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Telegram-канал vxunderground - vx-underground


The largest collection of malware source, samples, and papers on the internet. Password: infected Website: https://www.vx-underground.org/ vx-underground Telegram chatroom link: https://t.me/+njfLzUrqos01ZWNh

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We were told that our memes are "cringe" and read like they're written by a middle-aged man. Those criticisms are accurate — they are indeed cringe and the average age of vx-underground staff members is like, 35. We're not cool and young, we're old and achy

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We're sending somewhere between 10 to 20 files per second to VirusTotal — a little over 2,000,000 API requests per day.

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> be afk on sunday
> get on pc
> check emails and dms
> *scroll* *scroll*
> tons of ppl sending pics of their animals
> *scroll* *scroll*
> schizophrenic messages
> *scroll* *scroll*

Very cool. Anyway, we've got a bunch of stuff queued. We'll do it tomorrow, maybe, probably?

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Another gem from our emails and messages: someone keeps sending us photos of their cat and saying "big". That is all they say — that is the entire point of the conversation. We have no idea who they are or what they want.

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> afk all saturday
> get home
> check emails and messages
> *scroll* *scroll*
> cat pics
> *scroll* *scroll*
> schizophrenic messages
> *scroll* *scroll*
> message from someone on fbi most wanted

Normal weekend

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We thought us posting bullshit online and memeing was like, whatever. Today we learned actual large cybersecurity vendors do indeed actually pay attention to us. Now we wonder how many of you are actually feds.

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Let's discuss university degrees and whether or not they're required for cybersecurity.

This may come as a shocker to some people, but universities are higher education institutions. Universities are not job fairs. If you attend a university your primary objective is to get an education and hope that this can directly transform into getting a career where you can apply this knowledge. A university does not necessarily mean you're being taught cutting edge material and it does not guarantee a job anywhere.

An education is not the same as on the job experience and it does not directly correlate to what is (or is not) trending in the market place. Some employers discriminate against people who do not hold a degree because they believe the person may lack sufficient educational requirements for the position, but fail to realize on the job experience may be superior to a traditional higher education route.

If you've got a degree, that is very cool. Congratulations.

If you do not have a degree, that is very cool. Congratulations.

Cybersecurity is a unique career field in that there is no traditional career path to reach the 'end goal'. It is a flexible career field and can accommodate essentially anyone regardless of how they tailored their skills.

Having a degree does not make you a superior person. Not having a degree does not make you a superior person. We are all colleagues. Be nice to each other.

Enjoy your weekend.

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Yesterday it was reported via TechCrunch and GossiTheDog that Microsoft has made, as what we describe, an oopsie doopsie.

Microsoft lost customer security logs for their cloud product from September 2nd - September 19th.


More information: https://techcrunch.com/2024/10/17/microsoft-said-it-lost-weeks-of-security-logs-for-its-customers-cloud-products/

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> go to doctors office
> nurse comes in
> logs into room PC
> talks
> leaves room
> doesn't lock PC

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Threat Actors: our malware is FUD, completely evasive, and is cutting edge.

Also Threat Actors: Hardcoded string letting analysts know how they feel about the new Google Chrome updates, also inadvertently making it easier to identify them.

Image via RussianPanda9xx

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Anytime we hear about a big hack, or exploit, or some crazy news, 99.9% of the time its something ridiculously simple.

> cod exploits?
> "Trigger Bot"

> MGM hacked?
> called helpdesk, ask for password reset

> Trump hacked?
> login password request from aol account

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We were under the impression, based on scarce details we received, this was a remote-code-execution 1337 exploit. This is not a super 1337 bug. This is... probably one of the silliest things we've seen in awhile...

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Happy to announce we now have 31,335,000 unique malwares.

We're slowly creeping our way up to the big 40,000,000. When we hit 40,000,000 malwares we're going to throw a pizza party, but limit 0.00012 slices per person and the only drinks available is tap water.

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The individual who compromised the SEC Twitter account has been apprehended by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation

Additionally, if you've commited a felony, do not use your personal computer to Google if you're being investigated.

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Remember that video game 0day we mentioned? The rumors were true.

Read the post for more details. The tl;dr is an exploit can trigger Call of Duty anticheat and get innocent people banned.

It appears the individuals using the exploit have framed popular video game streamers.

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why can't i hold all these malicious windows binaries

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What do we define as schizophrenic messages?

