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Pro-Vaxxer Left Speechless as Dr. McCullough Drops the Disturbing Truth About the COVID Shots
BRIAN SHAPIRO: “You are... far less likely to get the effects of having to go into the ICU or possibly dying if you were vaccinated. Am I wrong?”
DR. MCCULLOUGH: “Yeah, you’re wrong. And here’s the reason why.”
• “The prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials of the vaccines never showed a reduction in severity.”
• “They never showed a reduction in hospitalization and death.”
• “In a recent paper by Norman Fenton from the UK, he shown that there was tremendous misclassification bias.” This misclassification bias led to the false claim that 90% of people dying in the hospital were unvaccinated.
• “In countries that actually did have the vaccine status, like the UK, they found far more vaccinated in the hospital on ventilators and dying than the unvaccinated.”
• “With every single injection, one is more and more likely to get COVID-19.”
• “Our safety system for vaccines records, on average, 150 deaths in a year on average. The COVID-19 vaccines roll out... 18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine. 1150 die on the same day they take the shot! Some die in the vaccine center. 1200 die the next day.”
• 18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine doesn’t account for the underreporting factor of 30. “We’re looking, as we sit here today, at 550,000 plus Americans who have died after the vaccine. The same pattern is seen worldwide.”
Dr. McCullough ended with this statement:
“There are calls to pull these vaccines off the market. They’re so grossly unsafe because people die quickly after taking them.”
Watch the full clip: https://twitter.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1780023682070347895?t=wrSpSNBBoo2mbCOZ-IdQ9g&s=19
Give Dr. McCullough a follow on Telegram: /channel/C19ExpertChannel
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Ed Dowd Drops Disturbing Reality
“The protocols instituted in 2020 were designed to kill people to get the COVID numbers inflated.”
• Hospitals got incentivized to identify a patient as COVID
• Then, they got money to put them on a ventilator
• Then, they got money for Remdesivir
• And then they got money for the death
“When you design incentives, you get the results you want from the incentives.”
Full interview: https://rumble.com/v4p57qk-government-and-media-pretending-massive-health-crisis-not-going-on-ed-dowd.html
More Stories on @Vigilant_News:
Do Not Take This Warning From Neil Oliver Lightly
What Have Vaccines Done to Us? The Truth is Disturbing
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High School Student Hit With Suspension After Saying “Illegal Alien”
This is insane.
A 16-year-old student at Central Davidson High School in Lexington, North Carolina, received a three-day suspension after spouting “illegal alien.”
The student’s use of the term arose during an English class vocabulary exercise that included the word “alien,” prompting him to ask, “Like space aliens or illegal aliens without green cards?”
A confrontation ensued with another student, leading to the teacher summoning the assistant principal, who ultimately deemed the term “offensive and disrespectful” towards Hispanic classmates, resulting in the suspension.
The student defended his actions, stating he was asking a question and not making a statement directed towards anyone, highlighting that the term “illegal alien” is commonly used and can be found in the dictionary.
The suspension could potentially impact the student’s academic record and jeopardize his aspirations for an athletic scholarship.
Despite efforts to resolve the situation, the assistant principal has refused to remove the infraction from the student’s record.
Elon Musk weighed in on the situation, calling the incident “absurd.”
It seems like every day, we’re told to respect people’s pronouns, but they don’t even respect our ability to use dictionary terms.
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Confirmed: COVID mRNA Vaccines Contain Component that Suppresses Immune Response and Stimulates Cancer Growth
It doesn’t look good for the COVID vaccinated.
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Dr. Phil Delivers Stunning Message to the COVID “Experts” Who Got it Wrong
The floodgates are opening.
“You hear people say, ‘Well, we did the best we could with what we knew.’ No, they did not. They knew better. And if they didn’t know better, they damn well should have known better. That’s what they’re paid to do.”
Dr. Phil recalled how “all of a sudden, a few weeks turn into months, and months turn into two years. You expect there will be a plan, a readiness plan, that takes into account all the collateral damage that can come from doing something like that.”
The children suffered.
“When you shut down the schools, the day you shut them down, you better have a plan for reopening them. I didn’t see a plan for them to be reopened. And we have an entire generation that is suffering from developmental gaps, educational gaps, mental and emotional challenges. And still, there’s not a good plan to close those gaps.”
