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The main one in terms of rhythm.

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When I was cheating on an exam and heard a sound above me.

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- Can you give me a ride?

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Among all stork marabou, it is distinguished by the most impressive size. The marabou is divided into three subspecies: Indian, African, and Javanese. Here we see the African marabou Leptoptilos crumeniferus. These birds have a memorable appearance, but prosaically they often live near large landfills, where they look for food, and a bare neck and head without feathers helps to keep their bodies clean.

The African marabou reaches a height of more than one and a half meters and weighs 8.5-10 kg.

There is a peculiar sac in the neck area that connects to the nostrils. It can inflate and reach 40 cm in diameter. In young individuals, it is practically absent, its growth occurs during the growth of the bird. Previously, it was believed that birds put food in it in reserve, but it turned out that this outgrowth is used only during mating games and so that the bird can put its head on it at rest.

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When I first saw the bison.

Finally, a worthy opponent!

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The bright bird Selasforus Allen is wintering in Mexico.

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Every year from November to March in Michoacan, Mexico, you can see a real miracle: the migration of monarch butterflies.

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The weevil beetle wanders around in its little shoes.

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A blue-footed heron and her magnificent head of hair.

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Owls love the game of hide-and-seek and masterfully blend in with their surroundings.

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Giraffes have the largest heart among all land mammals, its weight reaches 11 kg.

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Although squirrels live longer in captivity than in nature, they do not reproduce.

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The meeting place of autumn and winter.

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The romance of the New York subway.

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Meeting with a curious young cassowary on the beach. Everything worked out this time!

The cassowary Casuarius casuarius looks completely harmless, but it is original and "elegant" - but sensing a threat (or just seeing a person on the territory of its possessions), this flightless inhabitant of the rainforests of New Guinea and northeastern Australia immediately attacks.

The main weapon of this bird is huge legs and powerful long claws. Cassowaries can reach speeds of up to 50 km / h, so a person cannot hide from such an enemy. It is man who is the only potential enemy of cassowaries.

It is worth noting that under normal conditions these birds prefer to eat fruits, mushrooms, snails, insects, frogs, snakes and other small animals. Nevertheless, in 2004, the cassowary was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most dangerous bird on Earth.

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The pigment luciferin is responsible for the bioluminescence of fireflies. 

This pigment is oxidized by a certain enzyme, resulting in the release of excess energy in the form of light. 

The efficiency of this light radiation in fireflies is extremely high and ranges from 87% to 98%. For comparison, in an incandescent lamp, only 5% of the energy goes into the light, the rest goes into heat.

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Amazing traces of a Dwarf African viper on the sands of the Namib desert.

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The hunter's accuracy.

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A polar bear retains heat so well that it cannot be detected by a thermal imager.

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The snail and its throw over the abyss.

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Lunch of the African giant snail, whose shell can reach the size of an adult's fist.

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Cassowaries are one of the closest relatives of dinosaurs.

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Such different cats.

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Fighting the winds of Cape Town.

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Brazilian jabiru Jabiru mycteria is in search of a delicacy, and it's a marbled marsh eel! 

The yabir belongs to the storks and is distributed in tropical America from southern Mexico to Uruguay and northern Argentina, but in this vast area there are only small patches of individual nesting sites of birds. 

Yabiru chooses coastal areas of rivers, lakes, ponds and wetlands as habitats. In their habitats, yabiru form large colonies consisting of several hundred birds.

The body length of this stork reaches 1.2 m, and the wingspan is 2.6 m, the beak is up to 30 cm. The plumage is predominantly white, contrasting with black legs, beak, black bare scalp and part of the neck. 

It is noteworthy that the eye color of the females is yellow, and the males are black. The Brazilian yabiru is able to inflate the air bag on the neck with a bulky bubble.

Yabiru feed on fish, shellfish and amphibians, sometimes reptiles and small mammals also fall into their menu.

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A group of Adelie penguins dive off the sea ice.

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In China, the little panda is considered a fire fox. 

So Mozilla developers have placed the image of a panda, not a fox, as the Firefox logo.

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Amazing plants of South Africa.

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It is almost impossible to tame a wild otter. 

But a captive-born animal can still make friends with a human

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No, it's not a Pokemon, it's a giant flying squirrel. The average body length of these squirrels is 42 cm, and they live in the northern part of South Asia, in southern China and in Southeast Asia.

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