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Incredible beauty of nature.

Red cranes sing a duet. This usually happens during the first mating. And then, having met, the couple mates only with each other and sings as a couple all their lives.

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🦝Raccoons can make over fifty different sounds to communicate!

They hiss, purr and growl, but raccoons are especially “talkative” when they compete for food🙃

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🦦 The density of otter fur is 110-125 thousand hairs per 1 cm². This thickness of fur prevents otters from getting wet in the water.

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🤯 Within groups of lemurs there is a strict hierarchy, where females are the leaders. They are the ones who have the right to choose food and a partner to start a family.

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Brown hyena

Brown hyenas live exclusively in Africa and Eurasia. In Europe, they also met until the last ice age, after which they completely died out.

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🦁Lions are the laziest predators in Africa.

Being well-fed, lions never hunt. The only two things that can make a well-fed lion move are the scorching sun and danger.

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Monitor lizards love warm climates, so they live in the tropical zone; a wide variety of them live in Australia.

The monitor lizard is a predator that eats everyone and everything. They feed on smaller reptiles, even poisonous snakes, turtles, hedgehogs, platypuses, and insects. They especially love eggs (crocodile, bird, snake).

They, like most snakes, lay eggs. The female lays 15-20 pieces. Since the animal lives in a warm climate, brooding does not occur. However, as well as the responsible upbringing of offspring.

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🐆Jaguars are also excellent swimmers and often catch fish and crabs in the water🦀

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Antherina suraka butterfly (lat. Antherina suraka) is a unique butterfly from the Peacock-eye family, which was first described by the French entomologist Jean-Baptiste Boisduval in 1883. She is endemic to the islands of Mayotte and Madagascar, which makes her even more special.

This beautiful large butterfly has the characteristic Peacock Eye circles on the lower wings, surrounded by a bright lilac border, which is its distinctive feature. Males of this species have a unique sense of smell, which allows them to find females at a distance of up to 1000 meters or more thanks to the pheromones that they secrete.

Due to its beauty and rarity, the Anterina Suraka butterfly has become an object of interest for collectors, which leads to a decrease in its numbers in nature. Therefore, the protection of this unique species is an extremely important task.

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Tapirs prefer to live near bodies of water and in impenetrable forests. Their whole life is connected with water: they hide there from enemies, clean their fur, and sometimes feed and mate. Tapirs are exclusively herbivores, so in addition to algae, they can eat vegetables and fruits. At night, they often come to fields and vegetable gardens, where they feast on cereals and root vegetables.

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Umbrella bird, Ecuador.

The heads of males are decorated with long black feathers hanging over the beak, forming something like a fashionable hairstyle with bangs combed forward.

Another point of pride is the throat sac, 35 centimeters long, covered with short, scale-like feathers.

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🪖 Helmeted cassowary

These birds with a horned helmet on their heads live in New Guinea and the surrounding areas. Helmeted cassowaries are very large birds, up to 1.7 meters tall, with powerful legs. They can't fly.

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Super close encounter with an Indian chameleon 🦎✨

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🐥Swifts are “children of the air.”

Other birds can fly and swim, walk and run on the ground.
Swifts can only fly; they cannot walk or swim. While in flight, swifts drink and swim.

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🦷Nature has awarded hyenas the strongest jaw in the world: its pressure during a bite corresponds to 80 kgf/cm² (for comparison, in humans this figure is 11 kgf/cm²).

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🦌Animal wool is an excellent natural insulation for bird nests!

Just look how these restless birds get their beaks full of building materials!

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🦃Autumn mating is typical for black grouse.

In terms of time, its beginning occurs at the end of summer or beginning of autumn, intensive mating continues until the end of October.

However, even in December-January you can hear the muttering of individual killer whales. Moreover, almost only old male grouse take part in autumn mating.

