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Democrat Insiders Reveal Secret Plot to Replace Feeble Joe Biden
The plan is allegedly being orchestrated by Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer.
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RFK Jr. Tells Liberal Audience Big Pharma Is a CRIMINAL Cartel
“And I don’t say that lightly.”
The four companies that make all 72 vaccine doses mandated for kids have paid around $79 BILLION in criminal penalties.
The reason they haven’t paid penalties on vaccines is because vaccines are IMMUNE from liability.
“So you cannot, no matter how negligent that company is, no matter how reckless they are, no matter how grievous your injury, you can’t sue them.”
Nothing screams “safe“ like mandating a medical product and conveniently removing the ability for people to sue if something goes wrong.
That is criminal.
Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNufzehaaL0&t=204s
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Caller drops bone-chilling question on Robert Kennedy Jr. live on air.
RFK Jr. Wins the Day With an Epic Response to Being Called a ‘Conspiracy Theorist’
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Liberal Self-Destructs on Air After One Trans Comment
This escalated quickly.
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Is Joe Biden Okay? Biden Mocks Reporters with Bizarre Outburst
This keeps happening. 👀
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Watch Fauci’s Face as He Spins the Truth into a Joke on Late Night TV
STEPHEN COLBERT: “So you're to blame for COVID-19?”
TONY FAUCI: “Yes, and I also did it so I could make a billion dollars from the vaccines.”
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“80 to 90% of the COVID Deaths Are FRAUD”
Hospitals received BIG money for each step of the “COVID death” process.
• $13,000 per each “COVID” patient
• $39,000 for putting a COVID patient on the vent
• Plus, HHS added a 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill if they administered Remdesivir, a drug so toxic it earned the infamous nickname, “Run Death Is Near.”
“So with regard to all of the hospital protocols, I call it murder because, at some level, somebody knew what they were doing.”
— John Beaudoin
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COVID “Vaccines” Hit By New Bombshell
Ex-CDC Director: “There WILL Be a Bird Flu Pandemic”
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Ex-CDC Director: “There WILL Be a Bird Flu Pandemic”
He really said this.
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Mega-Corporations Are Coming for Your Healthcare Supplements
Big Pharma has entered the holistic space. Here’s what you need to know.
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Ex-CDC Director: “There WILL Be a Bird Flu Pandemic”
Dr. Robert Redfield suggests that bird flu “could make COVID look like a little pandemic” and that “it's not a question of if, it’s more of a question of when.”
He says, “It's going to be quite complicated” because “bird flu has, when it does enter humans, a significant mortality, probably somewhere between 25% and 50% mortality.”
“Once the virus gains the ability to attach to the human receptor and then go human to human, that's when you're going to have the pandemic. And as I said, I think it's just a matter of time.”
Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGsM9IgVAJo
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Donald Trump’s COVID ‘Game-Changer’ Finds Surprising New Use
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Landmark Court Ruling Opens Door for LAWSUITS Against COVID “Vaccine” Manufacturers
The COVID “vaccines” aren’t vaccines after all, according to a ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Dr. David Martin says that this paves the way for sweeping lawsuits because the manufacturers “willfully misled the public.”
“The manufacturers willfully misled the public by calling them [COVID shots] a vaccine.” This is a violation of the Federal Trade Commission acts in the U.S. and the Deceptive Medical Practices Act internationally, he emphasized.
But the implications go even further. According to Dr. Martin, the decision also cracks the liability shields that have protected various entities involved in mandating and administrating the mRNA injections.
“What this also does is [it] starts to give us the cracks that we need to pierce the liability shields against vaccine manufacturers and against the individuals, employers, pharmacists, doctors, nurses, hospitals that actually injected people for the first time. We actually now have the ability to say that the 9th Circuit has held that Jacobson was misapplied, that this did not stop infection, did not stop transmission, and as such, the public was willfully misled, which is a crime.”
Click here to watch the full interview on Telegram.
(Starts at the 6-minute mark)
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COVID “Vaccines” Hit By New Bombshell
First, a court ruled that the COVID shots aren’t vaccines after all.
Now, the architect 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act is calling them “weapons of mass destruction.”
Dr. Francis Boyle says, “It is my expert opinion that ‘COVID-19 nanoparticle injections’ or ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ or ‘COVID-19 injections meet the criteria of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction according to Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla.Stat. (2023).”
It seems that the dam is truly breaking, as this is a powerful statement from somebody with the authority to say it.
Watch the full breakdown of this stunning story.
See pinned post for more news --> @VigilantFox 🦊
Elon Musk Issues Urgent Warning to Humanity
The world cannot afford to ignore this reality any longer.
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Elon Musk in ‘Danger’ for Defying the New World Order
Musk responds to Alex Jones’ comments.
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Vivek Ramaswamy Predicts Joe Biden Is Getting REPLACED by August
The world sees Biden falling apart, but apparently, “the other side actually knows what they're doing.”
