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🚨 NEW: Donald Trump questions why America is “giving all this money” to Ukraine when Europe is most affected.
“We’re spending hundreds of billions of dollars all around the world. But when you look at Ukraine, we’re giving all of this money. Europe, which is much more affected by that war than us, is spending just a tiny fraction of what we’re spending. And you say, ‘Does anybody at least get involved in this?’ But more importantly, I will end that war. I’ll get it ended. Putin respects me. Zelensky respects me. I know all the players, and I want to get that war ended.”
Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHrGC_-vCWA&list=PLErukX1W1OYjFx2pG8zjWiMuPMG0F-LbI&index=2
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Lara Logan Issues Dire Warning to U.S. Special Operations Troops
“The snakes have come in from the garden and they are in the house.”
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Trust The “Science”…That Just Retracted 11,000 “Peer Reviewed” Papers
“It’s not just a scam, it’s an industry…”
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Even CNN (!) Debunks Trump ‘Reich’ Ad Hysteria
This is just embarrassing…
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Trump Makes Huge Announcement at Libertarian National Convention (Video)
You’ll never guess what Trump just pledged to do...
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NBC News Reporter Stunned by Support for Trump From Black and Latino Voters at Bronx Rally (Video)
It turns out many immigrants are angry about the open border and actually AGREE with Trump’s message.
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CNN Host Humiliated on Air After Gotcha Questions Go Wrong
Things did not go well for CNN’s Kaitlyn Collins after she challenged Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to a debate on election integrity.
Cruz hammered away at Collins when he caught her in a lie, saying “there wasn’t” election fraud in 2020.
“Oh, you know for a fact there was zero fraud. Really?” Cruz retorted, before embarrassing Collins on her own show.
Watch 🔊
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Biden FALLS APART Three Times in the Same Press Conference
Biden thought he could handle a softball press conference with pre-approved reporters. He was wrong.
It was a complete mess.
Gaffe #1 - Biden looked completely lost when he asked the room what to do. “Do I ask the next question, as well?"
Gaffe #2 - Biden forgot a reporter’s question seconds after she asked it.
Gaffe #3 - Another reporter was forced to repeat her question. Biden read his entire answer from pre-written notes in his binder!
BONUS - At the end of the presser, Biden jumped and shouted, “WHOA!”
The entire event was a complete disaster. I dare anyone to watch this footage and say with a straight face that this guy is actually running our country.
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It’s not a question of if something is going to happen but when.
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“We Incentivized MURDERING Patients in Hospitals”
• “If you go to the hospital and you get a positive COVID test, then the hospital gets more money.”
• “If you get put on remdesivir, the hospital gets more money.”
• “If you get put on a vent, the hospital gets more money.”
“Instead of saying, ‘You get more money when this patient’s healthy,’ we said, ‘You get more money when they die,’” testified attorney Tom Renz before the Ohio State Senate.
Full Testimony: https://x.com/RenzTom/status/1793409888015843625
More Stories on @Vigilant_News:
U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots
It’s Time To Stop the WHO’s Horrific Pandemic Treaty: Here’s How
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Trump Flashback: Autism “Has Gotten Totally Out of Control”
“Autism has become an epidemic. 25 years ago, 35 years ago, you look at the statistics, not even close. It has gotten totally out of control. I am totally in favor of vaccines, but I want smaller doses over a longer period of time because you take a baby in ... and you pump. I mean it looks just like it’s meant for a horse, not for a child.
“And we’ve had so many instances, people that worked for me. Just the other day, two years old, two and a half years old, a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine and came back and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick — now is autistic. I’m in favor of vaccines. Do them over a longer period of time, same amount. Just in little sections.”
From the CNN Republican Debate in September 2015.
Related Stories:
“We Get Paid to Vaccinate Your Children”: Pediatrician Reveals Horrifying Details of Big Pharma Scheme
This Is What Happens When You Don’t Jab Kids: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Data
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OMG: O’Keefe Drops Undercover Video of DEI Conspiracy in US Air Force
This doesn’t look good.
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Election Interference: AOC Accidentally Says the Quiet Part Out Loud
Now, it all makes sense.
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Patrick Bet-David Warns the Next George Floyd Event Is Coming
“They need chaos back again, except they’re going to do it in a different way.”
PBD says that smearing Trump doesn’t work. He is polling 13 points HIGHER among black voters this time around.
So, what’s the strategy?
“You need chaos ... All they’re waiting for is the next George Floyd.”
Bet-David says that strategy “worked very effectively” in 2020.
“That’s all they need. They need their next George Floyd. And what month are we in right now? Today’s what, May 22? Okay. May 25 is coming up in three days. May 26 is in a few days. They need chaos back again, except they’re going to do it in a different way.”
Full Interview: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1793688466653323396
More Stories on @Vigilant_News:
CDC Warns of More Bird Flu After 2nd Human Infection
AOC Accidentally Says the Quiet Part Out Loud
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AOC Unexpectedly Exposes Dem Strategy to STEAL the Election
The relentless lawfare against Trump is not about justice; it’s a strategic ploy to hamstring his presidential campaign.
