The largest collection of malware source, samples, and papers on the internet. Password: infected Website: vx-underground Telegram chatroom link:
tl;dr tl;dr this guy fuckin' nailed it and we believe him to be an expert figure on hardware hacking and big brain sciency magic stuff
we're gone for half a day and now people are turning pagers into bombs wtf
Читать полностью…wE oFfEr fReE cOFFee
Amazon employees are making six figures. Free coffee is 100% not a make-or-break situation. Half these nerds are probably burning money on Uber Eats because they don't even want to walk to the kitchen
In the United States this is an actual career path. The job title is "Influencer". If done correctly you can get as much as $100,000/video by the Kremlin
Читать полностью…Best places to find information on obscure parts of Windows internals:
- UnknownCheats, random guy with anime profile picture reversed it, only got 2 upvotes
- Random old blog from the mid-2000's, author stopped posting 15 years ago.
- Chinese developer forums
just got told console gaming is better because it cant get a virus
Читать полностью…Probably one of the largest updates we've done in a long time.
Why the hell do we do this for free 😭
- 2023-12-25 - An Introduction to Bypassing User Mode EDR Hooks
- 2023-11-29 - The Art of Windows Persistence
- 2023-01-04 - Investigating Filter Communication Ports
- 2022-11-16 - Bypassing AV-EDR Hooks via Vectored Syscall
- 2021-11-10 - The DLL Search Order And Hijacking It
- 2021-07-26 - Shellcoding - Process Injection with Assembly
- 2021-06-28 - Stealing Tokens In Kernel Mode With A Malicious Driver
- 2021-05-23 - Preventing memory inspection on Windows
- 2021-01-30 - Executing Position Independent Shellcode from Object Files in Memory
- 2020-06-01 - Using Syscalls to Inject Shellcode on Windows
- 2018-09-06 - Persistence using Universal Windows Platform apps
Bulk downloads:
- Bazaar.2024.08
- InTheWild.0130
- InTheWild.0131
- Virussign.2024.08.12
- Virussign.2024.08.13
- Virussign.2024.08.14
- Virussign.2024.08.15
- Virussign.2024.08.16
- Virussign.2024.08.17
- Virussign.2024.08.18
- Virussign.2024.08.23
- Virussign.2024.08.24
- Virussign.2024.08.25
- Virussign.2024.08.26
- Virussign.2024.08.27
- Virussign.2024.08.28
- Virussign.2024.08.29
- Virussign.2024.08.30
- Virussign.2024.08.31
- Virussign.2024.09.01
- Virussign.2024.09.02
- Virussign.2024.09.03
- Virussign.2024.09.04
- Virussign.2024.09.05
- Virussign.2024.09.06
- Virussign.2024.09.07
- Virussign.2024.09.08
- 120,082+- malware samples
Large update coming. Due to the size of additions, if you have notifications enabled you will likely receive multiple notifications.
Prepare yourself.
1. Keyboard with 1,000 keys
2. Warped fingers
3. Desk is backwards
4. Keyboard not plugged in
5. Anon mask out the matrix .. holding the coffee by it's smoke? The Police officers coffee?
7. Cop waving little American flag? (yay! cybercrime!)
The CEO of RecordedFuture confirms to us that they cannot wipe $400,000 of debt off our Mastercard credit card. Also, Triage will remain free.
Unironically, 90% of core viewing demographic would (in some shape or form) prefer it to be malware just so they could rip it apart and throw tomatoes at us.
Читать полностью…We're experimenting with a vx-underground Windows Desktop e-reader. It's a simple .NET application that connects to vx-underground, lists papers, and allows you to view them without having to visit the website.
Why? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Seems kinda cool. Also, slightly easier to explore
We don't know much about pagers, or explosives.
But what we do know a little about is malware and we can promise you there is not some 1337 technique that magically transforms a regular battery into an incendiary device.
tl;dr modified pagers, science or something
"Everyone has to return to office. I only made $29,300,000 last year. How am I going to afford my new yacht on this salary?" — Andy Jassy, CEO of Amazon
Читать полностью…Amazon announced starting in 2025 all workers will be expected to be back in the office.
Amazon employees jumped with joy knowing they will now have to wake up earlier, commute, waste time and money on travel, spend less time with their families, and deal with office politics!
It's corporate propaganda to say tech workers want to return to the office.
Читать полностью…This is actually a good point. Most people playing video games are probably casual, don't want to buy a computer, and just want to relax in the living room, or wherever, and play on a controller.