Vivek Ramaswamy says there is a “good chance” the Democrats replace him around August.
Here's why:
“If they get another nominee too early, that's enough time for vetting, enough time for the honeymoon phase to fade. But if they're swapping in another nominee in August, say, right around the time of the convention, that's the best-case scenario for them because you get the honeymoon phase with a new candidate without the scrutiny that comes with it.”
“So I'm not saying that's definitely going to happen, but play this out,” Ramaswamy posed.
“This is the earliest presidential debate in American history and the first-ever, to my knowledge, that has taken place before the nominating convention of either party. Ask yourself why they're doing it. And more importantly, ask yourself why the Democrats made it a condition of Biden debating that they place that date that early. You got to skate to where the puck is going.”
Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKLEJ11hsjI
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Charlamagne tha God Crumbles as Bill Maher Counters Him on Caitlin Clark
CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: "A'ja Wilson was the biggest thing when she came out of South Carolina ... and she didn't get all of that."
BILL MAHER: "So what do you attribute that to? I mean, you're saying that's racism?"
CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: "No, I'm not saying it's racist. I'm just saying that I think A'ja Wilson has a point, and I think sometimes when, you know, black women say certain things, we should listen, especially her because I'm not in her shoes."
BILL MAHER: "But why was Serena Williams such a big star? Because people like that. They didn't not watch her because she was black, right?"
BILL MAHER: "Okay, so where are we with this?"
CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: "I don't know!"
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Chris Cuomo STILL Defends Asking for Proof of Vaccination
He says the unvaccinated made the query “sensitive,” not the people demanding papers.
CHRIS CUOMO: “I don't believe asking somebody if they're vaccinated is some kind of intimate information. I think you guys are making it that to make it more important and more...”
DAVE RUBIN: “No, it's not anyone's business what your medical — what your prior vaccine status is.”
CHRIS CUOMO: “I don't know that that falls into, like, you know, have you had anything that would be sensitive. It became sensitive for some people.”
DAVE RUBIN: “Well, no, no, no. But it's important. And it was sensitive because depending on whether you were vaxxed or not, they would decide whether you could go to restaurants in Los Angeles.”
Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuicTgtKPl8
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RFK Jr. Says What Everyone Is Feeling
“The system’s RIGGED.”
“People know that they don’t own their government anymore ... It’s rigged against them.”
Kennedy described the current system as an “oligarchy” designed to “strip-mine wealth from the American middle class and send it north.”
“You eliminate the middle class, which we’ve done now, and you have this new oligarchy of billionaires, and you have widespread poverty below. That configuration is too unstable to support democracy sustainably. So we’re going to lose democracy if we don’t have a middle class, and we don’t have one anymore.”
Full Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNufzehaaL0&t=204s
More Stories on @Vigilant_News:
Caller drops bone-chilling question on Robert Kennedy Jr. live on air.
RFK Jr. Wins the Day With an Epic Response to Being Called a ‘Conspiracy Theorist’
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Joe Rogan: “Lee Harvey Oswald Probably Was a PATSY”
“I think they wanted to really make sure that Kennedy got killed.”
Rogan says that it's “real odd” that Oswald was let back into America after defecting to Russia at the height of the Cold War.
“I think there was probably a lot of people involved, and I think Lee Harvey Oswald probably was a patsy, and I think that’s probably why Jack Ruby shot him.”
Full Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDgn-qAs_DM
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RFK Jr. Identifies “The Real Shooter” Behind His Father’s Death
Joe Rogan Drops MASSIVE Concerns About the 2024 Election
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Trump Hater Kathy Griffin Unable to Speak After Latest Surgery
Life comes at you fast.
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Cenk Uygur Betrays Democrats With Harsh Words for Joe Biden
“The guy is in terrible, terrible shape.”
He even went as far as to suggest that Biden has “dementia.”
Uygur went even harder. He says, “You have to be a lunatic” to believe that Joe Biden is some powerhouse behind the scenes.
This denial of reality compelled him to say, “Democrats are starting to look like MAGA.”
Full debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGdmo0bwTUc
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Trump hater crumbles on air when confronted with one simple question.
Donald Trump’s COVID ‘Game-Changer’ Finds Surprising New Use
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Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary Rips Into California Governor Gavin Newsom
“He‘s decimated this place!”
O’Leary accuses Newsom of turning California into “a version of Venezuela” and “killing business” in “everything.”
This harsh reality is clear, says O’Leary: “He’s a bad manager! He’s decimated this place. I’ve been coming here [California] for 15 years. This is a shell of what it used to be.”
Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCAeV8oN1to
More Stories on @Vigilant_News:
Joe Biden’s daily pharmaceuticals have reportedly been revealed.
The Best Way to Prevent Government Snooping into Your Finances
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YIKES! Biden Freezes as Obama Grabs His Arm and Leads Him Off Stage During Fundraiser
This is just embarrassing…
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The Injection Put into People’s Arms Instructs the Human Body to Manufacture a SCHEDULED TOXIN
We tried to warn you.
