The largest collection of malware source, samples, and papers on the internet. Password: infected Website: vx-underground Telegram chatroom link:
An unknown Threat Actor seemingly attempted to social engineer Abigail Whidden, a sales person at GreyNoiseIO.
Unfortunately for them, GreyNoise is a rather tight knit company and it is difficult to masquerade as someone who sits beside you
After ALPHV ransomware group ransomed Advarra, exfiltrated their data, and subsequently mocked executives and employees, they commissioned a custom cake to be made to celebrate ...
Читать полностью…We recommend nerds to never ever, not even once, approach LinkedIn. LinkedIn is overflowing with psychopaths.
Example A. Man states he takes meeting notes in the middle of his date, has him and his significant other doing sprints and daily stand ups.
Previously Okta reported a breach in October that resulted in approx. 1% of customer support users having their data stolen
November 29th Okta reports that they were wrong, 100% of customer support users had their data stolen.
Per the request of a random e-mail, here is a complimentary monkey bonk for all of you. Additionally, tomorrow is update Wednesday, so new papers, or something. Have a nice day night (or day?).
Читать полностью…Ransomware operator arrested was sitting in his underwear, enjoying a nice and quiet night in Ukraine, when Ukrainian police busted in his windows and put a fully-kitted IWI Tavor TAR-21 in his face 😭
Читать полностью…You can read more information on the arrests with the two links associated with this post.
Hello, how are you?
Due to insanely high demand we have now created a pre-order for the vx-underground HDD collection. When you pre-order you will be placed in a queue automatically when the next batch of harddrives arrive.
ty ily <3
We're doing another giveaway on Twitter. Some nerd gave us 3 tickets to an offensive security training course this weekend. Read the tweet if you're interested
Going forward vx-underground should in no shape or form be described as professionals. We have made a large oopsie - a nearly catastrophic oopsie doopsie.
All malware samples have been temporarily removed from vx-underground until we repair this monumental whoopsie
We wanna be the Mr. Beast of malware related material 😂😂😂
Читать полностью…We've received probably 1,000+ e-mails for our Red Team Ops I & Red Teams Ops II giveaway - far more than we expected... a mindboggling amount of e-mails..
For our own sanity, we will close entries for the course giveaway December 1st, 2023.
Word on the street is critical infrastructure in Slovenia has been hit by ransomware
Читать полностью…Unethical Christmas idea:
1. Purchase cheap USB device, populate it with ransomware payloads
2. Wrap with pretty Christmas wrap
3. Leave it outside, wait for porch pirate to steal package
4. ???
5. Happy Holidays!
vx-underground will be offline for the next couple of hours while we begin pushing the new site to production. It is estimated to take somewhere between 1 hour and 200 years.
Happy update Wednesday.
This update is primarily updated to malware samples and malware collections. Friday will include be a very large update.
Cya later
New updates:
New vx-underground front-end. We do not have a confirmation on its deployment date yet.
- Dynamic, fully functional on mobile and desktop
- Custom built file explorer, faster loading
- Doesn't look like a bag of poopie
Shout out to the jackass who tried to enter the Red Teams Op giveaway with a spoofed .edu e-mail.
We respect the hustle, by c'mon bro, really?
Nerds who purchased hard drives,
We're nearly complete with the cloning process. We have 1 drive remaining. Once it is complete we package them, and drag over 22 hard drives filled with malware to the post office... probably next week? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
tl;dr mailing them soon
Audibly laughing at the ransomware operator who, when realizing he is being raided by the Ukrainian police, climbs on top of his apartment buildings roof with a ladder and gives 2 middle fingers to the police.
Читать полностью…Today EUROPOL in conjunction with the Ukraine National Police arrested individuals operating a ransomware group out of Ukraine. The group is believed to be behind the ransoming of 'over 1,000 servers'.
They released footage of some of the arrests
When we began doing these cyber security giveaways our goal was to give these things to people who we believe need them or would benefit them.
Many of us in vx-underground come from less than ideal backgrounds and we did not have the financial means to formally attend a university or enroll in any meaningful sort of training. Most of grinded - we purchased books (or 'borrowed' some PDFs), and began the grind.
We understand what it's like eating ramen noodles everyday - even trying to mix things up by throwing some slices of cheese in them 😂😂😂.
We understand the feeling of inadequacy when you see tech nerds and 'influencers' flaunt their new and expensive car, luxury items, and travels from around the world while you remain in the same ol' room on the same ol' grind.
It isn't easy, life isn't fair, and some people are just plain lucky ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The primary objective of vx-underground is to function as a library, for the morbidly curious, for researchers, for students. Additionally, as we have grown in size, we now are presented with the opportunity to gift individuals who may not come from ideal circumstances with things that could accelerate their career, give them a feeling of chance or hope, and provide educational material with things that will make an impact on their life.
With that being said, we want to make something very, very, very clear. We love receiving e-mails from accomplished individuals, we are genuinely happy for you that you were accepted into an Ivy league university (such as MIT), and we are happy you have a massive array of computer certifications. But... our giveaways are more or less focused for those we believe could benefit it. To be blunt: bro, you've got it made. You don't 'need' a free course from us. We can't knock the hustle, we respect it, but you're already on top
Malware samples have been restored. Everything is back and normal.
Forgot to add a password to errr... a few files. But it's been fixed:)
Today Security researchers Samuel Barnes-Thornton, TheCyberJoe, and Awais Rashid disclosed a vulnerability in cow tracking collars. They were able to both read and inject animal captivity activity data
They're hackin' the cows 😭😭😭
More info:
We have partnered with our friend 0verfl0w_ from Zero2Auto to provide 3 individuals with the Zero2Auto malware reverse engineering course for free 🥰
This course is not designed for complete noobies - it is focused more toward junior reverse engineers
More details coming soon
It's a well established fact the *nix command "sudo" derives from Linus Torvalds's highschool crush Susan Doeringadingmanadaluski
Читать полностью…Everything on the vx-underground store is 20% off for the remainder of the year using discount code "MALWARE"
*Except the harddrive
In all seriousness, this is probably a violation of the United States Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and it will probably irritate the FBI if they discover some nerd is ransoming porch pirates.
Don't do it!
Some nerd on Twitter named Bjorn Staal is programming out of his mind.
11/10. Solid programming skills (designed to demonstrate quantum entanglement)