1. People sending us rants about the CIA, NSA, or FBI harassing them (?)

2. People sending us long political messages (don't write us, write a politician)

3. People sending us messages thinking we're a criminal organization or cult

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The Internet Archive users are reporting to have received this e-mail just moments ago.

It appears that the person(s) who compromised The Internet Archive still maintain some form of persistent access and are trying to send a message.

Information and photo courtesy of zenullfur

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We've also had someone sending us the N-word every single day in protest of us not having a chatroom. They've sent us the N-word every single day since July.

Their persistence is impressive

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We are aware that someone has created a BlueSky named "vx-undergroundre". The account notes it is not official — it is essentially a repost bot.

We don't know who this person is, but it's not uncommon for people to do community off-shoots of our work.

We are aware of projects such as "vx-playground" and "vxchat tmp(3)" which act as small community groups to discuss malware.

We're super happy we inspire people to do stuff. We have no problem with it.

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> post we might charge companies to get access to vxug so they stop leeching
> companies actually contact us asking for pricing and legal agreements to use for commercial usage

mfw didnt think wed get this far and actually have vendors contact us

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We were unaware the cute wizard cat image we used was associated with a cryptocurrency. We are not shilling cryptocurrencies, we just think it's a cute kitty cat. In other news, thanks to this discovery, we have found more cute wizard kitty cats.

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fighting intrusive thoughts 🙏

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Stole the format from this cat meme.

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Today following the disclosure of a Call of Duty Ricochet vulnerability which allows the arbitrary banning of users, another researcher operating under the moniker "Timoxa5651" disclosed a method to arbitrarily banning users under the BattleEye anticheat


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lmfao if u make an accnt or something named like, "420 Trigger Bot 420" n send ur ops a friend request the anticheat thinks they got a cheat loaded cuz of the "Trigger Bot" word. LMFAO 💀💀💀.theyll get banned n then u just tell everyone theyre cheaters. ez W

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Call of Duty exploit dropped.

tl;dr using the string "Trigger Bot" in Call of Duty gets someone banned. Attached image shows getting someone banned. File attached gives a little more detail.

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Regarding our previous discussions on the Call of Duty exploit: we have decided to translate the post into verbage we believe Call of Duty players may comprehend better.

tbh p much like, a long ass time ago we heard mfers found a way to put known garbage ass cheats into mfers pcs. the cod anticheat ricochet thing was hella janky and somehow some dorky ass losers could sneak shit into ppls shit. they was using that shit to ban streamers they didnt like LMAO then like, when they were dying watching mfers accuse this innocent ppl of cheating. its wild as hell tbh. but like, now some mfers wanna expose that shit publicly because, idk, ig they wanna shame call of duty and get clout and redeem some ppl because some mfers feel bad innocent cuz innocent ppl got cooked. its prolly legit bcuz we know some of these ppl and theyre p cool and legit, idk tho id bet its like, 95% real.

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> Anonymous Sudan DDoS us
> Record scratch
> Window breaking noise
> Fast forward 1 year later
> Life in prison

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Today the United States Department of Justice, in conjunction with industry partners Akamai SIRT, Amazon Web Services, Cloudflare, Crowdstrike, DigitalOcean, Flashpoint, Google, Microsoft, PayPal, and SpyCloud — announced the indictment of 2 brothers believed to be behind Anonymous Sudan via Operation PowerOFF.

Anonymous Sudan is allegedly operated by Ahmed Salah Yousif Omer, 22, and Alaa Salah Yusuuf Omer, 27. Both individuals resided in Sudan, as their group name states.

Previously, some Cyber Threat Intelligence researchers speculated Anonymous Sudan to be state-sponsored by the Russian Federation due to the frequent regurgitation of Russian propaganda. Interesting, they are NOT state sponsored — the information they disclosed regarding themselves was indeed true. They were indeed from Sudan and were not affiliated with any government entity.

The United States Department of Justice has seized and taken down infrastructure of Anonymous Sudan which includes their tooling ("Godzilla", "Skynet", and "InfraShutdown"). They believe Anonymous Sudan to has caused approx. $10,000,000 in damage.

Throughout their brief tenure 2023 and 2024, they are believed to have launched over 35,000 DDoS attacks and targeted nearly 70 companies.

The United States Department of Justice has confirmed the individuals behind Anonymous Sudan are in custody and are being questioned by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation.

If convicted Ahmed Salah Yousif Omer, 22, is facing life in prison. His brother, Alaa Salah Yusuuf Omer, 27, is facing 5 years in prison.


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