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A male orangutan adopted three tiger cubs.

He feeds small predators from a bottle, plays with them and hugs them carefully.

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The leaf-shaped butterfly Kallima inachus is a vivid example of mimicry in nature, she knows how to hide literally out of the blue!

The similarity of a leaf-shaped butterfly with dry leaves is so realistic that, even knowing that an insect is sitting on a branch, you will not immediately see it. The color, shape, veins and shades, even the ragged edges of butterfly wings completely imitate a dried leaf. 

In addition, for even greater similarity with a dry leaf, the butterfly folds its wings in a certain way: the short outgrowths of the hind wings rest against a branch, as if it were a petiole.

These butterflies live mainly in tropical Asian regions, from India to Japan. They are considered rare in China. Adults, depending on the species, have a wingspan from 45 to 90 mm. 

Kallim has enough natural enemies - birds, ants, spiders, wasps. They simply discourage birds with their behavior. Butterflies flutter, and a second later they disappeared, just disappeared among the foliage or stones!

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That's what it means to look at it from a different angle😅

 Flying foxes, taken upside down, look like they are at a closed party

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The zebu Bos taurus indicus, unlike the European cow, does not originate from the Eurasian subspecies of the tour, but is a descendant of the Indian tour.

Zebu are common in regions with tropical and subtropical climates and are perfectly adapted to it, but in terms of important qualities for agriculture, they are less improved by systematic breeding than European cows. 

The zebu differs from the European cow in the presence of a large hump on the back of the neck, sometimes lowered along the edge by wool, and skin folds between the front legs.

In Africa, there are many breeds bred by crossing zebu and European cows. Since the 20th century, zebu has been partially crossed with European cows in other tropical regions to increase their resistance to high temperatures and make them less vulnerable to tropical diseases. Purebred breeds of zebu give, as a rule, less milk and grow slower than European cows.

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The pennant bird of paradise Semioptera wallacii is endemic to the Moluccas Islands located in eastern Indonesia, it is a species occupying the westernmost part of the distribution area of the bird of paradise family.

The size of the trunk can reach 28 cm. Males have a shiny purple-purple back and emerald-green chest. 

The most striking feature of the species are two pairs of long white feathers emerging from the curve of the wing. Females are olive-brown in color, smaller in size than males, but their tail is longer.

Males are polygamous. During the mating season, they perform exciting aerial performances, plan, spreading their wings and showing the bright color of their breasts

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The crab-eating macaque (Javanese macaque) Macaca fascicularis occupies a wide range from the east of Bangladesh through Burma, Thailand, Indochina, the islands of the Malay Archipelago to the Philippines. Lives in lowland rainforests, including near human settlements, as well as in mangrove forests, can swim well.

This is a medium-sized monkey, body length from 40 to 60-65 cm. The tail is about half a meter long, the limbs are short. The coat is gray with a greenish tint, there is a dark tuft on the head, light mustaches and sideburns are characteristic.

The crab-eating macaque is omnivorous. Although it can extract food from water, crabs are not its main food. It eats fruits, berries, leaves, nuts, insects, snails and crustaceans, and ruins bird nests. 

Interestingly, these macaques use stone tools to gain access to various mollusks

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Don't forget to try new things.

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In ancient times, people thought that a giraffe was the result of a union between a camel and a leopard

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Raccoons are one of the few mammal species capable of descending from a height upside down.

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Perissocephalus tricolor is a South American species of passerine that lives in subtropical and tropical lowland or mountainous moist forests of Colombia, Venezuela, Suriname and Guyana.

These are quite large birds with a body length of up to 35 cm, a somewhat extravagant appearance and a very loud voice resembling the bellowing of a calf, which is why the English name of this bird is calfbird.

These birds feed on fruits and insects, and nothing else is actually known about them...

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Phylliidae leaf beetles are insects that mimic the leaves of plants by color and body shape. They are distributed in the tropics of Southeast Asia.

The main color of these insects is bright green, but there are also forms with yellow and orange coloring. In many species, the coloration is often with black or brown spots on the edges of the body, which gives an additional resemblance to the leaf.

Length up to 12.5 cm . The body of females is wide and flat, while males are mostly narrow, with longer wings covering the entire body. Due to their light weight, males of many species are able to fly, but for very short distances.

In nature, they spend most of their time on the leaves of trees and shrubs, which they imitate with their shape and body color, and which they feed on

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An ordinary hamster can store up to 90 kilograms of feed.

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The vision of lions is about eight times better than that of humans.

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Arctic foxes live in pairs, but they part for the winter, since it is easier for them to feed alone.

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For those who have not seen what the full cycle of bee development looks like.

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Hooligans from the jungle.

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The Oriental darter pierces the fish underwater, lifts it above the surface, tosses and juggles before swallowing the head.

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Recently in this channel we saw a banana eater who did not eat bananas, and today we will admire a mustachioed tit, which is not a tit at all!

The whiskered tit Panurus biarmicus is by itself, it is the only one in the genus and family. Its closest relatives are, apparently, larks.

It lives in the swamps. It is widespread from Western Europe to Manchuria, but not everywhere. In Central Europe, the main distribution is on the coasts of the North and Baltic Seas. In Russia, it is found in the south to Transbaikalia, as well as along the western borders.

In summer, these birds feed on insects and spiders, and in winter on plant seeds.

The nest is a deep cup at the base of a reed near the water. It consists of last year's reeds and is lined inside with panicles. Birds pair up while still young and remain inseparable throughout their lives.

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Bears rely on either 2 left paws or 2 right paws when walking.

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Sea lion cubs, despite some initial instability, can walk and take care of themselves within a day after birth.

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The African bird mourning drongo Dicrurus adsimilis is able to imitate the voices of meerkats and uses this to steal food from them!

