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"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl but by all means you have to keep moving forward" contact me 👉 @miromonov

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

BE A MAN! START ACTING LIKE AN ADULT - Jordan Peterson Motivation

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

you don’t become a king by chasing a queen, you become a king by chasing the crown.

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

THE CHOICE (Short animated video)

"small choices become actions,
actions become habits,
and habits become our way of life"

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

I’m working hard for these results. I’m suffering. I’m going through the fire. Adversity is building my character. I’m going through the fire for this. I ain’t be an easy man.

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

How to get better ideas:

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

Rule 1: Stand up straight with your shoulders back

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

However, it's important to find a balance between routine and flexibility. Having a routine can be helpful in managing time and energy, but it's important to be open to change and adaptation when needed. Too much rigidity in routines can lead to boredom and a lack of growth and development.

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

Change might be opportunity, instead of disaster.

Jordan Peterson

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

Get RICH in the A.I. Revolution (2023)

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

“It’s not what we don’t know that gets us in trouble. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.”

- Mark Twain

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

Don't rush the process. Trust it. Great things take time.

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

• mentality •

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

"Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going."

- Sam Levenson

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress.
Working hard for something we love is called passion.

Follow your passion. It will lead you to your purpose 💭

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

If you’re absent during my struggle, don’t expect to be present during my success

Will Smith

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

A man who treats his woman like a princess is proof that he has been raised by a queen.

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

You find answers through your journey without even knowing it 🙏

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

Tate’s two simple steps to improve your life

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions to be shattered.

- иногда люди не хотят слышать правду, потому что они не хотят, чтобы их иллюзии были разрушены.

That's often the case, as it can be difficult for people to accept things that challenge their beliefs or ideas about the world. People may cling to their illusions and beliefs because they provide comfort and a sense of security. It can be scary to face the truth and to have to re-evaluate what you know and believe. Additionally, people may also not want to hear the truth because it requires them to take responsibility or make difficult changes in their lives. However, acknowledging and accepting the truth is an important step towards personal growth and development.

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

The acts of life we repeat every day need to be automatized. They must be turned into stable and reliable habits, so they lose their complexity and gain predictability and simplicity. This can be perceived most clearly in the case of small children, who are delightful and comical and playful when their sleeping and eating schedules are stable, and horrible and whiny and nasty when they are not.

© Jordan Peterson, " 12 rules for life "

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

Tell the truth, or, at least don't lie!

Рассказывают как людям удобно верить ложным утверждениям, потому, что, как правило, правда не оправдывает ожидания. Послушайте, надеюсь, ваше мнение изменится

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

For those who are wondering what does winner mentality means

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.

- Buddha

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

a chel who reads Jordan Peterson is the ultimate goal chaser and sober-minded persona you've ever stumbled upon either dealt with smhw. haha, what better way is there other than praising oneself implicitly?. ain't any that seems

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

We had all to loose, we had all to gain. I know it hurts when you hear my name There's no sun without rain; no joy without pain. Whoever made souls, made our hearts the same. Distance kills fake love, shows you what's real. I know the deal. I can play heart of steel. Distance makes it so much harder to heal

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

“My children didn’t choose to be born, I chose to have children. They owe me nothing, I owe them everything” —Elon Musk

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👑 Motivation Imperion 👑

indecision is the thief of opportunity.

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