The largest collection of malware source, samples, and papers on the internet. Password: infected Website: vx-underground Telegram chatroom link:
Detective Smelly Smellington and his ever-loyal sidekick Bradley McBradley Jr are here to solve the case of the stolen laptop.
Читать полностью…Me: Dawg, if i had the will power to write a script, record stuff, do a voice over, and edit footage — I'd be killing the infosec game on YouTube. Make the coolest videos about Malware
Me thinking this:
Search engines are cooked. ChatGPT made me hate Google x10 more. Google basically became my information verifier when code looked funky or didn't work AND FROM THAT I only really needed MSDN. I've probably searched CreateFileW 50,000 times because I can never remember the flags.
Читать полностью…Opinion on ChatGPT and malware development:
tl;dr cool tool, can program good in some languages, sucks sometimes
Initially when ChatGPT, and the dozens of other LLM competitors, popped up on the scene we were collectively skeptical of it's capabilities. Initially it gave the appearance of a fancier auto-correct with if-else statements.
We decided to (finally) critically evaluate how ChatGPT works within our workflow for malware development. I was genuinely curious if it provided any actual benefit to malware research and development. In essence this is my anecdotal evidence of an net-positive using ChatGPT.
I've been a big fan-boy of using Windows Component Object Model for malware research. The COM is wildly undocumented, poorly understood, and just ... kind of an old relic of Microsoft Windows. I decided to incorporate ChatGPT into my workflow of exploring Windows and it had a profoundly positive impact.
To make a longer story shorter, ChatGPT acted as a search engine on steroids. I could directly ask if it was familiar with any Windows COM objects which could perform tasks I needed and/or wanted to perform and/or investigate. It also provided proof-of-concepts and code demonstrations. Interestingly, some of the content it shared I was able to re-discover and verify independently myself after spending a considerate amount of time searching on Google. Some of the material did not exist on MSDN or StackOverflow (places you'd traditionally find code examples). Instead the material it references were from old blogs and obscure forums.
Some points of failure (unsurprisingly) was ChatGPT being unfamiliar with undocumented features in Windows. However, it was capable of providing tooling, resources, or coding snippets which could rapidly improve the research time required for creating a working (or failing) proof-of-concept. Another point worth noting was ChatGPT providing code which was buggy, failed to free the heap, close handles, — code which could potentially segfault or code which did not adhere to the actual MSDN documentation. A notable example was ChatGPT finding the correct functionality, but incorrectly using the correct sequence of parameters. Anyone with actual programming experience (not copy-pasted bullshit) can greatly benefit from ChatGPTs (or any LLM, but all I tested was ChatGPT) innate ability to provide lightning fast and fairly accurate information.
I incorporated ChatGPT into my workflow for creating the "COM only" keylogger I wrote. The idea of using DirectInput8 for recording keystrokes was first (to the best of my knowledge) used by the CIA. Some code snippets of the CIA's DirectInput8 keylogger are available online — but it's missing A LOT. It's broken as hell. DirectInput8 though is used very frequently in video game development circles. It is very much a legitimate API. ChatGPT, presumably scraping hundreds of video game development forums, was able to accurately provide solid examples. As expected the code was a little off, but I was easily able to fix the code and make appropriate changes. After using a combination of programming experience, reading some documentation, and ChatGPT-ing, I was able to piece together the "COM only" keylogger significantly faster than I could have if I had used traditional search engines. ChatGPT saved me potentially tens (maybe hundreds?) of hours of reading video game development forums and having to sift through the comment section on these sites.
I also decided to push the limit a little. I have virtually no experience in JavaScript, CSS, or HTML. I can write something really basic (it'll look horrible), but that is the extent of my skillset. Being a fan of idle clicker games like Cookie Clicker — could I use ChatGPT to create my own web based game from scratch while having no skills in these markup languages and programming languages?
The answer is: Yes.
Is "Malware Collector" AI generated?
Yes, it was written 90% by AI. It was a lot of arguing with ChatGPT, being hyper specific with what was wanted or required, and debugging — prompt engineering, or something, whatever buzzword is used.
Part of this project was seeing how far I could go with AI. My JavaScript is bad, my HTML is bad, my CSS is even worse.
