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Web Development

UseRef, CreateRef, ForwardRef? What’s up with refs in React?



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Web Development

How to Create a Video Chat With React, TypeScript, and WebRTC

#webrtc #react #typescript


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Web Development

6 Steps to Improve HTML Images For Users & Developers



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Web Development

Why Would Anyone Need Generator Functions? — You can go a long time without feeling the need for generators. So, you may wonder, what are they good for? While they may not be essential, they do have utility and can change how you approach certain problems. James cracks out the chocolate biscuits to explain.

#javascript #js


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Web Development

Using :has() as a CSS Parent Selector and much more



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Web Development

Node.js Security Best Practices



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Web Development

Temporal API: JavaScript Dates, but Better

#dates #temporalapi #js


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Web Development

Your Next.js Bundle Will Thank You — If your Next.js app bundle sizes are bigger than you’d like, Renato’s advice is for you



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Web Development

What is a realm in Javascript? Understanding of JS under the hood



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Web Development

Demand for blockchain developers is on the rise all over the world.

Blockchain developers create new tools to interact with WEB 3.0. This includes deployment of smart contracts and all ways of interacting with them.

▶️ 1 500 Jobs for Solidity Developers (web3career)
▶️ 180 000$ Salary of mid-level Blockchain Developer
▶️ 60% per year Blockchain market growth (YahooFinance)

Kickstart your Web3 journey with “Profession Blockchain Developer” course.

What you get on the course:

✅ Self-paced learning to study at your own speed
✅ World-class portfolio based on real-life web 3 projects
✅ CV enhancement and job interview preparation
✅ NFT Certificate from Web3 Campus powered by Cointelegraph

After completing the course, you will be able to build a career in such companies as Revolut, Google, Binance, OpenSea, Electronic Arts.

Follow the link to sign up for the course

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Web Development

ES2022 (ES13) | Most wanted features

#js #es13


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Web Development

Все о разработке нейронных сетей и IT-продуктов на их основе


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Web Development

The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Frameworks

#js #angular #react #vue #backbone #ember #aurelia


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Web Development

Learn CSS Grid with Wes Bos in 25 pretyy good videos

#grid #css


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Web Development

Inference engines: 5 examples with TypeScript, Flow and Reason

#typescript #flow #reason


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Web Development

Migrating from Vue 2 to Svelte

#svelte #vue


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Web Development

JS Symbol, what the heck?

#js #javascript


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Web Development

Favorite JavaScript utilities in single line of code! No more!

#javascript #js


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Web Development

OverlayScrollbars — a javascript scrollbar plugin that hides native scrollbars, provides custom styleable overlay scrollbars and keeps the native functionality and feeling.

#plugin #lib


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Web Development

Angular v15 is now available!



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Web Development

Rockpack — a simple solution for creating React Application with Server Side Rendering: bundling, linting, testing within 5 minutes

#rockpack #react #next #ssr


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Web Development

A Guide on How to Build a Blockchain with Javascript

#blockchain #js


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Web Development

Announcing TypeScript 4.9 RC



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Web Development

htmx allows you to access AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes, so you can build modern user interfaces with the simplicity and power of hypertext



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Web Development

13 Best React Developer Tools

#react #devtools


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Web Development

How We Improved React Loading Times by 70% with Next.js

#react #next #performance #optimization


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Web Development

How to Use SSL/TLS with Node.js

#ssl #tls #node


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Web Development

How to Build a Simple Web Server with Node.js



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Web Development

How to Build and Structure a Node.js MVC Application



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Web Development

CertDB.com is a new non-profit project of SPYSE Team, group of Cybersecurity and Analytics professionals spread out around the globe.

CertDB is a search engine specifically designed for research of SSL-certificates. It allows to analyze data about organizations, its domains and activity. For example, a new domain registration in California could indicate the beginning of operations of a new start-up; a change of certificate from Wildcard to Let's Encrypt could hint at a decline in the financial state of some company; and issue of a certificate for a domain of a different organization may could mean a collaboration between the organizations, or even an acquisition.

SPYSE Team plans to launch new non-profit services every 3 to 4 weeks. The services will include a tool to analyze domains and subdomains, subnets, IPs and NS servers. These projects will not be funded by ads or sponsorship and are launched with our personal funding.

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