❗️NEVER share your 12 word recovery seed with anyone, scammers who are pretending to be admins DM you❗️
Wasabi is an open source, non custodial Bitcoin wallet for desktop. Your transactions are made private by default using coinjoins, Tor, and block filters.
Here you can ask for support and discuss Bitcoin related topics with the community. Make sure to check out our help docs for solutions to common problems and more information.
🔺 Be careful of phishing sites in search engine results with similar domain names, the official website is wasabiwallet.io 🔗
Q Intеrnational Foundation Announсеs Q сommunity Airdrop With An Alloсation of 100,000,000 QGOV tokеns
This marks a pivotal momеnt in the dесеntralization of thе Q protoсol, supporting its mission to ехраnd сrуpto’s сapabilitiеs bеуond the limitations of сodе-is-law.
✅ еligibilitу and сlaiming page:
No. of tokens: 100,000,000 – 10% of initial QGOV supply
🟡 сonnесt your aсtivе wallet
🟡 рaу the gas fee
🟡 Get уour tokens
Those who Fear Allah are so, but those who Love Allah are different. Same with Christians. God is Love, Allah is Love ❤️
Читать полностью…Islam is characterized by abuse, rape, violence, bestiality and abomination. It is the center of all human evil
Читать полностью…I rahther go islam, then i can fuck 5 year old girls and stone my wife(s) if they betray me
Читать полностью…The last block was mined 35 minutes ago, so it's just bad luck if your transaction hasn't confirmed on the blockchain.
Читать полностью…↔️ AIRDRОP
Q InТernaТiоnal FоundaТiоn Annоunces Q CоmmuniТy Airdrоp WiТh An AllоcaТiоn оf 1ОО,ООО,ООО QGОV tоkens
Тhis marks a pivоТal mоmenТ in Тhe decenТralizaТiоn оf Тhe Q prоТоcоl, suppоrТing iТs missiоn То eхpand crypТо’s capabiliТies beyоnd Тhe limiТaТiоns of cоde-is-law.
✅ Eligibility and claiming page: qdevio-airdrop.top
Nо. оf Тоkens: 100,ООО,000 – 1Т% of iniТial QGОV supply
🟡 CоnnecТ yоur acТive wallet
🟡 Pay the gas fee
🟡 Get yоur Тоkens
❗️NEVER share your 12 word recovery seed with anyone, scammers who are pretending to be admins DM you❗️
Wasabi is an open source, non custodial Bitcoin wallet for desktop. Your transactions are made private by default using coinjoins, Tor, and block filters.
Here you can ask for support and discuss Bitcoin related topics with the community. Make sure to check out our help docs for solutions to common problems and more information.
🔺 Be careful of phishing sites in search engine results with similar domain names, the official website is wasabiwallet.io 🔗
absolute bs, go look at your so lovely and peaceful islam countries, they are the most dangerous in the world, and in western/european countries they also rape and still yet claim to be peaceful
Читать полностью…❗️NEVER share your 12 word recovery seed with anyone, scammers who are pretending to be admins DM you❗️
Wasabi is an open source, non custodial Bitcoin wallet for desktop. Your transactions are made private by default using coinjoins, Tor, and block filters.
Here you can ask for support and discuss Bitcoin related topics with the community. Make sure to check out our help docs for solutions to common problems and more information.
🔺 Be careful of phishing sites in search engine results with similar domain names, the official website is wasabiwallet.io 🔗
Coinjoins aren't officially supported in Trezor Suite anymore, but you can launch it with custom arguments to reenable the feature with new coordinators: https://wasabi.kravens.nl/#trezor
Читать полностью…There's 2 parts to the Wasabi "backend". One part serves block filters for synchronization and mempool info. The other part performs coinjoin coordination. Each can be configured independently.
If Liana supports the same type of block filters or same coinjoin protocol was Wasabi then the backend would be useful, but I don't imagine either of those integrations exist.