“When the next pandemic turns the corner, who’s got the plan then?” Dr. Phil asked. “What was learned from this? Because you don’t hear anybody talking about it, do you? You don’t hear anybody talking about it.”
“And I’m not some conspiracy theorist,” he added. “I’m saying we need to think about whether we’re going to rely on science and how we’re going to react when the government comes in and starts telling us what we can and can’t do. I think we need less government. I think if they would step back, we tend to have a way to work these things out.”
Watch the full episode: https://www.meritplus.com/c/s/VQ2aB6Sp?episodeId=Uzz4pTQz&play=1
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BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Announces New Telegram Channel Following Interview With Pavel Durov
This is a fantastic move, and I’ll tell you why.
Remember, it was not long when the government colluded with Twitter to silence dangerous “COVID misinformation,” including info that came from legitimate doctors and esteemed scientists who disagreed with the official government narrative.
While many of your favorite accounts, including this one, were banned and silenced on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc, Telegram did the exact opposite and served as a bastion of free speech.
It was the place to go for real COVID information while other platforms dinged you for simply asking, “Hey, what about natural immunity?”
While 𝕏 is great in its current form, it is under attack, and it is wise not to put all your eggs in one basket.
I still use Telegram daily. It is an awesome platform, and I am glad to see Tucker showing it some love.
Tucker has just launched a new Telegram channel that has quickly amassed over 100K followers. Be sure to check it out in the link below.
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Corrupt Judge Issues Cold-Blooded Threat to President Trump
If the corrupt ruling elite can find a way to make Trump’s life harder - they’ll take it.
The latest example is Trump’s ongoing criminal trial in regards to “hush money” paid to Stormy Daniels — and this time, they’re inconveniencing President Trump not only in his legal and business life but also in regards to his personal life — preventing him from attending his son’s graduation.
Judge Juan Merchan on Monday threatened to put President Trump in jail if he doesn’t show up for trial.
President Trump asked the judge if he could skip the trial on Wednesday for his son Barron’s graduation.
Merchan said that it “really depends on if we are on time and where we are in the trial” before issuing this chilling statement:
“If you deliberately fail to appear in court when required, then any proceeding in your case, including hearing, trial, and if you are convicted, sentence, can and will continue in your absence. A warrant for your arrest will be issued and you will be subject to separate prosecution and separate punishment for bail jumping no matter what happens in this case. Do you understand?”
The bottom line here is that the world is watching in horror at the lawfare being waged against Joe Biden’s leading political opponent, something that really only happens in third-world Communist dictatorship countries.
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Texas Woman Drops Border Horror Stories on The Dr. Phil Show
Kim says her cattle ranch was ruined because of illegal immigrants.
She told Dr. Phil that illegal immigrants kicked in their door, broke into her husband’s office and his truck, defiled their equipment, and even defecated on their machinery “just to be mean and hateful and gross.”
But it doesn’t end there.
One night, around 3:00 AM, illegals approached her porch. Despite her confronting them with a gun, they did not leave but instead inquired about the type of beer she had inside. “They laughed, and they just said, ‘We just wanted to know if you had a different kind of beer inside your house. We don’t like this one you have on the porch.’”
The horror continues.
She recounted a distressing incident involving a woman who, after jumping on a train two days after Thanksgiving, lost her foot and hid bleeding in the backseat of Kim’s truck. “She got her foot cut off and decided to hide in the backseat of my truck and bled there for five or six hours.”
Dr. Phil remarked: “I’m sure some of these people have a legitimate reason for trying to get away from a bad situation. But when you’ve got people that are just violating human decency and boundaries coming on your property, banging on your door, that sort of thing, that’s where people are saying, ‘All right, it’s time to draw the line. It’s time to shut the border.’”
Full Episode: https://www.meritplus.com/c/s/VQ2aB6Sp?episodeId=60dVIxNL&play=1
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Dr. Peter McCullough Sounds the Alarm on COVID Vaccine-Induced “Turbo Cancer”
“The COVID vaccines have at least three mechanisms by which they could start a cancer, or they could promote an existing cancer.”
1.) The messenger RNA from COVID-19 injections could severely disrupt the body’s ability to repair damaged DNA. This breakdown in basic cell processes could lead to uncontrolled mutations, greatly increasing the risk of developing cancer.
