The largest collection of malware source, samples, and papers on the internet. Password: infected Website: vx-underground Telegram chatroom link:
A young man, presumably from the COM scene, is beginning to gain traction on Twitter for his calm and collected thoughts. A modern day philosopher
tl;dr some kid with a gun (airsoft, maybe?), talking about beaming people (?), and saying 'fuck da opps' and some Chicago gang stuff despite being .... 11? 12? maybe 13?
Today EA sent out an alert to consumers that they're experiencing technical issues which results in the removal of games from purchasers digital library.
Photos have been grabbed from random tweets. There is thousands of photos flooding in.
We 'randomly' selected the FBI to receive free vx-underground swag. They ignored us and left us on read.
Got ego'd by the FBI 😭😭😭😭
Yes we know we still haven't enabled comments. You nerds literally remind us every single day. We promise we'll do it. Give us time, we're busy.
Microsoft May 3rd, 2024: We must prioritize security above all else
Microsoft May 19th, 2024:
tl;dr Microsoft introduces 24/7 surveillance functionality for the NSA and/or CIA but markets it as a feature that you'll like
We are still having problems with our vx-underground 5 year Twitter giveaway. We have tried a few different methods. Currently we are only able to view approx. 800+- comments.
Читать полностью…We are experiencing some technical difficulties with our giveaway. Twitter is having a difficult time loading all of the comments people left. We are only able to see approx. 300 replies out of 2,500+
If you have any suggestions please let us know.
Thank you to our friends in Ukraine for the lovely picture. The gang signs makes it extra cool.
Читать полностью…> announce giveaway
> leave computer
> return to "vx-underground" trending in cyber security on Twitter
> "vx-underground seeks help amid cyber chaos"
> ???
> t-shirt giveaway has thousands of comments
5 year anniversary giveaway broke twitter ai
We're giving away free stuff on Twitter because we turn 5 tomorrow. Go over to Twitter if you want to try to win free stuff.
We will be celebrating*, right off the rip we fuck it up.
Читать полностью…No, we won't be at DEFCON. Core staff members are malware monks that don't go outside.
Читать полностью…User vxdb on Twitter is not associated with vx-underground. They just by chance have the letters "vx" in their name.
We have no affiliation with them.
Please stop asking us about their posts because we have no idea.
But, it is a cool Twitter handle though
Thanks to our friends TorGuard and the degenerates from the DEFCON Data Duplication Village (ly7ine) we now allow individuals to torrent vx-underground
Note: Not all torrents are available yet
You can download the torrents here:
We're partnering up with our sponsor TorGuard to offer a torrent (and if you're cool you'll seed) for vx-underground. You can stop sending us e-mails, messages, DMs, and smoke signals.
More information coming soon.
If you go to DEFCON this year you can visit the Data Duplication Village and clone yourself a copy of vx-underground. All it requires is an 8TB drive
Additionally, as a DEFCON exclusive, the drive will contain something secret
And no, we won't be at DEFCON. We don't go outside
Shoutout to the random person who tried to social engineer our staff into getting a free 5 year anniversary shirt. They were convinced this person was a giveaway winner and contacted other staff for verification.
B+ social engineering attempt. Almost got 'em
wElL aPpLE doES iT
Apple shouldn't do it either — but we didn't know Apple did this because we don't use Apple products and we don't focus on Apple products in the cyber security ecosystem.
No one should be doing this. We don't care if it's for AI, we don't care if it's only local, we don't care if it can be enabled or disabled.
Most consumers won't understand what the hell this is, and most consumers won't know how to turn it off.
We're also terrified of the ramifications of this in enterprise environments. It is wildly invasive, and in environments where end users don't have control over what is enabled and disabled, this is yet another potential attack vector for information stealers or ransomware.
Last week we became acquainted with a server administrator for a 'body mutilation' site.
He assisted a group of individuals with hosting, and maintaining, a site where people were mutilating, severing, smashing, and cannibalizing male genitals. Access to videos required paying money – it was essentially a pay-per-view for watching male individuals be maimed, some were even teenage boys.