Meerkats communicate with each other with the help of certain sounds, by which they distinguish each other and warn of danger. When a threat approaches, everyone flees to hide in their shelters with lightning speed.

The cunning drongo bird has learned to accurately imitate the loud sounds of these creatures, while anticipating their behavior. The fact is that meerkats have an excellent nose, which helps them to unerringly dig out prey, and the bird cheekily uses this, taking food for itself.

At any warning cry from drongo, fearful families of animals drop their food and run away. On top of that, the clever fraudster changes her voice every time the meerkats reveal the deception and stop running away.

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The fan parrot Deroptyus accipitrinus lives in the northern part of South America, mainly in the Amazon forests and in northern Bolivia. It can appear in Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru.

Inhabits dense, impenetrable tropical forests, places with untouched vegetation.

Body length up to 35 cm, tail up to 15 cm. The main color of the plumage is green. The plumage on the back of the head and the back of the head consists of movable elongated feathers of dark carmine color. A parrot in an irritated state can lift these feathers like a collar. Each feather of the "collar" has a pale blue border.

Refers to calm and pleasant birds for indoor keeping. very attached to a person and quickly becomes tame. Life expectancy up to 40 years

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The red-and-white giant flying squirrel Petaurista alborufus is the largest of the flying squirrels, endemic to China and Taiwan. Like other flying squirrels, this species has leather membranes between its front and hind legs, which serve to glide through the air between trees.

These flying birds reach a length of about a meter (along with the tail), they are the largest mammals that can fly (man does not count).

This flying bird is able to plan through the air for long distances. There have been reports of flights up to 75 meters and beyond; she plans, as a rule, at an angle of 40-60 degrees from the horizontal, sometimes at a steeper angle for shorter flights. It settles in hollows at least 10 m above the ground.

These squirrels are omnivorous, not capricious and eat everything they can get - fruits, leaves, nuts, insects, larvae, worms.

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The buffoon eagle Terathopius ecaudatus (aka Bateleur Eagle) is distinguished by a very short tail - ecaudatus means "tailless" in Latin, which together with its white underwing makes it unmistakably recognizable in flight.
By the way, Bateleur means "street artist" in French. 
The body length of this eagle is 55-75 cm, wingspan 170-180 cm, weight 2-3 kg. He got his name for the wonderful acrobatic pirouettes that he performs during the breeding season.
The buffoon eagle lives in Africa, south of the Sahara. The unusual appearance and peculiar behavior of the buffoon eagle gave rise to various superstitious signs. The natives of East Africa claim that the shadow of this bird is fatal. In other parts of the African continent, the buffoon is viewed with a certain reverence, considering him a healer who brings roots with wonderful healing properties. The Abyssinians nicknamed this bird the "heavenly monkey".

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How to spend a day off correctly

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A marine iguana is running away from a dozen snakes with great speed. Even when it seems that there is no hope anymore👍

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The spectacled shrub (hwamei, white-eyed thymelia) Garrulax canorus is a representative of passerine birds from East Asia (Taiwan, southern China, etc.), imitates other birds well and is often kept at home as an excellent singer. 

It is a small bird with a body length of 21 to 25 cm, with wide, rounded wings and a fan tail. The plumage is mostly reddish-brown with darkening on the crown, back and throat. There is also a gray-white ring around the eyes, which extends back in the form of a white stripe. Hence the name – glasses.

Prefers low-lying mountain forests overgrown with bamboo or dense teenager on the slopes, especially loves gorges. Crawling on the ground in leaf litter. It is very active when it feeds, but it is often difficult to see it through the dense foliage

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Oncilla Leopardus tigrinus translates as "little jaguar", because in addition and color it really resembles a miniature jaguar.

Oncilla is smaller than an ordinary domestic cat; the weight of a very large male is about 2.8-3 kg with a body length of up to 65 cm.

This cat is found from Costa Rica and northern Panama to southeastern Brazil and northern Argentina. There are no reports of encounters with it in the Amazon basin; apparently, the area of oncilla is limited to mountainous and subtropical forests. Its range is highly mosaic, and in most places it is rare.

Oncilla is an almost unexplored species. Apparently, she leads a solitary lifestyle, is active mainly at night, and during the day she rests in the branches of trees, where the mottled patronizing color makes her almost invisible. 

It hunts small rodents, birds, possibly non-venomous snakes and tree frogs. It has been reported that oncillae catch small primates in Brazil.

In captivity, oncilla is well tamed, but in European zoos it is rare

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The Amazonian umbrella bird Cephalopterus ornatus is the largest passerine bird in South America, these birds reach a body length of up to 55 cm and a weight of up to 570 g.

The golovach boasts a crest of feathers bent forward and forming a kind of canopy - umbrella over the beak. Down from the throat hangs a large fleshy bag, partially or completely covered with feathers and serving to increase the volume of bird calls.

The basis of the golovach's diet consists of fruits and berries, as well as spiders, insects and their larvae

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The Javanese (silver) gibbon Hylobates moloch is endemic to the Indonesian island of Java.

The number of its population greatly decreased in the XX century due to mass deforestation. Despite the fact that hunting for it has been officially banned since 1924, poaching continues to this day.

Animals are caught for keeping in private collections and for the manufacture of medicines used in traditional Asian medicine.

The current habitat occupies only 4% of the original range.

The silver gibbon is very fastidious in choosing food. It consumes only ripe fruits, fresh young leaves, buds and flowers. To a small extent, the vegetarian menu is occasionally supplemented by insects and their larvae.

Silver gibbons lead a daytime arboreal lifestyle. They spend almost all their time in the upper tier of the forest, descending to the ground only in exceptional cases.

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