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The largest collection of malware source, samples, and papers on the internet. Password: infected Website: https://www.vx-underground.org/ vx-underground Telegram chatroom link: https://t.me/+njfLzUrqos01ZWNh

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Coincidentally... 5 horsemen of the apocalypse... we turn 5 in 9 days... 🤔🤔🤔🤔

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Twitter is so cool, so many people are making sure we don't get scammed

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Yup, you beat us, shearunnatrckstr. ggz

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haha i luv these apple vision pros

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Our opinion is LockbitSupp is indeed Dmitry Khoroshev. However, Mr. Khoroshev is a wealthy man, with multiple businesses, and arguably the longest running ransomware empire in modern history.

He's a stone cold psychopath and he's playing 3d chess with the FBI 😂😂😂

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FBI Most Wanted Wazawaka a/k/a Mikhail Pavlovich Matveev has returned with a nice video of him in a luxary car.

Wazawaka, Вы выглядите счастливым и здоровым. Твоя прическа и очки выглядят очень красиво, братан.

Video via azalsecurity

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Good morning,

Heads up to anyone who follows our RansomwareNews bot on Twitter: Lockbit ransomware group has listed 70+ companies today — we assume these are repeat posts and are retaliation to recent law enforcement action.

Anyway, expect your timeline to be flooded.

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StackOverflow is in the midst of a civil war.

Recently StackOverflow established a partnership with OpenAI. Users have begun to rebel against this by deleting answers. StackOverflow has retaliated by doing sweeping bans


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A performative dance isn't going to impress nerds. It might impress business people – but def' not nerds.

Want to impress nerds? Bring a bunch of old printers and let nerds smash them with a hammer. You'll have nerds brawling for a chance to smash a printer.

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me and the boys stretching before we start thrunting in the streets 💯💯💯

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Yes, we know you nerds want us to enable comments. Give us time. We're very busy.

We'll probably (maybe) do it this weekend.

Love you 😘💕😘💕😍

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It's been an exciting day today. What have we learned about the leader of Lockbit ransomware group?

1. He's relatively young, 31 years old
2. He likes sushi and Cheesecake Factory
3. He drives a Mercedes
4. He doesn't own a yacht
5. He doesn't live in a mansion
6. He doesn't live in New York City
7. He was into gardening (???)
8. He owns some nice suits
9. He has a lot of money, but has a hard time laundering it
10. He has a couple businesses that look semi successful
11. He lives in a regular apartment
12. He plays pool
13. He's a big fan of Apple products
14. He spoke with the FBI online (???)

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Some of LockbitSupp a/k/a Dmitry Khoroshev's data and PII was exposed as a result of a Yandex data breach.

It exposes his address and food order history. It shows him ordering Cheesecake Factory semi-frequently.

Information via Info_IntelX

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The United States Department of Justice has unsealed the indictment against Dmitry Khoroshev a/k/a LockbitSupp.

We have downloaded and archived it. You can check it out here as "lockbit_indictment.pdf"


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The 5 horsemen of the apocalypse: Spyware, Ransomware, Botnet, Stealer, and Adware

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We got offered a super cool job at Costco. We're actively working on joining their team to launder money, or get scammed, or something.

(Miranda thinks it's cool we watch anime)

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Today on Breached a Threat Actor operating under the moniker IntelBroker claimed to have compromised EUROPOL.

We have no way to validate its authenticity, but it sure looks real.


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Zscaler confirmed Wednesday that they've been breached. They state they can confirm it was one of their test environments that was compromised.

They state no customer information was stolen and no businesses have been affected

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Lockbit ransomware group has made a post today about a contest (titled: contest.omg) to contact Dmitry Khoroshev – they assert the FBI is wrong and LockbitSupp is NOT Dmitry Khoroshev.

They're offering $1,000 if you can contact Dmitry Khoroshev to see if he is alive and well

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We've updated the vx-underground APT collection for April, 2024.

Download the malware
Download the malware
Download the malware
Download the malware
Download the malware
Download the malware
Download the malware
Download the malware
Download the malware
Download the malware

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We stand with StackOverflow nerds (even though they'll fist fight you all night over a repeated question you didn't know existed because it was posted 13 years ago).

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We've updated the VXUG source code repository on GitHub and our builder collection


Source code:


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Yesterday Palo Alto Networks paid a group of people to do this performative dance outside of RSA Conference. However, when Palo Alto uploaded the footage online (featured above) people called it cringe and mocked it relentlessly.

tl;dr we out here

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We don't understand it, but apparently this is a 10/10 banger Russian meme.

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May 10th we are going to release something very very interesting we think all of you will enjoy. It'll be funny news on a Friday:)

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The FBI, NCA UK, and EUROPOL state that when Lockbit ransomware group ransomed SickKids Canada, LockbitSupp failed to deliver a working decryption key to the childrens hospital.

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Mistranslation: "he'll get fucked for my sins" – implying the wrong person will be arrested.

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Lockbit ransomware group has made a statement to the FBI. It says: "The FBI is bluffing, I’m not Dimon, I feel sorry for the real Dimon))) oh, and he’ll get pussy for my sins)))"

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The leader of Lockbit ransomware group had an iCloud email 😭😭😭

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