2.) The S2 segment of the spike protein, delivered specifically through the vaccine, is suggested to critically suppress key tumor suppressor proteins such as P53 and BRCA. This suppression effectively disarms the body’s primary defenses against cancerous cell growth, paving the way for tumors to flourish unchecked.
3.) The formulation of mRNA vaccines includes DNA process-related impurities that could carry proto-oncogenic properties. “And the fragments that are detected are the SV40 enhancer, promoter, and origin of insertion, as well as antibiotic resistance fragments that are used in the manufacturing process.”
“So, in summary, the COVID vaccines have at least three mechanisms by which they could start a cancer, or they could promote an existing cancer, and it may occur more rapidly because tumor defense systems are taken down,” said Dr. McCullough.
“That’s what we call turbo cancer.”
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Woman Reveals How She Snuck Ivermectin into Hospital to Save Dying Father
The woman's incredible story went viral after it was shared on X by Dr. Mary Talley Bowden.
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Whistleblower Drops Stunning Revelations on the COVID Cartel
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) recently released an explosive report based on information he gathered from a brave Marine Lt. Colonel.
The revelations were stunning.
It just so turns out that 15 federal agencies KNEW that China was experimenting on a virus that looked suspiciously similar to COVID-19 in 2018.
And when COVID hit, not one person in those 15 agencies came forward and said anything about it.
Senator Paul reported on Fox News:
“Peter Daszak (President of EcoHealth Alliance) made a presentation to 15 agencies about creating a virus that, guess what, looks suspiciously like COVID-19 and looks like no other virus in nature from that family. They were working on this and presented it to 15 agencies.
“And in 2020, when they saw COVID-19, they should have all been calling and raising the alarm and saying, ‘My goodness, we saw this two years ago. We knew the Chinese were doing this’... Nobody in government came forward. Not one person. I take that back. A brave Marine, a lieutenant colonel, came forward and gave us that information, or today, we would still not know any of this.”
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Bill Maher Says the Quiet Part About Abortion Out Loud
On Friday, Maher admitted that abortion is essentially murder and, as such, he could “respect the absolutist [pro-life] position.”
But it’s what he said next that made headlines.
“They [pro-lifers] think it’s murder, and it kind of is. I’m just okay with that. There’s 8 billion people in the world. I’m sorry, we won’t miss you.”
Stunned by Maher’s remarks, former CNN anchor Piers Morgan told Maher, “That’s kind of harsh.”
Maher replied, “Is that not your position if you’re pro-choice?”
What it comes down to is that Maher believes it is okay to murder babies because there are already too many people on the planet, making abortion essentially a means of population control.
However, Bill is overlooking the fact that birth rates are already plummeting in Western societies. As Elon Musk says, “The mind virus is pushing humanity towards extinction.”
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Japanese Professor Delivers Stunning Message Everyone Needs to Hear
“The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world.”
He says the fraudulent use of “experimental gene therapy to healthy people” was not only an “extreme violation of human rights,” but “the result was the induction of the terrible drug-induced injury that has never [been] seen in human history.”
- Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School.
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A new WEF report reveals the global elites’ shocking plan to enforce vaccination.
Americans Are Flocking to This Unwavering Ally Amid Uncertain Times
JP Morgan CEO issues urgent warning to America.
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Dr. Phil Destroys DEI Advocate In Under 40 Seconds
“What gives a DEI program the right to come in and try and alter the nature of things to create equality of outcome?”
HR LEADER: “How do we help level the playing field for everyone?”
DR. PHIL: “Okay, so that means you’re trying to create equality of outcome?”
HR LEADER: “Mm-hmm.”
DR. PHIL: “That’s what I hear you [Pastor James Ward Jr.] saying about playing God. How do you create equality of outcome when people aren’t the same? You’re right. Some people are shorter. Some people are taller looking over that fence. They can’t both play in the NBA. You can’t create equality of outcome. What gives a DEI program the right to come in and try and alter the nature of things to create equality of outcome? That’s been tried. That didn’t work. That was called Marxism.”
More Stories:
JP Morgan CEO issues urgent warning to America.
Cancer Doctor Suggests Foods to Eat, and Not to Eat
A new WEF report reveals the global elites’ shocking plan to enforce vaccination.
