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There are no nerves or blood vessels on duck paws, so they can safely walk on snow and ice without feeling cold.
Читать полностью…A marine iguana can stay under water for up to half an hour
Читать полностью…The yellow-legged green pigeon Treron phonyceptaurus lives in India and in some countries of Southeast Asia.
Treron comes from the Greek word meaning pigeon, and also - shy or timid. The word phoenicopterus literally translates as red-feathered, but refers to the lilac patch on the shoulder. So this is a shy pigeon with a lilac patch on his shoulder!
The yellow-legged green pigeon is very slow, it is usually easy to see it early in the morning at the top of a tree feeding on wild figs. This bird is almost never seen on the ground, and its strong legs are perfectly adapted for climbing.
These pigeons move along the branches, moving their paws like parrots, and feed only on fruits. They love figs from banyan and pipal trees growing in the Indian capital Delhi.
Since these green pigeons are similar in color to leaves, the whole flock may be on the tree unnoticed and you will find it only during takeoff with a characteristic noise of wings
The red-eyed tree frog Agalychnis callidryas is a tree frog that lives in the rainforests of southern Mexico (Yucatan) and Central America.
These are nocturnal animals, during the day and during the drought season they hide on the underside of wide leaves, sleep on the tops of trees. During sleep, their bright red eyes are masked by the lower translucent eyelid, painted in a golden mesh, which allows the tree frog to see prey or danger.
With the onset of darkness, the tree frogs wake up, yawn, stretch, change their light green daytime color to dark green at night and announce the surroundings with a specific croak. They are capable of making very long jumps.
During rest, the eyes of the red-eyed tree frog are closed with a transparent membrane that does not prevent this frog from seeing the world around it. But if she is in danger, the tree frog immediately opens her eyes wide and confuses the predator with their bright red color - and these seconds are enough for her to instantly disappear!
When breeding, the female frog lays from two to six thousand eggs.
Читать полностью…The Dominikanerwida Vidua macroura, like a cuckoo, lays her eggs in the nests of other birds! But at least her children are easier to feed: widows are no bigger than canaries (except for the long tail of the males).
Widas are common in a large area of Africa south of the Sahara Desert. Most of the diet consists of plant seeds, which the bird collects from the ground. The diet may also include insects - for example, flying termites.
There is no correct version of the origin of the bird's name. Opinions differ - some insist on the origin of the name from the presence of black feathers, while others prove that this name arose as a result of the distortion of words during pronunciation.
During the colonization of Africa, the Portuguese called the bird "vida" because it came from the kingdom of Vida, located on the west coast of the African continent. And "vida" in Portuguese means widow, that's how the custom bird became the bearer of undeserved mourning
The elephant Mosha, who lives in the Thai National Reserve in Lampang.
Mosha was blown up by a mine and lost her leg. But the doctors from the reserve managed to perform an operation that allowed them to stop the bleeding and save the animal.
The visual centers of the cat's brain react to sound, so that they can hear not only with their ears, but also with their eyes.
Читать полностью…The secret that binturongs secrete, called sevet, is the most valuable substance in perfumery.
It is added to perfumes for the durability of the fragrance.
The only bird in whose color there are real red and green colors is the red-crested turaco.
Читать полностью…The toucan's beak seems heavy, but consists of empty cavities, so it weighs almost nothing.
Читать полностью…Worker ants, which are assigned the role of "storage", are called plerergates.
They place the extracted food in the blind process of their esophagus (goiter). As the goiter increases, all the internal organs of the ant move away. The abdomen of the "storage" ant can increase 4-5 times and reach 6-12 mm in diameter.
In winter, when hunting and prey are reduced, the ant colony "uncovers honey barrels". To do this, the worker ants send special signals to the plerergates with their antennae. After receiving the signal, the "keeper" shares food with his relatives by trophallaxis.
In Australia, it is strongly not recommended to leave the bag unattended)
Читать полностью…Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos is one of the most famous birds of prey of the hawk family, the largest eagle. It is widespread in the Northern Hemisphere, where it lives mainly in the mountains, to a lesser extent on flat open and semi-open landscapes. Avoids residential areas, is sensitive to human anxiety.
In most of the range, it lives sedentary, keeps pairs near the nest, on the northern periphery of the distribution area and the highlands, some birds migrate to less snowy areas.
It hunts a wide variety of game weighing from 0.5 to 5 kg, most often hares, rodents and many species of birds, eats carrion. Occasionally it attacks lambs and baby deer, or sick and wounded larger animals.
Nest arranges on a tree or on a rocky ledge that is difficult to reach. There are usually two eggs in a clutch, but most often only one chick survives. In Central Asia, the golden eagle is used for commercial hunting of foxes, hares, sometimes wolves and gazelles.
The white-browed scimitar Pomatorhinus schisticeps is a bird of the order passerine, it is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland or montane forests.
Scimitars of these peace-loving birds were nicknamed for their curved beaks, similar to these cold weapons, and chatterboxes for their ability not to be silent for hours.
They are primarily insectivorous, although many also eat berries, small lizards and other vertebrates.
These birds live in communities of about a dozen birds that jointly protect the territory. Many even hatch chicks together - while the dominant pair builds a nest, and the rest help protect and raise these chicks.
The young males stay with the group, and the females leave to find a new group, and thus avoid inbreeding. They make nests out of twigs and hide them in dense vegetation
The golden pheasant Chrysolophus pictus is one of the brightest representatives of the pheasant family. The homeland of this beautiful bird is western China.
Males are distinguished by very beautiful plumage, and therefore representatives of the species as decorative birds are kept in zoos and poultry farms. In Europe, golden pheasants can be observed mainly in captivity. In Central Europe and Great Britain there are semi-wild populations of golden pheasant, but it is difficult to see these shy birds in natural conditions.
Golden pheasants live in the mountainous regions of central China at an altitude of up to 2000 meters above sea level, in the mountain forests of southeastern Tibet and in the north of Assam.
In their homeland, golden pheasants feed mainly on leaves and shoots of various shrubs, as well as bamboo. They also eat rhododendron flowers. Often, for the sake of variety, golden pheasants peck small beetles and spiders.
Scientists have found that if a squirrel hears the relaxed chirping of birds, it feels more comfortable.
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