The largest collection of malware source, samples, and papers on the internet. Password: infected Website: vx-underground Telegram chatroom link:
This is the United States of Ameriburger, was worried the health insurance company was going to charge me $45,000 for that time I visited my doctor for a check-up
Читать полностью…It's wonderful seeing people produce creative educational content.
Thank you, endingwithali for highlighting this exceptionally talented programmer and their unique educational courses
Had to censor the image though because of all the peepees, butts, and boobies
me explaining to my kids what it was like using dial up internet
Читать полностью…Hello,
This is a reminder that if you're a politician representing your country in the UN — you should avoid information stealer malware.
You should also avoid soliciting sex with male prostitutes on social media in private DMs.
Thank you, Vietnamese government representative, for the lovely e-mail.
Читать полностью…vx-underground staff members enjoying a nice evening cruise in California
*this is actual footage we captured
*fire is illegal and for nerds
Someone didn't reply to our backend hosting provider which resulted in them terminating our account.
Whoever did this should be slapped around with a large trout (it's my fault)
We have all the data still, no biggie, but data will be inaccessible for a few days while we move.
A timeline of the Los Angeles wildfire emergency broadcast system problems
- January 9th, 2024, approx. 4:11 PST, people in the entirety of Los Angeles county receive an emergency broadcast alert to their cellphones telling them to gather their loved ones, pets, and supplies. It results in widestream misinformation on social media and pandemonium (Image 1). Shortly after the text message, people receive a subsequent message saying it's a false alarm and a mistake.
- January 10th, 2024, approx. 4:02am PST, people in certain regions of Los Angeles receive an emergency broadcast alert to their cellphones similar to the message received yesterday (Image 2). The message states it for the entirety of Los Angeles county, but (based on information received thus far) no additional emergency broadcast alerts were intended to be delivered.
January 10th 6am PST - current time, Los Angeles citizens, and people throughout the United States, express concern on social media. People report confusion, misinformation, and mismanagement by California officials for the frequent and inaccurate emergency broadcast messages. Some people report receiving several text messages regarding the fires while, when checking 3rd party apps, show there are currently no threats in their area.
Los Angeles officials go on television and social media stating they are not sending out messages. They state they're working with industry partners to identify the cause of the problem (Image 3 and Image 4)
There is currently no information to confirm or deny this is the result of a state-sponsored Threat Actor, a bad actor intended to cause damage, a financially motivated Threat Actor, an Insider Threat, or wild mismanagement and/or equipment failure. Details are scarce.
40 minutes ago Los Angeles county officials stated on television they're working with partners to stop the false and/or incorrect evacuation warnings people are receiving WHICH ARE NOT happening from human interaction (???)
They're currently investigating how this is happening
We didn't think it was possible to do an oopsie doopsie 3 times! This is absolute madness. Someone get California on the horn and tell them to wake up
Holy smokes
It's the ultra rare, limited edition, double mega oopsie doopsie.
Last night at 4am PST California officials accidentally sent out an evacuation warning to the entire Los Angeles area ... AGAIN. They've made the same mistake two times in a 12 hour time stretch!
tl;dr some dude pretending to be a staff member was trying to pick up a chick. we dont go outside, we dont meet people, were scared of grass and sunlight
Читать полностью…I had hoped he'd get bored after the like, 6 hour marker, I had lots of people complaining. I just messaged him directly and he said he'd stop.
Tomorrow evening at 9PM EST we will be holding the vx-underground talk show on Twitter.
Our guest speaker will be the CEO of TorGuard. Tor(rent)Guard is a large VPN and VPS provider with infrastructure across the globe. They're competitors with organizations such as Mullvad, ProtonVPN, NordVPN, and HideMe.
During our talk we will discuss VPN technologies, how their large and multinational infrastructure works and is managed, common myths and misinformation on VPNs and VPSs, how ISPs work fundamentally and how they can monitor what you're doing and can inject into your traffic, and more. And, because it's us, malware techniques and technologies which can be used or abused by VPNs
As always, we will allow people to join the conversation, ask questions verbally and in-real-time, comment, make suggestions, or just say Hi.
We will also be doing a surprise giveaway. To celebrate our "first" attempt at this dumb talk show thing we're doing, TorGuard has agreed to hook up listeners, or talkers, during the segment with VPN accounts. He'll give 5 away for free because ???.
