The pale (white-headed) saki Pithecia pithecia inhabits northeastern South America. Its range covers eastern Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and northeastern Brazil north of the Amazon.
The pale saki reaches a length of 30 to 48 cm, the fluffy tail is the same length as the body. The weight is about 1.5 to 1.8 kg. The hind legs are much longer than the front ones, the tail is not grasping.
The coat is long and shaggy, the males are black, and the face and throat are contrasting white or reddish. Females with their black-gray or gray-brown hair look more like other types of saki, they have two white stripes extending from the nostrils down and to the sides along the lines of the mouth fold.
Pale saks are active during the day, they rarely descend to the ground and live more often at the middle or lower level of the crown.
The Far Eastern fish owl Bubo blakistoni is a large bird with a wingspan of almost 2 meters and a body length of up to 70 cm. The female fish owl is much larger than the male, its weight sometimes reaches 4 kg.
Basically, this owl feeds on salmon fish going to spawn. It also eats crayfish, muskrats, minks, amphibians. Usually an owl hunts like this: it looks for a floating fish from a rock, a steep bank or a tree hanging over the water, and then dives into the water and grabs it with its claws. But the owl never completely submerges into the water. Thus, the owl can catch fish weighing up to 1 kg. There is another way of hunting: a bird enters the water up to its belly and gropes for prey with its paws. So she gets sedentary fish, crayfish and frogs.
Usually the owl hunts at night, but it can also hunt during the day (except in summer, in summer - only at dusk and at night). In the winter, more hungry period, the owl also attacks other birds, rodents, does not disdain carrion, drags bait from traps.
The size of the smallest wild cat in the world is only 40 cm, excluding the tail.
Such is the "hummingbird of the cat world".
A beautiful moment that photographer Dick van Dyne noticed during his trip to Austria.
Читать полностью…Owls vary greatly in size, appearance and color, but they all have one thing in common: the ability to turn their heads 270 degrees.
Читать полностью…Grizzly is one of the most dangerous enemies of any hunter, as it is characterized by unpredictable behavior.
The animal weighs up to 500 kg and, standing on its hind legs, reaches three meters in height.
Agama-sitana Sitana ponticeriana stands out against the background of its relatives with a spectacular throat "flag" painted in three colors at once – blue, black and red, but this effect appears only during the mating period. The rest of the time, the neck bag has a matte white color.
In a calm state, the agama-sitana looks like a quite ordinary iguana, and the tricolor fold of skin under her neck swells in special cases. For example, when a lizard is scared, communicates with neighbors, or tries to impress a future partner during the mating season.
Agamas-sitans live in not too dense forests and in open spaces, most often rocky or rocky, with vegetation breaking through in some places. Their homeland is India, Sri Lanka and the eastern regions of Pakistan.
The most active time for these agile lizards is early morning, when they go hunting ants, midges, grasshoppers and other insects.
With his big ears, the elephant cools the body.
Heat is released through the blood vessels. And to speed up the air circulation, gray giants wave their ears.
Mating dance of a peacock spider from Australia.
It is definitely difficult to refuse such a person.
The Guinness Book of Records named the panda the most expensive inhabitant of zoos.
Its maintenance costs five times more expensive than the maintenance of an elephant (the second most expensive).
A unique rainbow reticulated python, whose brethren usually have only a brown color with a slight tint.
Читать полностью…A timelapse of a growing vine that winds circles until it finds the necessary support.
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