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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

On this day, I personally congratulated our soldiers of the 59th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade named after Yakiv Handziuk.

Our Heroes, brave and courageous, are repelling the invaders and standing up for Ukraine and its future — a free country across our 603,628 km² territory.

I talked to the soldiers. They asked me to tell everyone, especially our partners, that they really need ammunition and weapons, armored vehicles and drones. The guys and girls have enough fighting spirit and skills, as well as faith that we will liberate our land.

I also fulfilled an important mission — I delivered drawings from young Ukrainians who wanted to congratulate our soldiers. Children understand everything. They understand who we owe our lives to and what we are fighting for.

Eternal memory to all those who died for the Ukrainian independence 🇺🇦

Glory to the Heroes!
Glory to Ukraine!

The First Vice Speaker
Oleksandr Korniyenko

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Today is another important day for our educators!

I congratulate our teachers on their professional holiday!

Despite all the difficulties, you impart knowledge, share your experience, instill values and above all, strive to make the educational process better.

Online or offline, you care about your students and schoolchildren and what they remember after each lesson or lecture.

I am grateful to all educators for your endurance, inspiration, and desire to teach.

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk

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The Committee on Freedom of Speech informs about the loss of media representatives.

Photographer Volodymyr Myroniuk, call sign "John", died at the front near Kurdyumivka, Donetsk region. He was 59 years old.

He made his last report at the Ukrainian infantry position, which the occupiers had been attacking for several days.

Volodymyr Myroniuk was a Ukrainian, a US citizen, and had worked as a truck driver in America for many years.

He came to Ukraine when the Maidan began.

"John" became one of the human mascots at the front. He thanked every soldier he met with photos.

The Committee on Freedom of Speech expresses its sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased!

Photo: Yevhenii Zavhorodnii

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Дякуємо! Памʼятаємо!



We are thankful! We remember!


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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Happy Day of Defenders of Ukraine!

This day has become another opportunity to thank you for your independence, for your struggle, for your protection. For standing for the future for future generations.

Many of you gave your lives for Ukraine. These names are forever in history, in our memory. Heroes never die! Low bow and eternal honor!

Ukraine will win for the sake of you — those who laid down their bodies and souls for our freedom, who bring victory closer every day despite everything!

At the same time, today is the Protection of the Mother of God and the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks — all three holidays are interconnected.

This year, October 1 is also the Day of Territorial Defense. We honor those who stood up to defend the country. We all saw the huge queues at the beginning of the full-scale invasion to join the ranks of the terrorist defense.

Thank you for your resistance and this choice — for Ukraine, for the Ukrainian people!

The First Vice Speaker Oleksandr Korniyenko

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Важкі часи зробили нас сильними. А сильні наближають переможні часи. Крок за кроком. Сьогодні, завтра, щодня, щохвилини.

Ні планово, ні аварійно ніхто не має й не зможе «відключити» нашу стійкість, витримку, міцність, відвагу. Вони не мають терміну дії, кінцевої дати чи крайньої точки, після якої ми припинили б спротив і боротьбу, окрім однієї – нашої перемоги. Щоденно наближаючи її, ми кажемо: «Будемо боротися стільки, скільки буде потрібно!»

Ми робили це в перші хвилини 24 лютого, робимо всі ці 585 днів і будемо робити це надалі.

Слава всім, хто бʼється й боронить Батьківщину! Слава нашим захисникам і захисницям! Слава українському народові!

Слава Україні!


Tough times have made us strong. And the strong bring the times of victory closer. Step by step. Today, tomorrow, every day, every minute.

No one should or will be able to "turn off" our resilience, endurance, grit, and fortitude. Neither on a regular nor an emergency basis. None of them have an "expiration date" an "end date", or a final point after which we would stop resisting and fighting. There is only one such point: our victory. As we bring it closer every day, we say, "We will fight for as long as it takes”.

We were doing it in the first minutes of February 24th; we have been doing it for all these 585 days, and we will keep doing it.

Glory to all those who are fighting and defending the homeland! Glory to our defenders! Glory to the Ukrainian people!

Glory to Ukraine!


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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The first Defense Industries Forum took place. An extremely successful one.

Our new format with defense companies – the Defense Industries Alliance – includes 38 member companies as of this evening. They represent 19 countries. These are the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Canada, Bulgaria, Australia, Belgium, our Baltic friends – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as the Czech Republic, North Macedonia, Slovakia, Spain, Croatia and Finland.

In addition, our manufacturers signed 20 documents with partner companies at the Forum. Agreements and memoranda. Each such document then becomes a new production or an enhancement of existing cooperation.

All in all, more than 250 companies took part in our Defense Industries Forum – and this forum is only the first one of its kind. Dozens of Ukrainian companies were among them.