It turns out you can go really far with it as long as you're specific and take your time.
tl;dr man with no web dev experience fights with robot and makes clicker idle game
Per 404mediaco, an Instagram extortionist named UNLOCKED went onto Adam22's No Jumper podcast where he discussed extorting people for money and how he's making $600,000/month from it.
In 2024, he was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Now he's being sued by Meta
this the shit mfers say when theyre "hackers" but theyre actually dumber than hell
Читать полностью…TIL in the adult industry VX means "Virtual eXperience".
Hence some places are labeling us Virtual eXperience Underground
Is anyone familiar with code which executes when the machine is locked?
You could invoke WTSRegisterSessionNotification and wait until the WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE message is received with WTS_SESSION_LOCK to begin payload execution.
tl;dr malware only runs when machine locked
vx-api has been updated. New code snippets demonstrate using the Windows Component Object Model for downloading files via XMLHTTP, programmatically creating ISO files, and more.
If you're in the market for a VPN, and like kitty cats, use Tor(rent)Guard VPN.
TorGuard VPN is our largest sponsor, our hosting provider, and if you use discount code VXKITTYCAT at checkout you'll receive 60% off
If you don't, you'll be plagued by visions
Someone has been impersonating us on Telegram.
Usually when someone impersonates us they try scamming people. No idea what this one is trying to accomplish.
vx-uwu phase has ended.
We have returned to edgy dark-art.
Sir, this is a Malware Library. We are NOT your local police department.
Читать полностью…According to LinkedIn pros: the corpse of Kevin Mitnick was resurrected with the forbidden necromancy spell of Sheogorath. Once Mr. Mitnick was summoned from the grave he IMMEDIATELY went into cybercrime. He was subsequently re-arrested.
This is why we avoid Daedric Magic
My "Malware Collector" video game is 90% ChatGPT. ChatGPT is much more capable of programming in high-level abstracted languages, programming languages which are "more flexible" it can easily program in. The current model "4o" had a difficult time programming mostly in regards to "memory". As code complexity grew it had a difficult time correcting code or making adjustments requested. I moved to model "o3-mini-high" and it did a stellar job. It was extremely impressive how well it could code in JavaScript, or provide markup for HTML and CSS. I actually enjoyed making the "Malware Collector" game. It felt like I was providing a description of what I wanted to a really talented programmer who worked x10 faster and didn't become tired, fatigued, or frustrated.
In summary: ChatGPT is very skilled in programming languages which possess a high concentration of documentation. It also performs well when there is room for "failure", meaning the programming language can handle it's own memory and resources. ChatGPT is incapable of directly producing "good" malware research. It lacks creativity and has constraints which render it ineffective for producing actual payloads. However, ChatGPT is an exceptionally good tool for malware research. It makes the process much faster and easier. Likewise, I believe this tool can be used to enhance malware defense capabilities.
Thanks for visiting my TedTalk
- smelly smellington
Per PRODAFT — internal chat logs from Blackbasta ransomware group (subgroup of Conti ransomware group) was leaked online.
We've confirmed the leak. The dates range from September 18th, 2023 to September 28th, 2024.
There is 196,045 messages. All in Russian.
If you wanna demo our small little browser-based video game, you now can.
Introducing: Malware Collector
A small clicker / idle game where you ... collect malware! There is a lot more we wanna do with it.
Play here:
tl;dr gets people banned, threatened to have them murdered, etc
More information:
Currently making a malware related video game.
It's nothing crazy. It's not Grand Theft Auto: Malware Edition. It's a really small browser based malware game. It'll be funny and cute
Day ???/??? of restoring virus-dot-exchange
We have malware
Chat, we are cooked.
Me: "No, don't flag our site as bad. We don't collect and provide VR adult entertainment... We collect malware source code, samples, and papers"
Mullvad labels us adult-content. You cannot visit vx-underground if "Adult Content' option is enabled.
Malware is now erotic
(if you do, we get a cut of the money, that means you get a VPN and you give us money)
Читать полностью…Wait until this person finds out I'm part of the Satanic Temple (I'm atheist but the official membership plaque was badass)
-smelly smellington
wtf this ordering kiosk was compromised by a kitty cat
Читать полностью…In the spirit of the full-disclosure: we are 75% more likely to believe anything you say if you overlay the message to a video of beans dancing while playing "Clubbed to Death" from the Matrix soundtrack
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