A community managed chat group of WasabiWallet.io! For in-depth conversations on Bitcoin privacy, nuances of coinjoin, and strategies on how to reclaim your privacy with Wasabi. For more information, see docs.WasabiWallet.io
Splitting your coins up isn't really going to make it go any faster.
Читать полностью…It is automated / default in BTCPay CoinJoin plugin
Читать полностью…I donate the fee on my coordinator to support HRF and OpenSats
Читать полностью…I have been running it for 8 hours, why is it only at 12%?
Читать полностью…Each coordinator sets their own fees. I'm not charging any.
Читать полностью…trezor one was more convenient it allowed me to set the coinjoin fees easily
Читать полностью…I would like to know if I split each UTXO into 0.1, approximately how long will it take to complete one round?
Читать полностью…I Thing ITS better for all to Join one coordinator at time so WE have better coinjoins together
Читать полностью…No, see hxxps://docs.btcpayserver.org/Wabisabi/#running-a-coordinator
Читать полностью…It's tricky to get enough people to join the new coordinators
Читать полностью…I set 5.I have been running it for 8 hours, why is it only at 12%?
Читать полностью…@Kruwed's coordinator is on the wheel. My progress 41%
Читать полностью…It differs for coordinators. zkSNACK's 0.3%, @Kruwed's 0%, Maximum 1%
Читать полностью…People who want to be extra cautious about overpaying mining fees should set their coinjoin time preference to any timeframe slower than hours. This will automatically skip rounds with higher than normal fees.
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