The largest collection of malware source, samples, and papers on the internet. Password: infected Website: vx-underground Telegram chatroom link:
We've updated our Windows malware paper collection
- 2023-11-22 - ETW internals for security research & forensics
- 2024-02-08 - Bypassing ApplyOnce limitation in GPO with key removal
- 2024-02-08 - Executing CSharp Assemblies from C code
- 2024-02-09 - Sudo On Windows
The new Windows 11 sudo.exe is displaying something strange in IDA 🤔🤔🤔 what could it mean
Читать полностью…Hello,
As is tradition, we accidentally did an oopsie. Our search function is botched and downloads on files aren't working. We pushed some code to prod without actually testing if the file download part worked.
Testing code before pushing to prod is for nerds
We apologize if you visit vx-underground and you're greeted with a Cloudflare waiting room (queue system).
We've been getting DDoS'd for the past 7 hours+, the longest we've ever been DDoS'd
tl;dr toothbrush's all across the globe have begun attacking us
If you don't have a Valentine for Valentine's Day, we'll be your Valentine.
Читать полностью…We have conducted the largest DdoS attack in history. We are sending 572^265 TiBs/second using 3 hamsters and an old soggy toothbrush we found on the side of the road
(Toothbrush not pictured)
Give us toothbrush malware samples or you're a goddamn liar >:(
We spoke with Lockbit ransomware group regarding the allegations of murder. Lockbit administration staff said they never explicitly stated they wanted the XSS administrator murdered - they said they will do as they deem fit when they get his personal information.
Читать полностью…Some researchers are questioning the validity of this statement, asserting that these are the result of a malware stealer
Читать полностью…To our beloved scraping friends,
We now have a sitemap to make your lives easier.
Finland's National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) identified and arrested an individual by getting his fingerprints ... from a photograph made by a phone.
Attached image is where they got his fingerprints
More information:
vx-underground harddrive cloner station is now live
Benefits include
- Poor wire management
- Extreme heat coming from area
- Probably an electrical fire hazard
- On the floor so dog trips over it
- Nested below cheap $40 desk that bends and wobbles
Alternate title: this man is experiencing a drug-induced psychosis, those are not real Apple Vision Pro's
Читать полностью…Today James Forshaw (tiraniddo) did a quick assessment on the new Windows 11 Sudo.exe.
Despite his quick assessment, the blog post is wonderful. It is an excellent read. We recommend it:)
tl;dr fancier ShellExecute 😭
Problem has been resolved. Please continue downloading malware.
Читать полностью…Some nerd is visiting vx-underground, with a wilderness background, to bamboozle us into believing they're outside.
We should have known Apple Vision Pro nerds wouldn't go outside 😡
We've updated the vx-underground Malware Analysis collection. We've added 86 new papers.
Thanks to our friends over at @malpedia for helping us stay up-to-date every month.
Check it out here:
We've updated the vx-underground Windows malware paper collection
- 2024-01-22 - Demonstrating proxy DLL loading
- 2024-01-24 - Demonstrating Remote TLS Callback Injection
- 2024-02-01 - Unmanaged .NET Patching
- 2024-02-02 - GetProcAddress usage via ordinal
The IGN Twitter account is compromised. It's remarkable how sneakily Epsilon group took control.
The Discord in their Twitter profile is not IGNs. It links to a Discord server Epsilon group controls.
Lockbit ransomware group conflict with XSS forum administration is escalating. Lockbit ransomware group is threatening to have XSS forum administrator murdered (???).
We have never witnessed such a visceral reaction to being banned from a forum and being labeled a scammer.
A Threat Actor operating under the name "Poopingman" claims to have compromised "JoinTheRealWorld" also known as "Hustler's University". It is a website owned by Andrew Tate.
Читать полностью…Hello,
Per request our search functionality has now returned! Hooray!
Update on cloner station
- It puts out a lot of heat
- Cable management has worsened
the vx-underground search functionality will be returning and go live in the next few days
(assuming it doesnt crash and burn)
We've updated the vx-underground APT collection for January, 2024.
Check it out here:
The NSA as they're watching your degeneracy in-real-time through your Apple Vision Pro's
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