Black grouse fly out to the current before sunrise; males stay on the ground. Black grouse are showing all day long🤭

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Lion cubs are born blind and toothless and are completely dependent on their mother for the first months.
For the first 10 weeks, lion cubs feed on milk. At about three months of age, lion cubs begin to eat meat. At one year of age, lion cubs begin to show interest in hunting. Females in a pride teach their cubs this important skill.

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Here is bear couscous ☺️

This is a lazy marsupial animal that hides in the crowns of trees and occupies the ecological niche of a sloth or the same koala.

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🦒Rothschild's giraffe is the rarest representative of the family, under threat of extinction.

The Rothschild's giraffe is a subspecies of giraffe that lives in the savannas and grasslands of Kenya and Uganda. Its habitat is limited to these African countries. It may have previously lived in South Sudan and Ethiopia.

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🐥The male builds the nest in the wren family

Like a real man, he builds up to 12 nests, allowing the lady of his heart to choose which one she likes best.

To build a nest, wrens use spruce twigs, leaves, blades of grass and dry moss. As a result, the nest is shaped something similar to a coconut😊

True, males leave all nests in the state of “finishing a little and it will be great” and only finish the one that the female chooses

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🦅 Steller's sea eagle.

They have to pay for their large dimensions - Steller's sea eagles are not capable of long active flapping flight; they can afford such “work” for only 30 minutes a day.

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Encounters with elephants can be very dangerous if you or your guide do not understand elephant behavior. Never underestimate wildlife and especially elephants, which weigh 7 tons and speed 45 km/h. Every year, about 500 people die in encounters with elephants, most of them due to human stupidity. Always love and respect wild nature, and this means ensuring your safety and THEIR safety 🐘

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The crocodile, who was sitting in ambush, rushed at the baboon and dragged him away.

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Collecting bedding for the future nest 🦅
The nest building process is a joint effort between male and female eagles. They build their nests in tall trees or on rocky outcrops near water sources and open hunting areas.
The main building material is branches, securely woven together. Next, a soft bedding is placed in the center, which helps maintain the temperature and provides a comfortable and safe space for the eggs and chicks.

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🪲The Hercules beetle is considered one of the largest beetles on Earth.

Its body length reaches 17 cm, and with a weight of 100 grams it can lift 8 kilos!

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🐆 A leopard drags an impala weighing from 40 to 76 kg to a height of about 6 meters on a tree to eat in peace without the risk of losing its prey. If the leopard does not move its prey to higher ground, then lions or hyenas may steal it.

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Cobras are incredibly dangerous, but at the same time, incredibly interesting:
🐍 Cobras can lift a third of their body above the ground. This allows them to be larger in the eyes of the enemy.
🐍 Cobras can “dance”. This occurs when they lift the front of their body and move it up and down quickly. This "dance" is usually used to intimidate.
🐍 Cobras can live up to 20 years. This is quite a long period for snakes, and this is due to their ability to survive in a wide variety of conditions.
🐍 Cobras are one of the most poisonous snakes in the world. Their venom can cause paralysis, disruption of breathing and heart rhythm, and death if medical attention is not provided.
🐍 Cobras can be very aggressive. They can attack people and animals if they feel threatened. Some types of cobras can attack without warning.

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Swallows build their nests from small lumps of clay mixed with saliva. The nest building process is usually carried out by the female swallow.

First, the swallow chooses a suitable place for the nest, for example, under the roof of a building or on a window. Then it begins to collect material and form the basis for the nest. The swallow usually collects clay from the nearest body of water, collecting it in its beak and mixing it with saliva. This gives the material stickiness and plasticity.

By placing lumps on top of each other, the swallow forms the walls of the nest. Inside, the nest is compacted with paws and insulated with various soft materials, including feathers.

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The Tibetan fox is a species of fox that is endemic and found only in the highlands of Tibet, China, India, Nepal and Bhutan.

This fox species has a distinctive body structure compared to other fox species, starting with a square muzzle, narrow eyes, and small body size.

Their main food is pikas, mice, guinea pigs, lizards and rabbits.

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