Our country will become one of the world's key producers of weapons and defense systems. And this is no longer just an ambition or a prospect, it is a potential that is already being realized. I am grateful to everyone whose work leads to such results for Ukraine!


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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Happy All-Ukrainian Library Day ❤️📚!

We have been celebrating this holiday for 25 years, expressing gratitude to librarians and solidarity with readers.

American science fiction writer Ray Bradbury once said: "When I was 19, I couldn't go to college because I came from a poor family. We had no money, so I went to the library. I read books three days a week. At the age of 27, I graduated from the library instead of the university." The importance of libraries for society is indeed enormous.

Ukrainian libraries are a separate story, they are not just book collections. They are centers of community life and volunteerism, and when necessary, they are points of resilience and psychological support centers.

Dear library workers, we wish you many readers and full bookshelves. We honor and love you.

The Deputy Head of the Committee on Humanitarian and Information Policy Yevheniia Kravchuk

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

I sincerely congratulate all those involved on the occasion of the All-Ukrainian Library Day, which is celebrated annually on September 30.

Library professionals continue their mission to spread knowledge, promote the Ukrainian language and provide adults and children with interesting and useful reading. And all this despite the terrible war, more than 700 damaged and destroyed libraries, tens and hundreds of thousands of destroyed publications, and tragic losses for the entire library community.

Ukrainian libraries and librarians have become one of the main targets for the aggressor. Deliberately, because they are the centers and guardians of Ukrainian culture, language, literature and identity.

With great gratitude and respect for your work, I would like to wish all our librarians the opportunity to work in safe conditions, health, further endurance, grateful visitors and readers!

The Vice Speaker Olena Kondratiuk

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Зустріч із міністром оборони Словаччини Мартіном Скленаром. 

Серед головних тем – ситуація на фронті, першочергові потреби сил оборони України, гуманітарне розмінування та співпраця наших країн у цій галузі. 

Дякую Словаччині за підтримку України.


Yesterday, I welcomed Slovak Defense Minister Martin Sklenár in Kyiv.

We discussed frontline developments, priority defense needs, and cooperation on humanitarian mine clearance.

I thank Slovakia for standing with Ukraine.


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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Для нас пріоритет – розвиток оборонного виробництва з використанням сучасних технологій, виробництва снарядів, ракет, дронів в Україні у співпраці зі світовими лідерами галузі.

Під час зустрічі з представниками оборонних компаній та асоціацій США, Великої Британії, Німеччини, Франції, Туреччини, Швеції та Чехії обговорили перспективи партнерства та спільного виробництва озброєнь.

Україна готова запропонувати спеціальні умови компаніям, які виявлять готовність спільно з нашою державою розвивати оборонне виробництво.

Our priority is the development of defense production using modern technologies, including the production of shells, missiles, and drones in Ukraine, in cooperation with global leaders in this field.
During the meeting with representatives of defense companies and associations from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Türkiye, Sweden, and the Czech Republic, we discussed the prospects for partnership and joint arms production.
Ukraine is ready to offer special conditions to companies willing to develop defense production together with our country.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Зараз на десятиліття уперед визначається, якими будуть найбільш потужні оборонно-промислові комплекси, якими будуть їхні пріоритети та що буде стандартом оборони. Саме в Україні це визначається.

На першому Міжнародному форумі оборонних індустрій ми створили Альянс оборонних індустрій. Виробники зброї та військової техніки з усього світу можуть приєднатися до її базової декларації та продемонструвати, що вони готові разом з Україною будувати арсенал вільного світу.

Ми сильна нація. Ми сміливий народ. Ми держава, яка має глобальне значення. Ми обов’язково переможемо. І ми створимо такий оборонний потенціал для України, а отже, для всього вільного світу, який буде відображенням нашої сили.

Right now, the most powerful military-industrial complexes are being determined, as are their priorities and the global standard of defense. All of this is being determined in Ukraine.

At the First International Defense Industries Forum, we created the Defense Industries Alliance. Manufacturers from all over the world can join its founding declaration, showing their readiness to build the arsenal of the free world together with Ukraine.

We are a strong nation. We are brave people. A globally significant state. We will undoubtedly prevail. And we will create such a defense potential for Ukraine – and therefore the entire free world – that will reflect our strength.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

This week significantly strengthened our country and our people. There will be important news for Ukraine tomorrow – for our warriors, for our entire state.

We are working to ensure that the coming weeks will add strength to Ukraine – internal strength – and the necessary cooperation with the world. So that the world hears us, understands us, and supports us. I thank everyone who is helping!

Glory to everyone who fights and works for the sake of Ukraine and its people!
Glory to Ukraine!

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Ukraine in the IAEA Board of Governors will encourage the agency to take proactive steps to protect our interests, — the member of the Energy Committee Sergiy Nagornyak:

🔹 Ukraine has joined the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for 2023-2025. This event is extremely important in a situation when russia poses a serious threat to our domestic energy facilities, in particular, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.