Also, older consoles are cool and badass. Sega Dreamcast Podracing was badass
APT collection:
- 2024.08.08 - Iran Targeting 2024 US Election
- 2024.08.08 - The i-Soon-Leaks - Part 2
- 2024.08.09 - A Dive into Earth Baku
- 2024.08.12 - South Koreas Pseudo Hunter APT organization
- 2024.08.13 - Kaspersky APT trends report Q2 2024
- 2024.08.14 - Cyclops - Likely replacement for BellaCiao
- 2024.08.14 - EastWind campaign
- 2024.08.14 - Iranian backed group phishing Israel, U.S
- 2024.08.15 - The i-Soon-Leaks - Part 3
- 2024.08.17 - Sidewinder APT – Phishing on Pakistan
- 2024.08.19 - BlindEagle flying high in Latin America
- 2024.08.20 - GreenCharlie Targeting US - Advanced Phishing and Malware
- 2024.08.20 - New Backdoor Targeting Taiwan
- 2024.08.21 - MoonPeak malware from North Korean
- 2024.08.22 - China-Nexus Threat Group Velvet Ant
- 2024.08.22 - The i-Soon-Leaks - Part 4
- 2024.08.23 - Analysis of Patchwork(APT-Q-36) Spyder Downloader
- 2024.08.26 - Operation DevilTiger used by APT-Q-12 disclosed
- 2024.08.27 - Doppelgaenger - Details on a Russian disinformation campaign
- 2024.08.28 - OceanLotus - Targeting Vietnamese Human Rights Defenders
- 2024.08.28 - I Spy With My Little Eye - Uncovering an Iranian Counterintelligence Operation
- 2024.08.28 - Iran-based Cyber Actors Enabling Ransomware Attacks
- 2024.08.28 - Operation Oxidový - Malware Campaign Targets Czech Officials
- 2024.08.28 - Peach Sandstorm Tickler malware in intelligence gathering op
- 2024.08.29 - Suspected Espionage Campaign Delivers Voldemort
- 2024.08.30 - North Korean threat actor exploiting Chromium zero-day
- 2024.09.03 - DeFied Expectations - Examining Web3 Heists
- 2024.09.04 - APT Lazarus - Eager Crypto Beavers, Video calls and Games
- 2024.09.04 - Earth Lusca Uses KTLVdoor Backdoor for Multiplatform Intrusion
- 2024.09.04 - Reconnaissance Scanning Tools Used by Chinese Threat Actors
- 2024.09.05 - GRU 29155 Russian Military Cyber Actors Target U.S.
- 2024.09.05 - Tropic Trooper spies on the Middle East
- 2024.09.06 - Chinese APT Abuses VSCode to Target Government in Asia
- 2024.09.06 - TIDRONE Targets Military and Satellite Industries in Taiwan
- 2024.09.10 - Crimson Palace returns
Large update. Read the papers, download the malware, reverse the malware, whatever. Even writing about all the additions is a lot of work.
Note: Assume all builder binaries are malicious, explore them with caution. APT paper titles truncated or modified in this post.
Administrative updates:
- VXDB is still syncing with VirusTotal. All corrupt files have been repaired. We are currently refining our malware ingestion process.
- MalwareIngestion collection has been purged due to fears of binaries being corrupted. MalwareIngestion will be repaired and redeployed at a later time.
- New vx-underground merch scheduled to be added to merch store. This will be done at a later time.
- New vx-underground harddrives will be available for sale later.
- Builder-Android.Phoenix
- Builder.CraxsRat
- Builder.Ransomware.Slam
- Builder.RobinHoodRansomware.Leak
- Blackmoon
- CobaltStrike
- DarkCloud
- DCRat
- Mirai
- NetTraveler
- QuasarRAT
- RedLine
- Rekoobe
- Remcos
- Sliver
- Stealc
- Tidepool
- Tofsee
- XMRig
Thank you to the people who continue to send us strange things
Our collection includes stickers, shirts, pants, smashed network equipment, pins, autographs from FBI's most wanted, artwork, and pet pictures.
We appreciate the pet photos. We love animals.
We decided to test OpenAI's image creation functionality by requesting it produce a meme about malware authors
The image it created is funny — although not in the classical sense. It's such a catastrophic failure it has become funny
The longer you look at it, the funnier it is
New vx-underground artwork
Image 1. Drowning in SPAM
Image 2. Malware compression
It'll be open source, you can build it yourself, or you can reverse engineer it, whatever. It's not malware.
Читать полностью…Today a Threat Actor operating under the moniker 'Fortibitch' released 440GB of exfiltrated Fortinet data. The Threat Actor claims the leaked data is a result of a failed extortion attempt. 'Fortibitch' wrote Fortinet allegedly wrote to them they'd rather 'eat poop than pay a ransom'.
Fortinet later confirmed the validity of the compromise to BleepinComputer — writing that customer data was stolen from a "third-party cloud-based shared file drive."
Additionally, 'Fortibitch' gave me a shoutout, referencing a previous vx-underground post debating the correct pronunciation of VXUG, by writing "smelly from Vi-Eks-Yu-Gee".
Subsequently, they addressed me as "-2 IQ degenerate nerd", referencing me mocking myself and my many failures I have apologized for.
Finally, they called me the "Texas Femboy Kisser". While I do not kiss femboys, or people from Texas, this conversation piece is indicative of a group of people I am familiar with.
Hello to you too, 'Fortibitch'.
Today Mastercard bought Cyber Threat Intelligence company RecordedFuture.
Why did a payment service provider acquire a threat intelligence company? Well, it's very simple — we don't understand it at all, but we assure you it's very simple, probably.