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Welcome, Tenno lexx to Warframe!
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Читать полностью…Ladies and gentleman, it is my pleasure to inform you all that I am dating Eleanor and that we will be doing the dirty
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>Activate SP
>Go to Effervo
>Gather 30 eyes
>When Fibonacci tells you that you're done, take another probe
>You will notice that the game tells you where another Vitreum is
>Gather 30 more eyes
>Listen to Fibonacci telling you how you're about to get your ass handled
>Fight the Fragmented One (the REAL murmur boss)
Well, do you think you could help me some time? Not right now as it is quite late here already
Читать полностью…Well mandatory "this isn't a trade chat"😂
(Anyway nope. I'm out of everything rn. This last Baro was too crazy to let it slide)
Just like the Fragmented One isn't summoned in SP, but in SP when you gather 60 eyes
Читать полностью…Welcome, Tenno Sasha to Warframe!
We're an English-only on-topic group. (NOT a trade chat.)
Please read The Rules, and be civil.
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Yes, promise. I think I have little over 200 relics for Vauban
Читать полностью…Well tell that to Tasha😂
That's why I get mad when I read "DE keeps retconning stuff". There are retcons, but sometimes DE pulls Oda level lore dumps that makes you wonder if they planned everything years ago fr
The older quests are so filled of lore I never cared about back then. Like Once Awake talks about how Grineer tried to control the Infestation and use it as a bio weapon, no wonder why so many chargers (infested grineer) are there 💀
Читать полностью…Little offtopic but imagine it was the Cordyceps that could consume plastic and met. Almost close to having Techrot or Infestation irl
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