💬 Now we will have a voice in the IAEA, the ability to initiate resolutions, take leadership into our own hands, so that the Agency's position sounds tough to the whole world, including on the issue of liberation from the occupiers of ZNPP. Our colleagues are trying to do this diplomatically. We understand that diplomacy is difficult with russia, Sergiy Nagornyak noted.

🔹 According to him, Ukraine's membership in the IAEA will also provide an opportunity to exert more influence on the Agency's Director General Rafael Grossi, encouraging proactive actions.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

IOC announces consideration of admission of russian and belarusian athletes to international competitions, — Olga Saladukha, the Head of the Subcommittee on High Performance Sports and Sports Activities of the Youth and Sports Committee.

💬 This is a very disturbing signal for Ukraine. The latest decisions of UEFA are no less disturbing. They decided to return russians under the age of 17 to international competitions. This is a kind of trial test and UEFA's further steps will depend on the reaction of the international sports community.

💬 And there is already such a reaction. The football associations of England, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland and Denmark have announced that they will boycott UEFA tournaments if russians are present. I thank our partners for their solidarity with Ukraine! Therefore, Thomas Bach and his subordinates should weigh the pros and cons and make a decision that will benefit world sport, not pro-russian lobbyists.

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Happy Education Workers' Day!

Every teacher is working in difficult conditions at the moment. Just like the rest of the country, they are fighting the enemy's aggression and continue to teach children and share knowledge.

You stay with your students for a long time and become their true friend who supports them and introduces them to the world.

Some of you have defended Ukraine and teach from the trenches.

Thank you for your courage, your choice of profession, and for enriching children with knowledge and helping them on their way!

Today we are celebrating you, your achievements and dedication to your work. I wish you to always see the results of your work in the success of your students!

The First Deputy Chairman Oleksandr Korniyenko

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Сьогодні свій день відзначають воїни Сил територіальної оборони Збройних Сил України. Вони разом з усіма іншими видами й родами військ звільняють українську землю від російських окупантів, хоробро та стійко захищають Україну.

Я дякую за вашу відвагу та силу! Дякую всім воїнам територіальної оборони!

З Днем територіальної оборони!


Today, the warriors of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine celebrate their Day. They, along with all other types and branches of the armed forces, liberate Ukrainian land from Russian invaders, bravely and steadfastly defend Ukraine.

I thank you for your courage and strength! I thank all the territorial defense warriors!

Congratulations on the Day of Territorial Defense!

Photo: 127th separate brigade of the Kharkiv Territorial Defense Forces, 206th battalion of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Donetsk separate brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces, Oleksandr Kozlovskyi, Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 110th separate brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Today, many Kyiv residents, along with their children, bring flowers, candles, and photographs to the Wall of Remembrance on Mykhailivska Square, remembering the fallen defenders of Ukraine — their husbands, wives, parents, relatives and friends.

Together with representatives of all factions and heads of parliamentary committees, MPs, and the Verkhovna Rada Apparent, we honored the memory of the defenders of our country.

We must always remember the heavy price of every meter of Ukrainian land liberated from the occupiers, every de-occupied village and city, which was paid for with the lives and blood of the best and bravest people of the country.

Eternal honor and memory to all those who gave their lives for the freedom, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

The Vice Speaker Olena Kondratiuk

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

This year, for the first time, we are celebrating the Day of Defenders of Ukraine according to the new calendar, which brings us back to our common European home.

And every new day we never tire of thanking our Defenders, who bring our Victory closer, fight for our faith and hope, and a peaceful European future.

All those who defend Ukraine with arms in their hands are our Heroes. They are men and women on an equal footing, for whom honor, dignity, and service to the defense of the Ukrainian people are the highest goal and the greatest duty.

Glory to all the Defenders of Ukraine! We wish you health and victory! May the Lord protect you. We are proud of you and thank you very much for your selfless defense of everything that is dear, valuable and dear to all Ukrainians.

Glory to the Heroes!

The Vice Speaker Olena Kondratiuk

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

🕯️ Stop for a moment — with Ukraine.

On the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, at 9 a.m., all of Ukraine will stop to honour the feat of all those who gave their lives for Ukraine in silence.

🇺🇦 Memory. Honour. Eternal glory!

Join the nationwide commemoration. Stand with Ukraine.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Day of Defenders of Ukraine! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

Those we are proud of!
Who we admire!
To whom we are grateful!

We are infinitely grateful for the perseverance!
For strength!
For courage!

With great respect, I would like to congratulate our defenders, each and every one of them, who are defending the Ukrainian land at great cost and driving the enemy away with all their might.

