian and Information Policy Committee

The scientist was born in Makiivka. He studied and taught at higher education institutions in Donetsk.

From January 2016 to December 2017, he was held captive by the militants of the so-called DPR.

"Kozlovskyi was a world-renowned expert in religious studies and spiritual systems. He met with Pope Paul II and wrote more than 50 scientific books. His research interests were diverse: from church-state relations to Eastern religious practices," says the Institute of National Memory.

After his captivity, the religious scholar continued his scientific work and told the Ukrainian and world community about the threat of the russian regime.

The Committee expresses its sincere condolences and shares the sadness of the loss of a great Ukrainian. May he rest in peace.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Autumn sowing campaign 2023 has started in Ukraine — the Agrarian Committee.

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, agrarians of all regions of Ukraine are actively sowing rapeseed and have started sowing winter crops for grain.

As of the beginning of September, 699.7 thousand hectares of winter crops have already been sown, including 654.9 thousand hectares of rapeseed and 44.8 thousand hectares of grain (wheat — 42.5 thousand hectares, barley — 1.2 thousand hectares and rye — 1.1 thousand hectares).

Due to favorable weather conditions, rapeseed sowing has already been completed in Volyn, Poltava, Sumy and Ternopil regions.

The largest area of winter rapeseed was sown in Ternopil region — 72.5 thou hectares, followed by Vinnytsia region — 67.2 thou hectares and Kirovohrad region — 59.4 thou hectares.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

We met with the Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen under the dome of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine! 🇩🇰

Last year, Ms. Prime Minister spoke online to MPs — it was a powerful speech, especially when she emphasized that we are fighting not only for our country, but for free nations around the world. And today she is here with us.

I am grateful for her leadership and unwavering support for Ukraine, particularly in the military, financial, and humanitarian spheres! I would also like to thank for the historic decision to transfer F-16 fighter jets, which is a powerful contribution to strengthening our country's defense capabilities.

We appreciate every step that our friends take together with the Ukrainian people on the path to victory!

"Your fight is our fight". It is pleasant and very important that the world stands with us on the side of truth and justice.

Ukraine will win. The free world will win!

The First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oleksandr Korniienko

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Панове генерали! Вищі військові та спеціальні звання, які були вам присвоєні, – це й свідчення поваги держави до вашої служби, й оцінка ваших заслуг та командирських якостей, і вдячність держави за ваші результати.

І водночас це наказ вам завжди бути тими, хто здатен вести людей до перемоги. До перемоги України! Бережіть життя наших людей. Дбайте про воїнів і про державу.


Gentlemen Generals! The highest military and special ranks you have received are evidence of the state's respect for your service, an assessment of your merits and commanding qualities, and the state's gratitude for your results.

And at the same time, it is an order to you to always be those who are able to lead people to victory. To the victory of Ukraine! Take care of the lives of our people. Take care of the warriors and the state.


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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Україна вистояла. І Україна продовжує жити. Україна захищається. Україна повертає своє. Завдяки сміливості. Завдяки єдності. Завдяки зброї. Завдяки підтримці світу.

Ukraine withstood. And Ukraine continues to live. Ukraine is defending itself. Ukraine is regaining what belongs to it. Thanks to courage. Thanks to unity. Thanks to weapons. Thanks to the support of the world.

Photo: Separate Kharkiv territorial defense brigade, ArmyInform, Vasilisa Stepanenko, Slava Ratynski, 95th separate air assault brigade, 56th separate motorized infantry brigade of Mariupol, 55th separate artillery brigade "Zaporizhzhia Sich", Yuriy Stefaniak, 53rd separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Volodymyr Monomakh.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

E-Declaration is a step towards joining the European Union, — Taras Batenko, the member of the Committee on Budget

🔹Restoration of e-declarations for public officials is becoming an important EU accession requirement. Although the declaration was canceled for military personnel during martial law, some groups (such as employees of territorial recruitment centers) remained under this obligation.

