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Oncilla Leopardus tigrinus translates as "little jaguar", because in addition and color it really resembles a miniature jaguar.

Oncilla is smaller than an ordinary domestic cat; the weight of a very large male is about 2.8-3 kg with a body length of up to 65 cm.

This cat is found from Costa Rica and northern Panama to southeastern Brazil and northern Argentina. There are no reports of encounters with it in the Amazon basin; apparently, the area of oncilla is limited to mountainous and subtropical forests. Its range is highly mosaic, and in most places it is rare.

Oncilla is an almost unexplored species. Apparently, she leads a solitary lifestyle, is active mainly at night, and during the day she rests in the branches of trees, where the mottled patronizing color makes her almost invisible. 

It hunts small rodents, birds, possibly non-venomous snakes and tree frogs. It has been reported that oncillae catch small primates in Brazil.

In captivity, oncilla is well tamed, but in European zoos it is rare

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The Amazonian umbrella bird Cephalopterus ornatus is the largest passerine bird in South America, these birds reach a body length of up to 55 cm and a weight of up to 570 g.

The golovach boasts a crest of feathers bent forward and forming a kind of canopy - umbrella over the beak. Down from the throat hangs a large fleshy bag, partially or completely covered with feathers and serving to increase the volume of bird calls.

The basis of the golovach's diet consists of fruits and berries, as well as spiders, insects and their larvae

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The Javanese (silver) gibbon Hylobates moloch is endemic to the Indonesian island of Java.

The number of its population greatly decreased in the XX century due to mass deforestation. Despite the fact that hunting for it has been officially banned since 1924, poaching continues to this day.

Animals are caught for keeping in private collections and for the manufacture of medicines used in traditional Asian medicine.

The current habitat occupies only 4% of the original range.

The silver gibbon is very fastidious in choosing food. It consumes only ripe fruits, fresh young leaves, buds and flowers. To a small extent, the vegetarian menu is occasionally supplemented by insects and their larvae.

Silver gibbons lead a daytime arboreal lifestyle. They spend almost all their time in the upper tier of the forest, descending to the ground only in exceptional cases.

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The brilliant painted Malurus splendens is found in most of Australia, from central western New South Wales to south-west Queensland along the coast of Western Australia.

The brilliant painted miniature is a small bird 14 cm long . Having a strongly pronounced sexual dimorphism, the breeding male differs from females with a bright blue forehead and ear coverts, a purple throat, dark blue wings, chest and tail with a black beak, a stripe around the eyes and chest. The blue nuptial attire of males is often referred to as the nuptial plumage. 

An interesting feature of male painted murals during the breeding season is the disruption and demonstration of flower petals to females. This species uses mainly pink and purple petals, which stand out against the background of their plumage. The petals are part of the courtship process and are given to females on the male's own territory

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The mystical flower "Queen of the Night" blooms once a year. 

It happens on one of the days of June with the onset of twilight and lasts only a few hours.

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Armadillos sleep an average of 18.5 hours a day.

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The robin (alder) Erithacus rubecula is one of the few birds in which both sexes sing (but males still have more choice of notes).

The robin is small in size and belongs to the order of sparrows. In many countries of the world, it is a symbol of sunrise.

The legend of the appearance of a speck on the throat of a bird from a drop of Christ's blood is described in the story "The Red-Necked" by the famous Swedish writer Selma Lagerlef.

This legend is also the beginning of the detective novel by the Norwegian author Yu Nesbe, recognized as the best Norwegian crime novel of all time

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The brush-eared squirrel Rheithrosciurus macrotis is endemic to the island of Borneo, it is not found anywhere else. I apologize for the quality of the video - I couldn't find a better one...

A squirrel is like a squirrel, if not for its huge tail! - which is about 130% of her body volume, which is a record among mammals. Why this squirrel has such a tail, science is silent...

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An interesting video about a hungry raccoon and a clever box turtle.

The Terrapene box turtle belongs to land turtles, it lives in the USA and Mexico in different biotopes: semi-deserts, forests, thickets, meadows. It mainly settles on the shores of large reservoirs.

Its most interesting feature is the structure of the plastron, thanks to which it got its name: it has a movable hinge weight. With the help of this hinge, the turtle protects itself from natural enemies: the front part of the plastron covers the head and front paws, while pulling the rest to the carapace and thereby closing the tail and hind legs.

As a result, we see a box without a single hole, which is almost impossible to harm! She's the only one, I think

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Seagulls chase fishing boat

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Elephant shrews are similar to elephants not only in appearance — they are indeed relatives.

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Mountain goats prefer to hide from prying eyes high in the mountains during the day, and in the morning or at night they descend lower in search of food.

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🦋"Glass Butterfly" 

Most of her small wings are transparent. This helps her to remain secretive from hostile stares, especially during long flights.

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It is necessary to leave death beautifully.

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Oh, why are you scaring me?

Turn on the sound 🔊

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Arctic foxes live in pairs, but they part for the winter, since it is easier for them to feed alone.

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For those who have not seen what the full cycle of bee development looks like.

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The African marabou has no plumage on the head and neck. 

The fact is that these birds are scavengers. And nature has made sure that the marabou does not get dirty with such a dinner.

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The best defense tactic.

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As soon as a worker ant finds a valuable food source, it releases pheromones into the air, thanks to which other ants learn about the find and rush to it.

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A silkworm hatches from a cocoon.

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Usually Sandhoff lilies sleep under the lifeless landscapes of the Namib desert. 

But as soon as it rains heavily, which is a very rare phenomenon there, the bulbs wake up. And soon an area of several hectares, which recently seemed devoid of any signs of life, turns into a magnificent flowering meadow.

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No one can resist soap bubbles.

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The digestive system of sloths is also characterized by slowness.

It takes them 3-4 weeks to digest some types of plant food.

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Argali (mountain sheep) Ovis ammon is an artiodactyl from the family of hornbills that lives in the mountainous regions of Central and Central Asia, including in the south of Siberia.

This is the largest representative of wild sheep, its length is 120-200 cm, height at the withers is 90-120 cm, and weight is 65-180 kg.

Both males and females have long horns, but in males they look much larger and more impressive and can account for up to 13% of the total body weight.

The horns of males up to 190 cm in length are twisted into a spiral with the ends outward and upward, they are very popular with hunters - their price can reach several thousand dollars.

Argali live in the mountainous and foothill regions of Central and Central Asia at an altitude of 1300-6100 m above sea level - in the Pamirs, Himalayas, Altai, Sayans, Mongolia and Tibet.

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The wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) looks like a soft fluffy ball with a short tail raised up. The bird is very mobile, with an unusually loud voice - males mark their vast territory by sitting on some elevation and singing their peculiar, hurried song consisting of very sonorous rapid trills.

The singing of a wren near, for example, in a room, is directly deafening, and you can't help wondering how such a small bird can sing louder than a lark or a finch.

The scientific name of the species Troglodytes troglodytes comes from the ancient Greek word τρωγλοδύτης, which literally means "inhabiting a cave". So in our time they call troglodytes - prehistoric people who lived in caves. This name was given to the bird due to nesting in a thick-walled spherical structure, resembling a cave from the side.

The wren is one of the smallest European birds, its body length is only 9-11 cm, wingspan is 15-17 cm, and weight is 8-12 g.

Wrens are common both in Eurasia and North Africa, and North America

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The Malay flying fox is also not thrilled with early awakenings.

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An attempt is also a victory.

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Mastery of balance from mountain goats.

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The polar bear's fur is covered with a greasy water-repellent layer, so that when swimming, these animals do not get wet.

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