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Sorry, i forgot that "all lvl 1 exc teaming up for a 12 year event that´s not even SP"
Читать полностью…There are new players you know that right? Think before talking
Читать полностью…Bro hit them so hard with Rhino's mantits they dropped argon
Читать полностью…You'd be faster to do the usual capture/extermination on void
Читать полностью…I’m also a kind of antisocial person, I don’t really like being on call and stuff
Читать полностью…The one I’m in was basically like “it’s for beginners” and it’s basically just a tool for dojo stuff
Читать полностью…I have no idea what I am doing either. I am iike, "There are arcanes for primarys and secondarys now" *Pikachu surprise face*
Читать полностью…Deep archimedea made me appreciate how well designed and uniquely fun most warframes are
Читать полностью…I mean, I don’t need materials anymore, I was trying to help the person who asked the question
Читать полностью…The defense target is fairly weak and has no revives. It's tough for newer players
Читать полностью…most clans are "dead", only afew clans have truly active chats
Читать полностью…So maybe there is a discord and I just don’t know about it
Читать полностью…Ok. I need some help. My Clan is dead. I had been playing way back in the day.
I think, I stopped playing right around that goofy corpus nerd with the big hand started up?
So i have Duviri, Tempestarii and Veilbreaker unlocked.
I am looking for a clan thats alive, has a discord (obviously), erm... and my old clan was a weeby/furry/techy nerds.
I’m at the point in the game where every material is in the thousands to millions
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