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Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 18
WATCH: https://vigilantnews.com/post/media-blackout-10-news-stories-they-chose-not-to-tell-you-episode-18/
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#10 - JP Morgan CEO issues urgent warning to America.
#9 - Mainstream media fails to mention "showers with dad" and molestation claims after Ashely Biden diary leaker is jailed.
#8 - FBI quietly releases unclassified file on Ashli Babbitt…during the solar eclipse.
#7 - A new WEF report reveals the global elites’ shocking plan to enforce vaccination.
#6 - Dr. Phil brutally destroys DEI advocate in under 40 seconds.
#5 - Joe Rogan drops theory explaining why most doctors are silent on COVID vax injuries and deaths.
#4 - Alex Jones to sue FBI and CIA after undercover video reveals feds targeted him.
#3 - Former CBS reporter accuses network of “journalistic rape” for barring her efforts to “expose government corruption.”
#2 - Incriminating audio captures Biden telling his ghostwriter, “I just found all the classified documents stuff downstairs.”
#1 - Esteemed Japanese professor blows the whistle on the entire COVID scam.
Plus, an exclusive interview with Martin Armstrong on the future of the world’s economy. (Watch)
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BONUS #1 - Americans Are Flocking to This Unwavering Ally Amid Uncertain Times
BONUS #2 - Cancer Doctor Suggests Foods to Eat, and Not to Eat
BONUS #3 - What Is Doxycycline and Why Do You Need It?
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Transgender “Vampire” Convicted of Sexually Assaulting Disabled Minor
This is sick. When will this nightmare end?
Adam “Sabrina” Hetke, 35, a registered sex offender identifying as a “transgender vampire,” was convicted of first-degree sexual assault using the threat of a dangerous weapon and second-degree assault of a 16-year-old girl with developmental disabilities.
The incident occurred on July 6, 2021, after Hetke met the girl at a gas station in Waukesha. He followed her home, where he sexually assaulted her while threatening her with a knife. The girl eventually escaped by jumping out of a bedroom window.
Additionally, Hetke faces homicide charges for the April 2021 death of Vydale Thompson-Moody, a 28-year-old man who also had cognitive disabilities.
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RFK Jr. Says the CIA is GUILTY of Murdering His Uncle ‘Beyond a Reasonable Doubt’
The evidence is “so abundant and so definitive” that if RFK Jr. tried the case, where the CIA was on the dock, he says he could “win in front of almost any jury.”
The reason why JFK was murdered, according to Kennedy, is because he defied the military-industrial complex:
“The people who were involved (in the assassination) were all people who were part of the Miami station who were angry at him for not invading Cuba. And they were also angry at him for ending the war in Vietnam. And he [JFK] had, 30 days earlier, signed National Security Order 263, ordering all troops home from Vietnam.”
Full interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFMVNIMrhLE
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Caller drops bone-chilling question on Robert Kennedy Jr. live on air.
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Supreme Court Justice Drops a Bomb on DOJ’s Case Against J6 Protesters
Justice Neil Gorsuch stole the show during arguments in Fischer v. US.
Fischer, a former police officer, faces 20 years in prison after spending 4 mins inside the Capitol.
But something brilliant happened.
The DOJ is using a statute called “obstructed a Congressional proceeding” as a means to put J6 protesters behind bars for 20 years.
However, Gorsuch pointed out several left-wing folks who “obstructed a Congressional proceeding” but didn’t receive a 20-year sentence:
• Unlawful sit-ins during the Brett Kavanaugh hearing in 2018
• Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) pulling a fire alarm to prevent a critical vote
• Hecklers disrupting the State of the Union
• “Mostly peaceful” BLM riots
Take a listen to the exchange. Things did not go well for Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar.
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The NSA is Taking Over the Internet and No One is Talking About It
Edward Snowden: “The NSA is just DAYS from taking over the internet, and it’s not on the front page of any newspaper–because no one has noticed.”
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Telegram CEO: “We Love the Fact That Elon Bought Twitter”
While social media platforms silenced “COVID misinformation,” Telegram was the only major social media app that didn’t censor its users for challenging the narrative.
Now that 𝕏 is also defying censorship, Tucker asked Telegram CEO and founder Pavel Durov, “Elon buying Twitter sort of ends your monopoly (on anti-censorship), but you still greet it cheerfully? You’re still in favor of it?”