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Biden’s Drug Cocktail Reportedly Revealed
The alleged president fell apart once again when he was caught wandering during a skydiving event at the G7 summit.
He crumbles A LOT, but his bursts of energy have people wondering what drugs he's on.
Well, we now have more details.
Investigative journalist Paul Sperry has uncovered five drugs Biden is allegedly taking to keep himself going.
1. Eliquis - Anticoagulant medication used to treat and prevent blood clots and strokes
2. Crestor - Lowers bad cholesterol levels
3. Pepcid - Controls heartburn and stomach ulcers
4. Dymista - Combination medication for treating seasonal allergies
5. Comirnaty (Pfizer’s COVID shot) - Apparently, Biden is still addicted to the “Fauci ouchie”
The list seems incomplete, though. Do you think any drugs are missing?
Click here to watch the full show on Telegram.
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The Injection Put into People’s Arms Instructs the Human Body to Manufacture a SCHEDULED TOXIN
Dr. David Martin explains why the COVID shots are actually bioweapons, not vaccines.
• Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna explicitly described mRNA as an experimental gene therapy in their SEC filings.
• Coronavirus fragments were described as “bio-warfare enabling technology” at a 2005 DARPA conference.
• According to 7 CFR Part 331, the spike protein associated with any modification of coronavirus is classified as a biological weapon.
• The injections instruct the human body to manufacture a scheduled toxin (spike protein).
Click here to watch the full interview on Telegram.
(Starts at the 6-minute mark)
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Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 27
WATCH: https://vigilantnews.com/post/media-blackout-10-news-stories-they-chose-not-to-tell-you-episode-27/
- - - - - -
#10 - Top law professor labels mRNA COVID-19 injections “weapons of mass destruction.”
#9 - Joe Biden’s daily pharmaceuticals have reportedly been revealed.
#8 - Joe Rogan now questions if elections are even “real.”
#7 - Candace Owens destroys Piers Morgan in a one-on-one debate about the COVID shots.
#6 - Celebrity trainer Jillian Michaels explodes on California’s woke policies. “You’ve lost your f*cking mind!”
#5 - The US-Saudi petrodollar deal ends after fifty years, and nobody’s talking about it.
#4 - Senator Lindsay Graham gives away the neocon playbook to the war in Ukraine.
#3 - Actor Kevin Spacey breaking his silence on Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Bill Clinton.
#2 - Newly-surfaced video exposes Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for unprotected US Capitol on January 6.
#1 - European elections see a dramatic shift to the right across the entire continent.
Plus, an exclusive interview with Dr. David Martin.
Happy Father’s Day!
- - - - - -
BONUS #1 - Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down in Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate
BONUS #2- The Best Way to Prevent Government Snooping into Your Finances
BONUS #3 - How to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak, and More
- - - - - -
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We'll be back with another episode next Sunday (pin this channel so you don't miss it).
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• @ZeeeMedia (Host and Show Writer)
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Double Digits: Biden Admin Tells Americans It’s Almost Time for Their 10th COVID Shot
Hooray, science! 🙄
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Elon Musk Issues Urgent Warning for Humanity
“If there are no humans, there’s no humanity.”
Musk says that we should be “very concerned” about imploding birth rates, which are “accelerating in most countries.”
But it’s what he said next that was very telling.
“In the sort of extreme form of the environmentalist movement, people start to view humans as a PLAGUE on the surface of the earth, as a fundamentally bad thing, and with the implication that if all humans disappeared, somehow earth would be better off.”
Musk described this as “The Extinctionist Movement.”
“I think at a fundamental level, you can think of things as a fight between expansionist and extinctionist philosophies. And that’s what really matters. If humans go extinct or civilization collapses, whatever policies we may have are IRRELEVANT.”
Musk’s final message was this: “Go forth and multiply.”
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Elon Musk In ‘Danger’ for Defying the New World Order
US Births Slide to Lowest Level Since 1979, Failing to Exceed Replacement Rate
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Bill Maher Calls Out Charlamagne Tha God to His Face Over ‘Zombie Lie’ About Race
BILL MAHER: “One of the more controversial things he [Biden] said was that you have to be ten times as good to get a fair shot in America ... You agree with that?”
CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: “I don't know if it's ten times better, but maybe five.”
BILL MAHER: “Come on. You think you have to be five times better?”
CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: “Yeah. When you black in America, absolutely.”
BILL MAHER: “In 2024?”
CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: “When you're black in America. When you're a woman in America. If you're a black woman in America, absolutely.”
BILL MAHER: “I think that's a zombie lie.”
BILL MAHER: “Because I just don't think that's America anymore.”
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COVID “Vaccines” Hit by New Bombshell: “Weapons of Mass Destruction”
Finally, someone in a position of authority is saying this.
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