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A hummingbird chick drinks raspberry juice

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Tigers feel great in the water and really like to swim

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When you think that creativity should be in everything.

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Chameleon birth or what else is needed at the end of the day?

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Caracara plancus lives in the open spaces of South America. It is one of the largest birds of the falconidae family, second in size and body weight only to the gyrfalcon. The total body length is 55-65 cm, and the weight is up to 1.5 kg.

The food is diverse: from insects and worms to small animals, frogs and lizards. Often eats carrion, takes prey from other birds.

The behavior of caracaras is considered quite strange in relation to other falcons. This bird can often be seen walking on the ground in search of prey, using its long legs to move around the terrain.

In addition to the fact that birds prefer to walk rather than fly, they also create close bonds with members of their species. In his free time, he prefers not to float in the air, this is not for karakara

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The most cozy place in the world.

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Kagu Rhynochetos jubatus lives all over the world on only one small island...

"The ghost of the forest" is how the aborigines of the island of New Caledonia call the birds that live exclusively in this point of the globe. The kagu bird is a local landmark and pride, which did not prevent the island residents from bringing the species to a state of extinction.

Kagu belongs to the crane-like. A bird with a height of half a meter weighs 0.7–1.2 kg and resembles a chicken in complexion: it has a dense body and a small head sitting on a short neck. The long (12 cm) crest adorning the head becomes noticeable only in an excited bird – it spreads out and turns into a magnificent mohawk, rising up.

To communicate with their fellow tribesmen, birds use a voice – rattling, hissing, cracking and even barking, sometimes heard 1-2 km away.

Kagu are territorial: the family occupies a plot of 10-30 hectares. During the day they rest, holed up in rock crevices or under the roots of uprooted trees and revived at dusk.

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A hawk knocks down a quadcopter with a single blow

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During the hunt, the osprey is able to dive for prey to a depth of up to one and a half meters.

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A photo shoot for a best friend.

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Scientists believe that all kinds of bears are very intelligent

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The fiery hemiplecta Platymma tweediei is one of the rarest snail species in the world, the largest snail of peninsular Malaysia, living exclusively in moist mountain forests. Its shell can reach a size of up to 7 cm in diameter.

This type of snail is characterized by a black shell and a bright red or orange body.

The habitat of these snails is very limited. They can be found only in a certain mountainous area, with an altitude of more than 1000 m above sea level, with high humidity and cold air.

The red snail is active during the daytime, unlike other representatives of gastropods. It does not hibernate, since fluctuations in humidity and temperature during the year are insignificant.

This species is adapted to life in a humid environment, without sudden changes in temperature and humidity. In this regard, most of the snails cannot withstand transportation and habitat change.

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Chinese silk chickens are an amazing breed that Aristotle and Marco Polo knew about. Their exceptional feature is the plumage, which resembles animal hair. 

Interestingly, the meat of these purebred chickens is almost black. They can also be bred as pets, since silk chickens are quite contact.

The homeland of these birds is considered to be a fairly large territory, which includes southern China and western India. According to some sources, the ancestors of silk chickens also lived in Japan.

This breed has a long history. The first mention of unusual furry skins are found in the annals of the Chinese dynasty, dated to the fourth century BC. Aristotle writes about them as "chickens with cat hair".

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The honeyeater possum (proboscis-headed couscous, pyatkohod, nullbanger or marsupial honeyeater) Tarsipes rostratus is the only fully nectarivorous mammal (except for some bats).

His muzzle is elongated into a proboscis, which is about two-thirds of the length of his head, and his tongue, long and thin, is able to stick out of his mouth by 2.5 cm. It is a kind of brush for collecting pollen, and the elongated muzzle serves as a tube for drawing in nectar. The genus name rostratus means "beak-shaped" in Latin. The honeyeater possum is smaller than a mouse: its body length is 7-8 cm, its tail is 10 cm, and its weight is only 13-17 g.

The range of the honeyeater possum is limited to the southwestern coastal region of Western Australia, but it is quite common in this small area.

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The maternal instinct is in action.

The lapwing protects its offspring from the tractor plow to the last.

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The Amazonian royal flycatcher and its bright crown.

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The Venus flycatcher does not immediately start eating prey.

To begin with, the plant calculates whether the food will be able to compensate for the energy that will be spent on digestion. If not, the flycatcher releases the victim.

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The popcorn beetle or Flatid Planthopper Nympha can be found in the Amazon rainforest.

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Newborn armadillo cubs do not have a shell — their bodies are covered with soft skin.

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The skin of the Asian rhinoceros forms deep and strong folds, so it seems that the animal is dressed in a protective shell.

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- I'm sorry, but the seat is taken.

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Moloch Moloch horridus is a lizard from the Agamaceae family. The harmless lizard received its formidable name from the pagan deity Moloch, to whom, according to legend, human sacrifices were offered.

Moloch is widely distributed in sandy deserts and semi-deserts of the central and western regions of Australia, this small lizard reaches up to 22 cm in length.

Active during the day. Moloch moves slowly, keeping his torso on outstretched legs and almost not touching the ground with his tail. The frightened moloch bends his head down, exposing an outgrowth located on the back of his head with large spikes pointing forward. This outgrowth plays the role of a "false head", distracting the predator's attention from the real head.

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Dryocopus pileatus is the largest woodpecker in North America, which hammers a tree 12 thousand times a day at a speed of 20 beats per second. For a person, this is equivalent to hitting his face against a wall at a speed of 25 km /h.

The bird has a strong skull made of spongy bone, and the cartilage at the base of the lower jaw, attached to the skull by powerful muscles, partially softens the blows that have almost no effect on its brain.

Additional protection is provided by the fact that the woodpecker's brain is relatively small in comparison with its size, and therefore more resistant to concussions. Thus, the gel can turn the entire body mass into a "hammer", taking care only of the eyes, which are closed with a thickened shell during the "slotting".

This vascular membrane not only protects the eyes from flying debris, but also acts as a "safety belt" that does not allow the eyes to literally fly out of the head.

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Saturnia luna ("moon moth" or "moon moth") Actias luna refers to peacock-eyes. It is found in North America, Canada, as well as Mexico and Guatemala.

The wingspan of this large butterfly is from 8 to 11.5 cm, these are twilight and nocturnal butterflies, while males are more active than females.

The oral apparatus of these poor devils is rudimentary, they do not eat anything and live off the fat reserves accumulated during the caterpillar stage.

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While walking, the brown bear's feet are pointed with the toes inwards and the heels outwards.

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The color of the owl's eyes gives out its sleep mode.

The fact is that owls with black eyes usually lead a nocturnal lifestyle, with yellow — daytime, and owls with orange eyes are active at dusk and dawn.

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The polar bear's den in the snow has several rooms

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You shouldn't have done that.

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When you try to eat next to your little brother.

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Armadillos have a low oxygen demand and can hold their breath for up to 5-6 minutes, keeping air in the trachea and bronchi.

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