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Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos is one of the most famous birds of prey of the hawk family, the largest eagle. It is widespread in the Northern Hemisphere, where it lives mainly in the mountains, to a lesser extent on flat open and semi-open landscapes. Avoids residential areas, is sensitive to human anxiety. 

In most of the range, it lives sedentary, keeps pairs near the nest, on the northern periphery of the distribution area and the highlands, some birds migrate to less snowy areas. 

It hunts a wide variety of game weighing from 0.5 to 5 kg, most often hares, rodents and many species of birds, eats carrion. Occasionally it attacks lambs and baby deer, or sick and wounded larger animals. 

Nest arranges on a tree or on a rocky ledge that is difficult to reach. There are usually two eggs in a clutch, but most often only one chick survives. In Central Asia, the golden eagle is used for commercial hunting of foxes, hares, sometimes wolves and gazelles.

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How Gloria met Melman.

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The white-browed scimitar Pomatorhinus schisticeps is a bird of the order passerine, it is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland or montane forests.
Scimitars of these peace-loving birds were nicknamed for their curved beaks, similar to these cold weapons, and chatterboxes for their ability not to be silent for hours.
They are primarily insectivorous, although many also eat berries, small lizards and other vertebrates.
These birds live in communities of about a dozen birds that jointly protect the territory. Many even hatch chicks together - while the dominant pair builds a nest, and the rest help protect and raise these chicks.
The young males stay with the group, and the females leave to find a new group, and thus avoid inbreeding. They make nests out of twigs and hide them in dense vegetation

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How the big cats purr.

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The golden pheasant Chrysolophus pictus is one of the brightest representatives of the pheasant family. The homeland of this beautiful bird is western China.

Males are distinguished by very beautiful plumage, and therefore representatives of the species as decorative birds are kept in zoos and poultry farms. In Europe, golden pheasants can be observed mainly in captivity. In Central Europe and Great Britain there are semi-wild populations of golden pheasant, but it is difficult to see these shy birds in natural conditions.

Golden pheasants live in the mountainous regions of central China at an altitude of up to 2000 meters above sea level, in the mountain forests of southeastern Tibet and in the north of Assam.

In their homeland, golden pheasants feed mainly on leaves and shoots of various shrubs, as well as bamboo. They also eat rhododendron flowers. Often, for the sake of variety, golden pheasants peck small beetles and spiders.

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Scientists have found that if a squirrel hears the relaxed chirping of birds, it feels more comfortable.

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When you get into a fairy tale.

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You won 't catch it 😛

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They found their man.

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Polar penguins will survive at temperatures up to -60 degrees

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🐑 Rush hour in the Lake District 

The population of Cumbria is about 500,000 people, but there are more than 3 million sheep.

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What does the middle of the week look like in our office

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The peacock spider has outgrowths on its body very similar to insect wings. 

But such "wings" are not needed for spiders to fly at all, but to attract females.

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Children can also be taken to school this way.

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Coracias garrulus is slightly smaller than a jackdaw, body length is 30-35 cm, wingspan is 66-73 cm, weight is 110-190 g. The proportions resemble a bird of prey: stocky, large head, with a large beak.

The blue lark has a unique ability: she is able to transfer eggs and chicks from nest to nest if her offspring are in danger! It has not yet been possible to find out exactly how she does it.

The color of the blue-lark is very bright and contrasting: the back is chestnut or light brown, the rest of the body is blue or blue in different shades. The tail is cut straight.

It is most similar in appearance to a jay, but the blue-lark has a shorter tail and slightly longer wings. Unlike the vranovs, it does not move so quickly on the ground and rarely does so. Tracking down prey, often sits for a long time on some elevation, and then rushes down on it. Active during the day.

It feeds mainly on large insects, but also on spiders, mollusks, worms, small vertebrates, fruits and berries

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Pleasant dreams, my dears...

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Kitchen thief Trichosurus vulpecula 

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The Dominikanerwida Vidua macroura, like a cuckoo, lays her eggs in the nests of other birds! But at least her children are easier to feed: widows are no bigger than canaries (except for the long tail of the males).

Widas are common in a large area of Africa south of the Sahara Desert. Most of the diet consists of plant seeds, which the bird collects from the ground. The diet may also include insects - for example, flying termites.

There is no correct version of the origin of the bird's name. Opinions differ - some insist on the origin of the name from the presence of black feathers, while others prove that this name arose as a result of the distortion of words during pronunciation. 

During the colonization of Africa, the Portuguese called the bird "vida" because it came from the kingdom of Vida, located on the west coast of the African continent. And "vida" in Portuguese means widow, that's how the custom bird became the bearer of undeserved mourning

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The elephant Mosha, who lives in the Thai National Reserve in Lampang.

Mosha was blown up by a mine and lost her leg. But the doctors from the reserve managed to perform an operation that allowed them to stop the bleeding and save the animal.

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The visual centers of the cat's brain react to sound, so that they can hear not only with their ears, but also with their eyes.

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- Well, eat your own meat.

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Kangaroos are not the same anymore. ..

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The Imperial tamarin Saguinus imperator is a dwarf primate species with a body length of only 25 cm and a weight of up to 500 g . 

His fur is colored dark, except for his mustache and beard: they are white, as if gray, in tamarin. It was the mustache that gave this tamarin the proud name of the imperial: scientists remembered the mustache of the German Kaiser Wilhelm II. That's how the playful monkey began to be called the imperial tamarin.

Among tamarins, it is customary to keep an eye on the beard, so sometimes they arrange "hairdressers" - one monkey bites off the moustache of another. Moreover, this process plays an important communicative role within the group, which usually includes from eight to fifteen individuals. At the same time, hierarchy is always observed among imperial tamarins. The most important in the group is an old and experienced female, followed by younger females. Males are usually given the role of getters and carriers of cubs.

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The maximum high jump of the tiger registered by scientists was 5 meters.

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The owl sleeps at any time convenient for her. And during the day, owls are forced to hide not from the light, but from other winged ones. 

At the sight of any owl, all birds begin to give alarm signals and attack the owl, trying to drive it away. Therefore, she only has to wait out the dangerous daytime for them on a tree.

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Hold on, I'll save you!

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Baby elephants are able to calm down on their own. 

Instead of baby nipples, little elephants suck their trunks for comfort.

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In Kansas, zoo workers filmed a very touching moment. 
There, a female chimpanzee gave birth to a baby who had breathing problems. The workers resuscitated and released the baby, and a few days later they brought him to his mother. The female chimpanzee did not understand at first whether he was alive or not, but as soon as she saw the movement of his hands…

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Try to prove to the boss such a reason by shirking from work.

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Varanus macraei is one of the most beautiful and colorful monitor lizards, which can be found only on the island of Batanta, part of the Indonesian archipelago.

These magnificent reptiles are named after Duncan McRae, who founded the Rimba Reptile Park on the island of Bali. 

In tropical and subtropical forests, where Macrae monitor lizards live, the temperature varies from 25 to 40 ° C and a very high humidity level from 80 to 100% - this is associated with difficulties with its maintenance and reproduction in captivity.

The average size of Macrae monitor lizards reaches 90-110 cm, and the tail is usually 2/3 of the length of the lizard.

These monitor lizards can use their tail, like monkeys, as an additional fifth limb - they cling to branches and tree trunks with it in order to maintain balance. Unlike chameleons, MacRae's monitor lizards can quickly grab any surface with their tail and just as quickly unwind the tail rings if the situation requires its use as a means of protection.

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