Proof? AOC just said it OUT LOUD.
The bombshell dropped when AOC compared Trump’s legal battles to an “ankle bracelet” that limits his mobility because “he always has to be in court.”
So, AOC’s own comments suggest a more sinister motive behind the persistent legal challenges facing Trump. How is this not election interference?
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It’s not a question of if something is going to happen but when.
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The CDC Doesn’t Want You to Hear This Message
The conspiracy theorists were right again.
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🚨 NEW: Tim Pool tells Donald Trump, “I think you’re the greatest president of my lifetime.”
“I’ll be honest. I didn’t vote for you in 2016. I was jaded. Obama let me down. I’m from Chicago. I thought 2016 was silly. And then in 2020, with the timeline for getting out of Afghanistan, when you tried to get our troops out of Syria. My question is, ‘Why are we in Syria?’ Who even knew? And they lied to you and they lied to us about the number of troops in there. And so, maybe it’s a bit blunt for me to say I want to see people prosecuted for the lies to the American people. But in terms of foreign policy, perhaps it’s a little bit of a biased interview, but I think you’re the greatest president of my lifetime.”
“I look at your policies, I see secure the borders, bring jobs back. I look at the Democrats and many Republicans, and it’s foreign war and foreign expansion.”
Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHrGC_-vCWA&list=PLErukX1W1OYjFx2pG8zjWiMuPMG0F-LbI&index=2
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Say NO to the WHO: Exclusive Interview with Road to Geneva Organizer
On June 1st, freedom advocates from around the world will unite in Geneva for a historic rally against the WHO featuring dozens of speakers such as Bret Weinstein, Dr. Ryan Cole, Steve Kirsch, Del Bigtree, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Kat Lindley, Aseem Malhotra, and many more!
Media Blackout host Maria Zeee (@zeeemedia) spoke with Road to Geneva organizer Dan Astin-Gregory (@danastingregorypodcast) to learn more about the Freedom Convoy departing this week.
30th May – #RoadtoGeneva Freedom Convoy
31st May – Freedom Celebration
1st June – Rally for Freedom
Say NO to the WHO! Say YES to Freedom!
Join, watch, or support:
👉 RoadToGeneva.com
Explosive Report Reveals CIA Role in Creation of COVID Vaccines
Another ‘conspiracy theory’ comes true.
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Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 24
WATCH: https://vigilantnews.com/post/media-blackout-10-news-stories-they-chose-not-to-tell-you-episode-24/
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#10 - Middle schooler’s patriotic speech CENSORED by principal goes viral.
#9 - White House issues NINE corrections to one Biden speech.
#8 - A new video shows what really happened during the arrest of the world’s number one golfer.
#7 - Megyn Kelly schools Bill Maher on Hillary Clinton’s election denialism.
#6 - Three hundred pages of emails leave no doubt that Fauci lied, people died.
#5 - Orwellian digital IDS simultaneously begin rolling out in multiple nations.
#4 - Turbulence during Boeing flight results in one dead and several injured.
#3 - US government 'cartel' bribed CVS and Walgreens with billions of dollars to reject ivermectin prescriptions and promote COVID shots.
#2 - FBI authorized deadly force in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago raid.
#1 - Brilliant report explains how to stop the World Health Organization’s horrific Pandemic Treaty.
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BONUS #1 - Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Urgent COVID Vaccine Warning to Donald Trump
BONUS #2 - Exclusive Memorial Day Discounts on mRNA-Free Prepper Beef
BONUS #3 - The Complete Guide to Stay Safe, Healthy, and Vaccine Free
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We'll be back with another episode next Sunday (pin this channel so you don't miss it).
Follow the people behind the show:
• @VigilantFox (Show Writer and Video Editor)
• @ZeeeMedia (Host and Show Writer)
• @Vigilant_News (Media Network)
PGA Tour Winner Dies Suddenly at 30 Years Old Just Hours After Withdrawing From Tournament Due to “Illness”
The cause of Grayson Murray’s unexpected death remains unknown at this time.
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Healthcare Giant BEGS Unvaccinated Doctors to Return to Work
Kaiser Permanente, one of America’s largest healthcare providers, is now desperately inviting back the very doctors it unceremoniously dismissed.
The reversal was revealed in a recent letter sent to former employees, and some of the language even sounds borderline apologetic.
Part of the letter reads:
“We understand that your employment may have ended at Kaiser Permanente because of your non-compliance with the Vaccine Policy... We wanted to inform you that you are eligible for rehire with Kaiser Permanente.”
Dr. Owen Johnston, a hero doctor who stood up against Kaiser Permanente’s tyrannical vax mandates, went on to do bigger and better things after getting fired.
Watch how he managed to support himself. This is the feel-good story of the day.
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While 25% of Americans have $10K or more in credit card debt, the government says, “You’re on your own.”
Thankfully, Done With Debt is here to help with brilliant solutions.
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New Video Shows What Really Happened During Arrest of World’s #1 Golfer (Video)
This is NOT what we were told.
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It’s Time To Stop the WHO’s Horrific Pandemic Treaty: Here’s How
We must stop the WHO’s draconian treaty at all costs. This article shows how.
