The largest collection of malware source, samples, and papers on the internet. Password: infected Website: vx-underground Telegram chatroom link:
Would rather be maimed with a hot knife before using "yeet_expr" and "do yeet"
(Yes, it's real)
Shamelessly shitposting and regurgitating memes because its the end of the year and we're on a Kung Fu Panda bender
Читать полностью…Earlier this morning we broadcasted a message wanting information on the ransomware attack against Katholische Hospitalvereinigung Ostwestfalen (KHO), a healthcare network in Germany. This attack resulted in the shutdown of over 1,800 hospital beds, 23 specialist departments, and over 800 healthcare professionals being unable to work.
We spoke with many professionals in Germany and coordinated a conversation with Lockbit ransomware group administrative staff.
We discovered, and confirmed in more ways than one, this was not an attack performed by Lockbit ransomware group. This was an attack performed by a group of unknown individuals using the leaked Lockbit Black ransomware builder, which was leaked in April, 2023. This is why the KHO healthcare network has not been listed on the Lockbit ransomware group website.
Lockbit ransomware group administration expressed their frustration to us - they were unhappy someone was using their leaked builder and using their branding.
Our friend SomeOrdinaryGamers purchased a copy of the complete vx-underground collection and reviewed it.
tl;dr takes contents from Twitter IOC collection and detonates them on a laptop, malware on laptop fights other malware on the laptop
just phished someone from ur accounting department, what u gonna do????
Читать полностью…Ya, ALPHV did was wild stuff, that MongoDB breach is wreckin' havoc on crypto-exchanges, and the GTA V source code has some crazy notes.
But we're watching snugglin' up with a blanket and watching movies. Have a goofy meme and go away.
We spoke with the person responsible for the GTA V source code leak
They claim to have received the source code August, 2023. Their motivation was to combat scamming in the GTA V modding scene, many people were allegedly scammed by people claiming to have the GTA V source code
We are doing the last giveaway of the year as vx-underground staff goes AFK for the remainder of the year (probably)
You all get hugs and kisses:)
See ya in 2024
- vx-underground staff
Obviously no, it was never pushed to prod, and this was for flight simulation - this is also a summarization of the story.
Signed and unsigned exist for a reason:)
December 20th an unknown Threat Actor compromised Ubisoft. The individual had access for roughly 48 hours until administration realized something was off and access was revoked.
They aimed to exfiltrate roughly 900gb of data but lost access.
Rockstar games executives after seeing Arion Kurtaj sentenced to an "indefinite hospital order"
Читать полностью…Shitposting++;
We have stuff in queue, don't feel like doing anything, got food cooking, just gonna keep annoying everyone with weird memes
Met someone who told us a nice story
When they were younger, and not tech savvy, their personal computer was hit by ransomware. They thought it was a "computer glitch" and continued to use the computer for another year or so, ransomed wallpaper and all
Rockstar Games 4 horsemen of the apocalypse have arrived.
- The Degenerates Nerds
- The Gamer Nerds
- The Computer Nerds
- The Artsy Nerds
They have all banded together to actively work on compiling GTA V in hopes of improved mods and porting it elsewhere.
We considered doing a 2023 year end review covering the highlights of 2023 and significant breaches that occurred.
Then we realized something was compromised, ransomed, leaked, or stolen every other week and it was too much to cover.
Cheating in video games is wildly unethical and we would never condone it, except cheating in video games is cool and badass. If you want to be cool and cheat in Call of Duty we recommend using PhantomOverlay. It is very cool.
(The owner didn't ask us to post this, but it is actually really funny to cheat in Call of Duty because everyone on that game is a sweat)
(Cheating is bad, don't cheat, ever)
According to some GitHub statistics we're one of the top assembly developers in the world
(don't tell them it's just a bunch of archived malware source code)
Mystery has been solved. We will return to our vacation. Nobody else do anything crazy while we are away.
Thank you.
We have repeatedly been poked with sticks to address some things
1. Yes, ALPHV claims to have ransomed VF, the company behind Supremes, Dickies, The North Face, etc.
2. Yes, we are aware of alleged GTA V source code leaks. We haven't confirmed it's legitimacy
Ok bye ily 💋
Ages ago we became acquainted with a software engineer who developed flight test software. He told us a story of an individual who failed to implement the appropriate integer types for longitude and latitude (signed vs unsigned)
During QA when the plane went south of the equator the software encountered undefined behavior which resulted in the plane flipping upside down
This is why QA is important
The Threat Actor would not share how they got initial access. Upon entry they audited the users access rights and spent time thoroughly reviewing Microsoft Teams, Confluence, and SharePoint.
They attempted to exfiltrate R6 Siege user data but were unsuccessful
wHy dIdNt yoU GuYs tAlK abOuT ThE iNsoMnia GaMes hAcK
Because anytime we discuss ANYTHING video game related nerds begin foaming out the mouth and having psychiatric melt downs in our comments and DMs
Note: BBC has changed the article title to "indefinite hospital order" instead of "life in hospital prison".
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