Durov responded, “Definitely. We love the fact that Elon bought Twitter ... What 𝕏 is trying to do is in line with what we are building: innovation, trying different things, trying to give power to the creators, trying to get the ecosystem economy going. Those are all exciting things, and I think we need more companies like that.”
Tucker has just launched a new Telegram channel that has quickly amassed over 100K followers. Be sure to check it out in the link below.
And while you're at it, consider subscribing to these two channels:
Neocon Nikki Haley Reveals New Job After Dropping Out of 2024 Presidential Race in Disgrace
After finally admitting defeat to President Trump, Nikki Haley has gone a bit silent — until now.
It turns out that she has been welcomed with a new opportunity, and that opportunity is joining the Hudson Institute, a neoconservative foreign policy think tank that blames Ukraine’s losses on the lack of financial support from the West.
Hudson President and CEO John P. Walters said that he was “honored” Haley decided to join their team and called her a “steadfast defender of freedom.”
What’s interesting is there always seems to be a job waiting for the political elite despite not creating a single positive policy that has actually advanced mankind or the betterment of their communities. And yet, there’s always a globalist at the ready to employ them to continue doing damage.
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Russell Brand Goes Quiet as Florida Surgeon General Drops a Bomb on Dr. Anthony Fauci
Dr. Joseph Ladapo did not mince his words.
Russell Brand asked, “Can you tell us the lessons we can learn from the figure of Anthony Fauci.”
Dr. Ladapo responded, “Maybe lesson number one is to really examine the deliverer of your information. I think a lot of people, early on, were just completely snowed by Dr. Fauci.”
“But there were a few voices that could see him for who he is.”
“And who he is is a dishonest, self-serving political animal who happens to have scientific training.”
“And we saw him…he misled people in so many ways. The whole mask thing was just epic. He was sitting in that 60 Minutes interview saying, ‘No one really needs to wear one.’ Which actually was consistent with the science, because the science hasn’t been supportive.”
“And then he flipped the script, and we were up to maybe two or three masks by the time the pandemic was actually starting to cool down.”
“So you’ve got to look at the sources of information and really feel whether they resonate with you in terms of your connection with what feels true.”
“And he clearly…I don’t have anything against him, actually…but you can look at him, and he is obviously a dishonest and untrustworthy person.”
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Every Vax-Injured Person Needs to See This: Recovery Insights from Dr. Peter McCullough
“If we don’t address the spike protein, it’s not going to get better.”
Dr. McCullough recommends three key substances for those seeking recovery after the shots.
1.) Nattokinase. Why? It degrades spike proteins, as suggested by preclinical studies.
• Take 2000 units twice a day.
2.) Bromelain. Why? Similar to nattokinase, it also breaks down spike proteins.
• Take 500 milligrams once a day
3.) Curcumin. Why? Reduces inflammation and spike protein damage.
• Take 500 milligrams twice a day and combine with 5 or 10 mg of piperine to enhance its absorption.
That summarizes Dr. McCullough’s “Base Spike Detoxification” protocol.
Hydroxychloroquine: Added if there are signs of autoimmunity.
Ivermectin: Included if there are signs of persistent infection.
Colchicine: Used if there are significant signs of pleuropericardial problems (involving the membrane around the heart and lungs).
Nicotine Patch or Oral Aciclovir: These are considered if there are neurological symptoms like brain fog.
Low-dose Naltrexone: Used to enhance the body’s natural painkilling response and reduce inflammation.
Please save this post and share it with every vax-injured person you know.
Additional Resources:
How Can I Reduce Spike Protein in My Body? From FLCCC Alliance.
Spike Protein Detox Guide — World Council for Health
First-Ever Spike Detox Protocol Appears in US Medical Journal: Here’s How You Can Get Better
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What Have Vaccines Done to Us? The Truth is Disturbing
The societal impact of vaccines is worse than anyone imagined.
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Iran vs. Israel: Is America Doomed to Be Pulled into Another Regional War?
The Gateway Pundit reports: “There is also a very real and tangible fear in the Biden administration that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu may be aiming to draw the US into a regional war.”
Just recently, in retaliation for an Israeli air raid on its embassy in Damascus, which killed 7 IRGC officers, Iran launched a significant assault on Israel, deploying 185 drones, 110 surface-to-surface missiles, and 36 cruise missiles.