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“People Died Because Fauci Lied”: Attorney Tom Renz Testifies to the Ohio State Senate
• “They told us we have to social distance because it’ll keep us safe. Several years later, we found out that it wasn’t based on science. It was arbitrary.”
• “They told us that ivermectin is horse paste. It is? It’s been used globally for years. It saved billions of lives. It’s one of the safest things out there.”
• “Budesonide, as the good doctor testified, saved countless lives.”
• “‘Trust the science,’ said Anthony Fauci. Remember masks? One mask, two masks, four masks. Maybe you put pantyhose over your head to keep the mask safe. Do you all remember that? This wasn’t science. This was corruption.”
As such, Attorney Tom Renz is advocating for Ohio House Bill 73, the “Dave and Angie Patient and Health Provider Protection Act,” which allows healthcare providers to prescribe off-label medications, like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and protects their right to express independent medical opinions.
It also ensures patients are not denied basic care if they refuse specific treatments, such as remdesivir and ventilators.
Full Testimony: https://x.com/RenzTom/status/1793409888015843625
Related Stories on @Vigilant_News:
U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots
300 Pages of Emails Leave No Doubt: Fauci Lied, People Died
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Low-Energy Biden Rally Draws ‘FUNERAL-LIKE’ Comparisons
A video emerged of Biden’s event in Nashua, New Hampshire, and it is pathetic.
One of the attendees said, “I feel like I am at a wake!”
The most embarrassing part is that thirty minutes before Biden took the stage, there was not an ounce of excitement in the air.
Watch the footage for yourself. How the heck did this guy get 81 million votes?
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Over the past 100 years, the value of the US dollar has declined by a staggering 96%.
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🚨 NEW: Tucker Carlson asks, “in what world” are we not allowed to ask about vaccines and autism?
“They’re forcing your kids to take this stuff.”
World-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough recently reported that “five studies now show” that “children who take no vaccines” are “healthier than the kids who take the vaccines.”
He says unvaccinated kids have lower rates of:
• Food allergies
• Peanut allergies
• Asthma
• Allergic dermatitis
• Need for tympanostomy tubes
• Attention deficit disorder
• Asperger’s disease
• Autism spectrum disorder
• Etc.
“Massive, excessive vaccination is likely harming our children today.”
Full Interview: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1793688466653323396
Related Stories:
This Is What Happens When You Don’t Jab Kids: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Data
The Shocking Truth About Skin Cancer: What You’re Not Being Told About the Sun
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Ex-FBI Director Drops Shameful Trump Theory
Accountability is coming for James Comey, and he's freaking out.
The entire Trump-Russia collusion narrative was a lie and a hoax, and now Comey is pushing another theory.
He says that if Trump gets elected to another term, "he is coming" for the FBI and the justice department.
"He knows their power. And I think he has regrets that he didn't work hard enough to corrupt them last time," Comey said.
As such, he says, "I don't care how you feel about Joe Biden, you must vote for him because the consequences on the other side are too severe."
Watch how MSNBC nods in agreement as Comey spews complete nonsense.
In reality, Comey is urging people to vote for Biden to protect himself and his corrupt friends.
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While 25% of Americans have $10K or more in credit card debt, the government says, “You’re on your own.”
Thankfully, Done With Debt is here to help with brilliant solutions.
Check out how they can help erase your debt faster than you thought possible:
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Tucker Carlson Accuses Biden of Being ‘JUICED UP’ at Crucial Moments
“You see these clips of him, daily, drooling and mangling names and identifying his sister as his wife, and he’s just so out of it. And then they juice him up on something to the point where, as at the State of the Union, he seems sort of non-senile. So maybe if he pulls that off, why doesn’t Trump just say, ‘What drugs are you on? Why don’t you disclose that?’”
Full Interview: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1793688466653323396
Related Stories:
White House Issues NINE Corrections to Biden’s NAACP Speech
Joe Biden crumbles as CNN host unexpectedly fact-checks him to his face.
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Patrick Bet-David Issues Major Election Warning
"The amount of gamification that could happen between now and November 5 is endless."
TUCKER CARLSON: "It's not like they're going to, like, unleash a lab-grown virus on the world or race riots and burn down your cities."
PBD: "Why would they do such a thing? (Sarcasm) They're unifiers. They're not trying to divide. You know that. Tucker, you're being a little bit too speculative."
TUCKER CARLSON: "So, I think what you're saying is if it plays out, as elections are supposed to play out, on the basis of what the population wants, then Trump has a big advantage. But you are open to the possibility that there will be some sort of manipulation of the country?"
PBD: "Oh, there's no question. Only the paranoid survive. And there's never been a time where we need to be paranoid about what could happen the next few months. Never."
Full Interview: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1793688466653323396
More Stories on @Vigilant_News:
Middle Schooler’s Patriotic Speech CENSORED by Principal Goes VIRAL
Joe Biden crumbles as CNN host unexpectedly fact-checks him to his face.
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Why Do People Who Stop Eating Seed Oils No Longer Burn as Easily in the Sun?
“I’m noticing this because I’m now one of them,” writes Brian Cates.
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