Anyway, see you tomorrow night.
tl;dr millions of people scared, worried about loss of life, widespread fear, thin on resources. Then they decide to sprinkle some mass confusion and mass hysteria on top.
+2 internet kitty cats to California officials for biggest oopsie doopsie (so far)
> get letter in the mail
> from health insurance place
> oh_no.png
> open mail
> health insurance company says data was in a security breach
oh thank god, was worried it was something important
Our backend is currently down because we're migrating hosts. Our frontend is still up, hence why you can see the "BBIAB" message.
tl;dr used too much data, moving to dedi
non-tl;dr (long read)
We initially used Wasabi as our backend because it's cheaper than a lot of hosting providers. Wasabi is good if you have data stored, but you don't intend on your egress exceeding what is currently being stored. Your egress exceeding what is stored is a violation of Wasabi terms-of-service specifically in their data usage section.
Under normal conditions, due to our Cloudflare enterprise which was gifted to us from Cloudflare, we would not exceed our data storage in egress and everything would be fine and dandy. However, as we've begun aggregating malware for our virus exchange domain, we've begun consuming egress and data usage at a high rate. Our current flow works something like this:
1. Get file (malware malware, maybe not malware)
2. Submit to virus exchange database via API
3. Data goes inside virus exchange database
4. Data sent to VirusTotal for scanning
5. Wait 60 seconds (async, other files sent too)
6. Query VirusTotal results
7. If file is malware, store in database as SHA256
8. If not malware, dispose of file
9. Copy confirmed malware from virus exchange bucket to vx-underground malware ingestion bucket
10. File placed in daily ingestion queue data directory
Each day every malicious file received is thrown in a directory labeled the current date — usually named something like "Malware.{Year}.{Month}.{Date}". We eventually pull these directories down from our bucket using the AWS CLI and 7z ultra compress them. Once we 7z ultra compress them we move them to local backup instances. Once backup is completed we push it back to the vx-underground backend prod environment.
We began receiving warnings from Wasabi when we were ingesting 50,000 - 100,000 malware samples a day. We scaled it back to 15,000 - 30,000 malware samples a day. This still irritated them, so we now have to move to a new host who won't charged us a fortune for processing and moving so much data internally and externally.
We ultimately decided to move to TorGuard because they're a sponsor of ours, we have a good relationship with them and their team, and they're going to help us out with some malware-related stuff. We had planned on eventually moving to their infrastructure for awhile but we kept delaying it because moving so much data, modifying so much of our internal procedures, and laziness, made us dread the move.
Thank you, California government employee, for the cool e-mail and cool pictures
Читать полностью…This image is a perfectly analogy for most enterprise compromises — a "sophisticated attacker" was NOT a state-sponsored Threat Actor. It was just a fat cat.
Читать полностью…tfw you have to notify everyone in your project you forgot to reply to an email and now everything is temporarily gone and all work is paused for like, 5 days
Читать полностью…The Sims allows your character to learn how program by writing malware
Читать полностью…We don't want to get all crazy-whacko-conspiracy-theory, but this sure would be a great time for an adversary of the United States to cause chaos and/or spread misinformation.
Читать полностью…What's interesting though is this time it wasn't sent to the entire LA County. It was sent to the wrong areas on Los Angeles, with the wrong message
tldr people in Long Beach received notifications for people near Eaton Fire which said it was for entirety of LA
We've never seen such a colossal oopsie 2 times in a row in a 12 hour stretch. They're probably scaring these people to death — getting notified at 4am they need to pack their stuff and go 😭
Читать полностью…What the hell is someone going to say to pick up chicks while impersonating someone from our group?
"hai bb, you wanna hookup with a chronically online, morally ambiguous, mid-30s man with a benzodiazepine dependency and who is also (probably) on multi watchlists?"
A young person encountered a vx-underground imposter on Discord who was trying to convince them to meet-up in person. They contacted us to confirm whether or not this was true.
This is a reminder vx-underground will never try to meet you in person. We don't go outside.
Thank you, SabaKira of l7srv-dot-ru, for using your botnet to conduct a 102TB DDoS attack which lasted several hours.
It was very cool it got past our Cloudflare Enterprise and agitated thousands of our daily visitors.
tl;dr tl;dr 3,821,000 people just received this text message by accident
Читать полностью…Large oopsie-doopsie in Los Angeles today
In the midst of arguably the most dangerous wildfires in California history, Californian officials accidentally issued an evacuation order to the entire Los Angeles population which has resulted in (reportedly) pandemonium