Despite the scale of the attack, Israel’s missile defenses effectively mitigated the impact, prompting President Biden to deem it a ‘win’ for Israel.
Footage showed an F-35 Hadir Fighter jet engaging in defense operations. The defense effort cost Israel approximately half a billion dollars.
It is now expected that Israel is gearing up for strikes on Iranian military bases or even nuclear facilities within 48 hours.
Paul Serran, a reporter for The Gateway Pundit wrote:
“While our worst fears have not materialized – yet – there’s no denying that an immense escalation just occurred. The world is more dangerous by the day, and no one is happy about it – but the Military Industrial complex.”
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RFK Jr. Reveals Why Elon Musk Dropped the Twitter Files On the World
Against the advice of his attorneys, @ElonMusk dumped a trove of Twitter documents onto journalists, revealing government collusion to censor speech.
When Kennedy asked Musk why he did that, Elon replied:
“I grew up in South Africa. I moved here, and I moved here partially because of the First Amendment because I love the freedom of this country. I’m a citizen of this country now. I have a lot of money. I could buy houses all over the world. I don’t. Everything I own is here. I want this country to be what it’s supposed to be.”
Reflecting on the situation, @RobertKennedyJr said, “I will always love Elon because he did that. It was such a bold, brazen move ... Because of what he did, which is to release all these documents ... we know what was happening (White House ordering social media companies to censor speech). Otherwise, we wouldn’t know anything about it.”
Full Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uiUYI5zFFg
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Caller drops bone-chilling question on Robert Kennedy Jr. live on air.
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UK Watchdog Fines Pfizer for Misleading the Public on the COVID Vaccines
Pfizer has come under scrutiny by the UK’s pharmaceutical watchdog, the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA), for breaching the regulatory code five times.
The accusations stem from senior executives’ use of social media to promote an unlicensed COVID vaccine, alongside making misleading claims, such as the phrase “95% effective” and the declaration that children aged 5 to 11 would benefit from these shots.
Naomi Wolf previously reported:
“This is a slap on the wrist. It’s a serious one, though. It affects public opinion, certainly in Britain ... And this kind of ruling will certainly make it easier for people in the UK to say, ‘I was injured. Look, I was lied to ... It’s a lie to say that it was safe and effective.’”
Full Video: https://youtu.be/Eo-hHcBwCLs?si=v6wxzh4i5al8BB-4
More Stories on @Vigilant_News:
New WEF Report Reveals the Global Elites’ Shocking Plan to Enforce Vaccination
Fighting Cancer with Fenbendazole: Big Pharma’s Worst Nightmare
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Joe Rogan Drops Theory Explaining Why Most Doctors Are Silent on COVID Vax Injuries and Deaths
“It takes a very courageous person to say, ‘Not only was I wrong, but I probably f*cked people over. And a lot of people might have been adversely affected.’”
“They told you to get it. They probably chastised people and scolded people [who] didn’t get it. So now, they have this opinion that they have started with and they stuck with, and they want to be correct.”
Rogan also revealed some disturbing anecdotes:
1.) Two of his friends now have pacemakers following the rollout of the C19 injections. “One of them is in his thirties, [and] one of them is in his forties.”
2.) “People I know personally [who] got the shot blacked out—quite a few.”
“There’s a lot of factors (going into why more people are dying), but one of those factors might be this experimental medication,” Rogan said.
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A new WEF report reveals the global elites’ shocking plan to enforce vaccination.
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New WEF Report Reveals the Global Elites’ Shocking Plan to Enforce Vaccination
Have you taken all of your shots?
The globalists are proposing that digital IDs could be used to track the unvaccinated.
Where this leads is major institutions, including JPMorgan, are predicting that the metaverse represents a multi-trillion-dollar opportunity.
It is projected that by 2026, nearly 30% of online users will have adopted the metaverse for activities such as work, shopping, education, and entertainment.
Here’s the kicker: the WEF report says digital ID will be “a cornerstone in metaverse identity.”
So, imagine needing an ID not just to drive or travel but to log in and interact online.
That means that if you haven’t been a good boy or girl and complied with taking all of your shots, you could find your online access restricted by the unelected technocrats controlling the digital world.
That is just the tip of the iceberg. It could get so much worse than that.
Watch and listen to @zeeemedia for more disturbing details.
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