🔹Open declaration is a key step in bringing Ukraine closer to the possibility of joining the EU, and we support this initiative.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

‼️ Conditions for restoring declarations and access to declarations of Ukrainian officials, — the member of the National Security Committee David Arakhamiia

Key points:

1️⃣ An important step is the restoration of declaration as a condition for joining the EU.
2️⃣ For security reasons, the declarations of military recruitment officers and procurement officials become mandatory immediately. Other officials may submit declarations after a ninety-day period or the end of martial law.
3️⃣ The register of declarations remains closed by default for security reasons.
4️⃣ Political accountability becomes important, as the NACP states that declarations of individuals may become publicly available.
5️⃣ Many declarants choose to make their declarations publicly available at their own discretion.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

🏦 Draft Law 9269: Prevention of money laundering and protection of public officials, — Pavlo Bakunets, the member of the Budget Committee

🔹The draft law 9269, which is being considered at the first reading, discusses the need to combat money laundering, especially the illegally obtained funds.

🔹This initiative puts public servants in the role of "politically exposed persons" and requires special financial control over their transactions in banks.

🔹The draft law is aimed at ensuring transparency and reducing the possibility of money laundering among government officials.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

We are finishing this day in the capital, Kyiv. Two days in Donbas and Zaporizhzhia region. 13 combat brigades.
Together with Generals Syrskyi, Tarnavskyi and Sodol.
We talked to the brigade and battalion commanders.
We awarded our warriors.
I thanked the combat medics, our doctors.

All requests from the warriors will be addressed by senior generals, government officials, and our international relations officials.
There will be new supplies.
It is very important that there will be a new production of our weapons, and we have outlined several priority items with the warriors. This is what needs to be done. We will do it!

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Parliament automates processing of materials on administrative offenses for failure to submit electronic declarations.

🔹The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted the Law on Improving the Procedure for Bringing to Responsibility Persons Authorized to Perform State or Local Government Functions (No. 9587-d).

🔹The Law simplifies and automates the processing of materials on administrative offenses under Article 172-6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses by empowering the National Agency for Adjudication of Administrative Offenses without drawing up a protocol.

🔹The possibility of exemption from administrative liability for insignificance in the commission of the said offense is excluded.
Protocols that were drawn up and/or started to be considered before the date of entry into force of this Law shall be considered in the manner in force before that day.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Restoring e-declaration —No. 9534 was voted as a whole.

The draft law aims to restore anti-corruption mechanisms, including the resumption of the submission of relevant declarations and special inspections, as well as simplification of the procedure for submitting declarations:

🔹 Providing declarants with access to information about them and their family members;
🔹Improving the declaration of objects owned or used by a person;
🔹 Improving the procedure and increasing the timeframe for declaring significant changes in property status.

In addition, the draft law provides for separate deadlines for submitting declarations for declarants performing tasks in the interests of national security and defense of Ukraine.

Declaration is primarily about public trust. It is also about responsibility for one's actions — for any lies or illicit enrichment.

The First Vice Speaker Oleksandr Korniienko


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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

🇺🇦 Ukrainian climbers finish the season with a double podium at the European Cup in Bologna, Italy

🔹 Yaroslav Tkach won in the speed discipline with a time of 5.32 seconds. Kostiantyn Pavlenko became the silver medalist, losing six hundredths of a second to his compatriot.

🔹According to the results of the season, in the overall standings of the Continental Cup, the Ukrainians took the following places in the "speed":

🥇Gold: Yaroslav Tkach.
🥈Silver: Hryhorii Ilchyshyn.
🥉Bronze: Kostiantyn Pavlenko, Alina Shchihareva.

👏Congratulations to the athletes and their coaches! Together to Victory!

The Youth and Sports Committee

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Українські воїни, український народе!
Пишаюся вами й завжди гордий, що світ очікує перемоги саме від вас!



Ukrainian warriors, Ukrainian people!
I am proud of you! I am always proud that the world expects victory from you exactly!


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