A community managed chat group of WasabiWallet.io! For in-depth conversations on Bitcoin privacy, nuances of coinjoin, and strategies on how to reclaim your privacy with Wasabi. For more information, see docs.WasabiWallet.io
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Читать полностью…It looks like the default settings will join any round over 75 sat/vbyte and will skip any round below 10 sat/vbyte.
Читать полностью…Yeah, there's a setting called "Coinjoin time preference" that allows users to skip rounds with high fees so they can automatically join when fees are at the lowest point of the day/week/month.
Читать полностью…But, there's only been 2 blocks mined in the past 90 minutes. So it's an unsolvable problem unless you overpay by a huge amount all the time.
Читать полностью…Yes, I want a reasonable fee so that my transactions don't get stuck on BTC for several hours.
Читать полностью…I agree, the fees were too low especially considering that rounds started at 10 minutes. I think it would have been a good idea for zkSNACKs to either increase the fee so that people in a hurry can use the service 24/7, or increase the 10 minute registration period and minimum/maximum input count so you wait longer for huge coinjoin rounds and get a really good value for the mining fees you spend.
Читать полностью…The previous coordinator take too long to confirm on BTC。
Читать полностью…So you increase the fee to avoid long time confirm on chain?
Читать полностью…There was a 45 minute gap in between blocks so the required fee is slightly higher than normal.
Читать полностью…Hmm I think that's okay. If it's still like that in an hour, then we'll try to fix it.
Читать полностью…https://btcpay.kruw.io/plugins/wabisabi-coordinator/
Читать полностью…I am currently using BTCPay and I want to complete a join round as quickly as possible and receive the funds promptly. What strategy and config should I use?
Читать полностью…That's a problem with BTC. But the collaborator fees were indeed too low before. Several times, my transactions got stuck for over 10 hours, which made me very unhappy. I'm glad you considered this and appropriately increased the fees.
Читать полностью…Yeah, the worst case zkSNACKs had was transactions getting stuck for 3 weeks. A lot of users were very unhappy.
Читать полностью…Having low fees with fast rounds doesn't make sense. It doesn't make any user happy.
Читать полностью…Yep, just a little bit. The coordinator config uses Bitcoin Core's fee estimator which is expressed in "number of blocks". It's notoriously inaccurate (by that metric), so you kind of have to keep an eye on it.
Читать полностью…UTXO registration occurs randomly during the 1 hour timeframe.
Читать полностью…I don't want to get any transactions stuck though, so I'll increase the confirmation priority slightly.
Читать полностью…Awesome. The previous round just succeeded: https://mempool.space/tx/8213414a33bc16d864e4da53d8bb79cb3e9c84f8860c2cd30a1f4da211fbc346
Читать полностью…Dust threshold isn't really important. A "Dust attack" is when someone attempts to track your transactions by sending a small "dust output" to an address you used in a previous transaction. If you combine that coin and spend it in the future, it can reveal more coins you own. Wasabi automatically ignores small coins sent to reused addresses. If you create a new address to receive every payment then you don't have to worry about this.
Читать полностью…Did it start the timer or is it still stuck on "Awaiting coinjoin"?
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