I thank you for every liberated city! For the joy of seeing the Ukrainian Flag return to our localities!

For the fact that the whole world and every Ukrainian family says: "Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!"

We have the best army in the world! The one that has proven to everyone what courage is and what struggle is!

The price of victory, which our defenders bring closer every day, is extremely high!

The names of the heroes and heroines who gave their lives defending Ukraine will forever be in our history and our hearts!

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Together with the participants of the third session of the Ukrainian school of political studies discussed the future of Ukrainian politics and the Parliament.

In the context of the future, we are definitely talking about building a strong state — without war, with the preservation of territorial integrity and a just victory. And all our steps are now aimed at this.

At the same time, Ukrainians have made a choice — European and Euro-Atlantic integration. On this path, we have a number of key reforms to implement. And the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is one of the key bodies in these processes. We have demonstrated our readiness to do what is necessary to open the accession negotiations and achieve our goals.

The future is determined by actions now. In all scenarios of development, the Parliament will remain working on the principles for Ukraine and for Ukrainians.

The First Vice Speaker Oleksandr Korniyenko

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

It has been 90 years since the Holodomor, since the soviet government committed genocide against the Ukrainian people.

Unpunished evil always returns!

The cruelest lesson of history for the world.

The First Deputy Head of the Committee on Humanitarian and Information Policy Iryna Konstankevych

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Two days of the European Conference of Presidents of Parliaments.

More than 30 bilateral meetings!

I am grateful to my colleagues, to every speaker who spoke about supporting Ukraine these days and who confirmed this support in the future!

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk

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We managed to send another group of children from Kyiv to Azerbaijan!

Within two weeks, the children whose parents are currently at the front will undergo medical rehabilitation at the Gabala Medical and Health Center.

The stay of 29 Ukrainian children in Azerbaijan, as in the previous time, is handled by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Azerbaijan, with whose head, Minister Sahil Babayev, I had fruitful talks during my working visit to Baku in May this year.

Together with Mr. Seymur Mardaliyev, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Ukraine, we wished our children to have a good rest, get healthy and return home with new impressions!

The Vice Speaker Olena Kondratiuk

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Stand with Ukraine 💙💛

Together to the victory 🇺🇦

🖼️: Yuliia Lyshanets

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Another important meeting was with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar.

I thanked the Government of Ireland for the comprehensive humanitarian, financial and political support provided to Ukraine.

I also thanked for the support of the humanitarian initiative Grain From Ukraine.

I emphasized that Ukraine is actively moving towards completing the implementation of the seven recommendations of the European Commission, taking into account the further steps identified in the interim assessment of the European Commission earlier in June. We expect a final positive recommendation from the European Commission in October.

On the eve of the European Council meeting in December, I hope for maximum consolidation of political support, and in particular Ireland's support in the context of the opening of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU this year.

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk

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🇦🇿🇺🇦 At the meeting with the Chairperson of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan Sahiba Gafarova, we discussed ways of further cooperation between the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Parliament of Azerbaijan.

I am grateful for the principled position of Azerbaijan in support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Ukraine, for its part, maintains an unwavering position in support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan within its internationally recognized borders.

🇦🇲🇺🇦 During a conversation with the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, Alen Simonyan, I noted the changes in Yerevan's voting on Ukrainian and pro-Ukrainian resolutions and initiatives.

Ukraine stands for the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict in compliance with international law, respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states within internationally recognized borders.

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Memorial Day for the Babyn Yar tragedy. It is a place of pain and a reminder to the whole world of the terrible evil that totalitarian regimes can bring to innocent people.

The Nazis ended the lives of 100,000 people here: Ukrainians, Ukrainian Jews, Roma, representatives of other nationalities, people with different beliefs, views, men, women, children... Babyn Yar is one of the most terrible pages of the Holocaust, the genocide of the Jewish people. In just two days, on September 29-30, 1941, the Nazis shot nearly 34,000 Kyiv Jews here.

Today, the fates of innocent people are once again being destroyed in Ukraine, and mass murders of civilians, torture, rape, and crimes against humanity — the genocide of the Ukrainian people — are being committed.

Together with Oleksandr Korniyenko, we honored the memory of the victims of the Babyn Yar tragedy. We remember all those who died because of the russian invasion.

The Deputy Speaker Olena Kondratiuk

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Together with Olena Kondratiuk and colleagues from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the First Deputy Chairman Oleksandr Korniyenko honored the memory of the victims of one of the worst crimes against humanity — the Babyn Yar tragedy.

This is a painful page in history.

Through the years, we will always remember the terrible period when Nazism took the lives of about a hundred thousand people — Ukrainians, Jews and Roma. These were families, adults and children, men and women.

This evil was punished. And any other evil that intends to act against people and cause pain and suffering will be as well.

After all, life is the highest value.

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