The individuals he assisted have since been arrested and sentenced to prison. He was not arrested because despite providing hosting and assistance with the site, he did not actively maim anyone.
We are hoping to interview him and get his perspective on things. No idea if he'll agree to an interview, but it's exciting.
Tomorrow our Chief Executive Nerd (DuchyRE) and his faithful side kick (Monster Energy Drink) will be assigned to the case. Additionally, we have enlisted the help of Breach forum nerds who are exceptionally skilled at scraping. If anyone get the comments, these nerds can
Читать полностью…Okay, we get it. We've received enough emails. We PROMISE we will enable comments this week. You can stop emailing us now.
Читать полностью…We are now officially 5 years old everywhere on the planet.
Except Anchorage, Alaska but we're not staying up any longer. We're old and it's way past our bed time.
We'll start selecting winners of free stuff later today.
Ali Diamond, the lady from Hak5, bought a vx-underground harddrive... and then got photos taken as if it were a baby? She paid for a professional photoshoot and named it Diva
Dear DEFCON DDV nerds,
Please contact us.
(Initially we said we'd send the data to them, but being of extremely high IQ, we didn't realize uploading remotely from a local copy would take way too long.)
We've updated the vx-underground malware families collection
- StealC
- RisePro
- RaspberryRobin
- Android.Vultur
- QuasarRAT
- DarkGateLoader
- DinodasRAT
- NokoyawaRansomware
- Latrodectus
- IcedId
- InstatWiper
- Gafgyt
- CobaltStrike
- Glupteba
- DoNexRansomware
- AsyncRAT
Sunday is our 5 year anniversary. We we be celebrating 5 years of disorganization, typos, accidental misinformation, and being labeled criminals over 9000 times.
Sunday we will be giving away 30+- vx-underground 5 year anniversary shirts. It will be $1,000 worth of merch all sponsored by our friends at TorGuard.
Additionally, we will be giving away 1 vx-underground harddrive, this drive contains everything on the vx-underground site — roughly 13TB of malware material (although it is compressed to just over 5TB). It is password protected. If you ask for the password you WILL be monkey bonked. This drive is possible due to an individual not correctly reading emails and people banding together to make sure we don't lose any money. In summary, this giveaway is sponsored by YOU :)))
If you're not interested in participating in the giveaway you can also buy the shirt. It will be available on our merch store starting this weekend too. It will ship everywhere except North Korea, Russia, and whatever else is sanctioned by the United States government.
If you're in Russia and want to buy a shirt, have your friends in the UAE buy a shirt and have them send it to you.
If you're in North Korea and want to buy a shirt, please just try to escape the country instead.
Thank you everyone for the love and support over the past 5 years. We are looking forward to Sunday. It's going to be an exciting day.
Love you 😘
This year we will be working with nerds from DEFCON to ensure the complete vx-underground collection is available at DEFCON in the data duplication village
Bring a 8TB+ drive to DEFCON if you want a copy of the data.
Today has been a whirling wind of chaos.
tl;dr we don't know anything. We need solid proof.
First, earlier this morning the current owner of Doxbin, Operator, was allegedly beaten and kidnapped. Footage released by the would-be kidnappers shows, presumably Operator, tied to a pole and being punched and kicked. However, many viewers immediately expressed doubt on the footage and some said it's a 'detrace' operation — essentially an exit strategy for Operator.
We do not know the truth. We can only speculate. It is strange.
Secondly, BreachForum was seized today. Following the takedown there were lots of rumors floating around about Breach being a honey-pot, that key members have been arrested, etc. While this may certainly be true, there is no confirmation from law enforcement agencies on arrests or indictments. ShinyHunter, the other administrator of the website, has stated the other administrator, Baphomet, has been arrested. While we don't doubt this (ShinyHunter of all people would probably know), we would like an official Department of Justice announcement or court document confirming these statements.
What we can say though is that although Breach is gone, we are certain another forum will appear (eventually) to fill the power vacuum. It's only a matter of time.
Anyway, looking forward to Breach and/or Raid rebrand number 4!